Struggles of the dancing idiot

WARMUP: the central question was posed- if we are excited and enthusiastic about trying to make a vision come into reality. (to better serve a group that we identify with and hope to serve), how do we manage our enthusiasm and have realistic expectations for those involved.
Along with several references to Q-source, the main ideas that emerged included: making sure to filter out unnecessary aspects of the vision(s) (to better concentrate, and focus energies on what is most important), to regularly and deliberately engage in reflective practices (to better learn from mistakes, and help chart future courses),
And above all, have faith that progress will happen in God‘s time, and not necessarily our own.
COT: yup :+1:

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Don’t worry too much about tomorrow.

WARMUP: laid the topic talking about kids and uncertain future
THE THANG: we talked about how much we should worry about uncertain future. We came with the conclusion that we need to have faith that God is in control and he will handle what is coming for us in the future. We need to worry about today and try to enjoy everything that we have today.

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HWS 4/4/24

Opened with a discussion about influencing others and not realizing the impact you have.

Men average 60000 thoughts per day. Often random and unconnected.

Discussed time spent alone with those random thoughts.

How often are you alone? Too little? Too much? Do you enjoy solitude? How long are you in solitude before it turns to loneliness?

Do you need more/less alone time?
What do you do to pass the time?

Great discussion this am. Thanks to those in attendance for their participation and engagement.

Hangin w/Stang is an awesome 2nd F event. Always good discussions. A fellowship WIN to start your Thursday each week.

TClap |

Locking Shields_3rdF Thursday on the 3rd Thursday

PAX of The Fort,

10 years we have been at this thing called F3 and we have covered a lot of ground and accomplished great things. Most importantly we have helped each other accelerate and be better than we were yesterday.

Locking Shields is a new way of taking our shieldlocks and all of The Fort PAX deeper and wider. We need to keep challenging ourselves and move into deeper waters in order to tap into our true selves. Maturing not only physically but mentally and spiritually is critical for moving to a place of advantage in this thing we call life.

How will Locking Shields help mature us and take us deeper?? By being willing to have the hard conversations and reach deep into the things that every single one of us struggles with and needs to deal with. This is not to embarrass or shame anyone, but to move toward advantage and overcome the things that hold us back from the BEST US!

Locking Shields

    1. We will put out a monthly topic for Shieldlocks to discuss and all PAX to consider and discuss in smaller groups and circles the first two weeks of the month.
    2. Locking Shields 3rdF Thursday every 3rd Thursday of each month will be held at Hanging with Stang. A shieldlock group will lead through discussion on the topic of the month. From the smaller discussion groups to this corporate group, the discussion will be impactful in short time Thursday mornings.
    3. Sign your Shieldlock up to lead a discussion of choice. Something you know men deal with and could benefit from have the hard conversation. Let Cake Boss know you want to lead and get on the calendar.

So what are we really talking about here. As men we have certain tendancies and bend. Here are some of the things that lead to our Jesters manifesting somewhere in our lives:

    • Identity
      • Worthiness
      • Performance
      • Control
    • Anxiety/Stress
      • Loneliness
      • Hopelessness
    • Virtuous Leadership
      • In Marriage
      • Raising 2.0s
      • At work
    • Faith
      • Grace
      • Love
      • Wisdom
      • Empathy
      • Humility
      • Worship
    • Finances
      • Debt
      • Budgeting
      • Communication
      • 2.0 lessons

The list goes on and on, but this is not a cliffnotes version. We want Shieldlocks to go deep and Locking Shields will take all the PAX into the deep waters.

See you in Da Gloom!

Cake Boss

Join in on the conversations!!

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Open Your Heart, Cover Your Plums

THE THANG: Maybe our most beloved PAX led the conversation this morning on the subjects of identity (sometimes multiple identities) and the purpose in trials we travel through.

Key takeaway: Open your heart and cover the plums.

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