- Posted In: The Armory
8 Pax braved the mild November morning for a round of Kettle Bell fun at the Armory.
The Thang:
Side Straddle Hops
Round 1 (3 Sets)
Shoulder Press
Bicep Curls
In/Out Abs (Plank Position)
Suicide between parking space
Round 2 (3 Sets)
Squat Bicep Curls
Lat Raises/upright row
Tricep Extention
Mountain climbers
Round 3 (3 Sets)
Kettle Bell Merkins
High Knee with a KB Twist (Imperial Kettle Bell)
Push up with a Front Raise Punch
Round 4 (3 Sets)
Plank with Leg Raises
Bent Over Rows
Ski Abs – Crowd Pleaser!!
Round 5 (3 Sets)
Front Raises
Clean and Press
Concentration Curls
Run Lap
People’s Chair – Sprint to COT
Moleskin: PAX flew in late this morning, but we jumped right in, no pleasantries this morning. 1/4 way in, the sandbags CSPAN had on Saturday broke and the rain came down hard, but the Pax pushed through.
Crowd is getting light at the Armory….I think some emotional headlocks are in order for FNG’s and existing PAX.
I challenge the PAX to examine themselves and ask God to lead them away from bad choices and towards wise ones. Read Psalms 139:23-24