The Armory – Pain in the Rain

8 Pax braved the mild November morning for a round of Kettle Bell fun at the Armory.

The Thang:



Side Straddle Hops

Round 1 (3 Sets)

Shoulder Press

Bicep Curls

In/Out Abs (Plank Position)

Suicide between parking space

Round 2 (3 Sets)

Squat Bicep Curls

Lat Raises/upright row

Tricep Extention

Mountain climbers

Round 3 (3 Sets)

Kettle Bell Merkins

High Knee with a KB Twist (Imperial Kettle Bell)

Push up with a Front Raise Punch

Round 4 (3 Sets)

Plank with Leg Raises

Bent Over Rows

Ski Abs – Crowd Pleaser!!

Round 5 (3 Sets)

Front Raises

Clean and Press

Concentration Curls

Run Lap

People’s Chair – Sprint to COT

Moleskin: PAX flew in late this morning, but we jumped right in, no pleasantries this morning. 1/4 way in, the sandbags CSPAN had on Saturday broke and the rain came down hard, but the Pax pushed through.

Crowd is getting light at the Armory….I think some emotional headlocks are in order for FNG’s and existing PAX.

I challenge the PAX to examine themselves and ask God to lead them away from bad choices and towards wise ones. Read Psalms 139:23-24


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The Armory – Math Quiz and Kettle Bells


7 PAX braved the cool morning air at Forest Hill’s finest asphalt for a little Kettle Bell/Cardio 1..2..punch.

1st Set:

Run Lap X 3

Goblet squat X 3 1 Min each

Curl right/curl left X 3 1 Min each

Merkins X 3 1 Min each

2nd Set:

Shoulder press R/L X 3 1 Min each

Walking lunge X 3

Triceps extension X 3 1 Min each

LBC/hello dolly/Freddy x 3 (15/18/20reps)

3rd set:

Two arm Kettle bell swing 1X 1 Min each

Curtsy lunge  1X 1 Min each

Rows  1x 1 Min each

Mountain climbers 1X 1 Min each

The PAX were wide awake when it was suggested we are doing 3 sets of 4 exercises 3 times each. It was a mad scramble for calculators and abacuses, especially leading off with a lap around the parking lot. “What….12 laps”?? We ran out of time on the last set so to everyone’s delight…it was time to go to work!

Everyone survived and the sweat poured down regardless of the cool fall morning air. Way to go!!!

  • Announcement:
  • Convergence Jan 4 5k at WEP
  • Prayers for Lucy’s (Boy Band’s daughter) eye surgery and for Deacon’s mom’s continued recovery.

Food for Thought –  Make God #1 in your Life and he will provide all you need to cover all the other #1’s in our lives, (careers, kids, accomplishments, stuff). Anyone wants to talk about this more, reach out to Cake Boss!

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Oh Ye, Though Lacketh in Faith (of the PAX)

I sat in the parking lot of Forrest Hill Church at 5:09 AM, alone. I began to wonder why did I even bother getting out of bed this morning. After all, I was about to post by myself when out of the gloom a Cable Guy appeared. Then Boy Band, and 6 other PAX followed. I thought the low 40’s range was below some folks threshold. So, the week began with 9 PAX and a warm-up lap around The Armory.

The Thang

Warm-up lap around the AO

Rows – 1:00 ea

Snatch L&R 1:00 ea

Windmill L&R – 1:00 ea

Diamond Merkins – 1:00 ea

Curls L&R – :30 ea

One Arm Dead Lift – :30 ea

Figure 8 – 1:00

Rinse & Repeat 3x

Finish with Mary


Please remember Deacon’s Mother and Aunt this week. His mom is undergoing a bone marrow transplant via his aunt this week.



Thanks to the PAX for coming out this morning. Solid effort to start the week. Sorry to cut this one short, but I have 4 people at work that fartsacked this morning.



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The circus comes to town

12 pax started their week off right with a little more cardio than usual at The Armory this morning.

The Thang:

Lap around parking lot


SSH, Squat, Merkins, Mountain climber

Break out the bells (20 reps each exercise, 10 per arm where appropriate)


Tricep extensions

Figure eights


Lawn mower row

2 arm BK swing

Freddy murcery

Chest press

Lap around parking lot

Line up facing lot:

Lunge walk w/ figure eight

Russian twists

Lunge back

Alligator push ups (heard some hate hate on this one)

Schyco bunny hops back

4 Sprints length of parking lot

Repeat series another 2.5 times until the clock strikes 0600.



WWL mixed it up a little today and got the heart rate going pretty early this AM. Introduced a new exercise #theJuggler, Package seemed to approve.

Relatively quite this AM, partly do to a change in diet by Cable Guy (but no one is complaining) and Package only DJs his own workouts…..

Set the tone for your week men.



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Biggest Weinke Ever

9 PAX managed to escape the fartsack for a steamy beat down at the Armory. Your QIC has had a trend lately of showing up at T-minus10 seconds to launch, and that has to stop ASAP. He did put more prep into the workout than the playlist as per usual.

The Thang

4 Rounds of 8:00 with 2:00 rest (rinse and repeat as many times as possible in 8:00)

Dead Lifts 10x

Merkins 10x

High Pulls 10x

Merkins 10x

Two Handed swings 10x

Merkins 10x

Goblet Squats 10x

Merkins 10x


Last week most PAX couldn’t remember the next exercise after round one. I solved this problem with some of my 2.0’s sidewalk chalk, which resulted in the world’s biggest Weinke. This was the second week I went with a timed interval of specific exercises and reps. I feel like I manage to sweat just a little more when I go that route (welcome feedback). Redeye will be QIC next week, so he will definitely need to show up for that to work. One thing we did not have time for, was a game of Bocce, even though Jekyll thought otherwise.


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Noise Ordinance Enforcement Notification Recieved

I was notified that we have been violating a noise ordinance for the past few Monday sessions. Specifically, Cable Guy has been violating them with the inordinate amount of methane coming from his six. Knock it off with the bean burritos on Sunday night. Please.

The Thang

Lap Around Parking Lot

*  2 Handed Kettle Bell Swing – 1 minute for all

*  Figure 8

*  1 Arm Swing – Right

*  1 Arm Swing – Left

*  Kettle Bell Squat

*  Right Arm Military Press

*  Left Arm Military Press

*  LBC’s

Rinse and Repeat 3 times.


Impressive showing for White Lightning’s debut as Q at The Armory. I, for one, am already feeling the pain. T-claps to Double D for bringing out the shovel flag for The Armory. I saw a few new faces to the workout, let’s keep em coming. There are always a few spare bells laying around. Free Bird is the Q next week, and his is extremely fired up. Be afraid.


Aye – Package

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Do you know where the weight room is?


14 Pax strolled out on a typical August morn to feel the velvety smoothness of the “Best Asphalt” of the Carolinas. Santini sprinted over from his homestead with his fanny pack on so that he could feast his eyes upon what he started that lazy sun tanning day by the mushroom pool. I fully expected a Tommy Boy line when he showed up, but was disappointed.


The Thang

One minute Sets w/15 sec rest between except as noted

Upright Rows

Snatch L&R

Windmill L&R (these still suck, audible out after round 2)

Diamond Merkins

Curls L&R

One arm deadlift L&R

Figure 8

Run a lap ’round the AO

2 Min rest, rinse and repeat 4x


The rooster was ready before I was for The Armory. Notable attendees were Crab Cakes (motion to rename Sabbatical) and Santini, as well as the regulars. Cable Guy continued to roll the dice constantly, and managed not to “crap out”. Windmills are still the least fun thing I do all week, but it must be due to lack of form (see below). I continue to be impressed by the effort of the PAX that brave The Armory. Weighted workouts are not in every PAX’s comfort zone, but getting out of your comfort zone is what it’s all about. It’s easy to say “I don’t do weights”, however, there are plenty of PAX that also did not. I have to challenge myself every day to do things outside my comfort zone, and it is not easy. These things don’t always have to be monumental leaps, but rather incremental changes. These small changes in your habits, activities, and lifestyle can lead to big improvements in your overall health, family life, and career. I challenge each and every one of you to strive each day to make a small incremental change in your life for the better.



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