Inspiration will grab you when you aren’t looking

  • QIC: Jekyll
  • Pax: Pusher, Rock, Family Guy, Kaizer, Gecko, Cornhole, Howitzer, Boehiem, Tater (War Daddy, #Respect), Smuggler, Cable Guy, Rock (#Respect), Royale, Waldo, Spitz, Sweeper (War Baby), Aquaman, Jerry Lewis
  • Posted In: Golden Corral, The Ballroom

That’s what she said:

(Copy and paste the link in your browser if doesn’t take you there)

Naked Man Moleskin:

Started the day excited to celebrate my birthday by being amongst and leading the men I respect.  Ended the workout and day being inspired by one of our newest brothers Mark Nemitz (F3: Rock).  Blown away by his courage to speak up and out in COT regarding his current happenings, being widowed, parenting adult children.  Not the easiest of comfort levels to speak at COT, especially if you are new.  He needed us and we needed him.  #courage.  On the run to convergence, asked Mark how he got his name.  At his first post last week, the story was told of recent loss of his wife and how his faith and strength in God is carrying him through this.  F3 nickname: Rock. Inspired by the PAX and the meaning(s) of this name as I know it will carry Mark up and out of bed, to workouts to share 1st, 2nd, 3rd Fs and throughout his day.  I felt another step closer to God after my conversation with Rock.

Inspiration will grab you when you aren’t looking.

Mind Cake Boss’s insightful TFTD: Be real, no imitation.

Make it a great day!



TClap |

The Ballroom – Sneaky Convergence with Golden Corral

  • QIC: Cake Boss
  • When: 06/23/15
  • Pax: Change Order, McGruff, Chicken Hawk, Elmer, Sasquatch, Twister, Wheelz, Gridlock, Barry Manilow - +GC crew
  • Posted In: Golden Corral, The Ballroom

10 of the finest PAX arrived this morning at The Ballroom for a dance with Pain. What they did not realize is that their dance partners were a mile down the road.

YHC fresh off the Q at Tomahawk talked about being the example God wants us to be. Today I wanted to focus on not being a cheap imitation of what we think we should be or what others think we should be. Be the Real Man God made you into and live life with purpose and intention, not floating in space.

The Thang:

Mile Run down to Grace Pres Church on Gold Hill, with one stop to let 6 catch up and set of Windmills

Once arrived, YHC offered some cool drinks of water from the cooler conveniently dropped off there. Then the Golden Corral clan began to show up (1.1mile run) and a convergence broke out. YHC lead some COP while the PAX gathered in…..SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Squats

Jekyll arrives and takes the Q: few more SSHs, Mountain Climbers and count off into 4’s

4 groups to plank and do merkins while PAX does 4 rounds of bunny hops

Switch plank to dips 2 rounds of bunny hops for each PAX member

30 Seal Team sit ups and hand off to Cake Boss

Partner up for 2 rounds of 15 dips and 15 derkins and plank

Call PAX into Switzer – – Challenge PAX to be Christ centered and not World centered and show everyone what makes you different.

Run back to respective COT’s

Back at Ballroom, we did around the horn of ab lab before wrapping up.

Both AOs did 2 mile run with some shoulder work in the middle and some fellowship

Announcements: F3 dads, CAH events, Operation Independence (Gift Cards), August 8th World’s Largest Coffateria

Prayers: Pray for Sasquatch new marriage, families traveling, busy over worked schedules

Honored and grateful for the nod from Change Order…..thank you brother!



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“Operation Independence” – Gift Card Drive #HIM


As we approach Independence Day it reminds us of the struggles and sacrifices made to have freedom. Even once that freedom is achieved, the fight is not over and we must press on to preserve what was attained.

This life we live on earth is not easy and when you are behind the eight ball, it is even harder. Please read this message from Tinker Toy and the plan for assisting a young man, but mainly showing the example of a real man…..High Impact Man (HIM),

Hello friends!
We have a young man transitioning from foster care in York County to full time independence who is moving into his first apartment (we will protect his confidentiality by not providing his name).  We were hoping to collect some items to help him along in this journey.  This is a wonderful young man who works very hard and goes to college…he is striving to make very wise choices and seeking after the Lord.  Will you pray for our friend, for blessings, direction, and a heart sold out for the Lord.  Will you pray that God will provide abundantly for his needs and that he will know he is loved!
There are many household items that are being donated by church small groups and our orphan ministry at our church already.  Being on a tight budget, what he would need most from our F3 family is gift cards to/for:
Gift card can be brought to any workout and given to Cake Boss, Tinker Toy, Padre, or Mailman. My wife and I will distribute the gift card to this young man as he needs them so he can start to learn how to budget. We don’t want to give everything at one time to avoid the temptation of spending where he doesn’t need to. He has never been taught the basics of adulthood so we want to make sure we help him learn how to best budget his finances now that he is on his own.
Thank you for your hearts and generosity for this young man.  A life without a family entering into adulthood can be very scary and overwhelming, so we are asking that the body of Christ overwhelm him with God’s love and bless him with a little of what we have been so richly blessed with ourselves as a demonstration of His love. 
And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ (‭Matthew‬ ‭25‬:‭40‬ ESV)

In His Hands,

Sean Baxter (Tinker Toy)
So men, starting today through July 4th we will collect these gift cards and get them to the following PAX – Cake Boss, Tinker Toy, Padre, or Mailman.
Whatever monetary value to can do, no amount is too small as this young man has nothing but his future ahead.
Any questions, please reach out to myself or Tinker Toy.
TClap |

Burpee, Bombjacks, suicide repeat!

  • QIC: McGruff
  • When: 06/16/15
  • Pax: Nirvana, Anchorman, Lugnut, Uncle Cracker, Change-Order, Band-Camp, Dark Helmet, Senator Tressel, Decibel.
  • Posted In: The Ballroom

10 Men posted for a humid filled dance around the ballroom and again I was honored to lead this group of men.

Circled up and did a little stretching.  Started with some windmills in honor of C-Span, SSH, merkins, and imperial walkers.

Moseyed across 160 and dodged a few automobiles on the way to the bottom of the stairs.   Partnered up and did some real work

100 merkins.  One pax ran the stairs and then flapjacked.

200 SSH

300 squats.

lots of running and then lots of groaning.   In between the sets we did some peoples chair which was a crowd pleaser.

finished up with some suicides “ladder style”. Ran to the end of the parking lot where we did 1 burpee then ran back and did 5 bombjacks.  Completed rounds to 5 burpees and 25 bombjacks.

Mosey back to COT where we did 6 minutes of AB WORK!

Announcements:  CAH workout Saturday and this little thing called hog and coyote.

prayers out to the sick and injured.




TClap |

12 Not So Angry Men

  • QIC: Spider-Man
  • When: 05/26/15
  • Pax: Axl, Cake Boss, McGruff, Chicken Hawk, Sasquatch, Lugnut, Decibal, Change Order, Cheddah, Dark Helmet, Cerrano
  • Posted In: The Ballroom

Had a great group this morning at The Ballroom!  Perfect size for what was planned.

Started out with a mosey across the parking lot away from the Hardees to the road that leads to the warehouses.  From there we turned left to get to Gold Hill Rd and headed toward the Hardees.  We took a slight detour through the Hardees parking lot to pick Cake Boss and ran across the street where we circled up for COP.

  • SSH x25
  • Imperial Walkers x20
  • Windmill x15
  • Mountain Climbers x15
  • Merkins x10

Mosey down the hill to the pot of gold in the form of coupons.  Everyone grabbed a coupon and we split into two groups. One group ran to the top of the hill (stop sign) with the coupon while the other group completed the round’s exercise.  Then switch so everyone shares in the fun.

  • Round 1 = Squat Press – Running group running normal with coupon
  • Round 2 = Coupon swings (holding coupon between legs, swing it back and then up to shoulder height.  Heavy emphasis on controlling the weight and not swinging it.) – Running group running normal with coupon
  • Round 3 = Tricep Extensions – Running group running backwards
  • Round 4 = Bend Over Rows – Running group running normal with coupon
  • Round 5 = Cinderblock Tower of Merkins (right arm on block for 2 Merkins, then both hands on block for 2 Merkins (kind of like a diamond merkin), then left arm on block for 2 Merkins) – Running group running backwards

Return the coupons to their place of rest so they are there for another day of fun.  Bear crawl up the hill to the second stair case then mosey to the building with the barking guard dog.  Took a seat in the Peoples Chair for 90 seconds.  Balls to the wall until we heard a few drop.  Rinse and repeat.

Mosey back across the street which was a little more like Frogger than it was 35 minutes earlier and returned to the cars because it is so much fun to workout right in front of Anytime Fitness.  Bear crawl half way across the parking lot and crab walk the rest.  Was going to rinse and repeat but was talked into Mary by some very convincing PAX.


  • LBC
  • Protractor
  • Boats and Canoes
  • Hello Dolly
  • 3 or 4 others that I can’t remember


  • Black Diamond Thursday 5:15 at NaFo
  • Nun-Run and workout with Twister before hand starting at 7:00am Saturday
  • Varsity will be born on Friday – Promised to be the NOT slow burn.  Dark Helmet promises
  • Next Friday will be the Heisman at Fort Mill High School. Bring your kettle bell

Prayer Requests:

  • Prayers for Gentry and Hadley Eddings and their family as they learn to cope with the impossible.  May they take comfort in knowing that Dobbs and Reed are in Jesus’ arms!
  • Prayers for Change Order’s parents as they work to relocate to Fort Mill
  • Prayers for Chicken Hawk’s Step Father that he can figure out what the symptoms he is experiencing are telling him and get the treatment he needs

It is always an honor to lead such a great group of men.  Thank you for continuing to provide me the opportunity, especially Change Order for thinking of me as an option the day before (sincerely appreciate it)!!!

TClap |

Slinging Some Iron at the Ballroom

  • QIC: Decibel
  • When: 05/19/2015
  • Pax: Wheels, Green Wave, Luke Warm, Sasquatch, Lug Nut and Photo Bomb
  • Posted In: The Ballroom

Seven men made the choice to get out of the sack and be better for it!

The Thang

35 lb Kettle Bell Indian Run down Business Park Rd

Circle Up

Chain Breakers x20, Merkin x13, Imperial Walkers x20 , Wide Arm Merkin x12, Cotton Pickers x20, Diamond Merkins x12, Wind Mill x20, Staggered Merkin x10, LBC x50 and Staggered Merkin x10

Line up Side by side and hold squat, do five full side twists then pass down the line until the end

Do jumping lunge x20

Rinse and Repeat Side twists and lunges

Stay in line do Peter pointers, Kettlebell starts at end and do 20 chest press until it is down the line

20 dips

10 50 yard sprints

Mosey to wall with KB

Peoples Chair, 1st man does 5 full side twists and passes to the next guy until it is down the line and back

recover with 10 yard walk and back

Peoples Chair, 10 shoulder press each person down the line and back

Mosey to road

Line up and hold squat- do 15 Tricep extension each down the line

Indian Run back to COT area

Lay in line

Do Boat Canoe while the person with KB does 10 Russian Twist down the line

Do X-O’s while the KB person does 10 more Russian Twists

Great work men!  Honored to work out with you!


TClap |

What’s the purpose of F3?

5 men answered the call for an Assassin led workout service project…(?)

No disclaimers needed here. These seasoned veterans knew the implications of their attendance at this post… The call was to show up and get to work, so we did…

The Thang:
– Partner up – Partner 1 grabs a lawn mower and mows half the back lot / Partner 2 grabs a weed eater and attacks the back fence lines and edges of the lots around the building
– Rinse and repeat with the front lot – continue for 45 minutes
– Next, 2 men grab round up and spray the parking lot weeds (excellent grip strengthening workout) while 1 man grabs the backpack blower and goes to town clearing the parking lot and driveway
– The other two men, um… supervise for this part… I won’t say whom, but it was Dark Helmet and Catfish…

End with some solid 2nd F and a sense of gratitude for men who have it in them to serve, and for the incredible abundance we all enjoy in our lives…

So, a few days ago, the twitter machine buzzed, almost unnoticed, with a call by Assassin to come and help clean up the lot around where the new Fort Mill Care Center will be re-locating.

To me, this is one of the absolutely beautiful things about F3. A guy tweets, some guys respond. Lives are made better. It’s simple. The workouts aren’t a lot different. A guy tweets, some guys respond, we workout hard, and individuals are made better. What Assassin did, in my mind, was plant the Virtual Shovel Flag where betterment was needed and we were able to respond. To me, that’s what the shovel flag is. It’s a man solidly planting his intention to make lives better for that hour for those men who answer the call.

In fact, the whole point of the workouts is to “invigorate male community leadership”. And that’s what Assassin did. He heard a need, he rallied the troops, and made lives better. The people from the Fort Mill Care Center, certainly. But even more so, me. Opportunities to look outside ourselves abound. In our marriages, our families, our workplaces, and in our communities. Answer the call… Leave your mark… Be a HIM.

TClap |

18-Wheelers brought Pain to the Ballroom, sponsored by Amtrak

  • QIC: Trucker
  • When: 05/05/15
  • Pax: Trucker, Greenwave, Nirvana, Wheels, Spitz, Cake Boss, Change Order, Luke Warm, Gridlock, Photobomb, Lug Nut, Anchorman, Elmer, Decibel, Twister, Cornhole, Backdraft, Sasquatch, Warcraft (FNG)
  • Posted In: The Ballroom

Hearing that Change Order couldn’t find a Q, YHC accepted the Q since he wasn’t on an Amtrak train to Raleigh. YHC took a quick pre-tour of the AO prior to pulling up to find 19 PAX who decided to roll out of bed and not fartsack on Cinco De Mayo under a full moon and find out what YHC had in store for them. Little did they know that YHC was performing a V Q at The Ballroom without a weinke (pressure is always on the Q to make the AO worthwhile, but the pressure was elevated when YHC had no real vision prior). After a quick disclaimer and shoot out for Amtrak’s sponsorship, the PAX (minus 1) took off to a quiet dark corner for a quick COP.

As PAX were completing the COP, Spitz mossy’s in (better late than never). Mossy to crosswalk between warehouses to lung walk to Gold Hill Road (great mumble chatter about Lug Nut’s back side). PAX played frogger across Gold Hill Road to the lower parking lot. PAX were informed to complete a lab around the office building, and at each corner complete a burpee & increase by 1 at each corner (or flying squirrel since it was OYO – per Dredd), rinse and repeat 3 times.

Mossy to a hidden hill, bear crawl up the hill, 4 shoulder presses, run down hill, 4 merkins. Rinse and Repeat 4 times.

Mossy to wall in front of daycare, wall sits 3xs, 10 wall mounts x2 (crowd pleaser)

Mossy back to parking lot for Ab Lab since it is Speedo season. PAX loved the BLT and Protractor….

One more lap around the office building, then mossy to COT while playing frogger across Gold Hill Road.

As always, it is an honor to Q and lead the PAX through the unknown. Welcome FNG Warcraft! The night before a Q, YHC always worries about finding creative ways to lead and push the PAX, hoping YHC does justice. However, the real ONE who should be pushing us to be better fathers and leaders is HIM.

Prayers to Flat Tire’s M, Gridlock’s pastor’s wife, people of Nepal, and those who are injured and hurting.

Announcements: Sasquatch is offering free PT to PAX (even has his own table and equipment for inspections – lots of bombjacks should have been implemented then); F3 Dads coming in June; VOTE today for FMSD Bonds; Nun Run (inquire with Twister); F3 clown car to Asheville May 30 (contact CSPAN)

Trucker (sponsored by Amtrak)

TClap |

Ascension to BallRoom

  • QIC: Old Bay
  • When: 04/28/2015
  • Pax: Anchorman, Lugnut, Spitz, Dark Helmet, Spiderman, Beacon, Solid State, Photobomb, Cake Boss, Stang, Change Order, Old Bay
  • Posted In: The Ballroom

Running with Dark Helmets “Ascend” theme from the Ballroom last week, the 12 pax that posted this week were tasked with climbing a pair of cascading walls up to the launch-point parking lot (an exercise introduced by Senator Tressel shortly after this AO came online).

After COT, a bonus exercise of hunting for Dark Helmet’s lost key to his cargo van ensued (tweet pic).  I believe the pax were especially motivated to help find the key in hopes that the van (fence-mobile?) contained high quality goods they could buy with cash at a low price (like speakers or tv sets).  The key was found after a few minutes of searching, but no such booty exchanged hands (at least no one is reporting to have witnessed such transactions).

The Thang:

Double Applesauce down to lowest parking lot for dynamic warm up

  • SSH x25
  • WM x15
  • Bear crawl half way across parking lot, lunge out the rest of the way
  • Low Slow Squats x20
  • Toy Soldier in place x20
  • Sprint back to starting side of parking lot
  • IW x20
  • Mountain Climbers x20
  • Karaoke across parking lot (flip sides half way)
  • Carolina Dry Docks x20
  • 5 Burpees OYO

Double Applesauce back to one of the upper lots, where the cascading retaining walls loom.

Main Event – Triple Check (modified):

  • Split into teams of 3
    • 1st man in People’s Chair
    • 2nd man doing merkins
    • 3rd man climbs wall and runs around back to team
    • Rotation positions when 3rd man returns
    • Exercise complete when team reaches 200 merkins
  • Repeat w/ bomb jacks (100 count)
  • Repeat w/ plank jacks (200 count)

Run to grassy area near launch point

  • Dual tunnel of love
  • Seal team sit ups
  • Rinse and repeat

Ab Lab

  • Seniors choice (start with most senior pax and work down).  Exercises picked were:
    • LBCs
    • Rosaletta
    • Low slow flutter
    • Freddie’s
    • Protractor

Thanks to the pax for post, effort, and encouragement during and after the workout.  It’s always and honor and pleasure to Q.

-old bay

TClap |

Ascend (?) to the Dark Side…

  • QIC: Dark Helmet
  • When: 04/21/15
  • Pax: Solid State, Old Bay, Lil E, Seacrest, Lugnut (respect), Senator Tressel (respect), Cake Boss, Zima, Sharpshooter (FNG & Respect), Grid Lock, Change Order, Spitz, Twister (respect), Stage Coach (FNG), Cheddah, Frodo (FNG), Luke Warm, Decibel, Photobomb, Sasquatch, Cerrano, Dark Helmet
  • Posted In: The Ballroom

A man learns and says something about himself when he steps up to Q for the first time… Once a man progresses through the 1st and 2nd Fs, and he has gotten his mind and body more disciplined and in shape, he finds himself ready and willing to reach out and to give to something bigger than himself. Today that was embodied by our very own Cerrano as he took the opportunity to VQ the warm-up at The Ballroom.

Quick disclaimer and then we mosey around the Dance Studio and Anytime Fitness down the hill to the bottom cul-de-sac (0.5 miles)
SSH x 25 (IC) with a Happy Jack (squat jump) after each 5
BLIMPS: Burpees x 10 (OYO), Lunges x 10/leg (OYO), IW x 15 (IC), Merkins x 10 (IC), Plank Jacks x 20 (IC), Squats x 20 (IC)

Hand off to YHC:

Let’s talk “Ascending” for a minute… A quote that I like and read to the PAX from John Greenleaf Whittier: “I’ll lift you, and you lift me, and we’ll both ascend together” The way we make it through life is with support. With help from others… We will be “ascending” throughout this workout, so we will need to encourage one another a lot as we go. Modify as needed and simply do what you can do, no more, no less… Keep moving throughout the whole workout. SkyQ can work with our momentum, but if we choose to stand still and do nothing, we will get nothing… A hearty “AYE!” and on to the rest of The Thang:

Mosey to halfway up the hill (0.25 mi) and grab a piece of curb.
Ascending Curb Crawl: Bear crawl across the street do one Merkin, bear crawl back across and “ascend” one additional Merkin up to 10 Merkins.

Mosey up the hill in front of us to the parking lot marked with cones and line up (about 50 yds of lot).

Run down parking lot and at each cone (6) “ascend” (add) 10 Squats (start at 10 going to 60 for a total of 210)

Crab Walk back and at each cone ascend (add) 5 Dips (start at 5 going to 30 for a total of 105)
Take a lap down and around the lot (.25 mi) and grab some wall

People’s Chair until the 6 arrives

Ascending Testicles: Feet on wall at roughly a foot up, then 5 Derkins; ascend feet to 45 degrees, 5 more Derkins; finally BTTW and 5 more Derkins of you got ’em… (#crowdpleaser)


People’s Chair with Ascending Arm Raises: Wall sit, single count arm raises set of 10, then arms out in front, ascend arm raise count to 20, arms out, then 30…

Jail Break back to cars and circle up for some Mary:
LBCs x 20 (IC)
Boat and Canoe x 5 (IC)
Elbow Plank (hold for ascending count around circle)
Hello Dolly x 20 (IC)

And that’s that…


As we strive to lead and “be more” in our personal lives and to those around us, let us not forget a couple of things… 1. As Whittier penned, we ascend best when together. It’s ok to ask for and get help…  2. In all of our desire to help others, let’s not forget the warning we receive on the plane about the oxygen masks… Secure your OWN mask before helping others. Do what you need to in order to fill your bucket and anchor yourself in truth before over-extending yourself. Be intentional, work hard, and as I tell my 2.0s every morning, #GoBeAwesome…

Helmet Out…

TClap |