Old school at the Fort

The Fort is where it all started…need I say more. For many of the Pax of the Fort, this was their first post and it set the tone their journey since that time. While the Fort has multiplied many times over since it inception in 2012, this AO stands as the cornerstone for the culture, fellowship and brotherhood for our region.

YHC was excited to be asked to Q and while I had to navigate some calendar issues, it was an opportunity not to be missed.

In preparation for the Q, it was an easy decision to reach out to my Shieldlock brother, DD, to co-Q with me. He and I had been traveling this week and a beat down with some fellowship was just what the doctor ordered to remedy that jet lag.

Sprint to Sweet Baby Jesus church located in downtown Fort Mill
SSH x 20
5 burpees
IW x 15
4 burpees
Windmills x 10
3 burpees
Squats x 15
2 burpees
Merkins x 10
1 burpees

Step work at the church x 3
Mix in between
CDD x 10
Lunges x 10
Monkey humpers x 10

Partner Dora around the church
100 Merkins
200 Squats
300 LBCs

Hand off to DD

Run to gas station
10 burpees

Run to scarecrow hill
Bear crawl up the hill
10 burpees

Run to Massey
Run up Massey
10 burpees

Run to Close Bldg hill
Bear crawl up hill
10 burpees

Run to WEP
Run up WEP hill
10 burpees

Run to COT


Read the newsletter


DD discussed the “mountains” in our life and the perseverance to overcome them.

YHC discussed seeing your M as a child of God and them as a blessing

Lots of items shared during COT including prayers and praises.

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Cindy on a Brick

It was a glorious morn in The Fort as 6 HIMs got a little better today.

Quick disclaimer and we were off. Ran to the upper parking lot for a little warmup and stretching.
Ran over to a Baptist church for some 1st, 2nd, &3rd F. We hit up the playground for some Dora action.
-100 Swing Rows
-200 Swing Merkins
-300 Squats
Partner 2
Ran up the parking lot hill.
Ran over to the other church for some more 1st,2nd,&3rd F.
Stair work with Burpees, CDDs, & BB Sit-ups.
Back to COT for prayer and praises


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Fort 12 Year Anniversary

THE THANG: Liberty led boot camp, 3D led Kettlebell and Time Machine led run
MARY: Dark Helmet rambled about cadence and people not keeping up with the rhythm of his glorious mane
ANNOUNCEMENTS: NASA presented the purpose of the Children’s Attention Home
COT: Esso talked about the purpose and greatness of the work being done by the Fort and Rock Hill regions.

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Around town

Indian run warm up around lot with 1 PAX dropping for 3 burpees. Continue for 2 rounds. Over to amphitheater for mucho chesto. Mosey over to springs building for some dips and incline merkins. On to next stop for steps ups and declines. On to next stop for muscle ups, people’s chair on wall while each PAX bear crawls out for 5 merkins then crawl bear back. Next round each PAX runs out and does 3 burpees. More muscle ups. Take the hill to the upper lot. 21 jump squats, 21 merkins, 21 plank Jack’s. Run 3 line suicide. 15 of each of those and 2 line suicide. 9 of each of those and run to far line and back. Start moseying back to WEP stopping at most of same spots. More muscle ups b/c why not. Back to lot and finish up with about 4 mins of Mary. Thx JWOW!

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Dick Webb, AB Board of Pain, and Lifting Heavy Things

Pulled into WEP and parked at the little lot at the top of the hill. Had to unload some heavy things before heading down the hill to plant the flag at the COT area.

WARMUP: Stayed in the COT area for warmups.
SSHx25IC, WMsx7IC, IWsx10IC, CPsx10IC, HBWsx10IC, MNCx10IC. Completed the warmup by moseying from COT to the playground at WEP.

Thang #1: Asked the PAX to find a spot where they can perform pullups ( or modify ) and merkins. DICK WEBB – 1st exercise 1-10 – Pullups, 2nd exercise 4-40 – Merkins. Totals = 55 Pullups & 220 Merkins, arms were smoked.

Thang #2: There is small parking lot at the top of the hill. This was our lifting area. Weinkie in this area is written below:
Sandbag = 5 ManMakers
Cindy = 5 Thrusters
2 – 35lb Dumbells = 5 Squat/Curl/OHPress
SlamBall = 5 OH Slams
20lb Rope & 50lb Sandbag pull = pull for 20 yards around the cones set-up in the area.

At the bottom of the hill heading down to the COT parking lot there was an AB BOP – See below:
100 – LBCs
90 – Flutters
80 – Penguin Touches
70 – Freddy Mercurys
60 – Reverse Crunches
50 – Mountain Climbers
40 – Big Boy Situps
30 – Straight Lower Leg Lifts
20 – American Hammers
10 – V-Sits

The routine was simple. Starting at the bottom of the hill complete the 1st exercise on the AB BOP. NUR to the top of the hill and enter into the lifting area. Grab a heavy thing and perform the described exercise ( asked the PAX to rotate which heavy things they lifted each turn ). Run back down to the bottom of the hill and perform the next exercise on the AB BOP. Rinse and repeat until complete.



COT: STKnow!

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🚨 Leaders on the Links Golf Tournament 10/28/2024 At 1:30PM 🚨

Ready to hit the greens and support an incredible cause? The Leaders on the Links Golf Tournament is happening at Fort Mill Golf Club on October 28th, and we want YOU to be part of it! All proceeds will benefit the Children’s Attention Home and the F3 Fort Mill Community Scholarship—two amazing organizations making a real difference in our community.

Don’t wait—team registration is $500, but after 10/21, fees go up to $600. Get your team locked in now!

🏌️‍♂️ Sponsorships Available (deadline 10/14):

  • Hole Sponsor: $150 – Custom sign at one of the holes.
  • Silver Sponsor: $300 – Custom sign at one of the holes + banner recognition at the event.
  • Gold Sponsor: $600 – 1 golf team (4 players) + custom sign at one of the holes + banner recognition.
  • Platinum Sponsor: $1,000 – 2 golf teams (8 players) + custom sign at one of the holes + banner recognition + special recognition at the check presentation + social media shoutouts.

🎁 We need your help! We’re also looking for raffle prize donations—every contribution counts toward making this event a big success!

📅 Mark the date:
🗓 October 28th
📍 Fort Mill Golf Club

🔗 Register or sponsor today at https://givebutter.com/leadersonthelinks before spots fill up and prices increase!

🔗Looking to volunteer?  Sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0449A4A72CA1FF2-51495425-f3golf#/

Don’t miss out—get involved, have some fun, and make a difference for Children’s Attention Home and the F3 Fort Mill Community Scholarship! 💥

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Four corners and dropped passes

WARMUP: SSH, Moroccan night clubs, Trucker not approved windmills, mountain climbers
THE THANG: started with one lap around WEP to get our blood pumping then back to start to assume the plank position. Did four reps of plank jacks, mountain climbers, shoulder taps, Supermans. Rinse and repeat with 8/16/32 reps.
Mozy to parking lot for four corners. Broken out by upper body, lower body, abs, and everything. Corner 1: 20 reps of merkins, CDD, Plank Jacks, wide arm merkins. Full lap to get to cone #2: 20 sumo squats, calf raises, monkey jumpers, bomb jacks. Full lap to get to corner 3: 20 big boy sit-ups, American hammers, box cutters, LBCs. Full lap to corner four: 10 burpees, 20 SSH, Mountain climbers, one leg merkins.
Mozy to COT for football warmups. Pax took turns being qb with remaining pax rotating in at wide receiver. While wr ran a post, remaining pax alternated between Al Gores, Squats, Merkins, American Hammers. Each dropped pass resulted in 2 burpees. (We did more than we should have)
Final parting wisdom…the mind quits before the body does, and somehow/some way it all gets done.
MARY: not present
ANNOUNCEMENTS: too many to remember including convergence, golf, bourbon tasting
COT: Prayers and praise for fellowship, progress with 2.0s

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Hill Sprints with beautiful sunrise

– SSH / WM / IW
– hill sprints: 50%/75%/100%
– 7’s up the hill: burpees+big boys / mode of transport = backwards uphill run
– jack webb: 1:4 / merkins + OH clap
– hill sprints: 50%/75%/100%
– Airborns hips
– brief broga
– Thunder burpees
– read newsletter
– was held

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Deep Burn

It was a beautiful morning as we explored the land holding.

Ran down to the church for some stairs work.
Back down the street for a Dora.
Over to the playground for some swing work.
Back to COT for prayers and praises.


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Rabbit and Turtle Training

8 men showed up at the park. Promise made, no roaming is the wet field. Warm-ups: SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Plank, PP, Merkins,PP, more merkins.
Next, stroll around the park. Partner 1 farmer carried sandbags, while Partner 2 ran to swing and back. Flapjack.
Finished at the amphitheatre. Next, wall sit, 1 – 4 Merkin – Arm raise combo, finished 10 -40.
Stroll around the park again, this time, one sandbag, alternate between shoulder carry and front carry. Finished at the amphitheatre.
Two additional sandbag carries around the amphitheatre, first partner one bear crawl while other partner bag carry. Second partner one lunge walk while other partner bag carry.
We finished with a cool down lap around the parking lot.
I was ready for a nap afterwards.

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