Chillin’ at The Fort

Chilly morning at The Fort, five men showed up for the fun. We began with a lap around the park, stopping at each swing for some warm-up exercises.
We moseyed to the top parking lot for some dips and arm circles. Back down to the amphitheater for a Dora session – Merkins, Squats, LBCs. Next, fast lap around the park, stops at each swing, merkins, squats, and LBCs – 10 each. Added bonus, first one to arrive at swing had to do 5 burpees.
We finished up at the amphitheater with two laps around with boulder over head and sprints up the hill near the power plant.

At the end we all did a cute jump through a prop which is part of the Christmas decorations :smiling_face_with_3_hearts:

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Takedown defense workout


side straddle hop
low slow squat
hillbilly walker
cherry picker
ran 3/4 lap around WEP
doing 5. burpees at the swings on the 1st half
4 sets of
10 chinups (5 last set)
20 pushups
20 LBC’s
10 takedown defense
ran approx 3-4 miles


fluttler kicks
American hammer


read your newsletter


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Dis and Dat

It was a brisk morning in The Fort where 6 brave souls made the hard choice and accelerated their Saturday morning!! A quick warmup and we were off.

We toured The Fort while doing a little of dis and a little of dat.

Over to The Print Shop for some pull-ups and other bar activities.

Next to church for some schooling on Dora 1-2-3 with stairs.

Back to COT with some Mary stops along the way.


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Where’s Grout?


Mosey to the entrance of Pike Engineering for -2s of Derkins & Dips
Q3.10 Consistency – “The Consistent Leader is constant and regular in everything he does. His followers are drawn to him because his steadiness provides a safe harbor from the howling winds of Chaos and Flux that blow periodically through their own lives. He is their rock.”

Mosey to Print Shop for -1s of pull ups and knee ups.

Mosey to First Baptist Parking Lot
Plank it up – “Strong Routines are the framework of Consistency.” We in F3 know what to do. Wake up and exercise, everyday, We shouldn’t have to think about it, just do it. Remove unnecessary decisions, and create routines.
4 corners.
• First lap included 10 merkins at each cone
• Second lap included 20 squats at each cone
• Third lap included all of the reps – 10 merkins, 20 squats

A couple of teenagers stumbled upon us in the parking lot and joined in on the fun. We asked what they knew about F3 and appropriately answered “Yall are crazy.” A brief intro to F3 was given, and they were named Nastradamus and The Cobbler. Nastsradamus runs cross country and stayed with us to the next stop.

“The Virtuous Leader focuses on bandwidth not perfection.” Reminded the PAX that consistency will help minimize the flux in our life. This isn’t about perfection, but about limiting the lows in our life. The things that keep us away from a healthy lifestyle that enables us to lead.

Mosey to Massey Hill.
7s at the Massey Hill. CDDs and Peter Parkers.

MARY: Flutters to 0730hrs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots – Beers for Beetus, Pints & Padres, Bourbon & BBQ, Christmas Party
COT: Stays in COT

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Old school at the Fort

The Fort is where it all started…need I say more. For many of the Pax of the Fort, this was their first post and it set the tone their journey since that time. While the Fort has multiplied many times over since it inception in 2012, this AO stands as the cornerstone for the culture, fellowship and brotherhood for our region.

YHC was excited to be asked to Q and while I had to navigate some calendar issues, it was an opportunity not to be missed.

In preparation for the Q, it was an easy decision to reach out to my Shieldlock brother, DD, to co-Q with me. He and I had been traveling this week and a beat down with some fellowship was just what the doctor ordered to remedy that jet lag.

Sprint to Sweet Baby Jesus church located in downtown Fort Mill
SSH x 20
5 burpees
IW x 15
4 burpees
Windmills x 10
3 burpees
Squats x 15
2 burpees
Merkins x 10
1 burpees

Step work at the church x 3
Mix in between
CDD x 10
Lunges x 10
Monkey humpers x 10

Partner Dora around the church
100 Merkins
200 Squats
300 LBCs

Hand off to DD

Run to gas station
10 burpees

Run to scarecrow hill
Bear crawl up the hill
10 burpees

Run to Massey
Run up Massey
10 burpees

Run to Close Bldg hill
Bear crawl up hill
10 burpees

Run to WEP
Run up WEP hill
10 burpees

Run to COT


Read the newsletter


DD discussed the “mountains” in our life and the perseverance to overcome them.

YHC discussed seeing your M as a child of God and them as a blessing

Lots of items shared during COT including prayers and praises.

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Cindy on a Brick

It was a glorious morn in The Fort as 6 HIMs got a little better today.

Quick disclaimer and we were off. Ran to the upper parking lot for a little warmup and stretching.
Ran over to a Baptist church for some 1st, 2nd, &3rd F. We hit up the playground for some Dora action.
-100 Swing Rows
-200 Swing Merkins
-300 Squats
Partner 2
Ran up the parking lot hill.
Ran over to the other church for some more 1st,2nd,&3rd F.
Stair work with Burpees, CDDs, & BB Sit-ups.
Back to COT for prayer and praises


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Fort 12 Year Anniversary

THE THANG: Liberty led boot camp, 3D led Kettlebell and Time Machine led run
MARY: Dark Helmet rambled about cadence and people not keeping up with the rhythm of his glorious mane
ANNOUNCEMENTS: NASA presented the purpose of the Children’s Attention Home
COT: Esso talked about the purpose and greatness of the work being done by the Fort and Rock Hill regions.

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Around town

Indian run warm up around lot with 1 PAX dropping for 3 burpees. Continue for 2 rounds. Over to amphitheater for mucho chesto. Mosey over to springs building for some dips and incline merkins. On to next stop for steps ups and declines. On to next stop for muscle ups, people’s chair on wall while each PAX bear crawls out for 5 merkins then crawl bear back. Next round each PAX runs out and does 3 burpees. More muscle ups. Take the hill to the upper lot. 21 jump squats, 21 merkins, 21 plank Jack’s. Run 3 line suicide. 15 of each of those and 2 line suicide. 9 of each of those and run to far line and back. Start moseying back to WEP stopping at most of same spots. More muscle ups b/c why not. Back to lot and finish up with about 4 mins of Mary. Thx JWOW!

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Dick Webb, AB Board of Pain, and Lifting Heavy Things

Pulled into WEP and parked at the little lot at the top of the hill. Had to unload some heavy things before heading down the hill to plant the flag at the COT area.

WARMUP: Stayed in the COT area for warmups.
SSHx25IC, WMsx7IC, IWsx10IC, CPsx10IC, HBWsx10IC, MNCx10IC. Completed the warmup by moseying from COT to the playground at WEP.

Thang #1: Asked the PAX to find a spot where they can perform pullups ( or modify ) and merkins. DICK WEBB – 1st exercise 1-10 – Pullups, 2nd exercise 4-40 – Merkins. Totals = 55 Pullups & 220 Merkins, arms were smoked.

Thang #2: There is small parking lot at the top of the hill. This was our lifting area. Weinkie in this area is written below:
Sandbag = 5 ManMakers
Cindy = 5 Thrusters
2 – 35lb Dumbells = 5 Squat/Curl/OHPress
SlamBall = 5 OH Slams
20lb Rope & 50lb Sandbag pull = pull for 20 yards around the cones set-up in the area.

At the bottom of the hill heading down to the COT parking lot there was an AB BOP – See below:
100 – LBCs
90 – Flutters
80 – Penguin Touches
70 – Freddy Mercurys
60 – Reverse Crunches
50 – Mountain Climbers
40 – Big Boy Situps
30 – Straight Lower Leg Lifts
20 – American Hammers
10 – V-Sits

The routine was simple. Starting at the bottom of the hill complete the 1st exercise on the AB BOP. NUR to the top of the hill and enter into the lifting area. Grab a heavy thing and perform the described exercise ( asked the PAX to rotate which heavy things they lifted each turn ). Run back down to the bottom of the hill and perform the next exercise on the AB BOP. Rinse and repeat until complete.



COT: STKnow!

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