Legs Still Sore

Two Laps around WEP
5 Merkins, 10 Squats, 5 Bobby Hurleys at each swings
Thang #2
100 CDD, 200 Squats, 300 LBC’s
Run from Ampitheater to stop sign.
Thang #3
11’s up the hill
Lunges & Bombjacks
COT: Great 30 min + COT!!!!

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Swings and Things

4 men tackled swings and things at The Fort this morning. Here’s what we did:

-10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
-10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
-10 Mountain Climbers (IC)
-10 Plank Jacks (IC)

Mosey around the park
-15 Merkins at each swing (x8) – 120 total

Mosey to see Burpee (our F3 scarecrow) near Main
-20 Irkins, take a lap
-20 Derkins, take a lap
-20 Dips, take a lap
Jacob’s Ladder (Burpees at top of hill, run down)

Mosey to Improper Pig
-Wall sits
-10 Australian Mountain Climbers (IC)
-10 Wall Tar N’Diayes (IC)
-10 Dirty Hookups (IC)

Mosey to Fort Mill Dentistry
-15 Squats at each corner

Mosey back to WEP
-15 American Hammers at each swing (x8) – 120 total

Mosey to stage for Arkansas Loader
-Bear crawl
-10 Donkey kicks
-Bunny hops
-10 Monkey Humpers (IC)
-Frog jumps
-Crab walks

Total Mileage: 3.02

Don’t let F3 be your mistress. No matter how great F3 is, we can’t allow it to take time away from our families. Get fit, make friends, strengthen your faith, but don’t prioritize F3 over them. Don’t let F3 become your primary focus.


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11th of The Fort

WARMUP: Quick mosey around the parking lot to lay out our lap we will do during the WO.

Repeat performance of my Q yesterday at the Stockade. 45 minutes wasn’t enough so I am hoping 1 hour will do.

11s for 11 Years of The Fort
This was not a typical 11s workout, more like a mini board of pain. 11 rounds of 11 reps of 11 exercises. Do all 11 reps of each of the 11 exercises in a row, then run a lap, then repeat. After all 11 rounds are done, then finish it up with a crowd favorite.
Exercises were:
1. SSH 2 ct
2. Merkins
3. Mountain Climbers 2 ct
4. LSS
5. Imperial Walker 2 ct
6. CDD
7. Plank Jack
8. American Hammer 2 ct
9. Flying Squirrel
10. Ski Abs 2 ct
11. Lunge 2 ct
>> Run a lap (about 250m)
>> Repeat
>> When all 11 rounds are done, celebrate with 11 burpees!!

We got in 10 rounds plus the 11 burpees!! Great job PAX!!

While we were working out, when we could talk, we had some great discussions about
* Our needs or our why that motivated us to come out to our first F3 workout.
* Who EHd us, when, where
* What are we getting out of F3? How has it improved our lives in all three Fs. Short answer is alot and in many ways.
* All the impact F3 has outside of ourselves. A LOT!
* The importance of finding someone you can call a shield lock, whether within F3 or not.
* Who has inspired you? The importance of leading by example. Many reasons but also people see what you have going, how you are living/leading/leaving right and they may be inspired by you to attain that too.
* Who do we see in our everyday lives that could have a need or want that F3 could help with. Those are prime EH opportunities right there, Give it away!!

The stories share/heard today were nothing short of inspirational and reinvigorating.

* 11th anniversary of The Fort just passed. More celebrations are coming.
* Alot going on. Read your newsletter and get involved.
* D2D charity fundraising events for F3 The Fort scholarships and Bethel Mens Shelter will be coming soon!

* We each offered a prayer and a praise and laid them down at His feet for guidance, solace, peace, healing, strength.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead. SYITG and Blessings.

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Leg Day

WARMUP: Dynamic Stretches
THE THANG: Dora! Dora! Dora! Hills, bearcrawls, kraken burpees, and monkey humpers galore
MARY: LBCs x 200 and Stang is more flexible than anyone could have guessed.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 6k 6pm 6 Biers
COT: Occupations, back to school cold season

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“Da Dip”

WARMUP: A healthy variety of 20 4-counts
THE THANG: Dips. Dips. Crazy 8s up and down Main Street. Dips. Dips. Dips. Dora. Sprint home.
MARY: Included.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9/11 convergence, 5k run/ruck today
COT: Schools, Good Doctors’ Reports, Grace for Perseverance

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Shovel Flag Handoff

– was done!
– first 30 min by Grinder with focus on legs and abs
– last 30 min by Portal with focus on arms
– was done as well!
– read your newsletter
– was held

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Big Bad Wolf and his obsession with Clubs and Carolina Dry Docks

WARMUP: Mosey to Harris Street Park, SSH, Cherry Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Shuffles, High Knees, Heels to Butt, Karaoke.
THE THANG: Dora on Basketball Court- 50 burpees/bear crawl was mode of transport, 75 Big Boys/NUR mode of transport, 100 squats/NUR mode of transport. Everyone takes a shot w flat basketball – 15 merkins if you miss. We all did 15 merkins bc the ball was flat.
Mosey back to WEP for deck of death on stage. Bday Cakes still present. Merkins,Big Boys, Carolina Dry Docks, Squats, Mosey for the 2, 30 second rest for joker (gladly).
Ran to hill near bathrooms w 10 min left for 11’s. Flutters at top, LBC’s at bottom.
MARY: 11’s was the Mary
ANNOUNCEMENTS: iron pax and 9/11 Heroes 5k
COT: prayers for our kids, our jobs as professionals and as fathers.

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