Diesel Power

Warmup Type Reps
Front Straddle Hops to Seal Jack Cadence 5
WalkOutPlankMerkin Single 5
ChickenWinSideStrdlHop Cadence 5
DownDog to Honeymooner OYO 5

THE THANG: Traditional body builder focused workout with the goal of complete muscle exhaustion to precipitate growth. The heaviest weight was used possible with a maximum of 5 reps with perfect form. Each target muscle flight started with a pre-fatigue movement without weight focusing on squeezing the muscle followed by a movement breakdown of lower target, upper target, full range motion. Then three, five second negative sets followed by a 15 second isometric or power hold to blow out the muscle. Each flight concluded with a plyometric exercise accompanied by a targeted muscle exercise again. The Weinke floated away several times!!

Biceps Legs Chest Core Triceps Back Shoulders
Curl R SumoSq R Pullover R Plank R OH Press R GoodMrng R UpRow R
PF – NoWt 10 PF – NoWt 10 PF – NoWt 10 SP L/R 10sec PF – NoWt 10 PF – NoWt 10 PF – NoWt 10
Lower 5 Lower 5 Lower 5 SphxToeTap 10r Lower 5 Lower 5 Lower 5
Upper 5 Upper 5 Upper 5 SP L/R Cr 5r Upper 5 Upper 5 Upper 5
Full 5 Full 5 Full 5 Inchworm 5 Full 5 Full 5 Full 5
Negative 3/5s Negative 3/5s Negative 3/5s BoatDec 3/5s Negative 3/5s Negative 3/5s Negative 3/5s
Force 15 secs Force 15secs Force 15secs SP/LR wBell 15s Force 15secs Force 15secs Force 15secs
Plyo RunHold 15secs SumJackHld 15secs SealJacks 15secs BBallShooter 3es FrtStrJackHold 15secs PlankBtKick 15secs AroundW 3es
Palm Up Bell2chest NoBell BellOverhead BellDown OnTipToes
DiamdHold Jump

COT: Prayers for VUVU’s son and Cakebosses Brother, along with additional thoughts for parents, children, and school administrators as the school year comes to a close. AYE!

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Dice & Deck of Pain

WARMUP: SSH, Moroccans, windmill, static stretching
THE THANG: 17 kettle bell cards, pick one, roll the dice for reps then do a lap. Repeat
MARY: one round of BB sit-ups w weight
ANNOUNCEMENTS: sign up for band 5k & cannoli run
COT: embrace the journey, focus on the process, happiness is on the trail not just at the finish line.

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Had these legs all my life

WARMUP: SSH, IW, HW, yoga, mosey
Humane Burpee – look it up

Farmers Carry towards the school courtyard
Stop a few times along the way for 5 of each
Goblet Squat
Squat and Press (each side)
Good Morning
Single Leg Deadlift (each side)

Got to the courtyard. Bearcrawl with the bell stopping for one manmaker at each light

At the end, built up into a kettlebell flow with each arm;
as we left we added an overhead lunge at the end.

Mixed and match how many times we did each side
MARY: one moment of core, but there was so much mumblechatter and very little work. So, we agreed to do four burpee snatches instead.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter
COT: prayers for marriage, parents, travel, our nation

NMM: not sure why, but I need deadlines to get some things accomplished in my life. Set a deadline on when you’ll go on your next date with your M, or when you’ll do something with just you and your kiddos. Be proactive about it. I know I have to; otherwise it is relegated to a “someday” activity.

A privilege to lead

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Jokers Were Smokin Wild

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Hillbilly Walkers, Calf Raises, and Cherry Pickers
THE THANG: Part 1: 5-10-15-20 Reps of KB Deadlift, KB Goblet Squats, KB Reverse Lunge, and KB Thrusters; After each round, farmer’s carry. Part 2: Deck of Cards as Spades ♤= KB Swings, Heart ♥ = KB Bent-Over Rows, Diamond 🔹 = KB Floor Chest Press, Clubs ♧ = KB Overhead Press, and Jokers 🃏 = (10) MAN Makers; After every 5 cards drawn, mosey to first speed bump and back.
MARY: KB American Hammers and KB Flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read the newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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7 for the 7 WOD

WARMUP: SSH, low slow squats, Moroccan night clubs, low slow merkins
THE THANG: 7 rounds of 7 reps of each of the following 7 exercises:
Right arm curl
Left arm curl
Overhead  Tricep extension two hands
Overhead press two hands
Gobble squat
Swings two hands
High pulls two hands

Run up hill to Munn Rd after each cicle (7 times)

Definitely not a stationary kettlebell workout.

MARY: Ab lab
COT: stays at COT

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38 Specials borderline triumphant return to the Gloom

it was my borderline triumph at return of the gloom after having injured my ankle back on January 31st! I would have felt like it was a lot more triumphant if during the first side startle hot my ankle didn’t tell me I had to stop doing these pretty quickly.
WARMUP: SSH, low slow squat, windmill
round one
count off and pair up for a simple DORA. 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBC. the partner not doing reps farmer carries both bells ~60m (it really adds up over time)
round two
everyone grabbed their bells and walk to the north end of the parking lot. where a deck of cards with all of the faces removed dictated what we would do next. hearts were curls, clubs were shoulder, press, diamonds or chest press, and spades were deadlifts. any jokers were a run up the hill and every six cards we would mosey down to the end of the parking lot back. unfortunately my shuffling skills were terrible because both Jokers ended up being at the bottom . I noticed this and very secretly inserted one of the jokers into the middle of the deck but not high enough. apparently that we would get to it, much to everyone’s great annoyance
MARY: 60 seconds of flutter with a chest press
ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots of sea sops and events coming up
COT: asked everyone to think about responsibilities that they may not want or may feel a bit of animosity toward and reflect on why and how to deflect or reduce the stress they feel from that

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The Wheel of Wow

It was a dank morning in The Fort as 18 men decided to make the hard choice and accelerate their Friday!

We warmed up the engines quickly and then moseyed over to the Wheel of Wow for a high dose of pain.

Wheel of Wow:
Eight cones with a different KB exercise at each cone. The timer was a 40 count of reps on the battle ropes. We rotated around the wheel, and at every third cone we ran a lap.

Back to COT for prayers and praises.


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