Slash’s Snake trip

WARMUP: yep. With some yoga and Dan John’s humane burpee

Run to go see the dead snake Slash found
Sprint the tiny hill behind the stadium

8 min EMOM
3 single arm dead lift
2 clean and squat
1 squat thruster
Repeat on other side
Rest the remainder of the minute

Sets of 5 on each side in the grass
Single arm swing to snatch
Split squat
Lunge to halo
Single leg deadlift
Overhead reverse lunge
Overhead hold and march

5 burpee snatches each side

Some shin box mobility to close

Convergence 7/4
Bethel 7/6
HIM Camp 8/11-8/13

Quote from Airborne: It’s easier to raise a son than fix a broken young man. Try to do the harder thing (like waking up to workout). Cause that harder thing for me is often being patient and soft with my words around a 9-year old boy that shares my last name. I’m more emotionally built to power through burpee snatches… parenting effectively takes work

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Old became new

WARMUP: run through parking lot, high knees, butt kicker, side shuffles, SSH, cherry pickers, Moroccans, merkins, squats, windmills
THE THANG: moved to the big parking lot and broke out the 2019 wienke.

30 was the count for round 1; very aggressive back in 2019 it appears.
– 30 kb swings
– squats
– shoulder press
– upward rows
– lunges with the bell pass through
– clean and press
– plank rows
– American hammers
– 15 man makers
– lawnmower pulls
– chest presses
– standing tricep extensions
– shrugs

Halfway through the exercises and at the end we ran to the end of the parking lot.

Rinse and repeated until time ran out and cut the counts in half.
MARY: nada
ANNOUNCEMENTS: yes, newsletter. Convergence, Boss Hogg, and HIM camp
COT: we did a round the horn so just pray for us all, lol

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Ultra Farmer’s Carry

Some around the world and Halos

Farmer Carry to the pull up bars, while getting lost along the way.
Once at the bars, 5 rounds of 10 snatches (right arm) followed by 5 pull ups. 10 snatches (left arm) 5 pull ups.
Headed back to COT for the McGill Big 3
Big Boys, bird dogs, and side planks

Wanted to challenge the core muscles today along with all the stabilizers. Super crucial for overall back health.
MARY: Went around the circle doing Mary’s


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The 3in Screw!!

WARMUP: mosey to 5 light poles and do exercise
Mosey back to kettlebells

6 exercise moves
*kb Merkins
*shoulder press
*American hammers
Perform 20 reps of each and move to right
Once complete run up hill to Munn Rd and back
Rinse and Repeat except round 2 = 24reps and round 3 =26 reps
MARY: at cot got 3 rounds of Mary in and completed at 0600 sharp

Read your newsletter
Lots of prayers praises and good vibes by all

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A deep dive into the mind of Slash at the Hive


The Q was told today started at 5:16, so he arrived just in time…

SSH, Moroccan Nightclubs, Windmill, Imperial Walker, Hillbilly Walker


Based off a 2019 GORUCK monthly workout that I know Bandcamp loved back then.

The main movement was suitcase carry up and down the hill by the stadium. At the bottom the work was 20 reps of each below starting with the top. Then adding the next one the next time. Then the top 3 the next time etc. I think we made it to overhead press

Lat Pull-Over
Plank Pull-Through
Overhead Press
Man Makers

MARY: One minute of LBC to get to 6:00


For the love of God, run in the Cannoli Run if you can!

Aug 11-13 plan for retreat to save lives

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It’s Good to Be Back

SSH x 20
Low Slow Squat x 10
Moroccan Night Club x 20

Disclaimer, move to start point.

Use parking rows as pain stations
11 Reps Each Stop

Method of Travel
Rounds 1 & 2: Lunge walk to each row
Round 3: Bear Crawl KB Drag

Stop 1
Kid Launch

Stop 2
One Legged RDL both sides

Stop 3
Tricep Extensions

Stop 4
Goblet Squats
Cossack Squats

Stop 5
KB Swings
OH Press

Stop 6
Burpee Snatch

Stop 7
Bent over rows

We completed 2 rounds and headed back to start for some Mary

WWI Situps
American Hammers
Merkins (who knew this was Mary??)

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Diesel Power

Warmup Type Reps
Front Straddle Hops to Seal Jack Cadence 5
WalkOutPlankMerkin Single 5
ChickenWinSideStrdlHop Cadence 5
DownDog to Honeymooner OYO 5

THE THANG: Traditional body builder focused workout with the goal of complete muscle exhaustion to precipitate growth. The heaviest weight was used possible with a maximum of 5 reps with perfect form. Each target muscle flight started with a pre-fatigue movement without weight focusing on squeezing the muscle followed by a movement breakdown of lower target, upper target, full range motion. Then three, five second negative sets followed by a 15 second isometric or power hold to blow out the muscle. Each flight concluded with a plyometric exercise accompanied by a targeted muscle exercise again. The Weinke floated away several times!!

Biceps Legs Chest Core Triceps Back Shoulders
Curl R SumoSq R Pullover R Plank R OH Press R GoodMrng R UpRow R
PF – NoWt 10 PF – NoWt 10 PF – NoWt 10 SP L/R 10sec PF – NoWt 10 PF – NoWt 10 PF – NoWt 10
Lower 5 Lower 5 Lower 5 SphxToeTap 10r Lower 5 Lower 5 Lower 5
Upper 5 Upper 5 Upper 5 SP L/R Cr 5r Upper 5 Upper 5 Upper 5
Full 5 Full 5 Full 5 Inchworm 5 Full 5 Full 5 Full 5
Negative 3/5s Negative 3/5s Negative 3/5s BoatDec 3/5s Negative 3/5s Negative 3/5s Negative 3/5s
Force 15 secs Force 15secs Force 15secs SP/LR wBell 15s Force 15secs Force 15secs Force 15secs
Plyo RunHold 15secs SumJackHld 15secs SealJacks 15secs BBallShooter 3es FrtStrJackHold 15secs PlankBtKick 15secs AroundW 3es
Palm Up Bell2chest NoBell BellOverhead BellDown OnTipToes
DiamdHold Jump

COT: Prayers for VUVU’s son and Cakebosses Brother, along with additional thoughts for parents, children, and school administrators as the school year comes to a close. AYE!

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Dice & Deck of Pain

WARMUP: SSH, Moroccans, windmill, static stretching
THE THANG: 17 kettle bell cards, pick one, roll the dice for reps then do a lap. Repeat
MARY: one round of BB sit-ups w weight
ANNOUNCEMENTS: sign up for band 5k & cannoli run
COT: embrace the journey, focus on the process, happiness is on the trail not just at the finish line.

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