Outland Invasion

Union County was really where the glue of F3 took hold for me. Pax like Double E, Hairband, Glass Joe and Counter Top were with me through the early days and the rough days of watching my mom decline and eventually pass in December 2014. So needless to say the UC has a special place in my heart and I was happy to help out and q even though the site q was nowhere to be found.

So the thang went something like this…


Imperial Walkers
Morocan Nightclub (a fan favorite)

Afer we were warmed up we made our way to the bus parking lot, which was empty. Perfect!

I don’t have a name for the first round but it goes like this:
In the center ten merkins, at one end ten squats at the other end ten LBC’s. Repeat until you’ve completed ten of each exercise. Always stop in the middle for ten more merkins. And go!

I could tell the pax were really enjoying this already for all the grumblechatter I was getting so since things were too easy we next moved over to the benches for a little Cindy.

Cindy in this case involves ten merkins, ten step ups and ten dips. Go until the q calls time. After about twenty minutes of this nonsense we make our way over to the wall for people’s chair with arm raises. We completed rounds of 40, 50, 60 and 100 (thanks Shephered for the 100).

Oh we’ve got more time! So another round of Cindy and some stretching then we headed back towards our start point.

At this point a lot of folks were rolling into the school, so they got to see our weird movements and they probably were thinking of calling the police.

After some Mary and stretching and yoga we wrapped things up.

Great work everyone!

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Millstone 10.5 Trail Race

Enough PAX posted to the annual Millstone Loop 10.5 I felt a BB was in order. YHC posted a link to the FREE registration a few months back to those PAX I knew would be interested and willing.  After discovering that Sir Topham Hat was not running in the race I emailed the Race Director to see if there were any spots open.  The director emailed back and stated registration was open for just the next 3 hours. Text sent to STH and @channel blast to Slack that if you wanted to register, now was your chance.  So on Saturday morning 9 PAX showed up to run 10.5 miles of uneven terrain (more on that later) on the Anne Springs Close Greenway.

0800 Nothing Fancy, On your marks, get set, GO!!!

A number of things can happen over the course of a trail race. Thrills, spills, classic rock, dodging horse droppings, getting lost, more spills, quality 2ndF, etc.  Towards the end, this is how the numbers shook out.

Place Last Time
9 Spud 1:28:49
18 Rad 1:38:22
23 STH 1:44:32
25 Gekko 1:47:46
26 Photobomb 1:47:49
28 Zima 1:51:18
57 NASA 2:13:38
65 DaVinci 2:24:18
N/A Gears 1:18:51

Trail Races are a lot of fun and a lot can happen. Here are some insights and comments.

  • Gears went rogue and ran 8ish miles. That or he got lost.
  • Photobomb dropped another type of bomb not knowing a few female runners were nearby. We asked if they’d like to pass and they stated they were fine, just don’t do that again.
  • Rad stubbed his pinky toe that morning and it fell off during the race
  • Several PAX learned the importance of fueling and hydration
  • A female runner offered her children to NASA for adoption (in jest…we think)
  • Spud and Zima tied for most crashes (2 each)
  • Spud continues to prove that he is not human
  • Gekko and Photobomb were bosom buddies. I tried to keep up but when Photobomb took the lead around the 9 mile mark, I waved them goodbye.
  • Tclaps to NASA who just keeps pushing himself in all 3 Fs
  • Tclaps to DaVinci who just started running and said sure, why not run 10.5 trails

All in all it was a great race, great community of runners and Legal Remedy on tap at the finish. The Rock Hill Striders know how to throw a party. I try to keep an eye on these somewhat CSAUPy events and will continue to try to keep the PAX updated.



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OIB Sandy Dora

The Twitter machine is a powerful tool for those that have an F3 addiction and are away from home. We WILL find each and make each other better even when on vacation.

7 men assembled in the parking lot of the Ocean Isle Beach ice cream shop at 7:30, a much later hour than we are all used to for a weekday first F event. It was previously agreed on the Twitter machine that Udder would take the warm up and the 5 MOM, and YHC would cover the Thang.

Udder provided a text book disclosure and we were off on a mosey. He took us over to the police department parking lot which offered some very welcomed shade.

  • SSH x20
  • Good mornings x15
  • Monkey Humpers x15
  • Windmills x10
  • Imperial walkers x15

The Thang:

YHC took over and we were off a mosey toward the grassy/sandy parking lot at the pier. On the way someone shouted out that they saw an F3 shirt running towards us. It was Screen Door who said he was late but it turned out that was because he had also posted at the North Myrtle Timeshare boot camp…..LIKE MEN DO.

Started off with a merkin shuttle run to get the heart rate up. 5 merkins at the starting line, run about 30 yards out, drop for 5 merkins, run back to the start, run about 60 yards out, drop for 5 merkins, return to the starting line, run 100 yards out, 5 merkins, back to the starting line for the final 5 merkins.

Partner up for Dora 1,2,3.

Parters together completed

  • 100 Bombjacks
  • 200 Squats
  • 300 Alternating shoulder taps counting only the right shoulder

While one partner was completing the exercise the other partner was running out and back about 60 yards.

Counted off a couple of 10 counts and then a slow mosey back to the shade of the police station.

One partner held an elbow plank while the other partner completed 8 burpees while jumping over the planking partner after each burpee. Completed a short People’s Chair and handed back over to Udder.


  • Body Destroyer (10 count) – this was a new one for Birdcage and I but we agreed this was coming back to The Fort. Birdcage announced that he had already mastered perfect form on this “exercise” that entailed laying flat on your back in an “X.”
  • LBC x20
  • Freddie Mercury x15
  • Song “My Sharona” by the Knack. Start in Superman and switch to Banana/Dying Cockroach when you hear “My Sharona.”  The song is over 4 minutes long!!
  • American hammer x15

It was great to meet a group of guys from multiple regions.  Definitely proof how strong the PAX are everywhere.


  • Screen door has the Q at Timeshare in North Myrtle
  • Same group will meet at OIB Ice cream shop at 0630 Thursday
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  • QIC: Pusher
  • When: 6/11/17
  • Pax: Da Vinci, Royale, Witch Hunt, Vuvuzela, Crawdaddy, Atticus, Mr. T, NASA, Alright Alright, Hasselhoff, ChaChing, Cornhole, Bonzai
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

YHC will admit that he has long been a “Goals Guy”. In the past, I have been one of those guys who set lofty goals for myself and others only to be disappointed if I didn’t achieve that goal. In corporate America, setting goals is commonplace. And just when you think you might achieve that goal, companies set a “stretch goal” that is just outside of your reach but may be possible if you work a little harder.

As I think about my past, I set many goals to be a better Father, Husband, Leader and mostly to be be at fitness. Heck, I even made my kids set goals as part of their New Years Resolutions. Honestly, my children were better at achieving their goals than I have been.

What I have learned is that breaking goals into smaller chunks makes them much easier to swallow and adds more consistency in my life. There is a word for this….HABITS. F3 has become a habit for me. Sure it was hard at first to get up in the morning so early. But this habit has translated into those lofty goals that I had set for myself in the past of being a better Father, Husband, Leader and getting in shape. Here is a good read on the matter… https://www.farnamstreetblog.com/2017/06/habits-vs-goals/

With this in mind, 13 Pax arrived at Quagmire to celebrate those habits that make us better and remind us to get rid of the bad habits too!

The Thang

Disclaimer – Could have done a little better here but was still asleep

Mosey to Home Depot


SSH x 25

Windmills x 10

Mtn Climbers x 20

CDD  x 15

Peter Parkers  x 20

Moroccan Night Clubs x 25

Mosey to Wine Shop parking lot for Four Corners

Each corner represented a stop on the HABIT train

Hand Release Merkins x 10

American Hammers x 10

Burpees x 10 (Crowd pleaser)

Imperial Squat Walkers x 10

Thigh Masters x 10 (Each leg – will be sore from these)

SSH x 20

6 Minutes of Mary

Mosey Home



Good words spoken by Cornhole on creating/fostering a relationship with his son and by Bonzai on listening to friends, colleagues, spouse rather than judging or offering advice. Prayer is always a good answer.

Always a pleasure to lead! Thanks to Da vinci for his leadership and the opportunity!

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Sound the alarm

  • QIC: Pusher
  • When: 6/8/17
  • Pax: Chicken Hawk, Backdraft, Straight Up, Mainframe, Kielbasa, Spider Man, Cerrano, Axle
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

10 Pax posted at the Ranch for a beatdown by YHC. One car pulled in blaring music and it happened to be Drop Thrill. We, the Pax of the Fort, have been blessed to have Drop Thrill join us. He embodies the type of leader who invigorates others. Since he has joined, he has lost a significant amount of weight, contributed to all 3Fs and just been a good dude! Thats what this is all about.

As we circled up, Drop Thrill mentioned that he had been having some chest pain lately and was getting nervous due to family history. Luckily, we have Backdraft as the Site Q (another HIM) who has medical training and directed him to the urgent care. Drop Thrill left immediately.

I am pleased to say that Drop Thrill is doing okay and it was a false alarm. While it may have been false, I am reminded about others int the Pax who have received an alarm or will be receiving one soon. I immediately think about Boeheim…a guy who was slower than me (thats slow) a few years back and then had a heart attack. I will not forget standing in his kitchen with him and his M. There was a significant amount of fear but also a sense of purpose. That purpose has manifested itself in a new job as a teacher, a 1:36  half marathon (ridiculous), a mentor to others seeking treatment after a heart attack and someone who cherishes his M, his family and his friends a little more.

Why do we need an alarm? Why is “busy” so overused as a term these days? I probably used that term more than 10 times today. What am I chasing? Will I ever reach this or I am already living a dream? I am definitely blessed beyond my wildest dreams. Why don’t I relish this more?

If you read this backblast, just know that there will be an alarm at some point in your life. Maybe seeing Drop Thirill’s face this morning was mine. The question is not about the alarm but what you do after it goes off. Will you hit the snooze button, turn if off or get out of the fartsack with a sense of purpose. I hope that you will hold me accountable to kick off the sheets and get moving!

The Thang

We did a lot of SSH, merkins, LBCs, along with other exercises. All are better for having posted in some form or fashion


Read your newsletter and plug into something bigger than you. Plenty of opportunities out there!



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PREBLAST: The “FAT BOY” Strength/Speed Course

  • QIC: General, Bounty Hunter
  • When: 06/05/17
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Time to get those competitive juices flowing again and put your combination of speed and strength to the test. #F3FatCamp will be launching a competitive summer series open to ALL PAX and any FNG that will take place one Wednesday each month, June – August:

  • Wednesday, June 21st
  • Wednesday, July 26th
  • Wednesday, August 23rd

The FAT BOY course will be a GEAR based course designed for you to utilize a combination of Strength and Speed. This will be a timed course and will remain the same each of the 3 weeks which will offer both a U vs All other competitors and a UvsU opportunity. Come to all 3 weeks during the summer and work to improve your times or bring your best time during any one of the 3 weeks to see where you stack up. Whether you hit 1 week or all 3, the top time will be awarded the “FAT BOY” Golden Brick, one of the most prestigious awards ever created. Trophies will be presented to the following competitors:

  • Overall
    • Champion
    • Runner-Up
    • Second Runner-Up
  • Jr Mac Weight Class (Under 200lbs)
    • Champion
    • Runner-Up
    • Second Runner-Up
  • Grand Mac Weight Class (Over 200lbs)
    • Champion
    • Runner-Up
    • Second Runner-Up

The course will be set up at the #F3FatCamp AO (Elon Park Elementary School – 11425 Ardrey Kell Rd. Charlotte, NC 28277) on the dates listed above. 10min warm-up will commence at 530 and the competition will run from 545 – 615. Times will be recorded and posted on a leaderboard which will be updated after each competitive week.

For questions, reach out to Bounty Hunter or myself. Come familiarize yourself with the AO ahead of time. #F3FatCamp is a gear based workout that takes place every Wednesday morning 530-615 with 2 pre-run options. 1st pre-run launches at 500 and circles back to pick up the 2nd wave at 515.




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F3 Carowinds Day! – 10.14.2017 – It’s The Great Pumpkin F3 Nation!

Hey guys, as some of you know I am a certifiable roller coaster nut and I have had the idea of a day out at Carowinds for F3 for a while now and I’m going to step out and see what happens.  If you want to come, please respond in the comments below, even if you don’t pay until later on.

Here’s the thang:

What – Day out for all Pax, M’s and 2.0’s at Carowinds, located on the NC/SC border.  The park offers world-class (not joking) coasters and thrill rides as well as a great kids section called Planet Snoopy.  If your 2.0’s are able to walk, they will have plenty to do.  If they are younger, there’s even a few rides for them too.  Lucy’s Crabby Cabbie is a thrill you don’t want to miss riding with your kids!  I’m being sarcastic there.

When – October 14 – 10:00 – 5:00

During the fall the park hosts both SCarowinds at night (not good for small kids) and The Great Pumpkin Fest (great for kids of all ages) during the day.  The Great Pumpkin Fest is included in your admission price.

Cost – If you are a Carowinds season pass holder, then admission is free.  If you need to purchase admission, I will am able to get us the group rate for at least fifteen or more.  Cost is $37.00 each including taxes and fees, which saves you about $12 per ticket off the regular rate.  Parking is not included and runs about $20 per vehicle.  When you are ready to HC, please send your funds to Drop Thrill at coasterwes@ bellsouth.net (PayPal).  If we end up not getting 15 people, I will refund your money and we will decide what to do at that point.

Food! – We will eat on our own and you are free to do your thang with your family.  You can bring a meal and keep it in your vehicle, then get your hand stamped and leave to picnic at your car, then come back in the park.  The park has a lot of options too available for purchase.

Note: Due to SCarowinds, the regular admission and group admission is only from 10:00 – 5:00 during weekends in September and October.

If you want to stay after we wrap up for the day and attend SCarowinds, you will have to exit the park and buy a separate ticket on your own if you just haven’t gotten your blood pumping enough by then.

Feel free to throw out any questions and please HC below.  I look forward to riding Fury 325, my #1 favorite coaster with you guys and your families this October!

Deadline to pay is October 2!

More info – http://www.carowinds.com/



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  • QIC: Bounty
  • When: 07/29/17
  • Pax: All F3Nation Pax
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Join F3York as we host our first ever CSAUP…the Mastodon.

As F3York continues to grow, we decided that we needed to make a mark on the map with an insane (completely stupid) event.  With the overwhelming amount of Pax getting into the ruck craze, a ruck inspired endurance event was conceived.

This event will suck and challenge the most elite down to the beginner depending on what option you choose to participate in. This event will push you to your most extreme limits. Your endurance, strength, speed, mental fortitude, teamwork ability, leadership skills, climate survivability, and overall health/fitness will be tested.

The course will be approximately 14-16 miles minimum.  This mileage can and probably will go up once you add in the 7-8 AO workouts. Teams of (4) will start together and finish together (teams will be decided at the start of the event)…this will force bonding, teamwork, and fellowship.

The event will start and end at the Dragon AO and proceed to visit each of York’s AOs (minus Guns N Moses…too far out). At each AO there will be a workout, not a pain station, waiting to be completed before continuing. Site Q’s will have full discretion of the workout as long as it is in the design of the actual site. For example…Trinity will be a bootcamp style workout while Gain Station will be a gear/ coupon workout. Runners…yes, you will have to go through the same AOs, so there will be rucks waiting on you to use at the School of Ruck.

This is not a half marathon, not a fun walk, but an endurance ruck inspired event. The Mastodon will offer options to ruck, run, or to do a relay. All options will be conducted in teams of (4).  Ruckers will start at 0300 and have 10hrs to complete, runners will start at 0500 and have 8hrs to complete.

Upon completion of the event we will meet up at the Coal Yard for festivities…more on this will be coming.

Not mandatory, but we are asking for a $10 minimum donation from each participant to help with water, snacks, sports drinks, patches, etc. We are also trying to come up with a shirt to be sold through Mudgear as well as a Velcro patch….designs coming soon.

Hard Commits would be great to have for head count and volunteers definitely welcome to help.

Ruckers will need 30lb weight in pack (if over 150lbs) or 20lb (if under 150), (2) carabiners, 4′ piece of rope or chain that will fit the carabiners, minimum of 2L of water.

Runners will need to carry water either vest, backpack, etc.


Ruck (Conqueror)-full course

Run (Conqueror)-full course

Relay (Participant)-legs divided up amongst team

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Rising up for Paradise

  • QIC: Bolt, Deacon
  • Pax: Fort Mill area PAX
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Each week, a call is sounded!

We have had 2 successful and encouraging workouts in Paradise. Every Saturday, we need the PAX to keep the ball rolling with attendance.

Make it a double down morning at the Steele Street Park at 0900. Male 2.0’s over 12 are also invited to attend.

IF YOU CAN POST, PLEASE DO SO! With summer upon us, we are running into vacations (i.e. YHC), races and other family events.

Please read Deacon’s BB from the first workout/recon. Thank you to Santini for leading the second. Tclaps to WhatDid for Q’ng this Saturday. http://f3nation.com/2017/05/20/paradise-recon/

If you have availability, please answer the call!!!

Aye! Bolt

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100# Challenge! – The Fort (Drop Thrill) v Rock Hill (Pac-Man)

2017 started out like many years for me, determined to lose weight yet again.  I was very frustrated with the situation as I had joined F3 in March of 2014 and lost 56# only to get injured and gain it all back.  But this year I’ve healed a lot from my injuries and getting closer to full speed again.  Which isn’t that fast, but hey I don’t quit easily either.  Enter the challenger.

Pac-Man and I were chatting and I discovered we both were working to lose 100#, seemed like a good opportunity for some CSAUP activities.

Pac-Man started at 294 and as of this post he is down 53 while I’m down 60 from my top weight of 325.  So I’ve challenged Pac-Man to beat me to 100# first.  Rock Hill I know you guys will be backing up your brother and spurring him on.

I haven’t been down to 225 in a very long time.  So long, I have no idea how long it has been.  Fort brothers already have my back and will continue to do so.

That brings me to my next thought, who do you know out there that is like we were?  Who do you know that is overweight, and all it would take is some encouragement to get them to post?  Who do you know that posted one or two times and quit?

We all have our own strengths and some of you guys are amazing athletes and some are more my speed.  Never forget the six.  Your q is only as good as you keeping up with where your pax are.  Don’t drop someone, because you may never see them post again.  F3 is once and for all No Man Left  Behind.  That means every man.

As we both continue to lose weight, we hope that we can be a resource for guys that are overweight that think they can’t do F3, when we both know they can.

We haven’t settled on a punishment for the loser yet, but considering we will be both be down 200#, I really think we will both be winners either way.

Thoughts?  Punishment ideas? Burpees are not excepted. Ha!



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