All Good at The Swamp

Mosey to Fuji
SSH, Imperial Walker, Hillbilly, Mtn Climbers
Mosey to Near Death Island
One pax runs around the island while other pax exercise — Squats, Merkins, Parker Peters, Moroccan Night Clubs, Arm circles forward & backward

Mosey to the fountain
20 Step Ups
20 Dips
10 Box Jumps
20 Derkins
Mosey to side of Best Buy
Balls to the Wall followed by People’s Chair (rinse & repeat)
Mosey to back end of Best Buy lot
10 Monkey Humpers
20 Parker Peters
30 Lunges
40 Shoulder Taps
50 Squats
Pax completed 3 rounds of the above with one lap in between
Mary — Flutters, Dollies, Backscratchers, Box cutters, Superman
Mosey home
10 Burpees OYO

Spectre VQ next week!
AKA convergence at WEP 4/30
Invergence on Shield Locks at WEP 4/30
Q School coming in May

After several days of intense upper body beatdowns at AKA this week, on this Good Friday YHC concentrated on legs & core along with a message about the GOOD that is all around us and inside of us at all times. It’s easy to get sucked into the negative in our media, our workplace, our schools, our families and friends. Even when I block out media, change jobs and reel in my interactions with others, the negative INSIDE ME can still take charge and become my focus. It takes strong and intentional commitment to focus on the GOOD. The GOOD is just as much around us as the negative, and the GOOD even surpasses everything else! Let’s make it our mission to focus on the abundance of GOOD all around us.

Among the GOOD this morning was FNG/Hot Wheels, EH’d by Tesla and rising out of bed at his home in Mooresville! Not only did HW drive an hour to post at The Swamp, he engaged like a veteran pax taking his turn counting exercises, sharing about his priorities (Faith, Family, Friends) and his how he surrounds himself with people focused on values and character. In talking about the GOOD in his life experience he highly recommended Love’s as the best truck stop food on the interstate!! Sorry Cake Boss, no Bucee’s mention.

Airwolf’s cadence count melody suggest some real talent hiding in those vocal chords. Hey, Band Camp, we might have a Barbershop quartet or Acapella group Q here!?!?!

Slapshot continues to Make The Swamp Great Again! Thanks for your leadership and the invite to lead in the Gloom!

Last, among the NOT SO GOOD things today was YHC’s poor safety skills. I made the decision to wear the florescent vest even though the parking lots are lit to ensure we could be seen. But that’s not even half the battle — strong safety also requires SEEING and good judgment. Near Death Island got it’s name because of my call to mosey to the traffic island across from Fuji then my lead of the pax into the street without looking left. Yes, I missed an incoming car with high speed destined to take out the back of the pack. Fortunately, they looked and had the presence of mind to stop. The driver stopped too and waved them across. A teaching moment for sure. Stay safe men!

TClap |

Respectable Beatdown

We had 10 men, including an FNG show up on Saturday for the workout at WEP.  After the disclaimer, we jogged around the park to the parking lot on the corner of Ardrey Street.  We did the following warm-up exercises:  SSH, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, and Plank Stretches.

Next, we ran down Ardrey Street and took the path down behind the park.  I explained to the Pax that Fort Mill has some of the best cross country runners in the state.  They train at WEP each summer by running laps around the park and running hill repeats on the hill in front of us.  I added 10 merkins at the bottom of the hill and 10 squats at the top to break up the running.  Our FNG was in front of the PAX each lap, he also wore a cross country t-shirt.  We thought Hot Wheels was fitting based on his efforts.

We headed back to the playground for the hand-off to Rebel.  Rebel quickly transitioned the workout to a partner Murph.  Partner 1 ran to the statue on the hill and back to the playground while Partner 2 started the exercises (100 Pull-ups, 200 merkins, 300 Squats).  Lots of encouragement and hand slaps as we knocked out the exercises.  Once complete, we ran around the park as a group, caboose  to the front.  We had enough time to do a few ab exercises before time expired.

Great job everyone!

TClap |