Pickett’s Charge

Twelve pax posted on this 3rd of July. Warm and humid with a thunderstorm having cleared out about 30 mins beforehand.

Mosey run (toy soldiers, high knees, and butt kickers)
Circle up and do: SSH (15x I/C), windmills (8x I/C), imperial walkers (15x I/C), Moroccan n/c (15x I/C), low slow squats (10x I/C), big arm circles (15x I/C), peter parkers (10x I/C), plank stretches (downward dogs, honeymooners).

Thang 1: Cindy-Runs
Each pax got a cinder block and did the routine noted below.
Run 400m
KB Swings
Run 400m
Goblet squats
Run 400m
Run 400m
Run 400m
Run 400m
Chest press
Run 400m
Early pax restarted the block exercises, but ran a shorter loop until the six came in.

Thang 2: Wall stuff
Ran to the brick wall of the school. Pax plank. Read a few paragraphs about Pickett’s Charge that happened 7/3/63 at Gettysburg.
Pax wall sit. From both ends of the line, pax bear crawls out about 30 feet, 3 burpees, and crawl bears back.
Then we did some wall-tar-jais…followed by some balls-to-the-wall for a ten count.

Thang 3: bar work
Ran over to the pull up bars and seven each of: pull ups, chin ups, switch grip, toes4bar, negative pullups.

Ran to COT area and did Sally routine with leg lifts (Moby’s Flower, legs up on “bring Sally up” and 6 inches on “bring Sally down”.
A little monkey humpers, an 10 seconds of body destroyers.


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Abide in me, and I in you!

WARMUP: Shared with the group some of my life experiences when trusting in something greater than myself vs. just trusting in myself. Show to know the details!
Mosey to the track
Completed 1 lap warm up with high knees, karaoke, & butt kickers.
Next phase of warm up routine had us standing on the goal line of the football field for sprints.
1st Sprint – 50 yard runway ( building up to top speed ) and then 50 yard sprint followed by 10 reps of each – merkins, big boys, squats
2nd Sprint – 25 yard runway and then 75 yard sprint followed by 10 reps of each – Shoulder Taps, V-Sits, Lunges
3rd Sprint – 20 yard runway and then 80 yard sprint followed by 10 reps of each – Alternating toe touches from plank position, Straight lower leg lifts, Jump Squats.
Group was adequately warmed.

THE THANG: As with the warm-up the theme was 100, as I need to be constantly reminded to completely trust ( 100% ).

1st Routine; 100 yard Bear Crawl with 100 merkins
Start on goal line of football field, bear crawl 25 yards and then perform 25 merkins, continue down the field until reaching the other goal line.

2nd Routine: 100 Burpee Mile
Complete 40 Burpees and then run a lap around the track
Complete 30 Burpees and then run a lap around the track
Complete 20 Burpees and then run a lap around the track
Complete 10 Burpees and then run a lap around the track

MARY: While others were finishing the main event routines, those that finished a little earlier did the following:
Choose 2 ab exercises that are easy to transition into
1st exercise conduct reps of 30
Go right into the 2nd exercise and keep going until time is called. Chose time interval of 90 seconds. Only had time to do 1 round – LBCs -> Flutters
Next rounds would have included Gas Pumpers -> Penguins and then Heels to Heaven -> Xs&Os

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter!!!
COT: Shared a few more tid bits of my story, prayers & praises!!!

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The Del & Davidson

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Moroccan NC
THE THANG: The Del & The Davidson

The Del:
25 Burpees
400 meter Run
25 Weighted Pull-Ups
400 meter Run
25 Handstand Push-Ups
400 meter Run
25 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
400 meter Run
25 Burpees

The Davidson:
800 meter Run
10 Thrusters
600 meter Run
20 Cindy on your Back Squats
400 meter Run
30 Goblet Squats
200 meter Run
40 Bentover Rows

MARY: Chest Presses, Curls, Flutters, Hello Dollys, American Hammers, Freddie Mecurys
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethal Men’s Shelter on Wednesday. No items need, just show up to serve. Register for the Christmas Party. Site Q Handoffs on Wednesday
COT: Prayers and Praises from all PAX.

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