The Coop take 2

Humid 75 degree morning. Fort Mill, SC Nation Ford High School or better known at 0515 as The Coop.
See and recognize about 10 guys. we have the normal gloom what ups.
0514 rolls around DOAH says hey hope you don’t mind I’ve got a videographer with me. Doing some spotlight piece on wellness for his CO-OP. I say whatever you need to show up is good with me. I give a terrible disclaimer and were off.
Mosey around parking lot with some dynamic stretching here and there.
Circle up warm ups- SSH, Merkins, 6 inch hold, flutter, windmill, peter parkers, mtn. climbers.
Mosey to pull up bars. series of pull ups and merkins
Out to road. Bear crawl down the hill.
Go to the wall. Balls to wall while we work our way down the Pax so everyone broad jumps. Hurry up this hurts.
Mosey to basketball court. partner up 100 merkins, 150 squats, 200 big boy sit-ups. you and your partner hold each other accountable.
a couple guys had to leave early so 10 burpee buyout.
if you and your partner finished early start doing burpees until all finished.
At this point I hope the video guy knows how to fix the sound we had a lot of moaning and complaining.
all finished here up the hill for one last set pullups and then a little burpee buy out also.
praise for Dark Helmet sister, prayers for bounty hunters friends who had pregnancy issue. Marriages, travel.

Thanks for having me out to Q Punchlist.

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Blockparty- Just work

Blockparty- WEP- The original home F3thefort.
Always great to Q anywhere but especially fun to come home to where you were introduced to this crazy group of HIMS.
THe tweet that went out this week was simple I was not trying to take you from your normal post site but I did promise if you came here you would have to put in real work.
Lets start- Disclaimer by fast mosey to small parking lot outside of park area.
Circle up for warmups. 15-20 of each of the following
SSH, Mtn. Climbers, flutter kicks, Merkins, windmills
Mosey to building with knee walls- 15 box jumps, 15 dips, 15 derkins- 3 sets drop 5 each time.
Plank while Q discusses discernment and the need for accountablitiy.
Mosey to wall- chair sits while everyone broad jumps past the line.
Next plank with feet up on wall while pax bear crawl past.
Hold Al Gore while pax lunge walks past.
Mosey to flag pole- Pledge of Allegiance.
Hill time- 11s- 1 at bottom 10 at top. 2/9 etc. merkin at bottom Big boy situp at top.
Mosey to COT.
Announcements, Prayers, Praises.
Backdraft out.

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