- QIC: FunHouse
- When: 04/01/2019
- Pax: Cheddah, Dark Helmet, Dirty Harry, Funhouse, Geronimo, Harry Carry, Mainframe, Mr Clean, Punch List, Shady, Shield, Spider Man, Sugar Bug, Tesh, Tinsel, Wegmans, Youts
- Posted In: Honey Badger
17 PAX attended (probably most of them by accident) Ass kickin’ April Year 2. AKAY2 started at the Badger today with YHC on Q (to make sure I post for day 1). AKAY2 is a different AO every day (excluding Sunday) for the month of April. Get to know the region by posting somewhere else. Here is the schedule (shameless plug):
Today we honored a fallen soldier and YHC modified his workout. See below for the Thang (the run portion was .33 miles):
Rinse and Repeat – I think the leaders got to a second round of the Squats. The doubling up on the Burpees was a crowd pleaser….
There was a Shovel Flag hand-off this morning from the scarcely-posting Cheddah to the ever-posting Dirty Harry! Proof (that Cheddah even posted) below:
Prayers for new job opportunities, surgeries, injured PAX and unspoken.