Nine at the Hive

Nine at the Hive

Today marked the introduction of lamination at The Hive with the crew once again counting on a partner with station work to #Accelerate.

Began with the standard warm up situations while Welcome to the Jungle’s melodic tunes played…

Station work began with the following exercises…

  1. Skull Crushers x20 while partner executed as many Box Cutters as possible, switch, repeat… (Wake Up Call – Maroon 5)
  2. Kettle bell swings x20 while partner executed as many Air Dramas as possible, switch, repeat… (All Summer Long – Kidd Rock)
  3. Curls x20 while partner executed as many Plank Shoulder Taps as possible, switch, repeat… (Jump – Van Halen)
  4. Break to walk with bell over head while Malcolm chased all PAX with a chainsaw…
  5. Overhead Press x20 while partner executed as many Sumo Deadlifts as possible, switch, repeat…  (Golden Years – David Bowie)
  6. “Out & Up” x20 (most modified to 10) while partner executed as many Plank Cross Unders as possible, switch, repeat… (Crazy Little Thing Called Love – Queen)
  7. Laying Press x20 while partner executed as many American Hammers as possible, switch, repeat… (You Shook Me All Night Long – AC/DC)
  8. That darn Malcolm showed up again…
  9. Upright Rows x20 while partner executed as many Low Slow Squats as possible, switch, repeat… (Fat Bottomed Girls – Queen)
  10. Rinse and repeat while the following played
    1. Down Under – Men at Work
    2. I Want You to Want Me – Letters to Cleo
    3. One last chase back to COT by Malcolm
  11. Finish with 5 minutes of Mary while R.E.M. serenaded us with Everybody Hurts…
TClap |

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