A little of everything

Mosey from COT to larger parking lot. Did some SSH, Imperial walkers, and Hillbilly Walkers

A variation of 4 corners.
From corner 1
Bear crawled across 3 aisles with descending merkins at each aisle starting with 20 (20-15-10-5) to corner 2.

Ran down the length of the aisle to the other side of the lot to corner 3. Did lunge walks stopping at each aisle to do squats starting with 20 (20-15-10-5) to corner 4.

Ran back up to corner 1. In moving from corner 1 to 2, did 5 burpees at every light pole. Ran to corner 3 from 2 and then did 20 Freddy mercury’s at every light pole from corner 3 to 4.

Ran back to corner 1. Did a bit of broga. Then moseyed to the first speed bump at the bottom of the hill.

Did a variation of 11’s running up and down the hill, starting with bomb jacks at both top and bottom for 3 rounds, switched to merkins for 2.

Did some dips, karaokes and lunge walks

Went around the circle and everyone picked a workout for the last 5 minutes.

COT: Gratitude is everything.

TClap |

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