- QIC: SkateOrDie, Sasquatch
- When: 2022-07-01
- Pax: Backdraft, Band Camp, Bo Wiseman (Saw Dust), Bobber, Grout, HarryCarry, Kaiser, Mainframe, Marty Bird, Ruby Slippers, Sasquatch, SkateOrDie
- Posted In: Varsity
WARMUP: Sasquatch ran the PAX to a lit area and instructed them to form 3 lines facing him (2 lines of 4 and 1 line of 3). After some initial gloom-fogged math and logistics, he got to limbering up the PAX for the first 15 minutes. Queue *SPONGEBOB VOICE* “21 minutes later” the handoff was completed to YHC (SkateOrDie)
THE THANG: Given that YHC was shorted 6 minutes, we had to forego the body destroyers and get after it… the PAX moseyed (alright, just short of dead sprint) around to the back of the school (NAFO) and found some picnic tables and benches. The group performed step ups while 1 PAX ran around the outer sidewalk, serving as the timer. Upon completion, the next PAX ran while the group did box jumps. Rinse and repeat 2 more times. The PAX then repositioned (again, just short of dead sprint) to the pull-up bars behind the JROTC building. Next up, the group completed 1 pull-up, 2 chin-ups, and 3 merkins, rinsing and repeating, while 1 PAX ran to the stop sign at the top of the hill as a timer. Repeato until the remaining PAX ran. The PAX again repositioned (yeah yeah dead sprint…blah blah) to the hill behind Sugar Creek Elementary School. After hearing some mumblechatter about the stupid things we do, YHC implored the PAX to realize that the “stupid things” we choose to do are preparing us for the “tough stuff” that we have to do at other points in our lives. Next up, Jacobs Ladder (1 big boy sit-up at the bottom, 10 burpees at the top). We made it through 4-5 rounds for each of the PAX before repositioning (“quickly”) 1 last time to the bottom of the hill back to NAFO. Once a 10-count was counted, jail break sprint back to the stop sign at the top of the hill and then back to COT for MARY!
MARY: Flutters and Hammers were on the menu, followed by… wait for it… THE BODY DESTROYER!!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter!
COT: 🙏🏻s for both spoken and unspoken items on our ♥️s. Thanks for the opportunity to lead gentlemen!!!