Honor of Cash

Today, we honored Cash, hospital name Jay Griggs, who passed away in Sept 2020 of cancer. He was given the name “Cash” as in Johnny Cash due to his all black outfit he worn at his first workout along with his hometown of Nashville, TN. The Coop was renamed “Ring of Fire” in honor of Cash. Double D shared stories through the workout. Cash was a genuine person who was always ready to help out a friend.
Jekyll provided me with a backblast from 2015 where Cash was in attendance. I decided to copy it on a piece of paper and unfortunately dropped it in the gloom so it did not match the exact workout.
We first moseyed to the front entrance of the school for COP (SSHs, IWs, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Plank Stretches, and Mountain Climbers)
Next, we moseyed to the gym wall for People’s Chair with each pax running out to the parking lot for 5 merkins. One round of Balls to the Wall.
The lights came on making it easier to navigate, mosey to the ROTC building.
Dirty McDeuce (3 exercises, 12 reps) Run to the top of the hill, 5 burpees and back down to starting point.
R1: Merkins, LBCs, Lunges
R2: Wide Arm Merkins, Hello Dollies, Squats
R3: CDD, Flutters, Jump Squats
R4: Stagger Merkins, X/Os, Calf Raises

Back to the top of the hill near the school
Three rounds of toe touches, Dips, Derkins (12 reps)

Back to COT
Closed with Cash’s prayer

Search me Lord. Lead me to you. Help me to be a good man, a good father, a good husband and a good employee. Help me to forgive and release from resentment those that I feel have offended me. Let me see the good in others and draw that goodness out of them.

TClap |

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