bells with the boys!!!

WARMUP: CHERRY PICKERS, windmill, side straddle hop
THE THANG: Goblet clean X10 each arm
Goblet squat low and slow x10
Bent over row x10 each arm
Murder bunny 10 meters and return
Turkish get up .25….. x10 each side
American hammer way too fast for those with something heavy x15
Lunge walk with a pass thru…. 10 meters there 10 meters back
Plank drag x10 on each arm.
Shower curtain slide… 10 meters there 10 meters back
Trade your weight with another pax Rinse and repeat

MARY: @battlebot asked me to q in the ambulance,
@hardwood was confused from the start,
@longduck paid for coffee
@showercurtain wrote his first backblast
Everybody had something to say and plenty to do!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter!!!
COT: No prayer requests. Praise to the good Lord for giving us another day!

TClap |

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