Door Dash Monday

WARMUP: Run behind Earth Fare out past bank into Brayden around back to parking lot by the pool and muster.

THE THANG: 10 Hand release merkins OYO + 10 Shouldwr taps IC

Then we sprinted up to Inizios and onto several other establishments along 160, stopping each time for 10 merkins of varying flavors and some abs. last sprint was to HT lot. pax moseyed back home with some extra running and Mary to wrap up. Great push by all!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2DB slated for Sat and will have outstanding 2nd F so be there!
COT: Words on Whetstone from Olaf + prayers.

Life is full of sprints, some long and some short and some of unknown duration or finish lines. We do this crazy stuff in the Gloom to prepare ourselves. Now you know you’re prepared when the next sprint arrives in your life.

Thanks to Badlands for the invite!

TClap |

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