Embrace what’s coming

WARMUP: Mosey around the small loop with butt kickers & toy soldiers mixed in. To that, add a few warm-up exercises.
THE THANG: Everyone gets the opportunity to complete the 60×60. This is where you start with a sand bag on the ground and hoist it over your shoulder and repeat for 60sec.
Now, partner up so there is 1 sand bag per partner group. Collectively, toss your sand bag around the big loop. Yes, the big one. Most PAX traded off after 5 throws. Pick up the 6 and help out where possible.
Everyone grab your bag and line up at one end of the parking lot, staring down our target ~75yds away.
Run to the other end, 25 American Hammers I/C
NUR back and 15 Dead Lifts with the bag.
Now, bear crawl to the other end, 25 Flutters I/C
NUR back and 15 Clean & Press
A few other exercises.
MARY: See above.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Petition from Poppins & Sofrito
COT: Indeed.

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