Cha-Ching’s Legacy

So,, because they guy would lay ridiculous beatdowns. And there’s just no need to reinvent the wheel. It’s already round and works really well (that’s also my Naked Man Moleskin). Plus that’s part of why we write the backblasts!
WARMUP: Yes, did that. Cha Ching didn’t, and I needed more warm-up. If you can’t do it, don’t Q it! FTC showed up late; so, he missed it.

Cha Ching warmup:
min 1 – 20 burpees (this was hard, counted them in cadence)
min 2 – 30 jumping lunges
min 3 – 40 penguins
min 4 – 50 carolina dry docks
min 5 – 60 side straddle hops

then we mosey a bit
did some peruvian mountain climbers and bulgarian split squats on a bench
mosey some more
bear crawl a bit

That’s when we hit the Jack Webb:
1 Mack Tar Jai
4 Jump Squats
got to 7/28, then moseyed to pull up bars

Hung on the bars for a while
Did some knee ups
Did some super slow pull ups

Got close to COT and finished the Jack Webb set

Then we had 6 minutes left, so we did the Cha Ching EMOM “warm up” sequence again. It was rough

MARY: Last Call called flutters in cadence for the first time.


COT: Was held

TClap |

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