Misty morning fun at Block Party

I don’t get to WEP as much as I should so I jumped on the opportunity when Double D asked me to Q. I managed to hit every red light in Ft Mill so I came in with about 1 minute before go time. I gave something that resembled a disclaimer and off we went into the mist.
Mosey over to open lot near 160. 25 SSHs, 10 WMs, 15 IWs.
Mosey over to lot in front of Springs building. 15 Mtn Climbers, 10 Peter Parkers, 10 Parker Peters, 10 reverse plank flutters. Line up at end of parking lines on one side of lot, bear crawl to other side, 1 merkin, backward bear crawl back, 1 merkin. Repeat 5 times.
Head over to low wall in front of building. 15 dips, 10 derkins, 10 step-ups. Repeat.
Mosey down to 160 over to big hill. Run up big hill backwards. Gather in large Springs parking lot.

Split into 2 groups. 2 PAX are doing exercise and 1 is resting. Keeping rotating so each PAX does the exercise 4 times and rests 2 times.
1st round – 10 burpees (Why not start with burpees?)
Suicide run using the 3 parking lines.
2nd round – 15 merkins
3 line suicide run.
3rd round – 20 squats
3 line suicide run.
4th round – 25 flutters.

Everyone was super excited to run another suicide but since time was getting short we started back to COT. Indian run on the way back where first guy in line drops and does 5 merkins, then sprints back to the line and yells for the first guy to drop. Made it back to COT with enough time for some Freddie Mercury’s.

Great work by all the PAX today. I felt guilty looking back on this because Kielbasa’s back was acting up and I should have jumped over to the other group. He tried to do as much as his back allowed. McGuyver was his typical android self. I think he could have done this whole circuit without the rests. Always an honor to lead the PAX. Thanks for the opportunity Double D.

TClap |

Everything must change

On yet another morning of summer swelter, 8 pax posted to Block Party to wring out the impurities in the body and refresh the mind for a new day.

The Thang

Warm up run 1/2 way around path

COP — SSHs, Squats, Mtn climbers, Merkins, windmills, hillbilly walkers, IWs

Mosey back to path

Drill bit w/ 10 Burpees OYO at each post

Mosey to playground

Plank jack x10

Shoulder taps x10

Pull-ups x10 OYO

Plank jack x10

Shoulder taps x10

Pull-ups x10 OYO

Plank jack x10

Shoulder taps x10

Run the path back to COT area

Circle up for some pass the hat Mary — Dollies, American Hammer, Freddie Mercury’s



Happy to have Uncle Sam back amid the pax!  Sounds like he will be sharing community and pain with us for 9+ months.  Paired with FNG/Mayflower from Portugal at Flight Plan the day before, the week started off with quite an international flavor.

Solid #Respect showing on this morning, with 50% of the pax tipping the solar calendar at 50+ revolutions.  Keep it up men!  You’re as young today as you’re ever going to be!

It was great to see some fresh faces in the form of Spitz, Backdraft and Bridgegate this AM.  These two veterans put it out there through the good and bad today –  very little mumble chatter among pain and sweat.  They were all business in the best possible way.

The theme for the day was about Change, taken from a quote I saw in a presentation at a recent conference.  The quote, from the novel The Leopard is “For things to remain the same, everything must change.”  This quote has stuck with me for days, leading me to dwell on the fact that everything is in a constant state of change.  If I don’t respond to the changes around me, if I don’t adapt to changing circumstances out of either fear of the unknown future or satisfaction with the present, I will find myself left behind and left out.

One of the best things about F3 is the constant state of change that we all experience.  Different AOs, Qs, exercises, paces, messages, weather, gear, prayers/praises, etc.  I don’t think there is anything about change that scares this group, when put into the context of F3.  What about the other areas of your life?  What would it be like to embrace change in all areas besides the Gloom?

Always a privilege to lead the pax.  Thanks for making it real  this AM.


TClap |

Block Party Mix bag of tricks

Mosey to parking lot across the street from bank
20 SSH
20 Morracain Night Club
10 small forward arm circles
10 small backward arm circles
10 big forward arm circles
10 big backward arm circles
20 Morracain Night Club
Feet together bend over with arms folded to stretch out the back and hamstrings
Walk hands out to plank and do 10 peter parkers
Walk hands to feet and stretch again
Since it rained quite a bit last night YHC decided to modify the location of
what I had planned.
Originally I had planned to do this part of the workout on the hill right by COT
with the lights going up, but had to
modify and move it over by Hobo’s due to the mud on the hill.
At each light pole do the following exercises
Burpees – bear crawl to next pole (P1 – 2, P2 – 4, P3 – 6, P4 – 8, P5 – 10)
Total of 30
Pulse squat jumps – run backwards to next pole (P1 – 2, P2 – 4, P3 – 6, P4 – 8,
P5 – 10) Total of 30
LBCs – run to next pole (P1 – 4, P2 – 8, P3 – 12, P4 – 16, P5 – 20) Total of 60
Dips – lunge to next pole (P1 – 2, P2 – 4, P3 – 6, P4 – 8, P5 – 10) Total of 30
Next we moved across the street to enjoy a nice round of Pink Floyd the Wall. I
don’t know why it is, but I for some crazy
reason enjoy this exercise. I think it mainly has to do with how silly we look
to poeple driving by as we are in BTW position.
For those who are not familar with Pink Floyd the Wall here it is:
BTW for 30 secs
1 merkin in BTW position
2 merkins at 45 degrees
3 merkins at 15 degrees
Then move into the people’s chair for 30 seconds.
Repeat 3 times – however I decided to through in 5 flying squirels in between
Then we moseyed back down the hill to the stairs and did merkin stair climb
working our way up the two flights of stairs
and did squats until the six was in.
Good work today gentlemen.
Double D thanks for allowing me to come out and lead the pax this am.
TClap |

CO VQ with Weezer at Block Party

14 Pax came looking for a party at Block Party this morning only to be greeted with some pain and humidity.  The temps didn’t feel bad this morning but the air was thick.  I think all the pax were soaked after the mosey except for Weezer.  Who should have been sweating with his VQ warm-up just ahead, however this cool cucumber delivered a COP like he’d been doing it for years.  Here’s what went down…

Weezer on Q

COP:  Mosey to the wall lot on 160.  In cadence – SSH x 25, WM x 10, IW x 20, Low Slow Squat x 15, Morrachian Night Clubs x 20                                                                                                                                      12 single count slow merkins (focus on form), Mountain Climbers x 15

Pass off to STH – Mosey to lot above and find a spot on the ledge.

Single leg step ups x 10 each leg, 10 Burpees, 20 Dips.  Rinse and repeat 3 times

Mosey to lot across from gun shop.  Sprint the hill to the top.

50 Shoulder Taps – Run to 2nd light (50 yds), Bear Crawl to curb (20 yds), 10 Bombjacks – run back  Ab work – Slow Freddie Mercuries                                                                                                                              50 Mtn Climbers – Run to 2nd light (50 yds), Bear Crawl to curb (20 yds), 10 Bombjacks – run back  Ab work – Hello Dolly                                                                                                                                                        50 CCDs – Run to 2nd light (50 yds), Bear Crawl to curb (20 yds), 10 Bombjacks – run back                  Ab work – X&Os                                                                                                                                                              50 Merkins (Crowd Pleaser)- Run to 2nd light (50 yds), Bear Crawl to curb (20 yds), 10 Bombjacks

Mosey back to COT.  2 Mins left so 10 Burpees and Protractor

NMM:  Had a great group of Pax today.  Lots of good mumble chatter and complaining.  Which as a Q I’ll take the latter as a compliment. Tclaps to Weezer for stepping up to lead the COP.  Next up will be the full meal deal for him.  Seeming how he pulled off the COP like a seasoned veteran, the rest will be a cake walk.  I spoke a little bit at COT about how Qing has helped me become a better leader at home, work and in the community.  I encourage everyone to step out of their comfort zone and try it if you haven’t done so already.  You will be a better person for it.

Prayers for Kielbasa friend’s family, Bonsai’s friends daughter, Ginsu’s adoption, & patience. Mission Trip and Tclaps for the support of the pax.

Until Next time –


TClap |

Summer Q School – Shooting Stars and Counting to 3

Senator Tressel and YHC headed up the final installation of the summer Q school.  8 PAX joined in for some instruction, antidotes, and how to count to 3.  Brief introduction in lot, totally forgot to make the disclaimer, and we were off.  YHC at the helm.

The Thang

1/2 lap around WEP and circle up for the COP

Each exercise had some instruction of counts, cadence, form, etc.  It was awesome, I guess you had to be there.

SSH X 25 (Hey I saw a shooting star!)

Imperial Walkers X 25

Merkins X 10

Windmill X 15

Mountain Climbers X 25

Disclaimer X 1

Mak Tar Jai X 15

Burpees X10 OYO

Hand Over to Senator who then took us to the hill.

Jacob’s Ladder to 7 with Burpees at top. Senator explained more about what the main workout is about and how to prepare, audible, and listen for mumble chatter.  Kielbasa helped out with the suggestion to do burpees for this ladder.  No one was pleased, except for Seantor.

After ladder we moseyed over to the playground for some pull ups and ab lab.  Senator made it a point to tell the Q School that we do not do enough pull ups/chin ups and that he ALWAYS adds these in at an AO with bars.  I think Senator’s agenda was accepted under duress and the PAX pushed through with 2 sets of 10 pull ups/chin ups and then slow count LBC’s followed by a slower count of Freddy Mercury.

Final thoughts from Seantor about safety, serving the PAX when Q and how he doesn’t ever need a Wienke (memorizes before he gets there) but FunHouse always does (can’t even remember his kids’ names). And do the damn BackBlast!

COT – Always end with Circle of Trust – Prayers for kids to college, parents transitioning to new home and Seantor’s brother in law. 5 years of The Fort in September!

It was an honor to work with Senator to get the new Q’s on track to lead the PAX.  I am looking forward to see what this group of men will bring to the Gloom.  Double D is the man to hit up if you haven’t Q’d and want to get on the list for Block Party!

TClap |

Block Party – Q School With Double D and Cake Boss

15 or so PAX came to the latest installment of Q school with YHC and Double D.

Double D gave the intros and we quickly realized some PAX might have come for a regular beat down, only to find out we were teaching how to give a beat down.

Double D took the 201 PAX and I took the 101 PAX and we instructed best we could. (See documents on website)

Again, it was hot a mofo out there and we were dripping even teaching the beat down, not just delivering it.

We regathered at about 0550 and answered some final questions from the PAX.

t-clap’s to all the PAX looking to lead. Its amazing what can happen from leading a group of guys in a boot camp. Things start to happen and confidence is grown…..no more sad clown!

Thanks to Ginsu for  the lead and we look forward to all these new Qs in the mix!


TClap |

Week 1 of Q School at #F3BlockParty


23 strong for Q101

Disclaimer and official notes listed below:

See you next week

Q101 – First Time Q


The purpose of this document is to assist the new Q in preparing for and leading his first workout,



Q – Pax Relationship:  The unspoken social contract between the Pax and a Q:  “We will follow until you give us a reason not to”.  The Pax are very forgiving toward a new Q.  Most have been through it and understand the anxiety.



Considerations for the first few Qs:


  1. Launch a quick grenade over twitter, let local Pax know that this is your VQ, most F3 vets enjoy being part of a VQ Pax.  
  2. Simplicity/Complexity and Originality
    1. Keep the Weinke simple. The fewer moving parts the better.  Many first-time Q Weinke’s are too complicated.

Keep it familiar.  New exercises or sets that require more than the briefest of explanations usually lead to confusion.

    1. Don’t be shy about stealing a Weinke, or parts of a Weinke, from another more-experienced Q.


  1. Go with strengths: “Don’t Q it if you can’t do it.”


      1. Next exercise is [brief pause], the merkin.  
  • The Pax then repeats the exercise called.
  • Speak loudly so all Pax can hear.  You are in charge.
      1. Start(ing) position [brief pause], Move.  
  • Not “exercise” position.  Start position.  
  • The “Move” is to get the Pax to the position required to begin exercise. The “Move” is not a command to begin exercising.
      1. In cadence [brief pause], Exercise.  
  • In cadence simply means the Q counts the movements (1-2-3) and the Pax calls out the repetitions in unison (“One!”).
  • The Q counts should correspond to a distinct movement in the exercise. It is in rhythm. For example, for a merkin: “1” is the movement to the down position, “2” is the movement to the plank position, “3” is the movement back to the down position, the Pax call of “One!” is the move back to plank position.
  • The Q indicates the completion of an exercise by a higher inflection on his last repetition.

See Dredd’s excellent tutorial on the how and why of cadence counting:  http://f3nation.com/2012/02/22/f3-tv-how-to-count/

NOTE: When a Q does not lead an exercise in cadence that would normally be done that way, he is giving away his authority to lead the Pax.  He is implicitly telling the Pax that he not able to count in cadence or is not willing to learn.


  1. Weinke review with Site Q or experienced Q. Not required, but a good idea for a vet to check for potential issues.


  1. Too long, too short: It takes a few times go get a good feel for how long your Weinke will take to execute.  Be flexible if running too long and have a couple of stand-by ideas in mind in case you run long. Think through transitions from one set to another. Minimize dead time, standing around.


  1. Tap a vet – if you need time to get unsmoked or burned through Weinke in 30 minutes, there’s no shame in asking a vet to lead Mary or the next section of the workout.



  1. FNG inquiry and Disclaimer – every workout should start with an FNG Inquiry and Disclaimer
    1. Disclaimer:  
      1. Why: We want to disclaimer in front of Pax because having witnesses adds a layer of protection above asking if they’ve read it on the website.
      2. What: Main points in your own words:
        1. I am not a professional
        2. This is self-policing: Stop or modify the exercises as required


  1. Take control—be the leader.  Be assertive, don’t mumble. If something doesn’t work and you have to audible, acknowledge it and move on to the next exercise. Don’t apologize, just move on.


  1. Observation – Do your best to keep an eye on the pax during the workout to see if you are losing people, either from it being too easy, too confusing, or too hard.  During your first few Qs, it is hard enough just to make it through the workout.  Ask your Site Q or another experienced Q to keep an eye on things and whisper in your ear if needed.



  1. Twitter counts – check with Site Q on whether he or the Q will tweet the count.  Remember to use workout tag (i.e., #TheArmoryF3 also include @F3TheFort ) and the #F3Counts tag.


  1. Backblast –
    1. Part of the workout Qs responsibility to post the Backblast, not the Site Q.  The Site Q may volunteer to post the Qs first workout on his behalf but that is at his discretion .
    2. Get backblast credentials BEFORE first Q so that you are prepared to write up BB when it’s done.  The website interface is not difficult and will take only a few minutes to learn.  Here again, your Site Q will be an invaluable aid in assisting you to post your first BB.
    3. Get login credentials from The Fort’s Comz Q wordpress@f3thefort.com


  1. Post Mortem – follow up with your Site Q about what went right, what could be improved, what was a disaster, etc.  Seek out honest feedback from other veteran Q and Pax.  The best way to improve is to address your weaknesses head on.
TClap |

Remembering 56 HIMs

It’s always an honor for me to lead the pax.  When you throw on top a July 4th Convergence, WEP as the AO, and my fellow Founder of The Fort, Santini, as co-Q, my pulse picked up more than a few ticks.  Thank you to Cake Boss for piecing this together and inviting Santini and me to lead.

90 pax posted, including 3 FNGs, for the holiday adventure and fully engaged in all 3 Fs throughout the morning.  In addition to FNGs, we had a number of Kotters back in action as well as some pax returning for only their second workout after initial post in the past week or even yesterday.

Upon arrival, it was clear Santini and I were out of sync with a large group who had already completed some Extra Credit.  10+ ruckers.  20-30 runners.  Lots of sweat already flowing from this group before we even launched.

Independence Day marks the adoption by the Continental Congress of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.  This document was signed by 56 men, representing all 13 colonies.  These men were lawyers, farmers, merchants and teachers.  They were educated, had families, owned property and were visible leaders in their communities.  They ranged in age from 26 to 70, with an average of 45.  These traits sound familiar?  Yes, these men were just like every member of the pax.  They had full lives with great blessings.  And yet they chose to risk it all by signing their names to that document, knowing fully that it would be viewed as an act of treason and potentially punishable by death if they were captured by the British.

They signed the document anyway.  They went to war.  Eight years of war.  We know the stories of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams who signed and later became President.  We know of Benjamin Franklin and all he contributed to America.  What we may lose sight of amid the hot dogs, burgers, brews, swimming and fireworks on July 4th is the risk these 56 men took.  And many paid a steep price.  Nine of these signers died in the war.  A dozen had their properties pillaged and burned.  Several were captured and mistreated for long periods.  Many suffered irreplaceable losses of loved ones and livelihoods, leaving them and their families to live in radically different circumstances for the rest of their lives.

So on this day when we celebrate Freedom, what would you be willing to die for?  What truths are self-evident to you such that you would be willing to risk everything you have to stand up for?

The Thang

Mosey to the parking lot at Springs building

COP —  13 reps IC of Mtn climbers, Squats, SSHs, Merkins, Moroccan Night Clubs, Peter Parkers, IWs

Mosey to the hill along 160 and plank it up on sidewalk

Partner 1: run to top of hill + Merkins x13 + run back
Partner 2: Plank

Handoff to Santini & cross street to Memorial park

SSHs x56

CDDs x10

Merkins x10

Bombjacks x10 OYO

Pledge of Allegiance led by Shark Bait

Burpees x10 OYO

Merkins x10

Bombjacks x10 OYO

Handoff to Double D and mosey to parking lot behind Hobos

Plank sequence

Donkey kicks x10 OYO

Monkey Humpers x10

Donkey Kicks x10 OYO

Monkey Humpers x10

Mosey to corner of Tom Hall & Main Street and form column on sidewalk on each side of Main Street for July 4th Lunge Walk Parade to Hobos

Mosey back to Memorial Park

Partner up & complete 56 Merkins w/partner (either aggregate or 56 each)

Mosey back to WEP

Form 5 columns for Santini’s famous Pain Platoon and proceed to complete countless series of squats

Partner up & complete 56 Burpees in aggregate w/partner

Mosey home


Naked Man Moleskin

Thanks to all pax for enduring the meandering path through town.  Santini and I chose not to poke at those whining about grass and rashes and instead took the group off campus.  Not an easy feat with 90 pax in tow.  It certainly wasn’t perfect, especially when I took us down Main Street for the “parade” session.  Santini would not have made that call, but like a good partner he locked shields, pushed forth and pressed the “teaching moment” element.  Thankful for the safe return without issue and the enthusiasm the pax displayed throughout.

Shout out to Cable Guy, who sat broken on the curb after a rolled foot during the pre-run.  He was off to Urgent Care later in day and enjoyed his fireworks in a boot.  Look forward to getting you back out soon!

Shout out to Red Banjo, High Life & Flacco — three of what may have been even more Kotters out for the celebration of pain.

Solid lead put forth by Shark Bait on the Pledge when called upon on the spot.  Well done!

Welcome to our three FNGs — Price Check, Pylon & Snow Cone!  T-claps to Dixie Chicken and Olaf for EHing them.

Great to meet some newcomers, including Kung Fu Panda, Night Court & Prophet.  Keep posting, men.  It doesn’t get easier, but you get stronger/better.

What a terrific morning! We had the full spectrum of brothers out — Pax & 2.0s, young guns & respectables, black, brown & white, gritty F3 veterans & recent comers, Kotters & FNGs.  On those cold mornings of 2-5 men posting at Block Party in winter of 2012, neither Santini nor I could have imagined this is where God would take this thing we call The Fort.

None of us will ever know what those 56 HIMs expected to come from their efforts to draft and adopt a document called the Declaration of Independence 241 years ago.  What we do know is what each of them believed because it is there in black and white with their signatures at the bottom.  “Life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness.”  Freedom is a gift granted by God that these men chose to pronounce, to honor and to defend.  That Freedom works two ways — Freedom from something/someone AND Freedom to choose something/someone.  What are you doing with your Freedom?

Thanks for honoring your country, your brothers and Santini & me by posting today.

TClap |

Reinforcing our foundation at Block Party

  • QIC: Popeye
  • When: 6/27/17
  • Pax: Fusion, Dollywood, Bubble Boy, FEMA, Apache, Power Hog, Stang, Hee Haw, Kielbasa, Tinsel, Twister, River Rat, Air Borne, Italian Job, Pitts, Cooter, MacGyver, Corner Stone, Pony Tail, Kasey Jones, Popeye QIC
  • Posted In: Block Party

To close out the last #RockRegion invasion of the Fort YHC was given the great honor of Qing at Block Party. I am humbled to be asked to lead a fine group of men into uncharted waters for myself. I have never Q’ed a Fort area workout and early reconning was needed to find what Popeye likes to do……… stairs.   Thanks was given to the Fort PAX for the foresight  to bring F3 to Rock Hill.  The Fort is the Foundation for the Rock Region so today we worked on our foundation… aka legs.

The Thang –

Warm Up

  • 15 (IC) SSH – (I was given some type of warning from Twister about not being loud but I didn’t hear him)
  • 15 (IC) IW
  • 15 (IC) MNC
  • 15 (IC) Negative Merkins


To the wall at the parking lot next to the springs building

  • Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes in Peoples Chair… The plan on the winkie was to just go to 15, but since YHC couldn’t hear anyone counting we went to about 30.

Mosey and stop for Apache to lead us in the pledge of allegiance.

Mosey to the stairs right at the end of main street.

  • 10 Squats
  • Run the stairs
  • 10 Monkey Humpers
  • Run Stairs Double steps
  • 10 (L&R Leg each) Bulgarian Squats
  • Floating Steps running the stairs
  • 10 Sumo Squats
  • Jump Squat the stairs

Rinse and Repeat – SSH waiting  on the 6

Mosey to the hill leading up to the parking lot of the Springs Building

  • Nur the hill
  • 10 ranger Merkins
  • Run down
  • Nur the hill
  • 10 ranger merkins

Mosey to the parking lot

10 rows of Bear Crawl Merkins.

Mosey back to the COT.

Run the hill at the COT and back

  • 10 (IC) SSH –
  • 10 (IC) IW
  • 10 (IC) MNC
  • 10 (IC) Negative Merkins


Earlier in the workout  I asked the PAX if they knew the what the greatest Naval Recruiting video of all time is? Answer: Top Gun.

In that movie Maverick made the job look fun & easy, but he was just one guy. In Real life that one pilot has 5000+ men now women behind him making sure he & the multi-million dollar aircraft get off of a floating runway.  Not to mention we watch Top Gun in my Navy A School of what NOT to do on the flight deck.

In reality when an aircraft carrier starts flight ops the ship captain turns the ship into the wind not away from it.  Many times we get our ship of life turned into adversity, just like the Flanagan Family Lexington is facing right now with the loss of Cheech. We saw F3 brothers from all over the country rally to Cheech’s family. To launch an aircraft it starts way below decks in the engineering space create steam to power the ship and put steam in the catapults. The cooks who feed the pilot, to the parachute gear riggers, to blue, purple, red, green, and yellow shirts – the enlisted plane captain who gets the jet ready so all the pilot has to is get in an flight right into the wind and complete his mission.  I am comforted to know that if a tragedy would strike here or with me – we have thousands PAX everywhere that would take care of your or my family.

Let just hope we are not put to the test.  However in the end Sky Q gets all the Glory not Maverick.

Aye! Popeye OUT!

TClap |

Block Party: Little Baby Arm Circles Deception

  • QIC: The Riddler
  • When: 06/20/17
  • Pax: Riverrat, Pits, High Hat, Cooter, Training Wheels, Bill Nye, Macgyver, The Riddler
  • Posted In: Block Party

8 of The Fort’s Finest showed up to continue RockRegion Block Party Take over. I was asked several months ago to lead by IJ, and I jumped at the chance to cross the river again. I made my way showed up early got a little prerun in. Bill Nye Joined me from Rock Hill, so did RiverRat who lives right in the middle of The Fort/Rock Region city lines.

Little Baby Arm Circles

The Thang
Started a mosey up the hill towards the church

Indian Run Merkins(Front Pax Drops does 10 Merkins and runs to the back of the line, yells drop when complete)
Continue into a Mosey Around The Church

Had Pax Partner Up, Macgyver paired with me since we had the same gloves. The stairs provided a great opportunity to do some fun stair workouts.

Partner One Bear crawl stairs three times, Jog down before the next rep
Partner Two Merkins until Partner Finishes bear crawls
Then Switch. Continue to do the following exercises
Partner One Frog hop stairs
Partner Two Alternating Shoulder taps
Partner One Left Side Crawl
Partner Two LBCS
Partner One Right Side Crawl
Partner Two Hello Dolly
Each Partner Did both exercises and as many partner two exercises they could do while Partner One did the stair work.

Partner Leg Lifts 100 each partner(Crowd Pleaser)
Do 25 then switch, rinse and repeat until both hit 100.
FUN PART Attempt to throw partner off balance, by pushing their legs in different directions.

Plank Alternating claps down the row.
Think Indian Run In Planks, Go down the line and Clap hands with each pax, rinse and repeat until every pax has gone at least once.

Overhead claps on knees 50 in Cadence(Another Crowd Pleaser!)
Little baby arm circles
10 Merkins
Over head claps 25
Moroccan night clubs 15
10 Merkins
Little Baby Arm Circles
10 Merkins(Left Arms Dead!)

Zig zag Indian run back to AO
Pax Ran between each person in the line!

Not Quite two miles so finished with a jogging exercise group:
Toy soldiers
Butt kickers
Side shuffles

COT and Prayers
Spoke about 1Kings 18 Elijah and how he stepped in faith knowing the Lord would reveal himself by sending fire down to the altar.

CAH golf cart rally details coming soon
Check the Newsletter!

Thanks for letting me lead Double D!

The Riddler OUT!!!

TClap |