Memorial Day Murph at The Fort

Step 1: Finish your regular Monday Post
Step 2: Show up at The Coop (Nation Ford High School, Ft. Mill) and do The Murph.
Step 3: Remember that Memorial Day isn’t just cookouts and pool time…

The Thang:
We began with a warm-up led by each of the Veterans who were in attendance (CSPAN, Blackhawk, Howitzer, and Apache – my apologies if I missed anyone, but that’s all I could remember). There were a number of Seal Jacks, SSHs, Imperial Walkers, and some Bro-ga…

We then brought it in to be reminded of why were really there. The workout is good, but Freedom isn’t free, and we were there to honor men and women who gave their lives for our freedom. So, after a lesson from CSPAN on how to count to 4, we moseyed to the track to begin.

47 Pax completed the following for time (some with 20lb weight vests, and some with our built in weight vests who competed in the “modified” category):
1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Merkins
300 Squats
Another 1 Mile Run

And there you have it… Workout complete. Then we circled up and each man present read the name (either one that they brought or one that CSPAN provided) of a fallen serviceman/woman so we could memorialize them.

It’s always humbling to do The Murph for me. Not just because it is very physically demanding and I get to see how many times guys like Mary Lou can lap me on a mile track, but also because I am reminded of the men and women that gave all so that regular folks like me can live free. It is a gift that is unmatchable, unrepayable, and undeserved, and for it, I am grateful.

I can’t speak for everyone’s faith tradition, but in my personal belief system, Jesus Christ gave His life willingly to pay for my sins, my stupidity, and my weakness that I may live again in the presence of my Heavenly Father with my wife and family for eternity. Through His sacrifice, He has made me free from the tyranny of the Devil, free from pain, from death, and from Hell. He did something for me (and all of us) that we could not do for ourselves. It is my feeling that in keeping with that pattern, anyone who performs a service for another that they could not perform for themselves is acting in a Christlike way. The fallen soldiers that we honored today (and the many, many more that went unnamed this morning) did much that same thing. They willingly gave their lives and sacrificed that I may live on Earth in this country with my wife and family. They have provided me freedom from the tyranny of evil men, and they have done for me things that I could not do for myself. Reading their names after a workout is small in comparison, but I like to think that they are looking down and that maybe they appreciate the fact that we are trying, in our feeble ways, to honor them. To acknowledge that we rise and sleep in a country that their sacrifice made possible…

Helmet, out…

TClap |

1 is Too Many but 22 is a Problem!

  • QIC: Cornhole
  • When: 05/24/16
  • Pax: Java, Jiffy, Deacon, Figaro
  • Posted In: Block Party

5 men brought it for the #22Kill awareness campaign
All exercises consisted of 22 reps.

Warm Up
22 Merkins
Mosey – Mtn Climbers
Hi Knees – Peter Parkers
Butt Kickers – Parker Peters
Toy Soldiers – Plank Jacks

SSH – Merkins – LBC
IW – Diamonds – Hello Dolly
Windmills – Wide Arm – Rosa Lita
Lunges – Release Merkins – Flutter Kicks
Slow Squat – CDD – Fred mercury

The Hill – 22’s
Monkey Humpers – at bottome
Lunge Walk up
Bombjacks – top
Reverse Bear crawl down

Mosey to COT
Several prayers and praises for a small group.
Always an honor to lead and see everyone’s commitment. Not shortcuts taken today.

Cornhole, Out

TClap |

Pre-Blast for Memorial Day MURPH “FunHouse FunRun”

If you don’t know by now, The Fort will be conducting the Annual Memorial Day Murph at NAFO high school (The Coop and Varsity AO).  This is a great opportunity to work out with The PAX to honor our service men and women. Post to your regular AO, then head over to NAFO for the double-down.  In addition to the workout, there will be awards handed out to those who perform at the top of the group.

However, there is one award that perked my ears, the Funhouse Pull Up award.  I assumed this award was for the PAX who increased their pull up count exponentially from the last go around (go search the last Fitness Test).  This was not the case.  ‘Casa de diversion’ (modified pull-up version aka the FUNHOUSE award)…..  “Don’t fall short, if you cannot or do not have a vest at least strive to perform your pull-ups without variation or as we stated above – try not to perform a #Funhouse so start working on those pull-ups today – you have time!”  So yes, YHC likes to modify.  Especially a freaking pull up. So why not “modify” the MURPH with a typical “FunHouse FunRun”?  Call it a triple-down.

So if you’re not afraid of modifying (CSPAN I see your “burpees” so I KNOW you love to modify) join me for this THANG:

Memorial Day – Monday, May 30th 0430

Start (Leg #1): 0430 at Trailhead Park in Tega Cay for a run to Flight Plan (Baxter Startbucks) ~ 4.2 miles

Leg #2: Flight Plan 0515 (YHC the Q) – I will find a suitable 4.5 mile loop that will get everyone ready to go do the MURPH- Total so far ~ 8.7 miles

Leg #3: Run to NAFO 0600 – There will be little time for COT at Flight Plan for those on the #FunRun, so I may hand this off to someone staying behind.  We must get on our horses and head out to make the 5.5 miles to NAFO in 50 minutes before the MURPH starts. The route is down 160 and take a left on 21 and then a right on 460 to NAFO. – Total so far ~ 14.2 miles

Leg #4: The MURPH – 1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats and a final 1 mile run. Ugh. So final total mileage ~ 16.2 miles

So join YHC to “modify” your typical day.


TClap |

Suicide Circuits

  • QIC: Old Bay
  • When: 05/17/16
  • Pax: Solid Stage, Figaro, Jiffy, Cha-Ching, Java, Speaker, Deadbolt (Raleigh), MacGyver, LongShanks, Old Bay
  • Posted In: Block Party

Block Party definitely feels like home to YHC. I don’t care what it smells like there sometimes, it’s a great AO with lots of options. On this Tuesday morning, 10 pax gathered to tease out some pain to break us down and make us stronger.

= Warm-up =
Mosey to the chained-off parking lot next to the Springs building for COP:

  • SSH – x30
  • Cherry Pickers – x10
  • Imperial Walkers – x15
  • Mountain Climbers – x20
  • Plank Jacks – x20
  • Squats – x15

Mosey to wooded courtyard area near other Springs building for some work with a knee-high wall.

  • Box Jumps – x15
  • Step-up // Knee-up – x15 each leg
  • Dips – x15
  • Derkins – x15

Repeato but only 5 reps for the second round.

Mosey to the steep hill on the west side of WEP. Before starting the next exercise, YHC talked about one aspect of the theme of the month: marriage. The “message” was a rerun from Alcatraz this past Saturday, and Jiffy was gracious to hear it again. Check out that backblast’s nake moleskin for the meat of it.

= Suicide Circuits =
Pax asked to partner up, size doesn’t matter.
The overall movements of this exercise is similar to a suicide where pax start at cone #1, go to cone #2, then back to #1, then to #3 and back to #1, etc. Total of 5 cones, but there are a few modifications to up the pain level.

  • Each time the pax depart from cone #1, they must do 5 burpees
  • Each time the pax reach (or pass) a cone as they travel away from cone #1, they must do the exercise on the cone. For example, if they are on their way to Cone 3, they must stop at Cone 2 and do that exercise (again).
  • Traveling away from Cone 1, they pax should run. Traveling back toward Cone 1, pax must do the moving exercise written on the cone (like bear crawls) instead of running.
  • Each team of pax must stay together. Some of the moving exercises involved partners.

For this exercise, there were 5 cones, where cone #1 was at the bottom of the steep hill. Remember, 5 burpees to start, and for each return back to Cone #1. The rest of the cones were labeled as follows:

Cone 2 – Mountain Climbers x20 w/ Crab Walks as return exercise
Cone 3 – Russian Twists x20 w/ Bear Crawls as return exercise
Cone 4 – Merkins x20 w/ Partner 1 Wheelbarrow as return exercise
Cone 5 – Plank Jacks x20 w/ Partner 2 Wheelbarrow as return exercise

For this workout, another set of cones were set up as follows, but we didn’t have time to do them in normal suicide fashion. So, we just hit them each once.

Cone 2 – Slow Sumo Squats x20 w/ Crab Walks as return exercise
Cone 3 – Plank Punches x20 w/ Bear Crawls as return exercise
Cone 4 – Hello Dollies x20 w/ Partner 2 Wheelbarrow as return exercise
Cone 5 – Dry Docks x20 w/ Partner 1 Wheelbarrow as return exercise

Times up! Back to COT

Thanks to Repeat for allowing me the opportunity to Q, and to the Pax for their hard work and encouragement. Special shout-out to Deadbolt from Raleigh for posting on the road.

TClap |

Block Party – I’ll bring the Cake and the Coupons!!

  • QIC: Cake Boss
  • When: 05/10/2016
  • Pax: Double D, White Lightning, Freebird, Repeat, Rebel, Jiffy, Cha Ching, Java, Old Bay, Corn Hole, Clark Kent, Longshanks, Mcgaver, Bird Cage
  • Posted In: Block Party

15 of my finest brothers arrived at Home Base for The Fort, Block Party. Back in October 2012 I showed up here alone at 0510 and met some men that I can say are some of my best friends today. They even posted this very morning. Amazing to see where we have come in The Fort and all the men, AOs and expansion over the last 4 years. So humbling to be part of it and honored to participate and know many of you.

Block Party is a traditional workout and some of the best exercise moves we do today started at Block Party. So I wanted to stick to tradition and make the pain come alive!!

The Thang:

Mosey up the path to find a piece of grass that did not have too much funk on it from the strawberry festival. Red Banjo approved area was found (Banjo was not even there) and COP began

SSHs, Squats, Imperial Walkers, Windmills

22 Merkins in effort to get awareness out about the veteran suicide rate. Look it up and help with this cause.

Mosey to Corner, Karaoke, jog, Karaoke, jog, Buttkickers, high knees, Sprint to top of parking lot at WEP. Find a Partner mosey to back of YHC’s truck and pick up Coupon

So being at Block Party you got to have blocks…..and its been so long since I been to Block Party I missed doing Drill Bits. So Six stations, carrying Coupon with Partner two times around

  1. 10 Inch Worm Merkins & 10 Apollo Ono’s
  2. 15 Ski Hops
  3. 10 Carolina Dry Docks
  4. 15 Lunge Hops
  5. 10 Peter Parkers
  6. 15 Mountain Climbers

YHC continuing on the theme of the month of marriage. I mentioned to the PAX that we all fall into the trap of what Disney sells us that marriage is Happily Ever After. However the truth is marriage is Happily EVEN after!! After all the hard work and serving each other and dying to self and putting the other first, then Happily EVEN after occurs. In asking the PAX if anyone has had not so good days in their marriage, all hands went up. This is not by Sky Q design, however he sent his son on a rescue mission. His son carried a coupon and even hung and died on it for all of us……regardless of where you are on your faith walk….he did this for you. Marriage is like carrying that coupon….uphill sometimes. We are called to do it, but we also have Sky Q to help us to the finish line. Carry that coupon my brothers and go to Sky Q when it gets heavy and he will help carry it with you.

One last time up Stairway to Heaven with a stop at each light pole carrying our coupon.

  1. 10 Inch Worm Merkins & 10 Apollo Ono’s
  2. 15 Ski Hops
  3. 10 Carolina Dry Docks
  4. 15 Lunge Hops
  5. 10 Peter Parkers
  6. 15 Mountain Climbers


Great PAX out there! Thank you Repeat for the opportunity to lead and I love Block Party!!

Encourage each other as this life is not easy and without the PAX and my savior I don’t know how I would do it.

Cake Boss Out!!


TClap |

Block Party – 10 Count Tutorial

  • QIC: FlatTire
  • When: 04/26/16
  • Pax: MacGyver, ChaChing, Solid State, Old Bay, Thumb Drive, Car Bomb, Deacon, Java
  • Posted In: Block Party

10 men made the commitment to wake up early, post, and push themselves and their fellow F3 brothers this AM. They wanted a beat down and hopefully this delivered.  After a brief disclaimer, we were off. Here’s what we did:


Counter clockwise mosey along the jogging path about half way around. Circle up in the infield.  All exercises in cadence:

SSH (25), Imperial Walkers (20), Cherry pickers (12), Moroccan NC (20), Mountain Climbers (20), plank series, merkins (20)

Back to the jogging path to complete the full circle back to the start. Head to the base of the grass hill nicely illuminated with a row of streetlights.

At first light, 10 squats. At second light, 10 merkins.  At third light, 10 bombjacks.  At fourth light, put all three together and do 10 burpees.  Continue up hill to complete 2 sets.

Once the six was gathered, head back down the hill alternating 20 SSH, 20 squats, and 20 LBC.  3 sets total.

At this point we were warmed up pretty good so I asked newcomer Thumb Drive to give me a 10 count.  His eyes got big and he responded “what do I do?”  After a quick tutorial, he nailed it perfectly.  Love seeing new PAX!  Welcome to your third workout brother!  It doesn’t get easier but you will get better and stronger.

Mosey back around the path to the playground. Partner up with a gentleman of like proportions (size always maters).

Partner 1 jogs the perimeter while P2 does pullups.  Rotate and then sets of dips and derkins.

Gather the group in the field next to the playground for the next round of partner assisted exercises.

Partner assisted (by means of their back) dips and derkins, then big boy sit-ups, and leg lifts.

Quick look at the time, 8 minutes to go!

Speedy round of Mucho ChestO.

10 single count regular merkins, wide arm, diamond, stagger left, and stagger right.

Just enough time left to mosey to the edge of the parking lot for 4 minutes of Mary.

Flutter kick (20), Freddy Mercury (20), Hello Dolly (20) and Russian Twist (20)


I had to get on the road so Repeat led count off and name-o-rama.


Read the Newsletter! We have a lot of great events coming up you would do well to engage in.  With F3, you get out what you put in AND WAY MORE.  Get involved.  Push yourself.  Sign up for a CSAUP.  Go to group lunches.  Go to 2nd F events.  Check out Crossroads or a Chicken-N-Wisdom near you.  We need guys in our life to push us, encourage us, and hold us accountable.  And believe me; you will never meet a better group of men than the PAX of The Fort

Repeat (and Chaser who I subbed for), thanks for the opportunity to Q. Humbled and honored to be a part!

Flat Tire

TClap |

9 at the OG AO

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 04/23/16
  • Pax: Peabody, Digger, Mission Impossible, Ginsu, MacGuyver, Tesh, Cable Guy, Criss Cross
  • Posted In: Block Party, The Fort

So, nearly 3yrs into this F3 thing, I decided to test myself and see if I could Q an entire 60min post without a Wienke. No exaggeration, I still have every Wienke I’ve used from each Q. When given the opportunity to Q this original Fort Mill AO, there better be enough exercises and challenges between my ears to lead an effective and challenging beatdown. The final challenge of this endeavor is trying to remember what exactly we did. Once noted, I was reminded, “Max, don’t worry, nobody reads your BB anyways.”
With that in mind, I welcomed 8 other PAX and warned them that we might resemble a cat chasing a light, went through the disclaimer then we were off with a mosey to the 160 Parking Lot.

SSH, Squat, Mtn Climber, Windmill, Merkin
On the wall for Lunges and Wall Sits, snake style.
Stolen from Ginsu’s Q at the Ranch, we utilized the parking lot lines. Bear crawl 2 lines then 5 burpees, bear crawl 2 more then 5 burpees and repeat to the end. On the way back, it was lunge walk 4 spaces then 10 squats.

Mosey to the smallest parking lot in the world…next to the park entrance for some partner work and a modified Dora.
200 LBC’s while your partner runs the loop, flap jack and once finished, do 100 Merkins in the same fashion.

Mosey to the playground cause it wouldn’t be my Q unless we did.
10 Pull Ups & 20 Swing Crunches then repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 sets.

Mosey to the big hill, yeah, you know the one.
Sprint with All You Got (AYG) to the top then 10 of an ab exercise
Repeat 3 more times with 3 more ab exercises.
This is where I about splashed but I was able to keep it down and utter “Mosey”

On the big wall in the adjacent parking lot, we did the muscle ups, then seal team situps, then more muscle ups, then more ab stuff.
I might’ve missed a few things but nobody’s reading so it doesn’t matter, right?

Bring it back in for COT
Announcements: Big props to Ginsu for taking the Site Q reigns and a huge thank you to Macguyver for the leadership these last 2yrs. There is a lot of good things happening in the region so please read the weekly email.

Prayer Requests: Posting for a 2nd straight day and didn’t splash. Margin in our lives to lead effectively. Health of a daughter of one of our brothers. The beginning of an awesome adoption process for Ginsu’s family.

As you were.

TClap |

Block Party

  • QIC: WorldWide Leader
  • When: 4/5/16
  • Pax: Java, Repeat, ChaChing, Router, Birdcage, Crosscheck, McGuyver, Magnum
  • Posted In: Block Party

9 fairly quite but strong posted at the Block Party for their DRP.

The Thang:

Warm up lap around the park, ending at the play ground (one lap around the play ground, just cuz I’m the Q and you have to do what I do…)

Line up along side of play ground facing the open field,

Karaoke down and back

Side shuffle down and back

High knees / jog

Butt kicks / jog

High knee grab / butt kick grab

Power skips (WWL trademark workout specialty)

Line up at the end for 11s, Merkins / LBCs, plank up until 6 is in, ab exercises until all are done

Mosey onto the playground and COP

Regular merkins, freddy mercury, 10 pull ups OYO

Wide arm merkins, freddy mercury, 10 pull ups OYO

Diamond merkins, american hammer, 10 pull ups OYO

Mosey to Stairs Way to Heaven

Alternate bearcrawl / lung walk to each light post, 10 bombjacks at each post

Few minutes to kill so HYC comes up with more stuff to do, including:

Rosalita, flutter kicks, protractor, parker peter, peter parker and a new one, the partner row (one partner on his six in a bent knee positions, second partner standing next to him grabs his partner’s hand and does 15 rows while the other partner uses his body weight as resistance, pax seemed to like it) last exercise was partner V-ups.


Moleskin – it was a rather quite group and age ranged from Respect to teenager, impressive on both ends! Prayer requests were short, as most men internalize where their hearts are and what’s happening around them.

Until next time.


TClap |


Highly anticipated… and I anticipate your attendance to make it a launch of epic proportions… SO HC NOW. We will be looking for your support over the coming weeks as we launch this newest Region of F3. That support will come in the form of your willingness to Q, in your attendance at workouts, in your talking it up in COTs, and in EHing those guys that you KNOW desperately need the multitude of goodness that comes from F3. Someone gave it to you… Now it’s your turn… Call that buddy that lives in Lake Wylie or in Steele Creek area that you haven’t talked to in a while. Tell him your story. Then drag his a$$ to the AO for a glorious beatdown…

Where: Oak Ridge Middle School in Lake Wylie (5657 Oakridge Rd, Clover, SC 29710)
When: 0700 – 0800 on April 9th, and every Saturday thereafter until we either die or the Earth passes away…
Who: All Pax of F3 Nation that are up for it… (But particularly those in Lake Wylie and Steele Creek and surrounding areas)
What: Horribles. Lots of them.
Why: Oh… You know why…

Weinke sneek peak…
Let’s see… what should I tell you??? Let’s just say that there will be lots of speed work… Bear crawls… Oh, and a new exercise, called THE KRAKEN. You won’t want to miss that…

Helmet, out.

TClap |

Lucky Charms and Captain Crunch

  • QIC: Longshanks
  • When: 03/29/2016
  • Pax: Repeat, Java, Cha Ching, Triple 7 (Area 51, Respect), Hodgner (FNG), Longshanks (QIC)
  • Posted In: Block Party

Last minute Q accepted last night so YHC decided to make this one up as I go.  6 PAX arrived including Triple-7 from Area 51 and his FNG.  Disclaimer given and off we went.


Mosey 3/4 lap around WEP with some butt kickers, high knees and Karoake added to the mix.  Circle up close to the playground for warmup:

COP of SSH x 25, Windmills x 15, IW x 15, Merkins x 10, Mountain Climbers x 15, Honeymooner to 10 count.

Mosey over to the playground and explain the Lucky (if Triple 7 posts and you have no written Weinke then you do a Lucky 7). The lucky 7 works like this. 3 exercises done for 7 reps done for 7 rounds.  So 7 pullups, 7 dips, 7 squats and take a lap around the playground.  Rinse and repeat 6 more times, plank when finished.

Mosey over to the parking lot by the Synergetics building. People chair for 30-45 seconds.  Then do 10 burpees OYO.  Rinse and repeat.

Mosey up the path to the retaining wall.  10 derkins IC then 10 step-ups each leg OYO.  RInse and Repeat.  Mosey back to WEP and to the base of the stairway to heaven.

Once everyone was back at the base to the stairway, explained the Captain Crunch exercise that YHC lead this past Saturday.  1 full situp, then 4 LBS’s at the first light pole, then 2:8 and second, 3:12 and third, 4:16 at 4th, 5:20 at 5th.  At 6th lightpole do 20 SSH.  Then come back down the stairway in reverse order: 5:20, 4:16, 3:12, 2:8, 1:4.

2 minutes left so time for flutter kicks x 15, Hello Dolly x 15, and Dying Cockroach x 10.


Announcements – BRR Signups, Mud Run, read your weekly newsletter

Prayers – unspoken, this crazy world we live in right now


  1.  Thanks to Repeat for the opportunity to lead this morning.
  2. Was awesome to have our brother Triple 7 from Area 51 out and to even bring an FNG
  3. Welcome to FNG Hodgner.  Dude was the first one in the parking lot this AM.
  4. This was day 1 of 5 straight days of Q’ing.  If you want to see me/avoid me I have the Q at Run n Gun on Wednesday, Ranch on Thursday, Hive on Friday, and Reservation (IL) on Saturday.  Hope to see you out at one of these AO’s.  If not, at least get out the Fartsack and post somewhere.
  5. Honored as always to be a Part of the group for the betterment of all that come.

Longshanks out!!

TClap |