Elite 8

WARMUP: Mosey to the light poles in front of the school.  One in cadence exercise was called with 5 burpees OYO after each exercise.  

Bear crawl between the last two light poles before moseying to the basketball court behind the school for act 1

Act 1 – On the line
Each PAX shot a free throw.  A make meant a lesser penalty.  A miss, a greater one. 8 sets of 2 liners, 4 liners, and a few burpees mixed in.  
We took our ball and moved on to act 2 on the south end of the school.

Act 2 – 4 corners (5-10-15)
At each corner – 5 hand release merkins, 10 squats and 15 lunges per leg.  

Mode of transport – bear crawl between station 1 and 2, nur between station 2 and 3, Bear crawl between station 3 and 4 and side shuffle between station 4 and 1.

Mosey to the front of school stopping at a light for monkey humpers in cadence and then made is back for 3 minutes of…..

MARY: PAX called out exercises and all were done in cadence until 0600 brought us to name-o-rama and……

ANNOUNCEMENTS: August has opportunities. Get involved.

COT: 5th core principle (YHTBT).

Closing thought – if life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond. Is your 90% consistent enough to lead right?

Maximus – Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

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Circling the Drain

Toy Soldiers
High knee taps
…in the pouring rain.


100 Yard Sprint 3x to dry off of course

19 – Seated bike rack sit-ups.
19 – Alternate side sit-ups /  knee to elbow
19 – Seated bike rack sit-ups.

Select 40-60lb bag for rest of w/o

19 – Reverse lunge & twist
19 – Squat w/ overhead press
19 – Sandbag Shovel

19 – Pushup -on bag / w/ alternate mountain climbers.

50 Yard Bear Crawl w/ bag
19 Pushups – Pulling Bag through to side-to-side each rep.

19- Forward single leg lunge – over head press “on up”.
19- Backward single leg lunge – overhead press “on down”.


19 Alternate Jack-Knife-Sit-Up
V-up, 1 leg in air, touching heals

1 long body destroyer

HIM CAMP – 21 registered
Enjoy your 7am nap.


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What’s in the cooler?

15 SSH IC to wait on Mainframe
Mosey to rear parking lot.
5 Windmills IC
10 Hillbilly Walkers IC
10 MNCs IC
10 Shoulder Taps IC
10 Merkins IC
Mosey to baseball field
10 Peter Markers IC

THE THANG: Partner Up
7 stations with 2 exercises at each station. Timer was a full YETI cooler, that PAX will carry across outfield and back while other PAX do the exercises at each station. PAX switch exercises when cooler gets to the outfield wall.
Station 1: Battle Rope & J-Lo’s
Station 2: Squats with 60lb bag & Merkins
Station 3: Curls and Tri Extensions with 35lb plate
Station 4: Lunges with 60lb bag & American Hammers
Station 5: KB Swings & Bent Over Rows (pick your KB 25/35/45)
Station 6: Man Makers w/ 40lb bag & Big Boys
Station 7: Over Head Press w/ 45lb plate & Slam Ball


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Midweek Grinds, HIM Camp

COT: Stays in CoT

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Everything BUT The Kitchen Sink

WARMUP: Mosey through the parking lot with intermittent stopping for bear crawl, burpees, SSH, Merkins and crab walks
THE THANG: Every PAX grab 1 coupon to be your partner for the workout. Now, load up all the additional gear (Kettle Bells, Sand Bags, Rucks, Jerry Cans, Medicine Balls, Plate Carrier) and move it to the lot on the right side of the school. There is a penalty applied. Every time you set a weight down or hand it to someone else, everyone does 3 squats.
With your personal coupon:
10 Man Makers
20 Overhead Presses
30 Squats
Now, load up all the gear again and move it to the parking lot on the other side of the school. Same penalty applies, every time you set a weight down or hand it to someone else, everyone does 3 squats.
With your personal coupon:
40 4ct Flutter Kicks w/ Press
50 Curls
Now, grab all the gear and move it around the big loop on the outside of the field with the same penalty.
MARY: Throughout and a bit at the finish.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Happy Hour always looking for Hive Q’s. Full scale Shieldlock throw-down at Varsity this Friday…be prepared. Bethel Men’s Shelter assistance, Independence Day Convergence, Stuff The Bus, HIM Camp.
COT: Indeed. 5th Core Principle.

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6 years of F3 at Kitchen Sink

WARMUP: windmills, Moroccan night clubs, low slow squats, mosey, windmills
Today marks my 6th year since I started F3, back to same AO and used the columns as we did on my first post.

Sandbag Front Toss to column, 1 squat, repeat until you reach last column, add 1 squat for every column, finish with 17 squats.

Sandbag Front Toss to column, 1 bend over row, repeat until you reach last column, add 1 BOR for every column, finish with 17 BOR.

Sandbag Lateral toss left to last column, back to starting point with sandbag lateral toss right.

Mosey to end of sidewalk and back.

MARY: 10 minutes of broga

ANNOUNCEMENTS: HIM retreat, dads camps

COT: 5th core principle

Thankful for all the PAX that one way or another have been there for about 2,190 days to support, encourage and bring the pain.

Tinsel out…

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Sandbag Fun

Solo brought out an FNG so little longer than normal disclaimer. Mosey around outside loop. Stop at first corner for SSHs, Slow Squats, and Windmills. Mosey to next corner for Merkins, Peter Parkers, and Parker Peters. Mosey back to cars to pick up sandbags and move to school entrance.

Sandman WOD. 20 bent over rows, 10 thrusters, then front carry bag about 100M. Repeat this 6 times. Not sure why, but the front carries are the worst. After everyone completed we took a mosey on the inner loop to give our arms a rest.

Back to bags for Lucky 7s. 7 rounds of 7 cleans, 7 front squats, and 7 jump over burpees. Bubba Gump is allergic to burpees so I think he just did merkins as well as curls b/c he does what he wants. Everyone was pretty gassed after round 4 so we stopped and explained the 5 core principals to the FNG. Then pushed hard to complete one more round. Time was almost up so back to COT for a few ab exercises.

Welcome FNG Rutabaga (think Jamie Oliver). And big congrats to Flounder and his M for 44th wedding anniversary. It seemed appropriate for Flounder to take us out which he graciously did. Thanks Maximus for the opportunity!

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Pillars O’ Pain Accumulator

WARMUP: Mosey big lap, then some stuff
THE THANG: Pillars O’ Pain Accumulator. Cones with exercises, then run a lap. Odd cones = Big lap. Even cones = Small lap. Accumulate. Cones:
1) 10 Burpees
2) 20 Squats
3) 15 Merkins
4) 15 Lunges each leg
5) 20 Carolina Dry docks
6) 15 Jump Squats
7) 15 Mike Tyson Merkins
8) 20 4-count Plank Jacks
9) 20 Burpees
MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence this Saturday for Kenya. See Solo for opportunity coming to help at risk women in Rock Hill – Jumping Rope for hours it what it sounds like – Maximus and FishSticks excited to chant rymes and songs while jumping rope.
COT: Praise for men risking rejection and asking Kotters to come back out. Prayers to love our wives/M’s.

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A Little Bit of Everything

WARMUP: “long mosey” not to be confused with “medium” or “short”. around parking lot to the top of driveway. Windmills, produce pickers, Moroccan Night Club, Peter Parker, Down/Up dogs, Seal Jacks
THE THANG: Mosey “Medium” to back of school. Merkin Ladder: start at one curb….bear crawl across….other curb. start with 1 merkin and work up to 10 merkins. | Freddy Mercury ladder. 20 Freddie….NUR….18 Freddie….NUR…..down to 10. | Jack Webs | Mosey to front of school. Lunge 2 columns and 5 Burpees…..repeat 5 times.
MARY: Windmills
COT: Prayers or marriages, healing, teachers/students

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Sandbag Toss

THE THANG: Shuffle with sandbag 1 mile out; toss the sandbag back to COT
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cannoli Run this weekend, Newsletter
COT: Continued prayer for Vuvu and his family, prayers for all our students and teachers and parents as the school year winds down, prayers for Eby family as they try to locate Kevin.

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