D2D prep…where the danger lives

WARMUP: nope
THE THANG: doby bridge to nims lake, took it to the back where it forked, went right down a gravel “road” or long driveway, came back out and took the other fork to a less gravely road, then back out to COT…only a few guys got lost but they all came back.
MARY: nada
ANNOUNCEMENTS: of course – Xmas eve and New Year’s Day workouts
COT: yep

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The King’s Nether Regions

First time to The Biscuit and I had the Q. I READ BACKBLASTS TO FIGURE OUT WHAT TO DO. Go figure… <@UGU3XR5RP> (was not present) is hopefully proud.

Don’t call Side Straddle Hops or Windmills or anything here. It will not be welcomed.

We took a route down and through Massey to the end at King’s Bottom and back up. We hit roughly 4.5.

No chicks.

Read your newsletter.

The 5th Core Principle.

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CRHS Loops

WARMUP: A 2 Mile Pre Run

THE THANG: Ran across the street to Dominion Ridge through the back of Forest Creek Middle. Took to the right through the basketball court, left on Whites Rd to Catawba Ridge High School. 2 laps around the school and then head back the way we came. That was approximately 4 miles more give than take.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: A lot of stuff. Read your newsletter.

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Don’t wake the neighbors

THE THANG: roughly 3.5 miles around Dobys bridge elementary with one pain station each lap consisting of merkins, squats, and lbcs
MARY: no
ANNOUNCEMENTS: thanksgiving convergence
COT: brothers are hurting and rarely share what’s on their heart. Lend an ear and reach out to a brother if you believe they need support

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Sea Biscuit…False Endex

WARMUP: Nope…got to run.
THE THANG: L/T and onto N. Doby’s. L/T White Grove then R/T White Bridge. L/T Nims Lake and run to the gravel then turn around and take the same path back to COT.
However, this was a false ENDEX as we ran past the COT site to then make a L/T onto Doby’s Bridge. L/T Dudley and turn around at Red Forest Way. All told, we got 5+mi.
MARY: Nope…we ran.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel, BBQ fundraiser, Christmas Party signup needed, Thanksgiving convergence and more.
COT: Indeed. 5th Core Principle.

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