Simple is good

It has been atleast 12 months since I have even posted at The Armory, let alone Q’d.  Probably longer.  But when Assassin asked you to do something, you do it.  Plus it was new and fresh for me which is good for all of us.  I came with the basics and it worked.  Biggly time.

Weather was suspect- rain like beast at 0430.  I had thought I may incorporate a wheel of fire, chalk, etc but looking at the elements we went for cover under the church doorway.

The exercise are below.  Between each round, bearcrawl the length of ramp and run back to start

  • Round 1 10 reps
  • Round 2 15 reps
  • Round 3 20 reps
  • Round 4 10 reps


  • Goblet Squat
  • Tricep Extention
  • Curl
  • Shoulder Press
  • Windmill (Crowd pleaser)
  • Lunge-Row
  • Swing
  • Lawn Mower Pull

Naked Man Moleskin

Great to see everyone today and with exception of Change order, folks I dont see that often- Assassin, River Rat and meeting for first time: Stones and Squeeky.  all came ready to work.

TClap |

The Armory 2017.42

There were only 6 at the Armory this day.  I suppose some were intimidated by the forecast of rain, but mother nature for some reason waits for 6am for these kinds of things.

SSH, Windmill, Mountain Climbers, Peter Parkers, Merkins

The Thang
Mosey to the playground patio for some not so good ideas…

Drop sets:
Snatch x10 EA, Monkey Row x15 EA, Front Row x20
Sitting Leg Raises x20, Russian Twist, Freddy Mercury
Dead Hangs from chain 15 sec (not to self: this is much harder than a rope, don’t try this without gloves), from horizontal bar 30 sec, modified dead hang 60 seconds… hopefully no one has to hang on to anything to save their lives.
Mil Press x10 EA, Tricep Ext x15, Skull Crusher x20
Sitting Leg Raises x20, Russian Twist, Freddy Mercury

For legs was the slow lunge walk with bell pass through, then sprint for a total distance of 100 yards.   3 rounds: 20/80, 30/70, 40/60… FNG Tenure ran like he was storming Normandy.  He can carry his weight really fast when needed.

Mosey back to COT for some Protractor round robin.

A hope that all those affected by the untimely deaths of kids from the community may be met with some understanding and the trust that we love the One in control.

TClap |

Is This October?

When Assassin asked me to q a while back I thought October would be great.  Cooler temperatures and lower humidity.  That wasn’t the case!  Oh well, let’s work.

COP included the usual suspects and we warmed up and got ready for the main event.

Our KISS (keep it simple stupid) method or working out was very simple.  Perform called exercise and then run a lap.  Repeat until the list is complete.  The list went a little something like this:

25 swings
25 goblet squats
20 merkins
20 tricep extensions
25 LBC
30 curls (15 each arm)
20 skull crushers
20 calf raises
20 American hammers

We finished in time for two more exercises from the top of the list then we stretched a bit, Destiny prayed us out and we were out of there.  Barely a rain drop fell.  Thank you Sky Q!

Thanks Assassin for the privilege of leading one of the best gear workouts around.

I’ll leave you with this quote:

“If we take a step despite feeling uncomfortable, afraid, or inadequate, our comfort zones expand. We grow in strength and skill. What we consider normal for us changes, sometimes radically”.

Hopefully you moved your comfort zone a little this morning.

Thanks for the honor of leading.

DT out.


TClap |

Lead, follow or move that Kettle Bell out of the way

A beautiful morning gloom dawned on The Armory where the Pax came to pick up heavy things and put them back down again. Cars kept coming and the numbers kept growing as YHC barked out the 2 minute warning. Just as the fun was about to commence, what do our eyes spy, but an FNG! And he basically EH’ed himself after a buddy from the ATL told him about F3. Impresssive indeed. Thus, a full disclaimer (well as close as YHC could get) was offered. And away we go-mosey around the parking lot with some Butt Kickers, High Knees and Soccer Hips thrown in.

COP: (all IC): Windmills * 10, SSH*15, IW*15, MNC*20, Merkins *10, Plank-O-Rama

The Thang:

Mosey with KB to the seat wall in front of the church.

  • 20 Upright Rows & 20 Skull Crushers. Then Take a lap around the lot- Rinse & Repeat 3 times
  • 20 Figure 8’s & 20 Around The Worlds. Then Take a lap around the lot- Rinse & Repeat 2 times
  • 20 KB Swings & 20 Goblet Squats. Then Take a lap around the lot- Rinse & Repeat 2 times

Partner Up (size does NOT matter) for some modified DORA:

  • 100 step ups- P1 starts exercise while Partner 2 bear crawls to top of church stairs and runs back, flapjack
  • 100 dips- P1 starts exercise while Partner 2 bear crawls to top of church stairs and runs back, flapjack
  • Never got to 200 LBCs with this large group.
  • Had to leave time for the TESH favorite- PASS THE DUTCHIE, 1 round to the right, 1 to the left.  Note to self-if you are in the circle with Tesh, switch circles. That 40 lb KB will make you want to cry.

Mosey to COT. Prayers for marriages, our leaders and our community. BE THE LEADER YOU WERE CALLED TO BE. Event if that means you have to get out of your comfort zone. F3 can be a High Challenge proposition but will bring High Rewards.

Thanks Assassin for the opportunity. Great effort by all this morning and great “picking up” of the six. It was a pleasure.

Short Sale out.

TClap |

“Make him curl up in the fetal position”

Twitter is a great way to nudge PAX to post, or in my view call out PAX who haven’t posted to the Armory in ages. The second best thing about Twitter is that other PAX reply with announcements that an FNG is posting and they want to Q to punish them FNG….even though he was headlocked as he was serving on a church mission trip. Prior to knowing an FNG was posting, YHC already created a wicked weinke. After a somewhat lackadaisical disclaimer…

COP consisted of: windmills, IM, Hillbillies, SSH (lots of them), squats, and a quick mossy around the church parking lot. PAX grabbed their KB and mossy over to the edge of the parking lot for some sidewalk chalk instructions.

Partner up and split the groups into 2. Half the group follows the LT parking stall sidewalk instructions while the other half follows the RT parking stall sidewalk instructions.

LT parking stall consisted of Partner 1 runs backwards to the other end of the parking lot and runs back while Partner 2 does the exercise. Swap with partner, then rinse and repeat with the next exercise. Exercises consist of: KB swings, upright rows, skull crushers, chest presses, merkins, flutters.

RT parking stall consisted of Partner 1 runs  to the other end of the parking lot  and back while Partner 2 does the exercise. Swap with partner, then rinse and repeat with the next exercise. Exercises consist of: Curls, shoulder presses, squats, LBCs, bent over rows, good mornings, burpees.

Once each group completed their side, flapjack.

Mossy to church benches for OYO of 20 or so reps of the following:

Overhead lat swings, Dips, Derkins, Irkins, Squat Sits. Then round of Mary consisting of American Hammers, Hello Dolly, Big Boy, and LBC with toe taps.

Mossy to COT

Thanks to the PAX for coming out and for the mumble chatter. Great morning for a KB workout.

Asked Crawdaddy to provide a quick hihglight of their mission trip that diverted them from Columbia (the Country) to FL in the wake of Irma. Great message of leadership. Prayers to Change Orders mother, Hot Pockets (FNG) on seeking a new job, and all other spoken and unspoken prayers.

Read your newsletter and sign up for the 5yr invergence!!

Trucker out

TClap |

Round Robin


Sasquatch led us through his standard warm up. Then mosey to the parking lot right in front of the church for the main thing.

Complete an exercise from the Weinke and then run a lap around the parking lot. Exercises as follows:

25 Kettlebell Swings

20 Merkins

20 Squats

20 Hillbilly Press (10/ side) (press the kettle bell up and on the way down, lift leg on that side up like hillbilly walker)

20 LBCs

30 Curls (15/arm)

20 Skull Crushers

20 Calf Raises

20 American Hammers

After we wrapped up all these exercises we did 10 minutes of Pax-led Mary. This was a good workout and I was grateful for the opportunity.

TClap |

The Armory – Do kettle bells rust?

A slight delay in posting due to technical difficulties ie I forgot my password.  It was a little damp at the Armory on Monday, but that didn’t stop the 11 pax coming out for a wet beatdown.  We started off with the usual disclaimer and went into a brief warmup of SSH, WM, LSQ and Mtn Climbers.  At that point it started to rain so we moseyed over to the little porch are of the church.  There was talk about going down to the funeral home awning, but I didn’t want to.  No I’m not scared.

On to the Thang:

I tried to keep things simple so we did sets of 50.  Bad idea.  We did a 1/2 parking lot lap in between exercises.  Another bad idea.

Curls, triceps extensions, Goblet squats, overhead press, calf raises.  Did I mention that we did LBC after each lap.

The rain let up a little so we moseyed down to the short wall and did step ups, lawnmower pulls did some lunge walks and finished up with chest presses.

We had some discussion about discipline.  I shared about a video series I’ve been watching by Andy Stanley on Guardrails.  Guardrails are those things that might cause us to have a little damage but prevent us from going into serious danger.  These guardrails can keep us away from falling into some bad situations or help us stay on track to meet our goals.  Twister shared an example of a guardrail that he has been using in his life.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

TClap |

Fate Dealt our Pain at Armory

Warmup:  Jog with kettlebell to circle of power, then 3 exercises in cadence:  low slow squat jumps, morrocan nightclubs, low slow wide grip merkins.

The Thang:   Partner up.  Deck of cards present. Partners drew 2 cards with an exercise on each.  We multiplied the numbers on each card together and did reps for those two exercises.  Aces multiplied the reps by 2.  If a joker was drawn, partners had to do 100 burpees total.  TWISTER drew the Joker!!!

Breaks – 1st:   wall sits with kettelbell pass through legs while a person! did bear crawls to the end. 2nd:  Indian run with kettlebell in right hand, then another lap in left hand.  3rd:  catch me if you can with partners with LBC’s as the exchange exercise.

Announcements  – 8/4 convergence.  Bear Grylls seeking BRR team.

Prayers:  Bullwinkle family illness, Assassin travel, Murphy/Sheaffer sympathy, Patrick Caldwell Chemotherapy.  Good start to August.

TClap |

More pass the dutchie

10 at Armory this morning got better.

The thang:

Imperial Walkers
Sumo Squats
Good Morning Stretch

Lap, then back for:

Carolina-dry docks

Mosey over to the low wall with bells for some pain circuits.

Circuit 1 (Lap between exercises)
10 Dips with bell
10 Skull crushers
10 Lawnmower pulls each arm
Circuit 2 (Lap between exercises)
10 Curls each arm
20 K-Bell swings
10 Deadlifts
Circuit 3 (Lap between exercises)
10 Figure 8’s
10 Round the world
10 Shoulder Press

Partner Up

Partner 1 runs large loop with Bell
Partner 2 runs opposite direction, meets him and takes bell
(This was fun)


Then back to circuits

Circuit 1 (No laps!)
10 Dips with bell
10 Skull crushers
10 Lawnmower pulls each arm
Circuit 2
10 Curls each arm
20 K-Bell swings
10 Deadlifts
Circuit 3
10 Figure 8’s
10 Round the world
10 Shoulder Press

We circled up for a round of pass the dutchie, Tesh’s invention and always the growls from handling his and Peabody’s bells.

Lunge with bell to parking lot, take a lap, lunge back to wall for a quick round of LBC’s  and Protractors.

Big ending with big ups to Sasquatch on the news of a boy due in January (and soon to be Uncle Wegmans.) Continued prayers for Smithers F-I-L.

Always a pleasure —- Assassin ——-

TClap |

Armory – More Chalk and Freedom Talk

6 fine men for a Monday at Armory for some kettlebells.

Brought back the chalk from last week and after a warmup, headed to the chalk, but stopped in the runoff control ditch for a little misery with a hill + burpees.

Mall-walked (some need improvement in this area) to the chalk and found in various spaces: Skull Crushers+Flutter kicks, Overhead Presses, Around the Worlds, KB Swings, Curls, LBC’s and SSHops+Clean Presses.

Did a few rounds of OYO in each slot, then tightened a circle for the Tesh invented “Pass The Dutchie” exercise. Always a hit, especially when we get to pass along Tesh’s 40-pounder. Only Tesh and I actually knew the song. Surely you’ve heard it before:

Musical Youth Pass the Dutchie – YouTube

We mall-walked back to COT, but had a minute or two for some Mary.

We spent a few minutes with Smithers on his F-I-L, and prayers for him, for comfort for him and peace for the family. Change Order’s daughter goes to her first away camp soon, and we talked about how freedom has allowed us advantages in life, but also the freedom to act alike a butt-hole as well, and I’m speaking to myself. We can all use some improvement in that area.

Always a pleasure and great to see guys come out in the gloom on a Monday!





TClap |