We are the Knights who say Nee – Leave Right

COACHES BOX – Leave Right – 07-27-2023
Intro – Always leave something better than the way you found it. King, Queen, Jester, Ms, Shorties, Mammons, Faith,
Mosey to HS Student lot:
SSH, Mountain Climbers, Low slow squats, Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers, Moroccans
PLANK – Legacy is created by the HIM’s development of Virtuous Leaders
1. Sua Sponte Leader (Latin: “of his, her, its or their own accord”) or suo motu (“on its own motion”) describes an act of authority taken without formal prompting from another party
a. Make the Mission Clear – Completing experiences that are not commonly found else where while also maintain our laid Back Pack attitude.
b. Teach All that you know –Become unnecessary. Work your way out of a job so the group can thrive without you. – Copying my assistants on emails – They can see the examples.
c. Incentivize Individual Initiative while gracefully managing failure – Let someone else lead and guide them along the way. If they fail, accept responsibility in front of the group. Then review the failure, in private, with the leader.
Mosey to Football Field area: Shuffle L / R, Karaoke L / R, Nur,

Part I: 4 trips around the square:
2. Schooling: Leadership Training provided – Lead by example
Cone 1: 10 Burpees, 8 Burpees, 6 Burpees, 4 Burpees
3. Apprenticeship: Positive Habit Transfer – Sitting down with a leader on a new process, piece of software, any new skill this person has not done and walk them through it. I have reviewed how to plan a camping outing with a person who has never done it before, step-by-step. I documented my lessons learned and shared this with a timeline.
Cone 2: 40 LBCs, 30 Big Boy Situps, 20 flutter kicks, 20 American Hammers
4. Opportunity: To practice what leader has learned. Means as the leader you will need to give up control
Cone 3: 25 Merkins, 20 Diamond Merkins, 15 Wide Arm Merkins, 10 Hand Release Merkins
5. Failure – An undesirable outcome that builds Leadership Foundation – This is where you will learn the most.
Cone 4: 40 Squats, 30 Bobby Hurleys, 20 Mountain Climbers each leg, 20 Donkey Kicks
Part II: Grab a 1 stone for 2 people – take it to the bottom of the hill
6. Accountability – Setting and Maintaining High Standards in the Team. A Team and Individual needs standards to strive towards. Don’t give up on the person who can’t – Move on from the person who won’t.
DORA – With stone
​100 squats, 50 curls, 50 tricep extensions, 200 chest presses on your back,
​Runs up the hill – Bear crawls around circle at bottom, then switches
1. Lizard Building – Next generation of leaders
a. Be on the lookout for the next leader
b. Once you identify, tell that person why they would be a good leader.
Indian Run back to COT

Closing thoughts:
Have I done all of these? No.
Don’t try to do everything yourself. You are a leader. Act like one and delegate. Too many times in my earliest weeks I took everything on. I soon realized I could not do it all, and started asking for help, nervously at first, confidently soon after (ie Equipping)
Hire the right person the first time. Hiring the wrong person sets the team back and makes everyone wait. Hire based on what the position needs and the person can provide. Person meet the position needs but told they would be limited in providing time. I hired this person when I should have moved onto the next. I was about to confront this person about it not working when that person reached out to me. I wasted 9 months of time and the team spun their wheels until the right person was hired (who is now excelling at the role). (Accountability)

Hotcakes has Stage 2 lymphoma and started treatment on Tuesday. All things considered, the treatment went well.
Cohiba’s wife is going back to work
Soup to Nuts wife needs extra prayers as she isn’t feeling well.
38’s in-laws are in town. He needs prayers for patience.
Sugar Daddy prays for patience for our country, sons and Daughters. It is tough growing up with outside social media trying to tell your child how to behave.
Cyclops will be transitioning to his new company within 30-45 days.

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Never let fresh paint go to waste

WARMUP: lap around “freshly painted” band parking lot. circle up: Windmills, Slow Low Squats, Moroccan night clubs, Peter parkers, Merkins, Downward dog/Honeymooner, Knees to chest, Seal Jacks. Run around parking lot
THE THANG: Merkin ladder down the “field”. Start with 1 merkin and bear crawl 5 yards. 2 Merkins…bear crawl. Continue until the count is 10 Merkins (accerlated quickly). Run around parking lot. Start at one end of parking lot and Lunge walk 10 yards. 1 squat. Lunge walk 10 yards. 2 squats. Continue until end of field with 10 squats. Run around parking lot. Return to end of parking lot. NUR….with burpee. NUR 10 yards and do Burpee…continue until end. Side Shuffle with Burpee. (switch direction every 10 yards w/burpee). High knees & Butt Kickers with burpee. Every 10 yards switch and do Burpee. Mosey to other end to the grass. Jack Web’s. Finish at COT with stretching.
MARY: Sprinkled in.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Litter Clean Up. F3 men camp. F3 Dad’s camp. Bethel Men’s.
COT: healing. marriages.

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The 90/10 Rule

*Coaches Style Perimeter Lap
*10 warm up exercises (9ct) followed by 1    Burpee


90 yard runs of escalating effort levels followed by 10 yards of bear crawls, crawl bears, crab walks.

9/1 Cone O’Rama exercises with built in lap around bus line. Sneaky 2 miles total over the course of 45 min.

College & Pro Mascot Trivia sprinkled throughout


*Life is like 90/10…

Life is 10% of what happens to you & 90% how you respond. Shared how this can be valuable for us and also in teaching our 2.0s.

7/22 Adopt a HWY, August Convergence.

COT:prayers for rest and rejuvenation for those feeling burnout, summer time travel & prayers for safety.

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move the chains

WARMUP: mosey around the AO where we did high knees, butt kickers, toy soldiers, windmills
THE THANG: move a giant chain from one end of football practice field to the other. 8 links ~500lbs
Then 100 yard jogs / sprints intervals until time.
MARY: did some V ups for the last few seconds.
COT: greatful for the opportunity to lead. Prayers for marriages.

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Let’s not bicker and argue over who killed who

WARMUP: Begin run to Pull Up Bar Driveway, stopping periodically for
10 Windmills IC
10 Hillbilly Walkers IC
10 Shoulder Taps IC
10 Merkins IC

THE THANG: Coach Pat Summit’s Definite Dozen
12 Stations. First round as a group, then OYO.
First Round: 10 reps each
Second Round: 20 reps each
Third Round: 30 reps each
1. Merkins – Respect yourself and others – There is no such thing as self-respect without respect for others.
2. Sumo Squats – Take Full Responsibility – There are no shortcuts to success.
3. LBC’s – Develop and Demonstrate Loyalty – Loyalty is unilateral. You have to give it to receive it.
4. Bomb Jax – Learn to be a great Communicator. – Communication eliminates mistakes.
5. Calf Raises – Discipline yourself so one else has to – Self-discipline helps you believe in yourself.
6. Pull Ups – Make hard work your passion. – Do the things that aren’t fun first and do them well.
7. Lunges – Don’t just work hard, work smart. – Success is about having the right person in the right place at the right time. Know your strengths, weaknesses and needs.
8. Wide Arm Merkins – Put the Team before yourself. – Teamwork doesn’t come naturally; it must be taught.
9. Big Boy Sit Ups – Make winning an attitude. – Combine practice with belief. Attitude is a choice. Maintain a positive outlook.
10. Seal Jax – Be a Competitor. – Competition isn’t social. It separates achievers from the average. You can’t always be the most talented person in the room, but you can be the most competitive.
11. Squats – Change is a Must – Change equals self-improvement. Push yourself to places you haven’t been before.
12. Carolina Dry Docks – Handle Success like you handle failure – You can’t always control what happens, but you can control how you handle it.

We successfully finished the round of 30 reps, before collecting cones and moseyed back to COT.
Olaf was timing us, but we made it back at 0600 on the dot!

MARY: n/a
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hanging with Stang, July 4th Convergence, Take a new PAX out for coffee.
COT: Stays in CoT

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Bitcoin’s Board of Bpainful Burpees

5 Bootcampers and 3 Runners got better with bootcamp routine below.

Mosey around the parking lot to warm-o-rama that includes,
Tunnel Touches/produce pickers
Hillbilly Walkers
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walkers

Mosey to the bigger parking lot, for,
Lunge Walk
Toy Soldiers
Butt Kickers
High Knees

Then head to the Board of pain for 5, 10 and 15, at four lamp posts followed by incremental burpees,
Shoulder Taps
Mountain Climbers

Low Slow Squats
Calf Raises
Monkey Humpers

Freddie Mercury
Box Cutter

Scramble to get back to Shovel Flag for CoT.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read the Newsletter, Lunch in Uptown, Hanging with Stang

COT: Prayers for families and traveling PAX

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Are we there yet?

WARMUP: long Mosey to pull up bars
THE THANG: Two Stations
S1: pull ups, diamond merks, SSH, Carolina dry socks
S2: monkey bumpers, lunges, squats, calf

MARY: yes! Peer led and some painful ones including protractor and boat/canoe/flutters routine by ChangeOrder

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Kenya convergence at FMHS

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Tinder Box of Pain

WARMUP: SSH, Morrocon NC, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Strawberry Pickers
Round 1- Bear Crawl Every 10 Yards then when reached the 50 yard line Run Back
Round 2- Lunges Every 10 Yards then when reached the 50 yard line Nur Back
Round 3- Crab Walk Every 10 Yards then when reached the 50 yard line Mosey Back
Exercises at every 10 yards with the yard number as the reps during each Round- 10= Burpees, 20= Shoulder Taps, 30= Squats, 40= Peter Parkers, 50= LBCs
Dora= 100 Merkins, 200 Mountain Climbers, 300 Plank Jacks; Timer was running one lap around the loop.
MARY: American Hammers and Flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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WWF Day at Coach’s Box

Disclaimer then some windmills, walkers, and squats. Mosey over to front of school. At each corner 10 HR merkins, 15 squats, 20 SSHs. Finish up at the large grassy area in front. Partner up. Partner push across field performing 11s with Mak Tar Jai’s and Knee Tar Jai’s. 10:1, push across, 9:2, push across, etc.

Next up was the Junk Yard Dogs. We haven’t done this in a while and it was sort of fun to bring them back. P1 does burpee while P2 holds plank. Then P1 shoots under P2. P2 drops to 6″ hold and P1 jumps back over P2. That counts as 1. We did 10 then flapjacked. Got some nice grass exfoliation started so we did 8 each, then 6 each. Paused for a quick leadership discussion: Leadership is solving problems. The day people stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. Back to the JYDs for 5 each. Time is almost up so mosey back for a few ab exercises before COT.

Side note, the grass at FMHS is only slightly better than that stuff down at WEP. Next time we may need to go out to the baseball field where they have bermuda. Anyway, lots of mumble-chatter about old school wrestling and everyone’s favorite guys. Thx Cyclops for the opportunity!

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Looked better on Paper!

WARMUP: SSH, Imperial Walker, Nightclubs, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Squats, Merks, Flutters, …etc
THE THANG: Pick a parking spot – let the fun begin – round 1: 3 exercises 10 reps each SSH, PlankJax, seal jack – flutters as the pax rotate down to next parking spot vacated in a rotating fashion ( bear crawl was mode of transportation)
Continue this cadence until you arrive back at original spot.
Round 2 – same cadence – 5 reps each – using parking block – Iron Mikes, Dips, and Bomb Jax – mode of transportation (mosey)
Time was flying so we stopped midway and headed for the “hill” by the football field that has a small minor smidge of an incline – where we began a round of 6s( modified to 4 s) due to time with Squats at bottom and Merks at top of hill.
Headed back to COT at the clock was ticking …
Mainframe helped us knock out 3 mins of Mary. Nice work by all!!!
The weinke looked better on paper. Q had to call a few audibles to make the time and reps bearable ( no pun)
Bear Crawls were welcomed with some mumblechatter:)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cannoli run, Triple down Saturday w either the Yard or the Fort boot camps – coffee – then 5k at the Cannoli. Cake Boss celebrates a birthday yesterday 05/17, and read newsletter. Prayers for Luka and family. Sign up for meal train for Vuvu!!!


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