Kettle Bells & Stuff at the Snake Pit (sort of)

I know it has been  said by many but man, it feels good to be in the gloom with the guys again. Once I got my logistics figured out and blew the dust off the ol’ rusty kettle bell, Fire Marshal Bill & I made our way to the relocated Snake Pit AO. Hopefully, all these temporary relocations will be behind us soon.
17 others joined us for a total of 19 socially-distant PAX in the gloom this morning. We had one of the original Redwoods (Santini), one of the youngest guys in the PAX (Lil’ John), our resident story teller (Spitz) and a whole bunch of other faces I like seeing in the gloom.
Once 3D finished his struggle-fest with planting the Shovel-Flag into the ground and I did an oh-so-brief disclaimer, we took off for our warm-up mosey. A few minutes later, we returned to our Kettle Bell and began the instructional portion of the workout, more of the modified high-intensity variety.

2min of Burpees
5min Kettle Bell with 20ea: Curls, Low Rows, Upright Rows (repeat until 5mins is over)
5min Run at a “go get-it” pace: 1/2mi route is out to light at Banks St and back. So interesting why my first 200 yards of this run was brisk yet the rest wasn’t so.
5min Kettle Bell with 20ea: Overhead Press, Chest Press, Tricep Extensions (repeat until 5mins is over)
2min of Burpees
5min Run at a “go get it” pace to Banks St and back.
5min Kettle Bell with 10ea: 4ct Flutters with the press or the KB in the air, V-Ups, Big Boy Sit Ups (repeat until 5mins is over)
2min of Burpees
4min Kettle Bell with 2 forward lunges, 2 reverse lunges, 1 left lunge, 1 right lunge, 1 deep squat (repeat until 4mins is over)

And just like that, we were already standing at COT, how convenient.
Announcements: Guys are clearly looking to slowly start posting again so please pay attention to Slack (and possibly Twitter) or text/call another PAX to find out where the AO’s are now if they used to be at a school or park. Those grounds are still off limits but hopefully not for much longer.

Prayers/Praises: Mental health right now (and always), health for a spouse. PAX on the road to recovery and joining us back in the gloom, for a friend battling illness and getting the care he needs, MARRIAGES, physical health of other PAX, , upcoming moves, kids taking big tests, small businesses during this time and many more.

Until next time,

TClap |

World Domination Complete – The Hive comes to Saturdays at a socially distant location near you…

Well it was bound to happen and eventually it did, The Hive crossed over the last day of the week not yet occupied by The Hive…  Spitz led the first half and Tesh closed strong on an absolutely beautiful day in The Fort.  We are blessed to be in this great town and I am blessed to have the brothers of F3 here in Fort Mill coming out and supporting this AO.  We will soon be back to the new form of normal and I will definitely be ready to stop using Worship Planner…



TClap |

ESSO encourages the PAX to pick their poison and then share it with others, not like the Rona though, that would be bad…

Esso brought back the poison picking to the PAX… He encouraged PAX participation, but then flipped us and had us painfully reminded that we each have our burden to bear, but we were also pointed toward the lesson that our brothers in the gloom are there to help carry the load and 3 is better than 1.  Excellent leadership professor…



TClap |

Rebel Base Armory – May the Fourth Be With You – Final Monday Hive…

It was a pretty amazing month of April, but I was so ready to have JWOW back running The Armory.  Most favored spot at the corner was reserved for the proper shovel flag, but I was proud to fly The Hive’s flag on Mondays.

The Hive – May the Fourth

The Weinke is attached.  It was brutal.  Much harder than I thought it would be…

Thank you JWOW for allowing The Hive to occupy your spot for the month of April our year of COVID 2020…



TClap |

The Manion

First Lt. Travis L. Manion, 26, died April 29 in combat in Anbar province. He was serving his second tour in Iraq, embedded with an Iraqi army unit that he was leading and training.


In honor of First Lt Travis Manion, the PAX completed a Manion run which consisted of 29 squats followed by 400m of running, followed by 29 squats, followed by 400m of running… 7 rounds total.


TClap |