The Three Amigos at The Hive

  • QIC: Digger
  • When: 11/4/2016
  • Pax: Assassin, Digger, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Hive

3 PAX this morning, can’t say I was too upset with this being my first Q. Temperature was a perfect 61 degrees.

-Lap around the parking lot x2
-Side straddle hop, x25 (IC)
-Windmill x15 (IC)
-Imperial Walker x15 (IC)
-Moroccan Night Club x20 (IC)
-Merkins x10 (IC)
-Mountain Climbers x10 (IC)

The Thang
-KB Swings x20, OYO
-KB Curls x25, OYO, each arm
-KB Upright Row (up to chin) x15, OYO
-KB Shoulder Press x10, OYO, each arm
-KB Bent Over Row x20, OYO, each arm

-Jog to the other end of the lot, all you got coming back

-KB Swings x20, OYO
-KB Curls x15, OYO, each arm
-KB Upright Row (up to chin) x15, OYO
-KB Shoulder Press x10, OYO, each arm
-KB Bent Over Row x20, OYO, each arm

-KB Chest Press x20, OYO, each arm
-KB Skull crusher x20, OYO
-KB Russian Twist x20, OYO
-KB LBCs x25, OYO
-KB Squats x20, OYO
-KB Lunges x10, OYO, each leg
(Rinse and repeat chest-lunges)

Mosey to the bleachers
-KB Dips x 25, OYO
-KB Derkens x10, OYO, each arm
(Rinse and repeat)

Mosey back to COT
-Boats and canoes till it hurts

Prayer Requests
-Victory sports trip this weekend, safety and the work they’re helping with
-Tesh job assessment
-F3 brother needs prayers for family struggles right now

TClap |

The Fort 1st F Convergence – 6 in 1 “Better Together”

  • QIC: Cake Boss, Riddler, Sasquatch, Dark Helmet, Bones, Tesh, Repeat
  • When: 10/28/2016
  • Pax: Missing 2 apologies! Airborne, Aquaman, Atticus, Backdraft, Barry Manilow, BassOmatic, Birdcage, Bolt, Bones, Bonsai, Bounty Hunter, Bull Winkle, Cake Boss, Catfish, Cha Ching, Change Order, Chaser, Chedda, Chickenwing, Cobra Kai, Corn hole, Couples, CSPAN, Culture Club, Corruption, Dark Helmet, Davinchi, Destiny, Dilbert, Ditch Witch, Dog Pound, FNG - Deer Hunter, Gilmore, Lil E, Mainframe, Newman, Olaf, Old Bay, On the Rocks, Package, Pinstripe, Rain Bird, Repeat, Riddler, Royale, Sasquatch, Shady, Sheet Rock, Short Sale, Skate or Die, Skinny Jeans, Spiderman, Spinner, Stang, Tesh, Training Wheels, Trucker, What Did, WWL, Zima
  • Posted In: Brothership, Slow Burn, The Hive, The Swamp, Varsity

“The evening of your life is determined by the morning of it.” -G Laurie

62 men decided to get their morning off on the right step. By coming together as a PAX to get better physically and spiritually. The Fort has 5 Friday AOs and then add in the Ruck option we have 6 options for men to challenge themselves and take the Daily Red Pill (DLP). Here at the Slow Burn AO, these other AO’s came to fellowship:

  • SlowBurn (moderate)led by Riddler
  • Varsity (high intensity)led by Sasquatch
  • Hive(kettle bell) led by Tesh
  • Ruck led by Dark Helmet
  • Swamp (boot camp)led by Bones
  • Brothership (run) led by Repeat

Here are the backblasts and details of the Pain in the gloom.  Thank you to Site Qs and workout Qs for cooperation and leadership in making this happen!

The Swamp: 

Warm up
Phase 1:
  • Lunge Walks  (25 yards)  Jog (25 yards) 5 burpees | Lunge Walks  (25 yards)  Jog (25 yards)  10 merkins
  • Bear Crawl  (25 yards)  Jog (25 yards) | Bear Crawl Walks  (25 yards)  Jog (25 yards) 10 Ranger Merkins
  • Broad Jump (25 yards)  Jog (25 yards) | Broad Jump  (25 yards)  Jog (25 yards) 10 Wide grip merkins
  • Crab Walk  (25 yards)  Jog (25 yards)  | Crab Walk  (25 yards)  Jog (25 yards) 10 Diamond Merkins
  • Partner Push  (25 yards)  Jog (25 yards) | Partner Push  (25 yards)  Jog (25 yards)
Phase 2:
  • Wall sits 1 minute
  • 30 dips
  • Balls to Wall 1 minute
  • Line Jumps (side to side) 30
  • Line Jumps (Front to back) 30
Phase 3:
Partner switch
  • Sprint 100 yards | LBCs
  • Sprint 100 yards | Flutter Kicks
  • Sprint 100 yards | Freddie Murcury’s 

Brothership: Pax: Repeat, Corruption, Aquaman,  and Bolt

Mosey to Kingsley development down to roundabout on the road behind the parking deck.  Sprint and jog in-between each light pole to the entrance off of HWY 21. On the way back jog , sprint, 5 squats. At the roundabout go up the hill(towards 160). This time Jog two poles, sprint one, 10 squats. To the entrance off 160. Circle up for 15 LBCs and 15 merkins. Jog back out. We were a few mins late getting back to Empire, but had a total distance of a little over 4 miles.


Ruck workout:
Teams of 4 – carry to each station, then switch

1.    Carry the log

2.    Carry the worm

3.    Carry the baby angry gorilla, the shoulder bag, 2 KBs

4.    Carry the casualties

Lap around Lowe’s

–       Stop at guard rail to do 100 dips as a team

–       Stop at opposite corner for 100 merkins as a team

–       Stop in front of shed for 100 burpees as a team

–       Stop at railings in front of empire for 100 supine pull ups and 100 flutter ruck presses as a team

Drop the coupons off at the truck and then

–       Line up by Empire Pizza and Bear crawl to the first line, then double time the rest of the way

–       Repeato on the way back

Overhead carry rucks back to COT – Dark Helmet
Brief mosey into some dynamic warm-up/stretches and SSH…
Power (almost an) Hour-
80s 90s 00s Rock songs blaring and changing every minute… so EMONTM (every minute on the minute) for 22 rounds: 3 plank jacks, 2 burpees, 1 squat jump, side shuffle total ~30 yards there and back… then EMONTM for 20 rounds: 3 burpees, 2 peter parkers, 1 jumping lunge, side shuffle total ~30 yards to and fro… mosey back to COT.
*Note: 104 burpees completed
To set the stage I place 16 cups around the outside of the parking lot with two exercises on them.
Paired Pax off with someone they did not know in group of 2 or 3. Each group started on exercise 1
and moved clockwise around to each cup. Once they finished the first round, they would move on to the
next exercise in round 2.

Exercises Included:

Low Slow Squats
Bobby Hurleys
Kraken Burpees
Prison Cells
Carolina Dry Docks
Dive Bombers
Wide Arm Merkins
Diamond Merkins
Box Cutters
Hello Dolly
Flutter Kicks
Jump Squats
Bomb Jacks
Plank Jacks
American Hammers
Monkey Humpers
Imperial Walkers
Overhead Claps
Mountain Climbers
Squats and several others

Indian Run with a 10 merkin drop from the front. Once pax completed ten the next line leader would drop, give ten and catch back up to the line. Repeat all the way back to COT.

Finished up having pax holding a cup. We had three cups flipped over on the ground. I spoke to filling our cups daily from the Lord relying on his grace and mercy through his word. The three cups on the ground represent the brothers that need our support and the Lord for daily guidance. If we leave them turned over they will never come to see the true love of the Lord. So remember reach out to those pax that you have not seen in a while and see how they are doing. The Lord fills our cup daily so that we can be a blessing to those he puts in our lives.

Psalm 23:2


Riddler in for the Slow Burn

Awesome turn out and great morning with men that are getting better together. See divided we can only accomplish a little, but with a brother and someone to hold us accountable to our goals, we can accomplish so much more. Let’s continue to give it away brothers and get more men out of the Sad Clown syndrome and get better!!!
Cake Boss
TClap |

And then there were 2…

  • QIC: Seacrest
  • When: 10/21/16
  • Pax: Car Bomb
  • Posted In: The Hive

YHC pulled into The Hive around 0507 this AM expecting to see our usual 5 at the Hive.  The time passed no one showed.  0515…Car Bomb saved YHC from turning this KB AO into Flight Plan.  After considering some changes for 2 PAX, I decided to stick with the plan.  If only there was a plan.

The Thang:


Jog 1 lap around the parking deck and circle up (wait, line up?)

SSH x 20

Squats x 20

Merkins x 10

WM (with grunt) x 10

Line up on the curb for the main event!

3 sets of excercises, run to opposite curb, excercises at each light post.

Tricep Ext (x20), OH Press (x10 each), Clean & Press (x10 each) – 10 merkins at each light post.

Curls (x10 each), KB Swings (x20), Fly/Presses (x10 each) – 10 squats at each light post

Squats (x20), Lunges (x10 each), Calf Raises (x20) – 10 squats at each light post

Dollies (x20), Leg Raises (x20), LBC’s (x20), American Hammers (x20) – 5 tuck jumps at each light post

Head back over to COT for final time check…we have some time.

Overhead presses x 10 each

Concentration Curls x 10 each

LBC’s IC x 20

Carbomb’s Crossfit Sit Ups (these really suck) x 25


Prayers for children and family.  Safe travels this weekend.  Prayers for Carbomb’s M and 2.0 on the way.  Praise for marriage and 2 years for Carbomb and his M.


YHC waited in the lot until 0515 wondering how to proceed if no one showed.  Considered multiple options.  Thankful for Carbomb’s accountability and enjoyed getting to know him more in the gloom.  A true HIM.

Where the heck is everyone?  I know Tesh is on a work trip (excuses…excuses…sigh).  Great time of year to EH an FNG.  KB’s are a great way to finish out the week!

Congrats to Carbomb on his new job at CMC, 2.0 on the way and 2 years of marriage.  A lot happening in his life right now.  Praise!

Convergence at Empire Pizza next week.  This AO will meet there.

Thank you Tesh for the opportunity to Q.  Always an honor and a much needed kick in the butt to show up!

Until next time…Seacrest, OUT!

TClap |

Total Body Beatdown at The Hive

  • QIC: Ginsu
  • When: 10/14/16
  • Pax: Assassin, Gridlock, Couples, Pinup, Ginsu
  • Posted In: The Hive

5 PAX (as usual) met in the gloom at The Hive on a crisp fall morning (75 degrees).


– A couple laps around the parking lot
– Side Straddle Hops x30 (IC)
– Windmill x10 (IC)
– Moroccan Night Club x20 (IC)
– Merkin (or “Mericans) x10 (IC)
– LBC x20 (IC)

The Thang

Everyone seemed to remember to bring their weights, which was unfortunate.

– Standing Curls x25, OYO, each arm
– KB Merkins x10, OYO, each arm
– KB Snatch x10, OYO, each arm
– KB Swings x20 OYO
– Lap around the parking lot
– Lunges x10, OYO, each leg
– Goblet squats x20 OYO
– KB Rows x10, OYO, each arm
– KB Shoulder Press x10, OYO, each arm
– LBC x20
(Rinse & Repeat – all above)

– 5 burpees
– One arm KB press x20, OYO, each arm
– Skull crushers x20, OYO
– One arm KB press x20, OYO, each arm
– Skull crushers x20, OYO

Prayer request

– General prayer for marriages, kids, families, & the country.

TClap |

FLOOD RELIEF EFFORTS: Calling all Fort and Rock Pax

I just got our work assignments.  We received 5 work orders for tree removal and 1 for house muckout (remove drywall, carpet, etc).  We will need to bring tools (chainsaws, axes, shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, leaf blower, etc) like we did last week and additional tools (flat nosed shovels, hammers, sheetrock knives, wheelbarrows, etc) and safety equipment (gloves, safety glasses, dust masks, etc) this week.

The current plan is that we will meet at the Lowes by Baxter at 5:00 and leave for Conway, SC.  We would complete work at about 2:00 or 3:00 so that we can return for trick-or-treating with our families.  We will need to bring lunches and water.

Please DM @darkhelmetf3 or email me: with your HCs.


Work crews leaving out tomorrow. We will need help next week as well, so please check your calendars and let me know if you can make it. Here’s the details for tomorrow’s work.

We have been assigned 6 work orders to remove fallen trees (some greater than 18″ diameter) in the Bishopsville area.  We will be meeting tomorrow morning at the Lowe’s in Baxter at 6:00 am and will be leaving at 6:15. This will put us in Bishopsville at about 8:00.

We will be splitting into 2 groups and each group will have a team leader and will work on 3 work orders.  We will carpool and drive down as groups since the groups will be working at different addresses.

The teams are a mix of F3 Pax and Men (and one M) from my church. Again, there will be opportunity to go again next weekend, so LET ME KNOW.

We need to bring the following tools and we will split them up between the 2 groups:

Chainsaws (I think 5 were volunteered and so please bring them along with gas, oil, sharpening tools or whatever else would be needed)

Bring what you need to work safely.
In order to ensure we are as safe as possible while working on these projects, remember not to work after dark when good visibility is no longer possible, and please be sure to bring:

  • Safety glasses / goggles
  • Work boots or sturdy closed toe shoes
  • Work gloves
  • Pants (not shorts)

We need to bring our own lunch and water.  The team leaders will bring a cooler for water and drinks to be put in.

We will work until 5:30 or 6:00 and so if we finish our work orders early then we will see if there are other neighbors in the area that would like some help.  We can then find a place to eat in Bishopsville or head home. 


Flood waters are finally starting to recede on the coast in some areas to a point where we can get in to help. I don’t have all the details yet. They should be forthcoming soon, but here is what I know and what I need at this point.
Early Saturday morning we are looking for strong backs and weak minds to travel to Myrtle Beach and Florence, SC to start the debris clearing. This means that we will need willing men, chainsaws, hand saws, loppers, shovels, possibly wheelbarrows, etc. We will be heading back that evening on this go around. (We will likely be doing an overnight trip next week once the mucking out of houses and such begins. Flood waters are not allowing for this in most areas at this time, is what I understand.) We will also be taking donations down with us. We will take the water that has been collected to now, and any other that we may be able to collect between now and then…
Your HCs ASAP! Hit me on twitter: @darkhelmetf3 (I’ll follow you back so we can share contact info if needed) and tell me if you can make it. It will be a very early start and a fairly late return that day.

Men, I know that there are TONS of ways to help right now, and TONS of places we could do it. If this doesn’t fit you, that’s ok, just help somewhere. However, this is what we are being asked to do for right now. It may seem like a small thing, but it will make a big difference.


Pax, I thought it would be good to give an update on where things stand with the relief efforts. There is much more damage and many more problems than we anticipated in SC, GA, and NC than we (in the Fort) have resources to take care of. It’s important to remember that we will hear of needs all over. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to do it all. I often get frustrated and sad that we can’t just fix it, but so be it.

That said, at this time, we are in a holding pattern. The storm surge is continuing to rise in many of those areas, and over the next 48 hours or so there will be continued flooding and other problems that will continue to arise. It will likely be this weekend and into next week before we can safely enter any of those areas. So, as hard as it is, hang tight. Please keep letting me know about the needs that you hear of and about your individual availability to travel (possibly overnight) to affected areas over this weekend and into (and through) next week. Also, keep your eyes on the Twitter machine and FB, etc. for further updates.

Thank you, men, for all you do.
Helmet, out.


Almost one year to the day from our relief efforts in Columbia, SC, and here we go again. Our brothers (F3), but maybe even more importantly, the communities where our brothers and sisters (God’s children) live are feeling the force and will soon be digging out from the devastation of Hurricane Matthew.

I am in contact with some of our coastal Pax and with members and leaders of my Church to try and get updates on needs. I imagine that there will be needs for donations, much like we had for Columbia (water, food, fuel, etc.), and also we want to organize work crews to go down as needed. At this point (10/8/16, 1700hrs), I know of many downed trees, lots of flooding, etc., but we do not know yet what can be done or when. Many communities (whole counties actually) have not started letting residents back in yet.

Here is what I need from you. I need to know if you can plan to go down with crews sometime in the coming days and weeks to administer relief. This will likely consist of delivering supplies, clearing roads, removing debris, and gutting homes and businesses that were flooded. We will need tools, strong backs, and donations. As soon as I know more, I will amend this post.

Again, at this point, if you can comment on this post, or DM me on Twitter, as to whether you can go and what days, that will help to start. Also, if you know of needs or people that are in those areas organizing efforts there, that would be great to know also.



TClap |

Hitting the Jackpot

  • QIC: Longshanks
  • When: 10/07/2016
  • Pax: Tesh, Deacon, Longshanks
  • Posted In: The Hive

3 PAX said a big “screw you” to the weather and posted at The Hive for some solid Kettlebell action.

Weather – 60ish with a nice little drizzle.

The Thang

Mosey around the parking lot with some Butt kicks, high knees, and toy soldiers thrown in to help loosen up the body. Triangle Up (can’t circle up with 3) and do the following warmup all IC:

15 x SSH
15 X IW
10 x Windmills
10 Slow Merkins
10 x Mountain Climbers

Grab the Bells and explain the first Lucky 7 using the light poles.

7 KB swings
7 Straight Leg Deadlifts
7 KB squats
Repeat for a total of 7 rounds, 1 round at each light pole.

Second round of Lucky 7’s

7 chest presses
7 shoulder presses
7 upright rows
Repeat for a total of 7 rounds, 1 round at each light pole.

Partial Lucky 7

7 rows each side
7 bicep curls each side
7 overhead triceps extension
Repeat 3 times then mosey over to the school for some abs all IC:

LBC’s x 15
Flutter kicks x 15
Rosalitas x 10
Dying cockroach x 10
Hello Dolly x 10
Then 10 dips IC, and 10 slow derkins IC

Mosey back to the bell:
7 shoulder presses each side
7 lateral raises
7 shoulder presses each side
7 lateral raises

Leave bell and run towards the football stadium and up the hill to greet the PAX returning from the Brothership.

Mosey back to the Bells for COT

Announcements – 3rd F convergence on October 28th at Eternal Church offices, Christmas Party December 17th

Prayers – Safety during the Hurricane, Our Nation, Ray’s family

1. Today marks the end of 1 year and 4 months as the Site Q of the Hive. I know Tesh will do great things with this AO despite the dwindling numbers as of late (wonder why that is). This AO has a lot to offer if PAX would just bring their bell out and give it a chance.
2. Always great to have Deacon out with us. Love hearing about his perspective about things as I know I don’t see the world as he see’s it but at least it helps me understand things better. Although I know you were planning on being in Columbia (the country) today, it was great to have you to speak truth. True #HIM
3. Good Luck to all our F3 brothers as well as all the others partaking in the Ragnar relays this weekend. May God keep you all safe and injury free.

Longshanks out!!

TClap |

W3 THR33

  • QIC: Tesh
  • When: 09/30/16
  • Pax: Dawg Pound, Gridlock, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Hive

Two men were bold enough to join me for a lovely morning date with their kettle bells.  I did not have much time to develop a Weinke (I was given this honor <24hrs prior).


  • SSH x25
  • Windmill x10
  • Imperial Walkers x25
  • Lap (quarter mile)

The Thang

Head to the wall

  • Wall sit (KB to chest 20s, out 20s, overhead 20s, out 20s, chest 20s)
  • Slow merkins x15
  • Big boy situps with bell x20

Repeat 3 times

  • Balls to wall 60s
  • American Hammer x20
  • Butterfly x10 each arm

Repeat 3 times

Should shrugs x15 each arm, x10 each arm


Dawg Pound was the only one present to listen to my rail against the #blessed culture.  If you read the beatitudes, I don’t know how you can call a new house/car a blessing.  If anything it is a curse, as when it is damaged/taken, you will get angry at anyone you deem to have slighted you.  IMHO.  “Woe to you who are rich, for you have received your comfort…”

TClap |

7 Live at the Hive

  • QIC: Tchaser
  • When: 09/09/16
  • Pax: Stang, Airborne, Gridlock, Jiffy, Couples, and Bass-o-Matic
  • Posted In: The Hive

YHC had the honor to cover for true #HIM CSPAN as he was on his mission trip down to Columbia (no, not that one – the country). A perfect morning awaited the Pax on that fine morning and we worked through a dirty dozen. Here’s how it went:

Warm up mosey around the big lot – butt kickers, high knees, shuffle both ways.

Circle up for some loosening of the muscles to be worked – WM, SSH, IW, Plank series

Grab your man purses and head over the curb to start the dirty dozen. Perform the exercises below with KB, drop the KB and then run to the other end of the lot and back (there and back was at least 100 yards):

1) 20 KB Swings
2) 20 R Curls
3) 20 L Curls
4) 20 Lunges
5) 20 Russian Twists
6) 20 R Chest Press
7) 20 L Chest Press
8) 20 Tricep Extensions
9) 20 Squats
10) 20 LBCs
11) 20 R Bent Over Rows
12) 20 L Bent Over Rows

Mosey over to the side of the school:

1) 10 each side with KB – Turkish Get-ups (crowd pleaser)
2) Peoples Chair with variations of holding the KB straight out or overhead x3
3) 20 Curb Squats with KB (Squat down onto the curb, lift feet, stand back up)

Mosey over to COT for a few closing stretches and the closing ceremonies.

Ended up getting a bit over 2 miles in during a KB workout. This is a great AO and a nice change of pace from your typical boot camp or running work out – grab a KB of dumbbell and head over to FMHS on a Friday morning and give it a shot!

TClap |

The Hive: My arms are tired!

  • QIC: The Riddler
  • When: 08/26/16
  • Pax: Riddler, Longshanks, Bass-A-Matic, Couples, Tesh, Gridlock, Airborne
  • Posted In: The Hive

Honor to lead on my final day of my #SpitzArmy Challenge. I was really spaced the whole time I led this workout. However I wanted to bring a little something for the awesome guys of The Fort. I got some, “I should have gone to Slow Burn” which is always a good sign.

Quick Mosey up the large hill and back by Bob Jones. Most people regretted it, hey gotta BRR somehow.

The Thang
20 reps Right arm swing
20 reps Left arm swing
20 overhead presses

Moroccan Night Clubs 25

Right 1 arm squat presses 1 arm out 20 squat
20 Lunges KettleBell pass between Legs
Left 1 arm squat presses 1 arm out 20 squat
20 Lunges pass between both legs

20 Moroccan Night Clubs

20 Chest Presses Forward
20 Chest Presses right
20 Chest Presses left
20 Downward Chest presses

10 Moroccan Night Clubs

15 Chest Presses Forward
15 Chest Presses right
15 Chest Presses left
15 Downward Chest presses


10 Chest Presses Up
10 Chest Presses right
10 Chest Presses left
10 Downward Chest presses

20 Overhead Presses
20 Squat Arms Air Presses
20 Overhead Presses
20 Squat Arms Air Presses

20 Kettlebell knee to right elbow crunch
20 Kettlebell knee to left elbow crunch

Start with 10 Reps at one side of the parking lot 1 at the Other side. Increase Goblet, decrease Swing.
10 Kettle bell swing
1 goblet squat

Time left to spare:
20 Skull Crushers
20 Sitting Right Arm Presses
20 Sitting Left Arm Presses
20 Skull Crushers


I spoke to the story of Joseph and the trials his brothers put him through selling him into slavery and how through the lord he came through that. Which led him down a path of forgiveness when his brothers came to him in their time of need.

Forgiveness is key to walk with the Lord. We are called to forgive hourly, daily monthly and every chance we can. We harbor hatred towards others when we don’t forgive which leads us down the wrong road.

F3 Lancaster Launch Saturday
F3 The Fort Invergeance Sept 27
Mud Run
Check that newsletter

Dilbert family member passed away
Several other pax family members
Teachers, Police and Military

TClap |

Lil Ol Lady needs help!!! The Fort to the Rescue!!


The call for help has been submitted and the PAX can choose to answer the call or fartsack.

Liona Wright is a 70 year old lade who is moving to Florida. She has no family here or anyone to assist with moving her things. A true High Impact Lady (HIL) lady Amy Barrow has asked for some assistance in any form from the PAX.

Here is the mission if you choose to accept it:

  • Today Through Friday August 23, assist Leona Wright with packing some boxes.
    • Time: 4pm-6pm
    • Place: 1014 Cresthaven Fort Mill 9Peachtree Apartments
    • Contact: Amy Barrow 803-417-1465
  • Saturday Load POD up with packed boxes
    • Time; 8am-11am ( we will go right from 1st F workouts)
    • Place: 1014 Cresthaven Fort Mill 9Peachtree Apartments
    • Contact: Amy Barrow 803-417-1465

Plan on an hour of time men and it will make a huge difference in this woman’s life.


TClap |