OTB Hive 10/27

WARMUP: SSH, ImpWalk, ChPick, ImpSquatWalk

Appetizer: 2x 400 m: 1st lap – look for landmines as you mosey… 2nd lap: Carioca & Nur

Main Course:
• Buy-in: 10 Lt. Dan (IC)
◦ OYO after this
• EZ-50: Cocaine Bear Crawls
◦ Every 5 yards at the powder-lines x 2 merkin each…
• 50 Yd: 25 Big Boiz, 25 LBC, 25 heel Tap, 25 Hello Weazie
• 50-EZ: Burpee-Broad Jumps (3&3)
• Cash out: 10 Lt. Dan

Intermission: Mosey track 800 m …. till 6 is up (@ RandallStephens kept good pace w/ YHC)

Dessert: stadium-runs until COT. Praise music at full volume. Active-COT held here

MARY: she got done on the 50 yard line, insert double entendre here…


Regarding my “FNG”:
“Mr. Stevens has a birth certificate, driver’s license, social security number. You might say he’s a phantom, an apparition… second cousin to Harvey the rabbit.”

COT: held w/ @ SkyQ.

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1-Man OTB Hive-ing it up

WARMUP: SSH, MNC w/ calf-raise, Ch.Pickers, Imp. Walkers

– 400m Carioca & Nur
– 10 Lt. Dan
– Cocaine-Bear-Crawls end zone-50
– @ 50: 25 LBC, 25 BBSU, 25 heel-tap( 4ct), 25 Hello-Wheezie
– 50-EZ: Burpee-Broad-Jumps (3&3)
– 10 Lt. Dan
– Stadium runs until time

MARY: me no “Mary”… me SUPLEX

ANNOUNCEMENTS: CRI- volunteer extra credit for my Env. Sci students, posted in # diasterops, some other Castaway-Style ramblings, no Wilson-Volleyball in sight

COT: held while finishing stadium runs… just @SkyQ and YHC

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Cumulative trips up the hill

Some SSHs, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers, Moroccan nightclubs and then we wandered over to the base of the hill by the stadium.

Escalating cumulative ladder with a trip to the top of the hill suitcase carrying and back overhead carry between each set:
1 Arm Swing (10 each arm)
Flutter + Press
Clean + Press (10 each arm)
Man Makers

Example of action:
Swings + Lap
Flutters, Swings + Lap
Cleans, Flutters, Swings + Lap

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Mule Kick

WARMUP: SSH, WM, CP, HW, yoga-esque stretch
3+ rounds of 5 exercises with varied cadence to yield full body burn:
Flutter Press, Bicep Curls, Shrugs, OYO 25 Sumo Squats, OYO 25 KB Swings

Nur halfway up the hill, Run back (calf raises until 6 returns)

Uneven Merkins
Standing Side Crunch
OYO – 30 Goblet Squats
OYO – 30 Deadlifts

Nur halfway up the hill, Run back (calf raises until 6 returns)

American Hammers
Tricep Press
OYO – 20 Two Hand Clean Press
OYO – 50 Calf Raises

Nur halfway up the hill, Run back (calf raises until 6 returns)

MARY: Unfortunately
ANNOUNCEMENTS: see newsletter – golf outing, chili cookoff, keep WNC donations coming
COT: prayers for growth in times of suffering

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Dora, Tabata and Mary

COP – mosey to base of hill for various exercises I/C. Greeted late arrivals (they know who they are) with Monkey humpers.

the main thing – Partner Dora because you’re there for the man next to you.

50 – swings
100 – squats
150 – curls
100 – squats
50 – swings

10 minutes of Tabata – called various exercises for 45 seconds and rest 15 seconds

Moved on to 5 minutes of Mary to complete the trifecta and take us to COT

Announcements – read your newsletter

COT – 5th core principle

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Helene Tabata

WARMUP: Windmills, IW and HW
THE THANG: 3 Rounds of Tabata, first was hammers, single leg deadlift, curls, gob squats, offset merkins x2, second rd flutter press, bent rows, tricep extensions, LBC weighted, snatches x 2, last round was both rounds 1x through.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dredd, convergence, Christmas party, Happy Hour is working something special for the Fort
COT: prayers for MIL, kids, those dealing with storms and those going to help

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Laughing Gorilla

WARMUP: SSH, MNC, Imp.SquatWalkers, Cherry Pickers, ONE Kracken Burpee (to drive home the Laughing Penalty for the day)

Appetizer: KB swing complex/pyramid. One–2–3–4–5-4-3–2-1.
Russian swing (to shoulder), American swinging (all the way overhead), and then toss to catch for a goblet squat, toss up again to catch to squat down to put KB down on ground.

Amuse Bouche: Partner Lat Raises (using Rope through Bell handle) – 15 IC. Ideal = 2… we did have a triangle w/ 3 that worked fine.

Main Course – Partner WORK (stations by weight). Partner Nur’s up hill, Crawl-bear/lunge-walk back down….. PLANK UNTIL 6 is up before Rotating.
Round 1a (light): Windmills w/ 2 KB
1b (medium): 2KB Renegade Rows
1c (heavy): Gorilla :gorilla: Rows, (noises encouraged)
MOT for Partner (up hill to speedbump): Partner Nur’s UP hill, Crawl-bear/lunge-walk back DOWN

Round 2a (Light): 2KB Clean & press
2b (medium): Squat & 2x OH Thrust
2c (heavy): lt. Lawnmower pulls
MOT: Lunge Walk UP / Crab-walk DOWN

There was a Round 3 planned (along with Dessert)… but the clock precluded this sadly…. At least there were leftovers for another meal.

MARY: Flutter Presses, Am. Hammers

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence 9/28 among others

COT: Held… raised those Said & Unsaid

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Low Mileage

WARMUP: Jog the perimeter of the big lot with karaoke up and down a few rows (no KBs).
THE THANG: Back in the small lot for some Partner work:
P1: Overhead Press until P2 completes his work
P2: 10 Man Makers
P1: Turkish Get Ups (I received correction here which was greatly appreciated)
P2. 20 KB Situps
Carry your KB at the postion of 1/2 way up a bicep curl over to the circle by the football stadium entrance.
Overhead carry the KB up to the top of the hill.
Bear Crawl down
Nur back up
Overhead carry the KB down back to the bottom.
Back to the big parking lot:
P1: Run up and back a row while…
P2: Bent over rows with both KBs

P1: 10 Burpees
P2: Upright Rows
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yes (Hi Bandcamp)
COT: For Sure

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Hive 9th Birthday

We gathered strong for a kettlebell celebration
WARMUP: Happy Hour led
Airborne had 10 minutes of EMOM
ran a lap
Band Camp had 10 minutes of EMOM (Free Smells splashed a little root beer cause he’s 19)
ran a lap
BOB had 10 minutes of EMOM
MARY: Airborne close with his hip extravaganza
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Grateful Longshanks kicked this AO off 9 years ago. Missed Uhaul being there, but otherwise we had all the former site Qs present
COT: Was held
Coffeeteria with Popppins leading afterwards.

Thanks Happy Hour for the push to celebrate!

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4 painful cornera to get to!!

WARMUP: SSH, KB Plank pull over, swings, Merkins, Mnt climbers, Jump squats
THE THANG: 4 corners at the main parking lot. Each corner has 2 exercises, plus one more exercise (5 men makers) along the longer side of the square. First lap mode of transportation is: short side murder bunnies, longs side, Around the World. Second lap mode of transportation, short side, Lunger, long side overhear press.
Corner 1: 15 KB swings + 15 Cleans
Corner 2: 15 KB Big Boys + 15 AH (each side)
Corner 3: 15 KB Halo + 15 Triceps Ext.
Corner 4: 15 Goblet Squats + 15 dead lifts

Back to COT walking with Curls and Overhead presses.

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