Last chance to order a FORT Region shirt (new colors)

We will be doing a redesign of the FORT logo later this year, so this is your last chance to order the current FORT design before then. Think of it as a way to say you are a FORT region original before all the newbies arrive. For all of you wondering if we would ever have another option other than gray, you are in luck. MudGear just released red and royal blue!

The MudGear obstacle race jersey fits close to the skin without compression (tapered cut). Its highly breathable, wicks sweat, and has excellent drainage capability. This is the style all regions wear across this great nation of ours. Don’t you want to be a great American? Aren’t you proud of the hours of pain and gallons of sweat you lose with your F3 brothers? Why wouldn’t you get this shirt? Also available in badass black (standard F3 Nation uniform color for our workout ninjas). Is it visible to oncoming traffic at 0515? Nah. Does it need to be? Meh. Will you blend in with your surroundings? Probably. Will you look good wearing it? Heck yes!

Price: $33 (MudGear red, blue, black)

Also available is the black Sport-Tek Adult Competitor Tee. This one is lightweight, moisture-wicking, and breathable. It has a looser fit. This is the more cost-effective version. Not as durable, but just as sweet. Ladies cannot resist a man in black. Heck, there was even a movie (or 3) about men in black. Don’t you want to impress the ladies? Why wouldn’t you want to rock out a bad mama jama black F3 shirt? Show the CrossFitters what a real shirt looks like on a real #HIM! I hear it actually makes you do better merkins.

Price: $24 (Sport-Tek black)

The grey on black looks pretty sweet. Last day to order is 4/3/16. To save you shipping charges, I’ll deliver them to you when they arrive in late April. Get them before they are gone! Don’t look back on this and say, “I wish I would have gotten the shirt.” Just click below and order it now. Operators are standing by. Do it!

F3 The Fort Shirts Pre-Order

TClap |

Alive at the Hive

My plan was to have a theme for March Madness and utilize “4 corners”.  This changed once I saw 4 light poles lined across the parking lot the night before.  Four men posted with me to begin the summer prep work with a lot of curls.  All experienced F3 men so off we went with a warm up lap around the parking lot.  Circle up for warm up all IC – SSH, Windmill, Imperial Walker, Merkin, Plank Jack and then another lap around the parking lot.

The Thang:

Grab the bells and head to the edge of the parking lot in line with the light poles.  A series of KB exercises at the edge of the lot and an exercise at each light pole.  It went like this, all exercises on a 20 count OYO. 1st KB exercise then run to first pole – exercise then back.  Next round 1st &2nd KB exercise run to 1st light pole exercise then to 2nd light pole exercise.  Back to start, KB 1st, 2nd & 3rd exercise run to 1st pole, 2nd pole & 3rd pole complete each exercise.  Back to start and begin 4th round.  By now arms were really feeling it. Once we completed the 4th round we completed a 5th round of all 4 KB exercises again.  Exercises were as follows:

  • 1st round KB – Curls                             Poles – Monkey Humpers
  • 2nd KB – Curls, Press                           Poles – MH, Merkin
  • 3rd KB – Curls, Press, Swings              Poles – MH, Merkin, Squat
  • 4th KB – Curls, Press, Swings, Rows   Poles – MH, Merkin, Squat, Dips

Over to the benches for 2 rounds of 20 step ups and 20 dips. Grab the bells and grab some wall for wall sit and negative curls on Q count.  3 rounds of wall sits.  Back to the parking lot for suicide sprints to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd light poles.  Going out run regular and backwards sprint back.  Circle up for a round of Mary around the horn for each Pax to name to pain and count it off.  Time expired and mosey to COT.

Since the Theme this month is focused on Leadership, we discussed the examples of leadership we have experienced in our life and how that shapes the leaders we are today.  We have all had many types of leadership examples from parents, coaches, jobs, mentors and other organizations.  From all our experiences we have seen effective and less effective leadership styles.  I think the best example of a leader is Jesus.  He was a servant leader that led by example and built those around him to be better and not condemning them when they failed.  I asked the Pax to think about the leader they are in their family, job and community and what example are they leaving for those around them and those watching.  Are you a dictator because of your position or are you a leader that will lead by example regardless of the job?

Announcements were made and prayers were lifted.  Prayers for healing, employment and travel.  Thanks to Longshanks for the opportunity to Q and lead a great group of men, all striving to become better men and leaders in our families, jobs and community.


TClap |

I thought this was a Kettle Bell workout?

  • When: 02/26/2016
  • Pax: Cake Boss, Mr Clean, & Longshanks
  • Posted In: The Hive

Perfect morning clear and 34 degrees

4 strong men assembled

Moved cars and men to JROTC area


Warmup all in cadence x 10 reps (SSH, IW, WM, IW, Merkins, and MC)

Conducted a test run of “Maltz Challenge”

Results = exhausting

ABS to get us to 0600


Prayer & Praise


Read your newsletter ladies


Yes, I know this is supposed to be a kettlebell workout, yes we never really used the kettlebells, and yes you missed a good workout…we will do it again 3/11/16 at #Varsity

Quality #chatter and 2ndF today, these men understand why we do F3

Be a better man today than you were yesterday,




TClap |

Tabata breakdown of muscle groups

  • QIC: Backdraft
  • When: 02/19/16
  • Pax: Airborne, Geronimo, Backdraft
  • Posted In: The Fort, The Hive

only 3 brave souls showed up for a backdraft led Q of kettlebells. Might need to work on my twitter headlocks better or maybe most were just plain scared. Some may have laid low to get rest before some challenge tomorrow called the Yeti. Others may have gone to see an old friend that was in town and Qing down the road. Welcome home Tatanka. Heres the details to the suck.


Mosey around parking lot

Circle up for 20 SSHs, 20 IWs, 20 Windmills, 20 Mtn Climbers,

Line up for dynamic stretching from light pole to light pole high knees, karaoke facing school, butt kickers, karaoke facing football field.

Circle up and let the clock on Tabata begin.

  1. KB one handed swings (switch from arm to arm at each rest period) followed by 10 merkins in cadence.
  2. Figure 8s , followed by 8 merkins in cadence
  3. Goblet Squats followed by 10 merkins in cadence
  4. One handed shoulder presses ( switch from arm to arm during rest periods) followed by 10 merkins
  5. Arm curls (switch from arm to arm during rest periods) followed by 10 merkins.


announcements- read the newsletter

Prayers to Howlitzer wife.



TClap |

Be AFRAID! at the HIVE

  • QIC: Geronimo
  • When: 02/12/16
  • Pax: Geronimo, Granite, Longshanks, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Hive

So, the PAX probably thought, hmm, Longshanks isn’t on Q, so should be OK to post at the Hive. Oh, no, no no silly PAX. Geronimo has been spending HOURS and HOURS scouring Youtube for the most sadistic KB exercises that are humanly possible. Of course not all are featured every week, but there are always selections mixed in to keep things truly interesting.

Warm Up

It was a bit chilly out. Yep, even I had pants on. Start with a lap around the lot followed by many small laps up the steps by the tennis courts. Not too many PAX so plenty of room for making loops up the steps and down the hill. Repeat until I’m warmed up, and/or Longshanks kindly reminds us that it IS a kettlebell workout. Hmmm…

Circle up for a bit o’ what my ol’ dad called “limberin’ up”

SSH x 20
IW x 15
Windmills x 15
MC x 20
Merkins x 10

The Thang

“I may not be a smart man, but I CAN count to 4.”

All exercises will be done in groups of 3 with repetitions in multiples of 4. Easy for my frozen, blood starved brain to comprehend. Follow each group completed with a lap around the lot. Like a song only the chorus is a lap and the groans are the verses.
Grab your favorite bell and circle up by the light pole.

Set 1
Good mornings  4x8x12
Clean & Press    4x8x12
LBC                 12x24x36
Set 2
Standing chest press   4x8x12        12 of these = sore pecs 3 days later
Bent over row              4x8x12
Russian twist KB          8x16x24
Set 3
KB swings              4x8x12
Tri extensions        4x8x12
Side bends            4x8x12
Set 4
Prone Fly            4x8x12
Chest Press        4x8x12
Pull Overs           4x8x12
Lap called off on account of time
Set 5
Squat & High Pull    4×8
Rev Lunge Press    4×8       These ones are Pure Awesome!
Figure 8                  4×8

Run back for COT


A lot of hard work out there on a chilly morn. Not so much that there wasn’t a bit of chattin’ even when we were throwing the iron around. Granite’s only been at this for about a week now and he was looking pretty good. I appreciate those that show up on days like Friday. I took the time to plan something out that seemed like it would be a challenge, and some highly motivated men took me up on my challenge. It doesn’t take a Longshanks to lead a tough workout, and it doesn’t take a Longshanks to perform well during a tough workout. I never lead a workout with the thought that “If I don’t make it hard, then some tough guy out there will think I’m a sissy-girl”. My hope is that if I make it sufficiently difficult and offer motivation while we go, then everyone can walk away thinking “I got something out of that”, yep, even Longshanks. Well maybe that, and a bit of “BE AFRAID if you see that Geronimo has the Q!”.

Thanks Longshanks for letting me fill in, and thanks to those guys that gut it out in the freezing gloom with me.


TClap |

Taming the Dragon in York – Recon

The re-con operation of York Comprehensive High School was a success. So much so we have upped our hard launch date of F3 York to February 6th 2016 0700. Be there with your #EH’ed #TurkeyPunched #sadclowns!! However on this day 19 PAX including 1 FNG showed up to break ground on #F3York.


The YCHS campus has so much potential for pain stations we barely scratched the surface. After a standard warm up we moseyed over to the YCHS Navy JROTC obstacle course where there was so many options YHC couldn’t think of what to start with first.  There is a dip bar where we did a variation of real bar dips, then CSPAN suggested we do a dip race which for those of us who still suffer from gravity issues was a real humdinger.

While half the group dipped the other half did a set of merkins and sqats at what I’m going to call the poles of pain.

The cargo net was a challenge of balance for all. There was a lot of mumble chatter about making sure everyone had good dental plans.

Next Bear Crawls under another station made of black culvert pipes. We all enjoyed watching Burgundy do his best Luke Kuechly impersonation, for one hopping over the waist high hurdles.

After a short mosey YHC handed off to Apache to take the reigns for a moment and it wasn’t very long before he found a painful Jacobs Ladder hill.  At the bottom Merkins at the top Burpees 5 to 1.

After a short mosey our man Pusher saw potential in a walk way with walls so BTTW & People’s Chair killed for a few rounds.

Mosey back to the COT for Menthol’s calf killing 200 SSH

For the last minute, Turbine threw in a half a parking lot of low country crab crawls for good measure.

All in all this, AO has huge potential for Turkey Punching the men of Western York County. Also now with Royal Site Qing Lake Wylie soon, this will be just like Operation Anaconda (Little Civil War Reference if you get it) squeezing the men of York County into taking the red pill towards becoming #HIM.

Afterwards and until further notice #coffeeteria will be held at Sandy’z (formerly Pope’s at the White House) across from the Moss Justice Center.  During this coffeeteria a #F3York board meeting was held and the vote was unanimous that this AO will be named #TheDragon for the historical reference that the York High School mascot years ago use to be the Green Dragons. We though Cougar would be more fitting for a FiA name. (Oops I said that out loud).

Check the Q List – Apache and I have already threw many of you to the Dragon.

Lets do this!

-Popeye OUT!

TClap |

KB top 10!

  • QIC: Seacrest
  • When: 01/29/16
  • Pax: Ginsu, Vector Victor, Longshanks, Peabody
  • Posted In: The Hive

Longshanks sent out a tweet Thursday night that this would be a Seacrest Top 10 workout.  YHC had other plans, so a quick audible was needed.  After a little EC with Ginsu, the cars started rolling in.  Only 5 of course, no more, no less at The Hive!


After a couple warm up laps…

WM x 10

SSH x 30

GM x 10

Mountain Climbers x 15

Plank Jacks x 15

The Thang:

Perform the Top 10 exercises below (10 of each), bear crawl around the 4 cones, sprint to the light post, jog back.

Swings, Squats, Curls, OH Press, Cleans, Rows, Lunges, Merkins, Leg Raises, Sit-Ups.


It was really quiet out there this morning, not much on the chatter.  YHC had to add some life to the party with a little Pandora.  Black Betty, Journey, great stuff!  Good convo on who was around in the 70s.

Good to see Vector Victor join us this morning.  See you again at The Hive!

Ginsu had a battery issue with his car, after Peabody locked his keys in the trunk, we proceeded to learn (some of us) how to jump a car.  Ginsu knows exactly where to hook the black cable after a lesson from YHC and Peabody.  Got kinda crazy out there…After a lot of Google and hard work, we were off.

Thanks for the opportunity to Q, Longshanks.  Honored.

Until next time…

Seacrest, Out!


TClap |

PRE-BLAST: Uptown Lunch Gonna Funk You Up…

Oh me, oh my…
The revival begins on Feb. 5 at 1130, and will continue on the First Friday of EVERY month going forward. PUT IT IN YOUR CALENDAR.
Location: Jason’s Deli in the Epicenter Uptown.

The 2nd F Uptown lunch had sputtered and maybe even stalled, but just like two good F3 men who don’t know when to quit (yes sir, may I have another?) Italian Job and YHC decided it was time to get serious and make it a thing again. (Because somewhere in my brain-damaged mind, seeing you fools in the Gloom isn’t enough…)

BUT! You say, can’t we go somewhere else? Jason’s Deli isn’t my favorite… Answer: It’s a free country. Do what you want. But WE will be here. Trust me, we wracked our brains to figure out the best spot based on seating capacity, price range, proximity, etc. This is the spot. The VSF is planted and this is the plan until further notice.
I mean, I get it. Jason’s isn’t exactly gourmet. Might not even be all that #FuelChallenge friendly, but kind of like First F stuff, if you came for the food only, you may be missing the point. So, spread the word to all your favorite Uptown-working PAX, tell it in the COTs, tweet it, etc., and get over there for some high-quality 2nd F.

Again, the details are above. To reiterate, Jason’s Deli in the Epicenter. The First Friday of every month. At 1130.

Questions? Concerns? Please feel free to bug Italian Job with that crap.

Otherwise, see you there. It’s Friday morning and we’re in the spot… Don’t believe me? Just watch…

Helmet, out.

TClap |

School may be closed, but the Hive isn’t!!

  • QIC: Longshanks
  • Pax: Dawg Pound, Geronimo, MP, Longshanks
  • Posted In: The Hive

Despite the snow/sleet/frozen rain, 4 PAX ignored Cantore and posted anyways.  2 were a little late for the abbreviated workout, but still managed to get in some work while they were there. (shortened due to 3rd F convergence).  Disclaimer was given and off we went.


Mosey with bell over the concrete pad by the gymnasium.  Warmup of 20 x SSH, 20 IW, 10 Windmills, and 20 more SSH (all IC).  Geronimo and MP joined us after the warmup

5 rounds of 20 of the following 5 exercises: Kettlebell swings, triceps extension, clean and press (10 each side), upright row, biceps curl.

Then 20 kettlebell squats, 20 SSH, 20 Morracan Night clubs.  Followed by 15 kettlebell squats, 15 SSH and 15 Morracan night clubs.  Mosey back to the vehicles for COT.

Annoucnements – Third F convergence after workout at Eternal, Saturday Convergence with Padre postponed

Prayers/Praise – Prayers for Dawg Pounds M.  Prayers for PAX with things going on in family.  Praise for the guys that post even when the weather isn’t the best.


Woke up this morning and the M was like why are you going to workout in this weather.  Told her I had to lead.  She was like cant you just cancel. I could, but I know there are guys counting on me to be there and I knew wasn’t that bad out yet to not go.  Was pleased when I arrived and Dawg Pound was already there.  Several months ago we had the same situation.  Just Dawg Pound and i working out.  Was great that Geronimo and MP showed up and joined us.  All 3 guys are HIM’s and Tclaps for keeping me accountable this morning to come lead them.  If not for having to lead them i would’ve stayed in bed this morning.  Hope to see you guys in the morning at WEP.


TClap |

PRE-BLAST: The Gloom is Coming to York, SC

Back at the 5-year anniversary Ultra-Convergence in Charlotte, something Dredd said at the end stuck with me. I’m paraphrasing this quote but it’s fairly close: “Some guy out there needs this. Some guy out there is wondering what the heck his life is all about. Some guy out there is being a lousy Dad. Some guy out there is being a lousy Husband. Some guy is out there is getting ready to get fired. YOU may be the only guy out there to help him.”

For months I’ve tried #EHing Deputies and other folks I work with to come to F3. Each time I swing for the Turkey Punch, they would ask, “When would #F3 come to York?”  No matter how hard I would Turkey Punch them to try out The Fort, The Patriot or any other AO, the excuse was, no one (right now) has the desire to wake up at 0 dark 30 to drive 20+ minutes to Rock Hill or Fort Mill to work out. Each time we’d end the conversation, I would answer “I didn’t know when F3 is coming to York, but we were thinking about it.”

Well it’s time to stop thinking! It’s time to pull the pin and throw the F3 grenade to York, SC.

At first, I didn’t think I should be the guy who lives in Catawba 30+ minutes away, to be the one to take the leap in being the site Q for a new AO in York. I work in York, so that was a lame excuse.  So after Dredd’s quote kept repeating in my head, a lot prayer and getting constantly #TurkeyPunched by Apache, I feel the call that now is the time to bring F3 to Western York County.

We can’t be selfish with this F3 thing.  From my perspective the first F is a by product of my favorite part, the second F.  Which has helped me be stronger in my third F.  I love this brotherhood. Many of you have become more than just work out buddies. You’ve become brothers to me, which I learned so well over the Christmas holidays.

So let’s do this!


We are planning a few recon workouts before we launch this thing full throttle.  The first is set for January 30th 2016 0700 to 0800 at York Comprehensive High School (275 Alexander Love Hwy. York SC). The folks in York call it York University, because from the road, the facility doesn’t look like a high school at all.  Apache and YHC are going to Q round one before we plant a shovel flag in York.

YCHS has most everything a F3 AO needs to bring the pain. Parking Lots, Hills, walls, an ROTC obstacle course, 1.75+/- perimeter for running. Plenty of options for a Q.

So now your job is to #EH guys you know who live in York, Clover and points between, to swallow the #redpill, and start this process of becoming a High Impact Man.

Popeye OUT!



TClap |