Show me the money!!!

  • QIC: Seacrest
  • When: 10/09/15
  • Pax: Dawg Pound, Ginsu, Howitzer, Jerry Maguire (FNG)
  • Posted In: The Hive

5 PAX posted in the gloom to what promised to be more running than usual at The Hive.  Fast5k training was planned, but the PAX called an audible right out of the gate.

The Thang:


Mosey around the parking lot stopping at each corner for 5 burpees.  1 lap.

Circle Up:

SSH x 20

WM x 15

Seal Jacks x 20

MNC x 30

Overhead Claps x 30

Merkins x 10

Plank Jacks x 10

Partner Up:

50 – Clean & Presses

100 – Double Arm Curls

150 – Tricep Extensions

Bear Crawl to the first light, run to the end of the lot and back…switch.

4 Corners:

KB Merkins x 10 each arm

Leg Raises x 10

Squats x 10 IC

Lunges x 30 IC

Mosey to the side of the school.

Broad Jump Burpees

Wall Sits

Crab Walk back to start

Rinse and Repeat


I had planned to do Fast5k training on the track, but was quickly talked out of all of the running.  The PAX probably worked harder after the audible…

Many prayers today for those undergoing surgery, loss of loved ones, flood victims etc.  Life is so short.  Think ETERNAL and be PRESENT.

Praises today for lifted burdens to Ginsu and his charity work.

Jerry Maguire had a great showing for his first time out!  Glad to have an FNG at the Hive.

Dawg Pound, Howitzer and Ginsu were setting the pace like usual!

Thanks Longshanks for the Q!

Until next time…

Seacrest, Out!

TClap |

Loaves and Fishes… PAX please keep helping Columbia.

Loads, nay, tons of support has been poured out on the Columbia PAX, but we are far from out of the woods. Spiderman is trying to garner support for a Columbus day trip to help folks start the clean up process. There will be A LOT to do. If you’ve been following the news, twitter, etc., then you’ve seen the devastation. It’s not widespread like Katrina, but for those folks affected, it’s close to that level of devastation. We are also still taking donations.

SO DONATE! Bring supplies to your AOs tomorrow and the rest of the week: Dry food, water (LOTS OF WATER), toiletries, clothes, and especially blankets or other bedding. EVERYTHING and anything helps. If you can’t make that, then drop supplies by my house: 7183 Meyer Rd. (near The Coop) We will be taking more loads down tomorrow and all week long.

Thank you for your generosity thus far. Let’s keep it going.

Someone tonight as they were dropping supplies by said, “It’s not much, but it’s what we could do.” I said that a lot of “not muches” makes a whole pile of “somethings”.

It made me think of the stories of Christ feeding the 5,000; or the account of the Widow’s Mite. Men, let’s cast in what we have, add it to the growing stacks, and make a dent in the suffering of another human being. The little we can do WILL MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE. We are promised it is so…

Additionally, if you have the means and are so inclined, here’s the link to the GoFundMe site:

Helmet out…

TClap |

Columbus Day in Columbia


As you know Columbia was hit very hard over the past weekend by severe weather.  Many of our F3 brothers, their families, and friends have been impacted.  Daily trips are already in motion to deliver water and other necessary items.  As the waters subside the clean up will begin.  Let’s converge on Columbia to help our brothers dig out and clean up.


Plan to cut limbs, shovel mud, carry furniture, etc.  We will coordinate with those in Columbia and refine the details as we get closer.

When: Columbus Day, Monday, October 12th.

  • Meet at 6:00 – 7:00 to collect donations
  • Depart 7:30am

Where:  Lowes by Baxter Parking Lot (Slo Burn)

  • 1640 Highway 160 West, Fort Mill, SC 29708

What to bring:

  • At least one case of water
  • Sawzall (battery powered)
  • trash bags
  • Face mask
  • Chainsaws
  • Loppers
  • Gloves
  • Rope
  • Hacksaws
  • Water
  • Shovels – (snow shovels and regular)

What to wear:

  • Solid Shoes or Boots
  • Jeans
  • F3 shirt
  • Gloves – I know you have some smelly ones somewhere that have seen their day in the gloom


A tetanus shot is highly advised for cleaning up a flood area.  You can get this taken care of at a CVS or Walgreens so please get this done.  Get this done in NC so you can complete it without a prescription.  Check your insurance coverage, I was able to get this done at no charge.

Please help us make an impact!

Count so far:


  • Spider-Man
  • Dark Helmet
  • Chicken Hawk
  • Deacon
  • Cerrano
  • Jekyll
  • Barry Manilow
  • Fish Sticks
  • Senator Tressel
  • Rebel
  • Smuggler
  • Boeheim
  • Jennifer Cameron – BAC
  • Hank Chou – BAC


Thank you!


TClap |

Be a #HIM and help out the Columbia Community

As you may (or may not) be aware, Columbia has been hit hard be storms and has gotten over 2 FEET of rain in the last couple of days. It’s a pretty bad situation for a good number of folks have had to evacuate and some have lost homes and other property.

There isn’t a ton we can do from this end until it stops raining, but we are mobilizing to collect supplies to deliver to our F3 PAX down there, so they can help Red Cross and others distribute to those in need.

Bring the following to AO’s where you post tomorrow and Tuesday: Food (dry), water, clothes, blankets, toiletries. Anything you’d need if you were suddenly rendered homeless. We are asking Site Q’s and Q for the day to collect and I will be in touch to collect it all to take it down to Columbia. We’ve been in touch with folks down there and he and I will be working out the delivery of goods.

If you want to donate go here:

Please step up and help.

Helmet, out.

TClap |

Joaquin Fartsacks The Hive

  • QIC: Longshanks
  • When: 10/2/15
  • Pax: Seacrest, Howitzer, Ginsu, Longshanks
  • Posted In: The Hive

Despite a HC/EH from Cantore, Joaquin stayed in the the Fartsack this morning and did not post The Hive.  Luckily 4 of the Fort’s toughest ignored Cantore and posted anyways.  YHC wasn’t sure what to expect weather wise so no Weinke was prepared.  Figured those that showed would help determine what we would do. 3 minutes til start time and only YHC was there. Was looking like it was going to be a single count sadclown workout.  Luckily 3 others joined me.  Disclaimer noted and off we went.

The Thang

Warmup lap around the parking lot. 15 SSH, 10 windmills, 15 SSH, 10 Imperial Walkers, 10 cherry pickers.

4 Corner Dealer’s choice.  Each of us would select a kettlebell exercise at each corner and lead that part of it.  4 exercises at each corner then take bell to the next corner. I think I have the exercises right, but may be off.  Memory isn’t what it used to be.

1st corner – squats, rows, pushups, bicep curls

2nd corner – swings, clean and press, lat raises, shoulder press

3rd corner – tricep extension, chest press, upright rows, some other stuff

Abs – protractor chopsticks, protractor, slow freddy mercury, other things

4th corner – figure eights, squat bicep curl to press, memory fading but I remember it sucking

Run to the wall by the gym for a series of people’s chair and Balls to the wall with some running

Finished with some plank rows, Lbc’s, flutter kicks and a sprint.


Announcements – Fastest 5k, read your newsletter

Prayers/Praise -everyone lifted something up but the main them was this world is broken and a lot of it starts with bad/ineffective leadership. Praise for the entire F3 Nation and the impact it makes on communities

Moleskin – Wasn’t sure what to expect today weather wise which makes planning hard.  Thankful for the guys that ignored the call of bad weather and posted anyways.  Accountability is huge. Not sure what I would’ve accomplished this morning had 3 others not shown up and it was just me. Dealer’s choice is great with a small group as it gives everyone a small little chance to lead and also allows you to learn some new exercises.  Seacrest on Q next week!! Out!!

TClap |

Pre-Blast for The Fort 2015 Christmas Party

This is a long time coming, so here it is:  The Pre-Blast for The Fort 2015 Christmas Party!

Now this will be no ordinary Christmas party.  This party will be THE blowout of Fort Mill that people will be talking about for months, or at least hours….   There will be food, drinks, rap battles, break dancing, etc.  The typical PAX throw-down.  This is a BYOB event.  This is all you need to bring.  $65 a couple is a steal to hear DD drop the mic to an Eminen classic, “the Real Slim Shady” while Menthol throws down the cardboard to show us his old school break dancing moves….  This is something you don’t want to miss.

The Thang:

AO: The Diary Barn

Date: 12/19/2015

Time: 6:00pm – 10:00pm

Cost: $65 per couple – Pay here  OR send check to Joshua Sale 1213 Whitetail Drive Fort Mill, SC 29708

Extras:  BYOB – If you would like to partake of a festive drink, please bring it and our bartender will be serving the PAX.

Remember that $65 now in September is easier to come by than in December.  Do this now and have a pre-paid date night for your M that will be loads of fun!

Let me know if you have any questions.


TClap |

The Hive: There was a Buzzing in the air this morning and it wasn’t the Bees!!

  • QIC: Cake Boss
  • When: 09/25/15
  • Pax: Longshanks, Rebel, Dawg Pound, Bass-O-Matic, Assassin, Howitzer, Cake Boss
  • Posted In: The Hive

7 of the bravest confirmed that rain does not bother them and lifting things up and pushing yourself to places unknown is not a fear of theirs. the buzzing was the rain hitting the house, car and my head in da gloom. It was wet and chilly and down right PERFECT for a kettle bell beat down. I have always found that in 3 years of F3, the worse part of a rainy workout is getting out of my house. Once I’m committed that rain is actually refreshing and enjoyable. At least that is what I tell myself. The real enjoyment is the fellowship of my brothers and locking shields and accomplishing a hard task, having fun and praying for each other……Can’t wait for my next post!!

The Thang:

Nice jog down to FMHS football stadium and out the back entrance (nice hill climb), down Munn Road and back in the student parking lot. It was wet and dark, but we got the lungs opened up for what was coming up next.

4sets of exercises with a lap around the parking after each set of reps.

12 reps – run, 10 reps – run, 8 reps-run

KB Swing

Bent row

Figure 8


Next Set

Goblet squat

Lunge press (crowd pleaser)

Russian twist

Push up

Next Set

Single arm benchpress


Military press



20 LBCs, 10 Peter Parkers, 15 Parker Peters

For those that need help with the math, that is 12 exercises, 30 reps of each exercise and 12 laps around the lot with no 10 counts and little chatter…..these men worked hard and got it done.

Great fellowship this morning. Thanks to Longshanks for the opportunity. We talked about being at low points and deadends and choices we make. Sometimes we feel we are at the end of our rope, but we always have a choice. We can sit and cry or worry or we can pick ourselves up, reach out to our brothers next to us and ask SKY Q to come into our lives and give us strength to push through. Put on the big boy pants men and call on SKY Q and put up the good fight!

Prayers to all that are sick, suffering and dealing with difficult situations. Life is hard but we can have hope in the one that gave it all for us!!

Cake Boss – see you in da gloom!!

TClap |

Hive Exploration with a Harry Morgan sighting

  • QIC: LugNut
  • When: 08/28/15
  • Pax: Greenwave, DogPound, Howitzer, LugNut
  • Posted In: The Hive

4 #HIM ventured to unexploded areas of the #Hive this thankfully less than humid Gloom.  The average weight this morning was 31.25lbs.  So I knew the PAX meant business.

The Hive had a restoration over the summer and has lots of places to explore. Also YHC wanted to try out some new things. #keepitfresh #expecttheunexpected. I told the PAX that we would be trying some new things. They were more than enthusiastic #ginnypigs

This is how it went (after a disclaimer, no FNG’s):

Mosey around the Student Park Lot

Grab Bells/Weights and run to Bob Jones Stadium for Warm up:


20 IW IC

20 WM IC

Grab Bells and go to the newly formed traffic circle. Each pax took a position at 12, 3, 6 and 9 o’clock around the circle.

Session 1

10 Curls/weighted lunge walk around circle; 10 tricep extension/weighted lunge walk half circle/10 shoulder presses/weighted lunge walk around half circle. Then the same sequence increasing the reps to 20 then another round of this fun at 30 reps. (#nomoremumblechatter).

Session 2

We then proceeded to the High Five. I asked if anyone had done the High Five and to my unamazement no one had as I had just made it up. It is a variation of the Crazy8. Two exercises at the bottom of the hill, two exercises at the top of the hill, 5 reps each exercise for 5 rinse and repeats. Bottom of the hill exercises: KB swings and KB goblet squats. Top of the Hill exercises: Bombjacks and MonkeyHumpers.

Session 3

Like Session 1 but insert Halos/Around the Worlds/Figure 8. We did a lot of weighted lunge walks this gloom.

Session 4

Take KB to football practice field. YHC then instructed the Pax that the next exercise was the Harry Morgan. Mr. Morgan was Col. Potter on M*A*S*H but he was also the co-star with Jack Webb on Dragnet. The Pax now had an idea what was coming. On your 6 for skull crushers and presses. The skull crusher to crest presses was 1:4 just its cousin, Jack Webb.



10 Flutters IC

10 Dying Cockroaches IC


The Pax was light on numbers but they put in excellent work and allowed YHC to try new things.

DogPound and Howitzer were machines on the High Five.

Greenwave is beast with the weights.

As mentioned previously, the average weight used this gloom was 31.25 lbs. No M purses this morning.


Read the newsletter

Prayers for Howitzers trip to NY. #firsttimethere

Nut Cracked!



TClap |

Half Dozen @ the Hive

  • QIC: Backdraft
  • When: 08/21/15
  • Pax: Corruption, Seacrest, Lugnut, Howitzer, Dogpound
  • Posted In: The Hive

Half dozen at the Hive for a kettlebell smack down. Nice to be able to come and lead these men through a workout that may have had more running than kettlebell throwing. It was also great to get a chance to lead again after taking a hiatus from Qing after having ankle surgery. The workout went something like this.

Mosey around perimeter of parking lot x2

Circle up for warm up SSH x 30, IW’s x 20, Merkins x 20, Low slow squat x 20, Windmills x 20.

Pick up Kettlebells and make way to edge of lot and let the pain begin.

After each of the following exercises each pax ran to the other side of parking lot and back at a speedy pace they than held a plank and waited for the six to start the next exercise.

KB Halo. Goblet Squats, tricep extensions, shoulder press on right side, shoulder press on left side, bent over rows right side, bent over rows left side, chest press right side, chest press left side, curls right and left sides.

About half way through those exercises we found a wall and did three sets of peoples chair and BTW.

We also had time at end to knock out some ab work with flutters, protractors, lbcs and not to forget rosalitas.

It is always a pleasure to lead

Backdraft out.


TClap |

6 Brave Men Throwing Bells at The Hive!

  • QIC: Seacrest
  • When: 07/24/15
  • Pax: Rebel, Sugar Mama, C3PO, Dawg Pound, Uncle Si
  • Posted In: The Hive

6 men showed up to throw kettle bells in the dark at FMHS.  We were coming off of a Dark Helmet beat down focused on “quality.”  This week we added quantity on to that lesson and the PAX showed up to work!  Quick disclaimer, here we go.

The Thang

Mosey around the lot for a quick warmup with butt kickers and high knees.


SSH x 25

IW x 25

MNC x 50

Overhead Claps x 50

Merkins x 10

Peter Parkers x 15

Plank Jacks x 15

Parker Peters x 15

4 Corners

Corner 1:  Curls x 10 (5 each arm), Squats x 10, Rows x 10 (5 each arm), Clean Presses x 10 (5 each arm)

Corner 2:  Curls x 20 (10 each arm), Squats x 20, Rows x 20 (10 each arm), Clean Presses x 20 (10 each arm)

Corner 3:  Curls x 30 (15 each arm), Squats x 30, Rows x 30 (15 each arm), Clean Presses x 30 (15 each arm)

Corner 4:  Curls x 40 (20 each arm), Squats x 40, Rows x 30 (15 each arm), Clean Presses x 40 (20 each arm)

Finish Strong

Line up for the finale

5 KB Burpees, 10 tricep extensions, 10 KB swings

Bear crawl to the first light post, sprint to the second, recover jog back.

Rinse and repeat.

Circle up on your six:

Chest presses x 15

Flutter kicks x 15

Dollies x 10

Russian Twist KB pass




Uncle Si added some extra credit after my audible on KB burpees.  He was glad we paid him back.

Good to see most of the same PAX back from last week.

Pretty sure there was a warning and advice given on the proper way to spill merlot.  #falsealarm

Good work by all PAX this AM.  We all pushed hard and got better.  Mission accomplished.

Thanks Longshanks for the Q opportunity.

Seacrest, out!

TClap |