Kettle Bell Blues

WARMUP: mosey to parking lot with bells to warmup. SSL,IW,Merkins, Low Slow Squat, peach pickers, wind mills.
100- American Hammers w Bell – mosey 100 yds and back
100 -lunges w Bell – mosey 100 yds and back
100-tricep extensions- mosey 100 yds and back.

AMRAP – 45 seconds
Goblet Squats
Chest Press

Mosey to Large Hill (7’s)
Man Makers

MARY: not really
Announcements: Post at Block Party on Tuesdays
COT: prayers for health (physical,mental, spiritual)

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Positive Feedback Beatdown


Side straddle hop 20
Hillbilly Walker
Imperial Walker
Moroccan Nightclub.
Parking Lot Mosey with bell


Shuttle (go 3 spaces then back to start, go 6 spaces back to start etc)
Every 3 parking spaces (Farmer Carry)
5 Row each arm
5 Deadlift (1 or 2 Arm)
5 Swings
5 Merkins and repeat
5 minutes 2x (10 count in between)

Dora with partner (AMRAP till return)
Runner goes to last parking space
Goblet Squat
Lunge Pass
Good Morning
Chest Press
Figure 8
Repeat with each partner doing the exercise that the other did last round
5 minutes 2x (10 count in between)
The rr were

Abs section
Russian Twist (20 count)
Overhead Sit-up (15 count)
Plank Pull through (45 secondish hold)

Bethel men’s taco night
Highway cleanup
Prayers for employment
Mental health

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Wrestling practice

Wrestling practice, three periods

Neutral position: lunges with Bell, five man makers on the whistle

Bottom position: 45 seconds swings, then bomb jacks, three sets – 45 seconds skull crushers, American hammers, three sets

Top position: 45 second, right then left, three sets; 45 seconds shoulder presses, then shoulder extensions, three sets

Words of affirmation, show some love.

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2024.02 The Hive

6 minute AMRAPs of 3 movements with lap in between:
1 —–
Russian twist x10 (4cnt)
Chest Press x10ea (each arm)
Lat Pull Down x10

2 —–
Thruster x10
Front Raise x10
Monkey Curl x10

3 —–
Swing x20 (or 10ea)
Tricep Ext x10
Row x10ea

4 —–
Man-maker x10
Overhead Press x10ea
Deadlift x10el (each leg)

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Carry on bitches

15 Merkins IC
Mosey over to bottom of hill where a piece of cardboard in the trash had a weinke in it. (I put it  there)


7 Halos each direction
6 goblet squats
5 KB swings
4 russian twists (each side)
3 straight arm over head
2 skull crushers
1 man maker

Run to top of hill and back drop one exercise off each round

1 burpee at top, increasing to 7

Part II

Overhead weighted carry over in front of field
Dora the Horror


Partner up,

partner 1 does 100 OH press with bell.
Partner 2 does Lunge walk with KB

Rd 2

Partner 1 does 200 curls
Partner 2 Bear crawl to cone and back

Rd 3

Overhead weighted carry to cone and back 300 drag throughs – didn’t have time to finish

MARY: none

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Jingle (Kettle) Bells

WARMUP: 12 SSH, 12 Windmills, 12 Imperial Walkers

Ladder format.
Do the first exercise, run to the bins and back. 2nd then 1st exercise, bin and back. 3rd, 2nd, 1st exercise. Bin and back. Keep going until the ladder is complete. Once the ladder is completed, work it back down.

Ladder as follows:
1 man maker
2 snatches
3 upright rows
4 cleans
5 swings
6 lawnmower pulls (single count. 3 each side)
7 skull crushers
8 lunges (4 each leg)
9 goblet squats
10 single leg deadlifts (5 each leg)
11 bicep curls
12 manmakers

Some Q jackers decided to do some Mary after completing the ladder instead of working it back down. lol.

Clave Boss 5k/10k and Christmas convergence. Dam2DamBar

Patience, travel, family, addictions, loneliness.

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The Total Body Destroyer

YHC gave the Disclaimer and also Noted last time I Q’ed a KB workout everyone hurt for at least a week.

We started off with

15 – imperial walkers
15 – wind mills

Slowlesy to the larger parking lot where the board was set up along with some music

Explained this is OYO not a group effort as they looks on the pax did not look amused by the number of reps.

Also on every minute on the minute 3 KB man makers.

After the first 2 rounds I Omahaed that to every 2 minutes as it took about 30sec to get done and few seconds to gain your composure back.

50 KB Thrusters
75 KB Stright Arm overhead Ground Taps (this is done on your six with the KB straight above your chest. You then proceed to lower the weight over your head till it touches the ground. This works you lats like a lat pull down in the gym)
100 KB Curls
125 KB Swings ( this is definitely a full body exercise)
150 KB Halo’s smoke those shoulders
175 KB Squats

Due to time we Riffle Carried to the opposite end of the parking lot then found our way back to COT.

There was a lot more intended but due to the stupid time constraints we only made it this far.

Planked it up for the 6.

Hope I lived up to the Hives expectations and my KB reputation.


Dam to Damn Bar 10k, Christmas party


Alot of health concerns with families getting sick, elderly parents sick and in well. It’s always hard around the holidays when we find ourselves in a house hold with sickness

rolling around. 🙏

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Deck of Cards Las Vegas Style

SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Merkins, Broga
Cheese Shredder
Round 1 Farmers Carry while your partner does Burpees performing “Catch me if you can” then Round 2 the same but doing Merkins
Deck of Cards= Exercises – Deadlift, Goblet Squats, Goblet Lunges, Swing, Bent over row, Floor Chest Press, Halos, Clean and Press, and MAN Makers. One card was drawn to determine the rep count. The face cards counted as 15 reps. At the end of all the exercises, we all ran up the hill to the Stop Sign and back.
Flutters with the kettlebell, American Hammers with the kettlebell, Box Cutters, LBCs, and Hello Dollies
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Don’t fear the Reaper!

Rubber Ducky brought a full body pain session. Barkley showed up, “as always” his shield lock may have differing opinions. A contingent of marathon runners came by to see how the other side lives and said bell swingers are crazy. I even heard Band Camp contemplating his bell choices.

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Grandpa’s Shieldlock

Mozy around the parking lot, stopping at corners to do exercises. Cherry Pickers, SSH, merkins, imperial walkers, hillbilly walkers and flutters
Round 1: Shower Curtain and Long Duck did a Dora. Partner runs across the parking lot while we do 100 each cumulative reps of curls, chest press, shoulder press.
Round 2: Rebound led a Tabata 3 rounds of five exercises. 40 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest. Each round was chest press flutters, LBC, KB swings, lawnmower pulls left, then right.
Round 3: Lighthouse lost his mind and started us off with a Dora consisting of 50 man makers, 50 goblet squats, 50 tricep extensions. Back to COT
MARY: merkins but it was 6😂
ANNOUNCEMENTS: BBQ, Leaders on the Links, Christmas Party
COT: marriages, mental health, young kids struggling

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