Columbus Day in Columbia


As you know Columbia was hit very hard over the past weekend by severe weather.  Many of our F3 brothers, their families, and friends have been impacted.  Daily trips are already in motion to deliver water and other necessary items.  As the waters subside the clean up will begin.  Let’s converge on Columbia to help our brothers dig out and clean up.


Plan to cut limbs, shovel mud, carry furniture, etc.  We will coordinate with those in Columbia and refine the details as we get closer.

When: Columbus Day, Monday, October 12th.

  • Meet at 6:00 – 7:00 to collect donations
  • Depart 7:30am

Where:  Lowes by Baxter Parking Lot (Slo Burn)

  • 1640 Highway 160 West, Fort Mill, SC 29708

What to bring:

  • At least one case of water
  • Sawzall (battery powered)
  • trash bags
  • Face mask
  • Chainsaws
  • Loppers
  • Gloves
  • Rope
  • Hacksaws
  • Water
  • Shovels – (snow shovels and regular)

What to wear:

  • Solid Shoes or Boots
  • Jeans
  • F3 shirt
  • Gloves – I know you have some smelly ones somewhere that have seen their day in the gloom


A tetanus shot is highly advised for cleaning up a flood area.  You can get this taken care of at a CVS or Walgreens so please get this done.  Get this done in NC so you can complete it without a prescription.  Check your insurance coverage, I was able to get this done at no charge.

Please help us make an impact!

Count so far:


  • Spider-Man
  • Dark Helmet
  • Chicken Hawk
  • Deacon
  • Cerrano
  • Jekyll
  • Barry Manilow
  • Fish Sticks
  • Senator Tressel
  • Rebel
  • Smuggler
  • Boeheim
  • Jennifer Cameron – BAC
  • Hank Chou – BAC


Thank you!


TClap |

Be a #HIM and help out the Columbia Community

As you may (or may not) be aware, Columbia has been hit hard be storms and has gotten over 2 FEET of rain in the last couple of days. It’s a pretty bad situation for a good number of folks have had to evacuate and some have lost homes and other property.

There isn’t a ton we can do from this end until it stops raining, but we are mobilizing to collect supplies to deliver to our F3 PAX down there, so they can help Red Cross and others distribute to those in need.

Bring the following to AO’s where you post tomorrow and Tuesday: Food (dry), water, clothes, blankets, toiletries. Anything you’d need if you were suddenly rendered homeless. We are asking Site Q’s and Q for the day to collect and I will be in touch to collect it all to take it down to Columbia. We’ve been in touch with folks down there and he and I will be working out the delivery of goods.

If you want to donate go here:

Please step up and help.

Helmet, out.

TClap |

3 Little Indians

  • QIC: Bounty Hunter
  • When: 10/02/15
  • Pax: Ringer, One-Niner
  • Posted In: Varsity

Wondering if anyone would show due to weather, YHC pulled up to a parking lot with two other cars posted. However, no one was in the cars. 0515 came and still no one until off in the distance Ringer & One-Niner appeared… Over achievers. Off we go.

(Dynamic) Warm-Up:
Walking toe-touch
Hitler kicks
side shuffle
Front lunge
Back lunge
side lunge
Stride 40 yards
back peddle 40 yards
Stride 40
Back peddle 40

The Thang:
Burpee broad jump – 30 yards (jog back)
Burpee broad jump – 30 yards (jog back)

Next exercise… One person sprints while the others perform the exercise until all complete the sprint. Sprint was 80 total yards.

Round 1: Drop squat / Merkins / LBCs
Round 2: Alternating Lunges / Burpess / Superman
Round 3: Tuck jumps / ??? / Freddy

Pass to Ringer for the last 10 min.

Mosey to the hill. Hill sprints (75%) up the hill, ab excercise at the top, jog down the hill. Rinse & repeat 4 times.

Round 1: Sprint, dying cock roach
Round 2: Sprint, protractor
Round 3: Sprint, Reverse LBCs
Round 4: Sprint, 6 inch LBCs

Mosey Back to COT

Prayers to all the pax… Spoken & unspoken.

Bounty Hunter over & out!

TClap |


Mark your calendar, get ‘a hall pass’ from the M, and come join your fellow Fort Mill area pax for our annual birthday party, The Fort Invergence!    This September will mark the third year anniversary of F3 in the Fort Mill area,  and we’ll celebrate it with a night of great food, fellowship, and a look back of all that we’ve done since September 2012.

What:  Fort Mill Invergence (3rd anniversary party)

When:  Friday, September 18, 5:30PM

Where:  Bruce T. Rush Pavillion at the Anne Springs Greenway

Bring:  Food, drink, chair, some cash (to cover the pavillion rental/donations to the F3 Foundation)

Use the link below to RSVP and list what food you will bring:

F3 The Fort Invergence RSVP/Dinner Sign Up

This years theme is  High Impact Man (#HIM).   Several members of the Fort area Pax will review our accomplishments over the past year, and talk about where we are going in the coming year.    Our F3 leaders, OBT and Dredd, will be there too to discuss the plans for F3 nationwide.


Consistent with the HIM theme this year,  we would like to recognize those who had an impact on the pax or the Fort area region.   Was there someone who got you through a tough workout or run?  Who inspired you?  Who got you out at 5:15 each day when you didn’t feel like it?  Who supported you through a tough time?  Who made a difference this year?  Who exemplified the HIM?

Please submit the name of the person with a breif summary to  We will either read them or post them during the event.  You can remain anonymous if you like.  This is not a contest or competition, but rather just a chance to share some good stories from the past year.

Burning the Ship!

Once a man embraces F3 principles, he no longer needs adjustable waist trousers to accommodate his yo-yo waistline.  Bring in the clothes that no longer fit you. We will be celebrating the war and donating these clothes to a good cause.  Lay down the pogo and stick it to the 40 that comes with it!

There will be weekly Twitter updates as the date gets closer.  This is great event and one you won’t want to miss!  Hope to see you all there.



TClap |

Varsity sprint day


Mosey to Auto-Shop

COP and Plank-o-Rama to warmup


Slow set of pull-ups for stretching 5-3-1+hang

Mosey to Elementary school back to main parking lot

Warmup-o-Rama with light jogs back #heavybreathing

5 sets of suicides + 1 backwards suicide #crowdpleaser

Setup SPEED cone drill

1 set of 6 cones sprint sets x 6 revolutions #nospillage

Same as above but backwards

Split into teams

3 cone AYG drill races #Ringer…

Same as above but backwards

Challenge race went to Ringer’s Team

COT, Prayer and Praise, & BOM


Really fun group today, we got after it, great speed displayed throughout the drills…may need to break this out at an hour workout…very similar drill pattern as when I was a High School Ice Hockey Coach…you may make varsity this year kid #playtough

Be a better man today then you were yesterday,




TClap |

Throwing things in the dark…

  • QIC: Dark Helmet
  • When: 08/07/15
  • Pax: One-Niner, Geronimo, Jiffy, Skate or Die, Winnie, Bladder, Pickles, Hiroshima (FNG), Sweeper, Ringer, Dark Helmet (YHC)
  • Posted In: Varsity

As Santini would say… “Looked great in a spreadsheet”. Sometimes our best laid plans are thwarted by our not-best-laid planning. Let me explain… no, there is too much… let me sum up…

The Thang:
Mosey to bottom of winding drive
High knees and butt kickers part way
Power skips part way
Jog to top
SSH x 40
Windmills x 15
Moroccan Night Clubs x 30
Squats x 30
Imperial Walkers x 20
Seal clap SSH x 30
Explosive punches x 30
Mosey over to far end of band practice field
Burpee sprint to far end (sprint, then 1 burpee every 20 yards)

Triple up, size doesn’t matter. One partner does an exercise with gear, the others do the other exercise as listed. When the “timer” (see Station 1 below) is done, partners switch exercises. When all of the partners at Station 1 have completed the exercise, then everyone rotates stations (if that made any sense…).

1ST PART (5 stations):
Station 1: Sprint with resistance to 50 and back (this is the timer)
Station 2: – Plyo pushups – Medicine ball chest press toss (20 lbs)
Station 3: – Medicine ball chest pass (12 lbs) – Overhead Ball Pass (12 lbs) This station turned out to be a TERRIBLE idea in the darkness of the gloom. Audible to more pushups, but using the medicine ball, like this.
Station 4: – Plyo pushups between bricks (like this) – Lateral brick jumps (over one cinderblock)
Station 5: – Man Makers – Medicine ball bounce/slam (12lbs)
3 rounds 1 round… took a lot longer than I thought to get through this.
Bounding (1/2 way then sprint back)
Backwards run (1/2 way then sprint back)
Repeat both.
Just enough time to do 180 degree Squat jumps x 30, then hussle back for COT

Didn’t think through the fact that it would be very dark, so I nearly killed Ringer trying to demonstrate the medicine ball passes. Also, it took a lot longer to explain things than I thought it would, and when there were more PAX than normal that showed up, I got thrown off and didn’t pair people up well nor did I consider the number of newer guys (1 FNG, 3 second or third timers). I was thankful that everyone hung in there, though and mutiny didn’t take place… All that to say that I learned a few things about preparing better and thinking through more details and possibilities  prior to the workout. All in all, not terrible. I give it a solid B.

Always grateful for the chance to lead and workout with the PAX. Candidly, I don’t have a lot of places where I can just focus on one thing and be around like-minded men. Thank you all for making me a better man.

Helmet out…

TClap |

You say Tomato, I say Tabata

  • QIC: Chaser
  • When: 7-17-15
  • Pax: CSPAN, One-Niner, SkateOrDie, Airborne, Ringer & Wheels
  • Posted In: Varsity

YHC had the honor of being Q at the one of the Fort’s newest AOs – Varsity.  As always the grounds at NAFO were perfect however, this time we simply stuck to #TheGrinder.  Varsity was developed as a fast-twitch plyometric workout to improve overall athleticism and explosiveness. Keeping with that theme…we went to work.

*Side note, upon entering the AO CSPAN noticed a bunch of tents set up near the Grinder….more on that later.


Mosey around the parking lot and up to the Grinder with a nice mix of Butt Kickers, High Knees, Skip Hops, Side Shuffles and Backwards Mosey.  We needed a good stretch for the beatdown to come.

20 SSH, 10 LOW SLOW Squats, 10 SLOW Merkins, 10 IW, Plank Series (left arm high, right arm high and sit throughs.)

The Thang – 60 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 30 seconds between rounds.

  1. Standing Broad Jumpsemphasis on form, no one-legged cheats
  2. Side-Moving Jump Lunges with Back FlyThink jump lunges with lateral movement with a fly movement of the arms. This one fueled a lot of mumble chatter and given his performance this morning, the name might ought to be changed to “The Wheels Special”
  3. Tuck Jump w/ Back Fly – a CSPAN favorite.  “Modify” is not an appropriate word for what he did to this exercise.
  4. Burpees
  5. Bent Over Side Tap Hops – if WM and SSH procreated.  In low squat position with feet together, jump feet out (SSH) and tap ground on alternating sides (WM). New favorite leg burner here.
  6. Single Leg Jump Ropealternate side at 30 sec.
  7. Power Jumps – low squat w/ hands touching the ground, explode up and slap your knees.
  8. Plyo Push-Ups Wide to Narrow – another crowd pleaser. 1 minute of this is MORE than enough. Basic plyo push up but alternate landing and push up from wide arm to diamond(ish).
  9. Freddie Mercury – this one was a gift.
  10. 30 second rest – rinse and repeat x3

Stuck the Landing and Moseyed back to COT.


  • Good work put in by all today – that workout (to which I added Burpees and Freddy Mercury) was not intended to be done 3 times through but every one gutted it out and worked hard.  I did have to embrace the Q role a bit and break up CSPAN and One-Niner’s date a couple of times.  T-Claps to One-Niner for coming out with a sore back and working through it – this probably didn’t help.
  • So, about the campers…one of the camping guys (who camps on pavement???) wandered over to see just what in the hell a bunch of guys were doing running around the parking lot, counting loudly and jumping up and down. We sorted him out and then one of the Pax (One-Niner or Ringer?) asked him just what they were doing.  His reply – “camping out.”  Ok…nice chat.
  • Again, Wheels is incredibly fluid at the Side Moving Jump Lunges w/ Back Fly – almost too good…
  • Prayers lifted up for safe travels for Tatanka and for Wheels’ wife.
  • Announcements
    • Tatanka will be in town this weekend and would love to see everyone.
    • 8/8/15 – Gladiator Games, Pancakeateria, Golf
    • A few others that I forgot, sorry.

Always an honor to lead. #ISI #HIM #GetBetter


TClap |

Truck Tailgate Box Jumps, Plyo Push-ups, and of course more Burpees

  • QIC: Longshanks
  • When: 07/10/2015
  • Pax: Skate-or-die, Airborne, Pebbles, One-Niner, Ringer, Heisman, Spitz, Sweeper, Dark Helmet, Longshanks
  • Posted In: Varsity

10 of the Fort’s finest descended upon Varsity for Day 3 of the Longshanks East Fort Mill Q tour.  Despite never actually posting at Varsity, a spot was given.  Was informed it was plyometrics.  Goal was to not disappoint, so YHC got creative.  Due to the use of YHC’s truck as part of the workout, a more formal disclaimer was given (more on that later). Off we go.

The Thang

Mosey over to one side of the parking lot for some dynamic stretching that involved hamstring stretch, butt kicks, quad stretch, High knees, karoake, and varoius levels of skipping. Mosey back over to the cars for the 6 stations of pain. 2 people at each station. only rest was the time it took to get to the next station about 20 feet away.

1 minute of Box jumps into the tailgate of my truck (reason for longer disclaimer)

1 minute of quick feet up and back on a parking space line

1 minute of burpees (cuz why not do more burpees.  Tour staple.  Like the song a band plays at every concert)

1 minute of kettlebell swings 25 or 35 pounds

1 minute of forward and backwards ski jumps along parking space line

1 minute of merkins (regular, clap, or plyo or combination of all 3)

Rinse and Repeat this for 4 rounds total with a 10 count between each round.

Finished with 3 100 yards (approximately) sprints


Announcements -August 8th – Gladiator Games, Pancakeaterria, Golf tourney. F3 Dads and Panthers stadium on Saturday

Prayers – Whitesnakes 2.0 – thanks to Ringer for leading us in Prayer


* Thanks to Dark Helmet and Pebbles for letting me lead this AO on this hot sweaty morning.  Hope it was hard enough for you.  Both made 2 out of the 3 Tour Stops the last 3 days.

* Glad YHC gave a thorough disclaimer as both Dark Helmet and Heisman whacked their shins on the tailgate.  Didn’t stop either one from pushing through.  Great work out there.

* One-niner, Ringer, and Pebbles are lightning fast.  Must be something in the water over in Indian Land.  Also, all 3 ran down and did some pull-up/bar work while the rest of us chatted after COT.  Extra credit makes you a HIM

* Great having Spitz and his 2.0 Sweeper out today.  Both pushing hard and both made 2 out of the 3 Tour Stops this week.  Not much mumblechatter from Spitz today, but always love when he posts.  Guess he didn’t feel like talking to his son this morning (or his son didn’t want to talk to him).  And Airborne was too busy killing this workout to talk either.

* was partnered with Skate-or-die.  Great push out there today. Thanks for keeping me going as well.

*  Great work by all that showed up.  way to avoid the fartsack and take the DRP.  Till my next Q, rest up and be ready.

TClap |

Plyo Punisher

  • QIC: Jekyll
  • When: 6/26/2015
  • Pax: Dark helmet, Band Camp, Airbourne, Pebbles, Ringer, One- Niner, Cerrano, Zima, Axl
  • Posted In: Varsity

Still in its infancy, Varsity was created to be primarily a plyometric, explosive workout focusing on full lower body/legs to improve power. It also implies that this is no JV level work out.  Bring your A game or you’ll be sitting on the bench.

Mosey to concrete grid iron.  2 laps: one warm up, 1 AYG


SSH, Squat, Good Mornings, Wind Mil

Ciabatta (Tabata for those playing at home)   8 exercises: 20 seconds on 10 seconds off. Rinse/Repeat

  • squat
  • squat reach jumps
  • left foot forward squat
  • right foot forward squat
  • left foot forward squat with twisting power jump
  • right food forward squat with twisting power jump
  • right calf jump (cross formation)
  • left calf jump (cross formation)

Side line to side line

  • Toy Soldiers across, butt kickers back
  • bounding/gap jumps down, high knees back

Frog jump to 15 yrd line, explode AYG to 50 yrd line. Rinse/Repeat

  • Surfboard (6 inch plank->explode up to surf board crouch).  alternate rt/left foot forward.  10 reps
  • Jump knee tucks 30 seconds
  • jumping lunges 30 seconds

Rinse/Repeat all 3

Starting block drill: get down in track starting block position.  Explode out x10

40 yard dash AYG x10


Great group this morning.  Thankful for the baton to lead.  No quit for anyone today.  Stand outs, per usual, Pebbles and Ringer.  2 month anniversary for Axl. Down 12 lbs.  His fitness is stronger as is his mind and heart.  Way to go, Axl. T-Claps to #warbaby: Band Camp.  #16candles and he hangs with the big dawgs.  Good work escaping the #fartsack, video games, and whatever else 16 year olds do to post at 5:15 on summer vacation.

Prayers for Spiderman’s F-I-L, Airbourne’s Columbia bound 2.0, Charleston Strong, closings, and new home life/baby adjustments.

Good luck getting down and up off of the throne this morning.



TClap |

“Operation Independence” – Gift Card Drive #HIM


As we approach Independence Day it reminds us of the struggles and sacrifices made to have freedom. Even once that freedom is achieved, the fight is not over and we must press on to preserve what was attained.

This life we live on earth is not easy and when you are behind the eight ball, it is even harder. Please read this message from Tinker Toy and the plan for assisting a young man, but mainly showing the example of a real man…..High Impact Man (HIM),

Hello friends!
We have a young man transitioning from foster care in York County to full time independence who is moving into his first apartment (we will protect his confidentiality by not providing his name).  We were hoping to collect some items to help him along in this journey.  This is a wonderful young man who works very hard and goes to college…he is striving to make very wise choices and seeking after the Lord.  Will you pray for our friend, for blessings, direction, and a heart sold out for the Lord.  Will you pray that God will provide abundantly for his needs and that he will know he is loved!
There are many household items that are being donated by church small groups and our orphan ministry at our church already.  Being on a tight budget, what he would need most from our F3 family is gift cards to/for:
Gift card can be brought to any workout and given to Cake Boss, Tinker Toy, Padre, or Mailman. My wife and I will distribute the gift card to this young man as he needs them so he can start to learn how to budget. We don’t want to give everything at one time to avoid the temptation of spending where he doesn’t need to. He has never been taught the basics of adulthood so we want to make sure we help him learn how to best budget his finances now that he is on his own.
Thank you for your hearts and generosity for this young man.  A life without a family entering into adulthood can be very scary and overwhelming, so we are asking that the body of Christ overwhelm him with God’s love and bless him with a little of what we have been so richly blessed with ourselves as a demonstration of His love. 
And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ (‭Matthew‬ ‭25‬:‭40‬ ESV)

In His Hands,

Sean Baxter (Tinker Toy)
So men, starting today through July 4th we will collect these gift cards and get them to the following PAX – Cake Boss, Tinker Toy, Padre, or Mailman.
Whatever monetary value to can do, no amount is too small as this young man has nothing but his future ahead.
Any questions, please reach out to myself or Tinker Toy.
TClap |