Pick Up The 6

What’s that?

3 corners
Corner 1: Bank Parking Lot – 10 Merkins run to Corner 2
Corner 2: Cul-de-sac on Ben Cassey – 10 Big Boys run down hill through the parking lot to corner 3

Corner 3: Cul-de-sac on Patricia – 10 SSH
Run up Dave Gibson Blvd hill back to Corner 1

After completing the exercise at a corner, go back and pick up the 6 and complete half of the exercise. Everyone has to go back to get the 6, completing half of the workout before moving to the next corner.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D, Rooster, Jaeger, Convergence

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Smiles with Some Miles

WARMUP: SSH, Windmill, Plank position then honeymooner and downward dog a couple of times
THE THANG: Ran a U starting from Earthfare to Gold Hill Middle and back with Exercises being 10 burpees, 10 Squats, and 10 big boys at the starting point, every turn, and finish point. Then did a couple of loops around the Earthfare parking lot.
MARY: American Hammers, Flutters, Hello Dollies, and Heals to Heaven
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read the newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Run up the Hill “Again”!

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: run over toward school into cul de sac where Decibel had his office. Run down to the bottom of road where street lights are before school. Run back up the hill to cul de sac. Exercises at top and bottom. Repeat 5 times. Not complicated…. it just sucked!

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Stomping Grounds

Time to run the route I’ve driven many times in the last ten years.

Mosey to PFHC (former site)
20 Merkins and 20 CCD
Mosey to GHES parking lot
20 LBC
20 Rosalita
Mosey to handicap spot at GHMS
20 squats
15 Monkey Humpers

Repeat until time is called

Everyone got at least 3 and some got 4.5

Great crew and great work.

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Hills for the Pax

The Pax were disclaimed (sort of) and did 25 SSH, 10 windmills, and some leg and back stretches to warm up. The group split and the running group left Earthfare and jogged to the Brayden neighborhood.
Hill repeats were done on 3 different hills in the Brayden neighborhood and Dave Gibson Blvd. On each hill, we started with an exercise on the bottom, ran up the hill, jogged back, did another exercise, and repeated it. 4 trips up each hill, with 25 reps of the exercises listed below (ab exercises were double count). The total distance covered was 4.2 miles.

Afton Way
Diamond merkins
Freddie Mercury
Plank jacks

Len Patterson Road
Wide arm merkins
Hello Dollies
Sumo squats
Mountain climbers

Dave Gibson Blvd
Bombjacks (shortened to 10 reps due to time)

Mosey back to COT

MARY: See above
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas party on Dec 21 (registration closed), Clave Boss 5K/Christmas convergence at The Yard on Dec 24, Dam to Dam Bar, Jan 25 (?). Check your newsletter.
COT: Prayers for: Cicada’s friend Miss B’s son passed away, Pax struggles with family and marriage -doing the right thing and accepting it more easily, safe holiday travels for all

I don’t post regularly at the running AO’s anymore, and I wonder if the Pax do hill repeats regularly. ‘Back in the day’, I used to do these once a week. They are grind to get through but are a good way to build leg strength and speed (no pain,no gain). Ideally, you want steeper hills than we ran today, but they got the job done. The Pax did a great job pushing through them this morning and we all got at least 1% stronger.

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A 3/4 mile figure 8. Top loop = 3 right turns, do 5 bombjacks at each right turn. Bottom loop = 3 left turns, do 5 merkins at each left turn. At the cross in the middle of the figure 8, do 5 burpees.

I got 5 laps, some got 6.

Lesson of the day, masculinity is earned. Time to go earn those callouses.

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Cardiac test

WARMUP: Run around Earth Fare and out to cul de sac last bank
THE THANG: Fartlek style morning with various periods of hard running intermixed with some moseys and a helping of Hand Release Merkins and Monkey Humpers. Strong push by all pax!
MARY: She came for the ride throughout and did her thing at each stop as the pax regrouped
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Xmas party, clave Boss, Thanksgiving convergence
COT: Shout out to veterans on this Veterans Day! Plus a prayer to soften men’s hearts in these challenging times and year end season.

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A quick jaunt to Tega Cay

All you get is an explanation of the Thang
Run to Stonecrest, then up Hubert Graham to Tega Cay Drive. If you’re fast, go take a lap around their parking lot.
At the first traffic light 5 merkins and 5 BBSU. Add another 5 at each light and the traffic circle. On the way back take 5 off (5 ,10, 15, 20, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5)
MARY: none
Bourbon Tasting, Bethel Mens on Thursday, Thanksgiving Convergence, Christmas Party, Christmas Eve Convergence
Talked about trust. Trust each other to make better leaders of each other.

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lezzzzz go

DOAH wanted his teeth kicked – I tried to oblige

WARMUP: count off – head towards baxter. Stop at 160 and Front street stoplight for 16 IC monkey humpers and 16 IC goofballs – wave to passing cars and let them know we dgaf (except helmet – he doesn’t do goofballs)

THE THANG: route through Baxter – Front street to Birkshire Heights to Downing to Morris Hunt to Gardenia to Mills to Sutton to Richards Crossing back to Front St

Stop every 1/4 mile for exercises – 6 joins in where ever we are at and takes off at the same time after each stop.

15 SSH IC – 1 Burpee OYO
14 SSH IC – 2 Burpee OYO
13 SSH IC – 3 Burpee OYO
12 SSH IC – 4 Burpee OYO
11 SSH IC – 5 Burpee OYO
10 SSH IC – 6 Burpee OYO
9 SSH IC – 7 Burpee OYO
8 SSH IC – 8 Burpee OYO
7 SSH IC – 9 Burpee OYO
6 SSH IC – 10 Burpee OYO
5 SSH IC – 11 Burpee OYO
4 SSH IC – 12 Burpee OYO

running low on time so skipped last couple stops.

Total 4 miles for all

MARY: maybe


COT: yup

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Lieutenat Dan’s Braden Speedsters

WARMUP: Mosey to Braden Pool 20 SSH
Simple winkie to prep for running season.
Braden Loop w/ 3 Pain Stations: (5 Lieutenant Dan’s @ each)
1. Braden Pool
2. 160 & Braden Pkwy
3. 160 & Emory Ln.
4 loops & 4.1miles for most PAX today.
5 loops for <@U5DLC6D7X> as he was the king today!
MARY: None
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Golf Outing, Prayers for Soup to Nuts 2.0 with Pneumonia

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