Simple, but not easy

14 at the Sink this morning survived a surprisingly difficult beatdown. Conditions were not terrible for February (40s with a breeze). Here’s what we did.

Warm Up
– 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
– 10 Merkins (IC)
– 10 Mountain Climbers (IC)
Mosey to Gold Hill Rd.
– 5 Manmakers
– 10 Overhead Press
– 15 Curls
– 15 Squats
Mosey to Hubert Graham
– 5 Manmakers
– 10 Overhead Press
– 15 Curls
– 15 Squats
Mosey to Waterloo
– 5 Manmakers
– 10 Overhead Press
– 15 Curls
– 15 Squats
Mosey to Revere Cove
– 5 Manmakers
– 10 Overhead Press
– 10 Curls
– 15 Squats
Mosey to the Traffic Circle
– 5 Manmakers
– 10 Overhead Press
– 10 Curls
– 15 Squats
Mosey to Waterloo
– 5 Manmakers
– 10 Overhead Press
– 10 Curls
– 15 Squats
Shuffle back to COT
2.1 miles, 30 Manmakers, 10 Overhead Press, 75 Curls, 90 Squats

This workout was simple, but not easy. I’m not sure what made it difficult – it was only four exercises done six times over a couple miles, but I think I’m going to feel it later. The beauty of its design was you had the opportunity to converse with the guy next to you between sets and see what is going on in his world. I heard laughs, grunts, celebrations, and struggles. Men shared their hearts but still put in the work. That’s what this is all about – asking the guy next to you how he’s doing. Listening to what he says and note what he doesn’t say. Men suck at asking for help. The signs are there if we know where to look. My encouragement for you is to reach up when you need help. But also, reach down when you have help to give. F3 has the opportunity to literally save lives if we will pour into Fellowship and Faith as much as we do Fitness. Strengthen yourself mentally and spiritually as much as you do physically. Do that and we will change the world: one household at a time.


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Prarie Doggin at Training Ground

THE THANG: Three mile loop: 160 to Spratt, right at the gas station, right onto Harris St, down the hill to Harris St Park, right onto the trail that gets to WEP through the woods, to the WEP amphitheater, follow path around WEP, right onto 160, left onto Clebourne St, follow it to Main St, right onto Main St, back to COT.

Stops every 10 minutes for 10 reps of each:
Ruck swings
Ruck upright rows
Ruck squats
Ruck curls
Ruck overhead presses
Those without rucks who carried sandbags did 10 bag tosses and 10 plank bag pull throughs

MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read the newsletter and get involved
COT: P&P lifted up
Thanks for the opportunity to lead

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Taking the Fishbowl Backwards

Academy St. to Monroe White St. stop at the intersection and the man with the bag walked backwards up to the top of the big hill to the abandoned parking lot entrance, then back down forward and go up the other side of the fishbowl backwards up to Confederate St, back down to the starting intersection to hand off the bag for the other man to repeat, then we walked down Academy to Country Club Dr, Howington Cir, Banks St, Phifer St, Allison St, Banks, 160, back down Monroe White St, up to Watson and back to COT.

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Carry the heavy stuff, makes carrying the small stuff easier | Kitchen Sink

Buy-In: 10 Man-Makers, 20 weighted squats, 30 SSH + Mosey around parking lot

Lunge Walk the back of the school, ~200 yds:
– 20 merkins in cadence
– Lunge walk 20 paces with sandbag racked on back
– 10 low slow merkins IC
– Lunge walk 10 paces with sandbag above head
– 15 wide grip merkins IC
– Toy soldiers with sandbag front racked
– 10 diamond merkins IC
– 20 lunges w/bag back racked, 10 lunges with bag above head, 20 toy soldiers with bag front racked
– 15 CDD IC
– and so on, and so on

Pass every bag down the line while sitting shoulder to shoulder…pass them back

DORA #1: 100 merkins, 100 squats > Partner farmer carries both sandbags 80 yds.

DORA #2: 50 weighted dips, 50 shoulder presses with sandbag > Partner shuffles 80 yds with one sandbag back racked

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Choose Hard

WARMUP: Run to bandshell at WEP
THE THANG: We did laps around WEP with an accumulator thrown in for fun. When returning to the bandshell after each lap pax did the following starting with the first exercise and then adding the 2nd to it, then the 3rd, then adding the 1st exercise on top of the original 3 following the 4th lap

Burpees x10
Should taps x20
Squat x30

We got in 5 laps before returning home. All the effort in continuous fashion kept the pax warm and kept the cranky mumblechatter flowing.

MARY: done inside the Thang

ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D items and more
COT: yes!

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4 Corners at the Sink

Fall weather is upon us with morning temps around 57 degrees and ready to work. YHC was excited for my VQ at the Kitchen Sink thanks to Farmers Only. I have a tendency to get stuck in a rut attending the same workouts each week and this call out introduced me to a new opportunity.

I prepped by reviewing previous backblasts and Q Source. I wanted to incorporate a leadership lesson into the Q and settled on the 4 corners of the school which matched the 4 Quadrants of Q Source.


20 SSH
10 IW
20 Mtn Climbers


Round 1
Starting at the corner of the school
5 Man Makers
10 Rows
15 Curls
20 Flutter IC
Shuffle to next corner then rinse and repeat

Round 2
10 Shoulder Taps
10 Lunges
15 Squats
20 LBCs IC

At each corner, we discussed a Quadrant from Q Source

Get Right
– A man cannot Get Right by himself
– You are maintaining your fitness for reasons outside of yourself

Live Right
– A HIM influences through word and deed
– A habit can be positive, negative or neutral

Lead Right
– Leadership is influencing movement towards advantage
– Candor is graciously telling the hard truth and demanding it from others

Leave Right
– Legacy is constructed through the HIMs ability to develop Virtuous Leaders
– Failure is a wonderful teacher but only if you can take the pain from it


Continued prayers for victims of Helene
Prayers for residents of Florida in the path of Milton

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Back to school

THE THANG: 3.4 miles down to Gold Hill Elementary and up the back hill towards Walmart. Turn around and take a more scenic route back.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas party, golf tournament
COT: prayers for my M and for me to remember that I need to focus on serving her through recovery and maybe even after.

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