Fab Five at Currahee

WARMUP: Quick mosey to the front of the school for some temporary shelter from the rain..declaimer, we will be getting wet.

six exercises all 10 count reps
1. Overhead Press
2. Squats
3. Bent over Rows
4. Curls
5. Flutters
6. Man Makers

After completing the exercises, mosey with ruck and sandbag to the parking lot, drop sandbag, bear crawl up to second level of parking lot, drop ruck. Tempo run between the three islands. Back to starting point, ruck on, reverse bear crawl back to sandbag, carry sandbag and ruck back to front of school.
Rd 1 – exercises 1-3
Rd 2 – exercises 4-6
Rd 3 – exercises 6-1 (backwards)
Rd 4 – exercises 1-6

Back to COT

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4 Corners

WARMUP: Everything in cadence to 10
Cherry pickers
Moroccan night clubs
1 lap around the full parking lot


Upper Body 4 Corners )4 laps)
4 corners:
1st – 10 merkins
2nd – 10 diamond merkins
3rd – 10 wide grip merkins
4th – 10 merkins

4 laps
Before each lap:
5 burpees
10 Tricep dips
10 CDDs
10 shoulder taps

Leg Day Pyramid:
5 Jump Squats
10 lunges
15 squats
20 sumo squats
25 calf raises
30 SSHs

4 minutes of ab work.

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How do you tackle a Mountain….

Mosey heart attack hill path to beach club to trail through Lake Shore to stairs behind AO

3.48 miles with couple stops for squats and hillbilly walkers

Took full 65mins
Read newsletter and sign up for everything
Tackle your problems 1 step at a time
With Sky Q leading you and your brothers coming alongside you. Your circle matters when dealing with life.

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Grab ‘em by the ears

WARMUP: ran around big parking lot. Max was right that when you say “he won’t run far, he has boots on”, that’s a bit of a lightning bolt to make you want to run further and faster.

We stopped for round 1 of 11×33 paying tribute to our boy Cha-Ching. 11 burpees, 33 SSH OYO. Kept running back to COT for round 2 of 11×33. Rucks on, sandbags on, 10 squats OYO.
THE THANG: Picked up our kb and headed towards the stop light. Dropped the gear for 20 in / erkins (incline merkins). Grabbed the rucks for 20 shoulder presses.

Headed down the hill with all our gear and stopped half way for 20 tricep extensions (dropped sandbag, kept ruck on). Left kb and put the sandbag on for the bottom of the hill. Bottom of hill with ruck on, AMRAP the sandbag for shoulder presses. Back up the hill to the kb spot.

Drop the sandbag, grab the kb (by the ears I guess) for front shoulder lifts – AMRAP. Reason for the AMRAPs is because we wanted to max out and guys had different weights…and different stopping points.

Gear up and back up the hill to our incline merkin spot at the light. After 20, gear up to the school entrance for the last stop. Drop all the gear, ruck overhead for another 20 shoulder presses. Back to COT to drop the gear, then a lap around the small lot…with round 3 of 11×33. (We did have at least 4 former 1stF Qs present so why not…and then 9 other beasts, all with 1stF leadership qualities and/or current or previous site Q roles.)
MARY: Mixed it up and replaced core work with stretching let in a rotating fashion (core principle #4).
ANNOUNCEMENTS: thanksgiving convergence is on…thanksgiving. Upcoming December CSAUP- be there and get a team.

Do difficult and uncomfortable things! Life is going to throw these at you – why not prepare yourself!
COT: CSPAN style because we all need this.

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