Bring da toyz!

WARMUP: We did a full body warm-up with a focus on the shoulders.
Timer: 60 lb ball lift over shoulder – 22X; We each did 2 rounds. We rotate exercise stations after the timer/PAX is finished.
55 lb RAM Burpees
25 lb ball with Big Boy sit-ups
Incline pull-ups
HIgh Incline Merkins
High Decline Merkins
Merkin power push
Wide-arm merkins
Ab role out
Sandbag carry to Back pulls (need red band)
Run with 40 lb sandbag around cones
KB swings
One arm power squat presses
Band curls
Band shoulder presses
Shoulder raises with 10 lb KB-AMAP
KBs: Sumo squats

MARY: American Hammers
I gave my testimony mid-way through the workout.
COT: We went around focusing on praises. Main standout prayer request: pray for the families, survivors, and everyone involved in the Turkey/Syria earthquake.

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Bring da toyz!

WARMUP: short full body warm-up with a focus on the upper body and shoulders
Timer: 60 lb ball lift over shoulder – 22X; once this workout warrior was done we switched stations; everyone got through 2 lift over shoulder sessions
RAM Burpees
25 lb ball with Big Boy sit-ups
Incline pull-ups
HIgh Incline Merkins
High Decline Merkins
Merkin power push
Wide-arm merkins
Ab role out
Sandbag carry to Back pulls (need red band)
Run with 30 lb sandbag around cones
KB swings
One arm power squat presses
Band curls
Band shoulder presses
Shoulder raises with 10 lb KB-AMAP
KBs: Sumo squats
MARY: American Hammers to finish
My testimony was given.
COT: Lots of prayer requests for Turkey/Syria and the earthquake victims and families
Praises focus around the COT. Good stuff.

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Are we heading back?!?

WARMUP: just needed to get running, it was colder than the app said
THE THANG: 5.3ish miles at a 10ish pace
MARY: not today
ANNOUNCEMENTS: check your newsletter, there’s a relay race coming up soon, bethel men’s shelter in a bit, splinters got a baseball game option to support his kidney foundation coming up a little further out, and we think there may be a Christmas party way out later in the year
COT: we met up with Shield and Ruby Slippers – they were apparently skipping around the track for an hour.

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Lucky 7s

Hill Billy walkers
Inchworm merkins


7 Rounds – 7 reps
Pull ups
Bulgarian Split Squat (R)
Bulgarian Split Squat (L)
HR Merkin
Big Boy Sit Up
Get Ups

Plyometrics – 45 secs – 15 sec rest
Ski jumps
X jumps
Knee tucks

Last 5 mins of stretching at the end

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I Stole Boss Hogg’s Q

WARMUP: 5 Merkins, SSH and 7 Windmills
THE THANG: I stole Boss Hogg’s 10
Station Workout- cumulative 10 reps Flying Squirrel, Merkins, Big Boy, Squat, Shoulder Taps, LBC, Flutters, Plank Jack and Lunges, running a lap after each station

MARY: None

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Varsity Shovel Flag handoff

YHC Gave the Disclaimer then got going with the warm up.
A little broga – sun salutations (basically bending at your waist and breathing), then some up/down dog, and some hip stretches.

Then did a short jog around part of the parking lot with high knees, butt kickers and shuffles.
Moseyed over to the football field and lined up on the goal line.  Did windmills IC and SSH.

Next we were onto the real work.  It was some speed work that involved :
Jog to 40 yard line , sprint 10, 40/10, in end zone do 25 merkins
Jog 30, sprint 20, 30/20; 25 merkins
Jog 20, sprint 30, 20/30; 25 squats
Jog 10, sprint 40, 10/40; 25 squats
Finished with a nur to the 50, 10 merkins and a sprint back to the goal line.  From there I handed it over to the new Site Q, Headspin…

The THANG, part 2:
Mosey to the ROTC building and grab a cinder block
Exercise In cadence –  Cindy OYO 10 counts
1. Burpees (OYO)
2. Cindy – Overhead Squats
3. Diamond Merkins
4. Cindy – CurltoCleantoPress
Run around the bus loop
1. LBC
2. Cindy – Goblet Squats
3. Mike Tyson Merkins
4. Cindy – Swings w/ Cindy
Run down the hill and back
1. Derkins ( feet on the curb )
2. Cindy – Man Makers
3. Peter Parkers ( count 1 leg only )
4. Cindy – Thrusters
Run to the street and back
Put blocks back and headed to COT

– J-los

Announcement…New Site Q!  Headspin!!!, Yeager CSAUP, read newsletter

Prayers/praises: heath of Pax/Sawdust’s elbow, Grassy’s M, others I’m forgetting

YHC Started this journey as a site Q on September 30, 2020 at RPG.  Took over at Varsity October 22, 2021.  It has been an honor and a blessing to carry the shovel flag at both sites and I’m privileged to find a new site Q for Varsity.  
I think the lineage for the site started with Skate, then Kielbasa, Harry Carry (I’ve been told) made it great again and Splinter was who handed it to me.  
I’m looking forward to whatever Headspin wants to do at the site in the future!

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The stairs of Grout

– yes!
– Grout’s stairs of pain (contact Grout for details)
– Jack Webb (Merkins + OH claps): 10-40
– read your newsletter
– was held

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Coordinated Q Attack @ The Fort

WARMUP: Grinder and I were part of a small group planning for an event on Tuesday night. When we started to map out our plan for the event day Grinder had a great idea – why not start the day off Co-Qing The Fort! How could I say no to an opportunity like that. After further conversation a coordinated attack was planned for any PAX that wanted to brave the pain at The Fort!
Grinder took the warmup with SSH/InCadence/x23 , WM/IC/x10, IW/IC/x11, CP/IC/x10 then moseyed around the amphitheater to finish the warm-up.
THE THANG: Grinder’s half of the workout continued with a modified suicide set-up in the COT parking lot. Base cone in the parking lot = starting position, then 5 other cones were placed in equal distances from one another all the way to the top of the hill. Each cone has an increasing rep count: 10/20/30/40/50. Start at the base cone and complete 5 burpees, run to the next cone and perform the called exercise, then run back to the base cone and complete 5 burpees, then run to the 2nd cone and complete 20 reps of the called exercise, then run back to the base cone and complete 5 burpees, so forth and so on. First called exercise was SSH. To break of the routine Grinder through in Airborne’s Hip Exercise routine, then we went right back to the modified suicide routine and this time the exercise called was LBCs and the base cone burpee count was 3. Finished right on time to hand it over to Ruby Slippers.
Since Grinder had us on our feet most of his time, decided to give the PAX a break let them walk with their arms instead. Moseyed to the amphitheater where I had 2 cones 20 ft apart on the back wall. PAX formed a single file line by the 1st cone. PAX began to perform burpees while the 1st PAX in line went BallsToWall at the 1st cone and proceeded to travel in that position down to the other cone. Upon exiting the cone area at the other end PAX were encouraged to keep performing burpees until the last PAX in the line completed the trip. Before entering the cone area each PAX gave the PAX in front of them that had just entered the cone area a 3 burpee head start. Once that routine was done asked the PAX to sit down on the side of the amphitheater with your legs hanging off the edge. PAX partnered up, 1st partner performed 10 BBsitups with feet hanging off the edge while other partner performed Flutters ( encouraged PAX to let their feet/legs drop below parallel ). Partners switched back and forth for 3 rounds.
Went back to the Wall of Pain routine, everything stayed the same except for the exercise routine in between the cones. This time, asked PAX to Plank Walk x 2 and then perform FeetonWallinPlankPosition Derkins x . PAX did this routine until they made it down to the other cone. Cone distance was set at 25 feet for this routine.
PAX were then asked to join me again to sit on the side of the amphitheater for another abblast routine. Same as before with partners and routine -Partner 1 performed 10 straight lower leg lifts while Partner 2 performed LBCs. Another 3 rounds.
Time was running out and I had 1 more routine. Asked the PAX to mosey to the playground. Partner up, find a pullup bar, Partner 1 does pullups to failure and then rests while partner 2 does pullups to failure. Did this for 5 rounds. My last round I did 3 pullups – arms were smoked!
MARY: Moseyed back to the COT parking lot and had time to complete SSH/IC/x21. DONE!!!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Show to Know!

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