Deck of cards

Was a brisk and chilly morning but did not take long to warm up with the deck of cards!
WARMUP: Run around Kingsley stopping for SSH 3x.
THE THANG: deck of cards. Spade: squat, diamond: merkin, hearts: LBC, Club: burpee. Ace:1, face cards: 10. Total of 66 reps for each. Once finished we did a dip and derkin series. Then a box jump and step up series.
MARY: around the horn style.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas party and newsletter
COT: Praises for marriages, grandchildren and health.

TClap |

The Kickoff of the Funhouse Farewell Tour

I am certain we warmed up.

It occurred to me as I sat to write this, that I have no idea (since it was a MONTH ago) what all we did that morning. I usually have a plan written out ahead that I either commit to memory, or will even shove a printout in my pocket to reference just in case. I didn’t do that this time. I know that I tried to call a few of the favorites of <@UGNDJBDU3> in his honor. I know we hit The Zipper and we definitely performed the Gonorrhea Burpee (because it has The Clap), but that’s all I really recall…

Now, the only person likely to read this is <@UGU3XR5RP>, but I just got painfully convicted about not writing Backblasts in a timely nor efficient manner. As I was looking back to see if I could find this weinke, I discovered that I have the BB from both my FNG post (administered by <@UN6U5PXNJ> and <@U08GGTLHL>) and from my VQ at The Armory.

<@U07QXBKKF5F> joined us as an FNG that morning. As it turns out, this came at a critical time in his life… and is hopefully blessing it. But, I failed him as a Q. He now does not have the enjoyment or blessing of being able to go back and read the report from his first post and reflect on that in the same way that I do. The first day I posted, I was sure I was going to die when Pusher said, “And now for the second half, I’ll hand this off to Jekyll”. I didn’t understand how the toughest workout I had ever done to that point in my adult life could have a SECOND HALF.

That’s a cherished memory. So, for Road Rash and every man after him, I commit to writing BackBlasts, making them interesting and timely, and hyping the reading of them after the fact. I also will attempt to persuade other men to do the same.

MARY: No chicks.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.

COT: The 5th Core Principle.

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Runnin’ In The Rain ‘Til I Go Insane!

WARMUP: Abe Vigoda, Broga, Cherry Pickers, Pigeon Stretch,
THE THANG: Mosey to Napa. Derkins, Dips & Step Ups in front of Napa, Mosey to main parking lot. 11s: Bomb Jacks, Plank Jacks. Mosey back to COT.
MARY: Carolina Ale House under cover: Freddy Mercury, Honeymooner, LBCs,
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Acceleration Project with Dredd, Hwy 21 Adopt a Hwy, WEP Convergence.
COT: Prayers for family health. Praises for Grandad to be <@U78QN5XU5>! Praises for <@UN6U5PXNJ> and his marriage!

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Runnin’ In The Rain & We Feel No Pain!

WARMUP: Abe Vigoda, Cherry Pickers, Downward Dog, Honeymooner, Imperial Squat Walkers, Left over Right, Pideon Stretch,
THE THANG: Derkins, Dips & Step Ups Rinse & Repeat 3X, Mosey to main parking lot, 11s-Bomb Jacks & Plank Jacks.
MARY: Freddy Mercury, Heel Touches, LBCs,
ANNOUNCEMENTS: WEP Convergence, Hwy 21 Adopt a Hwy Pickup.
COT: Prayers and praises for family members & health .

TClap |

Take the Stairs

Perfect morning and a great start to the day to have Dojo post. Twice this week.
WARMUP: short run and COP with merkins, imperial walkers, LBC, squat, mountain climbers and yoga.
– triple set of lunge walks and bear crawls
– triple set of wall sits.
– Dora tel:100200300 Merkin, squat, LBCs. The runner goes up the stairs down the breezeway, down the stairs, and back to start.
MARY: yep!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Alcatraz anny this Saturday.
COT: prayers for jobs, praises for family.

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Hey look, stairs!

WARMUP: mumbled about the route
THE THANG: Rucked past the ghost of an AO Thursday past, Footloose. Then went searching for stairs to snake and climb.
MARY: 10 squats, 10 flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Good Stuff. Get there.
COT: 5th Core Principle of course.

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