3 leg tour

WARMUP: Ditch Witch led!

THE THANG: YHC had a plan pulled from previous Alcatraz backblasts, but it was a pretty morning. So, here’s a list of what we DID NOT do:
– 30 pull ups
– 45 burpees
– 90 squats
– 120 dips
– and laps (thanks Decibel)
and/or a ladder courtesy of Backdraft
– 10 burpees
– 20 jumping lunges
– 30 Carolina Dry Docks
– 40 jump squats
– 50 merkins
Instead we covered 3.5ish miles and stopped occasionally to regroup. We went to the end of Anchorage, Windward, and Point Clear. At the stops, we did some exercises in cadence, some yoga, or just considered the myriad of ways this workout siphoned and what a jerk YHC is.
MARY: led by the PAX in a circle
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 3 CSAUPS this summer – in the https://7tqd.short.gy/f3-thefort-newsletter
COT: a stirring word from Aquaman on the importance of all 3 Fs. Keep posting.

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Dawn Patrol

WARMUP: Mosey around the pond and back to the amphitheater for SSH, windmills, moroccan nightclubs, imperial, and hillbilly walkers.
THE THANG: 7 of Diamonds – 4 stations, 4 laps, same exercise at each station for each lap, increasing count and changing exercise for each lap… 7 merkins at each station then 14 flutter kicks at each station then 21 squats at each station and then 28 LBCs at each station. Mosey down the hill and alternate lunges and bear crawls between light poles back up the hill. A few dips, step ups, and inclined merkins at the amphitheater to finish up.
COT: Prayers for families, marriages, and health.

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School’s Out: Dawn Patrol Edition

Nice showing at DP. A couple double downs, a couple big brains (SLT) and a couple late risers … all perfectly acceptable.

With that said, “I have to get the kids to school” is not valid for June and July, so get out and double down.

6 rucked, 3 ran. We had a 2.5 mile loop.

Down that way, right at the pharmacy, around to Hardees, take a left, all the way to the T, right, right at the next T, come up behind the post office, Forest, Academy and back.

If I lost you, Bandcamp can translate.

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Ice Cream Cones

WARMUP/THANGmosey around perimeter of Harris Teeter to show PAX pain stations. Got some warmups in along way. Pain stations as follows. 15of SSH, Derkins, Merkins, Big Boys, Squats, Hammers, Lunges. 3 loops approximately.

Mosey to Old Farm Hill for 11’s. Burpees and Big Boys

MARY: Nope
COT: everyone shared what there thankful for

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Hum Vee

Cable guy ran (3.2miles) and we rucked 2.5 miles. We were all coveting Cable guy’s Military grade Hum Vee.
COT: prayers to have God lighten our load.

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Attacking all angles

WARMUP: not necessary
THE THANG: loops at Brayden
10x merkins and squats at stop light
10x diamond merkins and monkey humpers at pool
10x wide arm merkins and sumo squats at top fo hill

MARY: ab lab for a few minutes led my Tesh


COT: yes

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Zip a dee do dah

WARMUP: Suggested Da Zippa and off we went.
THE THANG: Jekyll and YHC trenched out on a Ruck of the Zipper route. Tiller headed out on a run. The rain kept increasing its pour as we went on.
COT: Of course.

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Raising the Sun at Dawn Patrol

WARMUP: Not much. Mosey over to the corner of Broadcloth St and Kingsley Springs Blvd (behind Napa), then 15-20 of SSH, WM, strawberry pickers, and a few other things.

THE THANG: Simple and semi-moderate. Starting on the corner behind Napa, do a board of exercises, a mini board of pain, then run down to the corner of LPL Way, about 100 yards or so, and back. Rinse and repeat. Exercises were (all in single count):
1. 50 SSH
2. 50 Imperial walkers
3. 50 Lunge
4. 50 mountain climber
5. 50 Freddie Mercury
6. 25 Glute bridge
7. 50 Flutter
8. 25 Merkin
9. 1 minute plank hold
10. RUN!!! Repeat.
Everyone got in at least 3 rounds, and were starting on a 4th.
Went back to COT for 5 minutes of stretching.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Alot going on. Read your newsletter and get involved! Invigorate that male community leadership within you.
COT: Alot to be thankful for. Alot of prayers needed.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead. SYITG. Blessings.

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