Election Day at Block Party

  • QIC: Jekyll
  • When: 11/8/2016
  • Pax: Double D, Santini, Aquaman, McGuyver, Kielbasa, Funhouse, Jeeves (FNG), Jekyll, Longshanks, +2 more
  • Posted In: Block Party

I was honored to be ask to Q at the revamped Block Party.  This AO as the original, is THE PLACE to learn how to Q and sharpen your leadersip skills.  It promotes the mission statement and the 5 core principles each week.  A must for anyone wanting to improve.

After requisite disclaimer, since it was election day, I felt a duty to face the downtown Fort Mill flag pole and pledge our allegiance to Old Glory.  I also was called to revert back to our March word for the month: Leadership.

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit,  but with humility of mind, regard one another as as more important than yourselves.


Tree Series- perform exercise at each tree(15 yards apart), plank for #6: squat walk, sneaktoe lunge walk, luge walk, bear crawl, backward bear crawl.

Stairway to heaven.

Pair off- 1’s up the hill with exercise at each lamp post, 2’s stay back and AMRAP until 1’s return

  • Round 1:”1’s”: 5 Merkins/ “2’s”:  Wide Arm Merkins
  • Round 2: “1’s”: 3 bombjacks/ “2’s” LBCs
  • Round 3: “1’s”: Burpees/ “2’s”I forget


Naked Man Moleskin

Funhouse brought an FNG- Went to Butler HS, naturally his new F3 name is now Jeeves.  Heard we have one already so someone will need to check me on that.  Hey FH- next time you EH a guy, try not to make him come if he has the flu, will ya?  Strong performance this morning from McGuyver and Longshanks.  Those two always bring the 1st F.

I appreciate the opportunity to lead Block Party.  Double D’s leadership here to bring it full circle and have it be a haven for new Qs needing pracatice, vet Q’s to sharpen, and all PAX to get a reminder of our core principles is remarkable.



TClap |

Happy All Saints Day

  • QIC: Chicken Wing
  • When: 11/1/16
  • Pax: Training Wheels, Figaro, Felini, Drop Thrill, MacGyver, Double D, Keilbasa, Birdcage, Chicken Wing
  • Posted In: Block Party

As the day after Halloween, YHC had no clue what to expect as far as PAX attendence, but it was a great group on a fine morning where it all began in The Fort. As the Block Party is a weekly Q school flavor, rookies and veterans can certainly use tune ups and YHC was case in point with no watch!! I have to say that is my achilles heel, so shout out to Double D’s watch with no light, Keilbasa’s fine jewelery that he purchased from the black market overseas, Figaro stepped up and grabbed a watch that told time and was also visible in the darkness.

MacGyver came in, almost hit a departing walker, we started a minute late waiting for the 6, but we did end at 6:01 to make up for the tardy PAX.

Disclaimer given, trivia about who knew what 11/1 was, Keilbasa guessed it right off, pretty sure he was going to go drink all day as well!

With that, we were off on a mosey around the path for a bit, threw in some high knees, butt kickers, side shuffle, and backwards job. Circled up a few hundred yards down off the path in the grass.

Warm Up
Low Slow Squat x 11 IC
Monkey Humpers x 20 IC
Merkins x 11 IC
Mountain Climbers x 20 IC

Mosey across WEP to the hill for Elevens.

Low Slow Squat at the top of the hill, Burpees on the bottom. Start with 10 on top and 1 on bottom.

After that beautty, we headed over to the playset for a modified DORA.

Partner up.

P1 does pullups, P2 runs the outside of the playset. 2 rounds
P1 does merkins, P2 runs the outside of the playset. 2 rounds
P1 does squats, P2 runs the outside of the playset. 2 rounds

Heat to COT for abs.

PAX led aborama.

Time at 6:01.

Nameorama, Prayers, Praise from each PAX. Close out prayer.


Each PAX is a leader. It is up to this group to carry that water to ‘infect’ our community with values that will lead us out of the current trajectory that our political system, media, and social media are portraying. It all starts with making yourself better, so in turn you can make the guy next to your better, and so on. Make no mistake about it, what we have in The Fort is special. Let’s use this gift we have been given for the greater good. Always an honor to Q. Thank you all for following this am.

TClap |

Easy as 1,2,3,4 ….times 10.

  • QIC: Longshanks
  • When: 10/25/2016
  • Pax: Aquaman, CSPAN, Figaro, MacGuyver, Training Wheels, Double D, Birdcage, Kielbasa, Chicken Hawk, Longshanks
  • Posted In: Block Party

10 PAX appeared at WEP to enjoy the cooler weather with YHC on Q. Gave a brief disclaimer and a short message about how I plan (or don’t plan my workouts). A few things we learned today.

1. As Q, It’s not about you getting a great workout for yourself, it’s about leading the PAX through a workout that will benefit them. aka It’s not about you!!
2. A good full body workout includes upper body, lower body, abs and cardio. High reps are sometimes good for a workout but often lead to bad form.
3. The more simple the workout, the easier it is to write the Backblast.

The Thang

Mosey to the top of the hill, get to the stop sign and do 10 buprees, mosey back down the hill with butt kicks, high knees, and toy soldiers. Circle up in the parking lot for COP of:

25 x SSH
10 X Windmills
10 x IW
15 x Mountain climbers
10 x Peter Parkers
10 x Parker Peters
then hold for Right arm high, left arm high, honeymooner and six inches.

Explain Drillbits (mile markers around WEP) Plank at each bit until the 6 is finished
1st bit – 10 Merkins, 20 squats, 30 LBC’s, 40 SSH
2nd bit – 10 CDD’s, 20 Monkey Humpers, 30 flutter kicks, 40 SSH
3rd bit – 10 Merkins, 20 squats, 30 LBC’s, 40 SSH
4th bit – 10 CDD’s, 20 Monkey Humpers, 30 flutter kicks, 40 SSH
5th bit – 10 Merkins, 20 squats, 30 LBC’s, 40 Seal Jacks
6th bit – 10 CDD’s, 20 Monkey Humpers, 30 flutter kicks, 40 Plank Jacks

Mosey to the playground. 10 pullups, 20 Dips, 30 Hello Dolly. Rinse and Repeat.

Indian run the long way on the path back to the parking lot. Once there, lunge walk up the hill, do 10 burpees at the stop sign and run back down the hill for COT

Announcements – 1st F and 3rd F convergence this Friday, check the newsletter. 11-19 Soccer arms, Jacksonville GORUCK, Forging, do something. Christmas Party December 17th.

Prayers – Families, injured PAX, PAX dealing with issues at home, our country during the election. (nice take out by CSPAN)

1. Thanks to Double D for allowing me to get in front and lead this group today. Hope those that have not Q’ed a workout yet (Kielbasa, Training Wheels, Figaro) found this helpful and hopefully someone will put you on the schedule soon as I know that you guys will crush it when given the opportunity.
2. Can’t say enough about how important a backblast is. One of the cool things that I’ve found you can do is if you click on a F3 name you can see every backblast they’ve ever written. Great tool for newcomers if they remember who led the workout but can’t remember the exact name of an exercise or exercise sequence.
3. Yes, today’s workout was simple. Yes it makes for writing an easy Backblast. But I can tell each PAX today got a solid workout in. I know as men, sometimes we try to make our Weinkes more complicated/difficult than they need to be, when a simple yet efficient workout will also give the PAX a great workout. I also sometimes think we try to put too much into a 45 minute workout that we miss the point of the workout.
4. When its your turn to lead, do that. LEAD!! Understand the fitness levels of the PAX at that workout. When the Q says “modify as needed” that includes the Q modifying his Weinke to fit the PAX. Remember, it’s not about you, it’s about the PAX you lead that day.

Mic Drop…..Longshanks out

TClap |

Java to tha Max

  • QIC: Maximus & Java
  • When: 10/18/16
  • Pax: Kielbasa, big Papi, Pusher, Macgyver, Olaf, Long Shanks, Stang, Birdcage, Cha-ching, What did, Chicken Hawk, C-Span, Shady, Package
  • Posted In: Block Party, The Fort

What lovely weather we had to play in the grass this morning.

Java’s Section –

Had a nice mosey around the park and circled up to do

candence/no candence Holy Ghost (Hands up with High Knees)


Wind Mill (super slow)


-Mosey to the walk way

Before the Workout we talked about the calling of God on our lives and and how we are working towards the calling of God on our lives and until we get there we are in the “Space Between” where we were called and what we are working to.

So what that means…. We did burpees and frog jumps across the entire field. once we got to the top of the hill we took a half mile victory lap

Maximus Portion:

“When I was in the Army we had one of those goofy little riddles that represented an important facet of Leadership. It worked like this: something tough would come down the pike, a camo-CSAUP thing of sorts. When you heard how much it would suck you would ask “how many more times do I have prove myself around here?” Response: “just one more time”.

In other words, a man is never done proving himself. Not if he wants other men to keep following him. A coaster may work for keeping beer rings off the coffee table, but in terms of Leadership a coaster of a man won’t Influence other men to do a darned thing. If you think you’ve arrived at a place where you should get a pass for how hard the journey to get there was, you’re wrong. There is no place on earth or in life where a man has reached the end of his challenges. So, if you really want to know how many times will you have to prove yourself the answer is simple.

Just One More Time.”

Mosey from the hilltop to the playground.  Why?  Because the only way to get better at Pull Ups is to….DO MORE PULL UPS.  Grab a partner and this time, form matters

Partner 1: 10 Pull Ups   Partner 2: 20 Dips    Then Flapjack and Repeat the cycle.

Partner 1: 10 Mak Tar Jah’s each arm for 20 total    Partner 2: 20 Carolina Dry Docks   Then Flapjack and Repeat the cycle

Mosey to the parking lot for another mainstay of mine

American Hammers x 25

Toe Touches x 10

Circle the lot: In 2 groups, All You Got (AYG) to the first turn, jog to the 2nd, AYG to the 3rd, jog home.

COT for a word on not wasting your chance.  We all screw up but don’t let that happen in vain; realize you have a chance to fix it tomorrow.  You’re better today than you were yesterday and strive to be better tomorrow than you are today.



TClap |

The party won’t stop

  • QIC: Atticus and Pusher
  • When: 10/11/16
  • Pax: DD, Trucker, Longshanks, Maximus, Dark Helmet, Kembo, Training Wheels, Chaching, Kielbasa, Bourne, Zima, Java, Chicken Hawk, McGuyver, Crash
  • Posted In: Block Party

Recently, the Fort launched the newest AO aka The Brutha which gave Repeat the opportunity to lead this launch. This led to a renewal of the Block Party by DD. DD wanted to relaunch this AO as a way to reinforce the mission, core principles and what it means to be a leader and Q in all 3 Fs. Over the past several weeks, it is clear that his goal is being met by both the Qs and the Pax. YHC was humbled to be invited to Q and voluntold Atticus to join me!

Weather: If I could add to the Lexicon, today would be called “F3 Climate”. When we arrived at BP it was 48 degrees and there was actually dew on the ground. Glorious! Combine the weather with 18 Pax who posted this AM and it was a great start to the day.

The Thang

Mosey around WEP


SSHs x 25

Windmills x 10

Merkins x 15

IWs x 15

Mtn Climbers x 20

Moroccan Night Clubs x 20

Mosey to the hill

Jacobs Ladder

7 Burpees at top/1 Bombjack at bottom

Rinse and Repeat decreasing at top and increasing at bottom

Mosey to playground

15 Dips and 15 Derkins x 3

Handoff to Atticus

Introduced the Weird Science concept of chips, dips, chains and whips with partners

Partner 1 runs

Partner 2 merkins in the chips

Rinse and repeat with dips, ab crunches on chain swings and donkey kicks (whips)


Bear Crawl Tag (a la Sharks and Minnows) – crowd pleaser

Bunny Hop Burpee Tag

Mosey back to COT

1 minute left so lets do SSH x 50 – Why not!


  • Definitely uncovered some really nice bear crawlers out there including Dark Helmet, Crash and Chicken Hawk
  • Upcoming 3rd F convergence on 10/28 to discuss racial tension and empathy. Make sure you post for that
  • Forging on 11/19
  • Christmas Party on 12/17 – Pay now before the rate goes up
  • T Claps to Zima for hitting 250 workouts for the year

Its always a pleasure to Q a workout particularly with Atticus. Little did he know when he moved in over a year ago that I would be so annoying about F3! He has been a great influence on me with his wisdom and understanding of the Bible. Glad to have you brother!

Its always a pleasure to just post too. Today I met Kenbo who posted for only his 2nd time. Reminded me of how it felt for me and how it feels now. One of the best things I have ever done but could not have done it without the accountability of the Pax. Thank you!

Until next time…

TClap |

FLOOD RELIEF EFFORTS: Calling all Fort and Rock Pax

I just got our work assignments.  We received 5 work orders for tree removal and 1 for house muckout (remove drywall, carpet, etc).  We will need to bring tools (chainsaws, axes, shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, leaf blower, etc) like we did last week and additional tools (flat nosed shovels, hammers, sheetrock knives, wheelbarrows, etc) and safety equipment (gloves, safety glasses, dust masks, etc) this week.

The current plan is that we will meet at the Lowes by Baxter at 5:00 and leave for Conway, SC.  We would complete work at about 2:00 or 3:00 so that we can return for trick-or-treating with our families.  We will need to bring lunches and water.

Please DM @darkhelmetf3 or email me: frankschwartz@me.com with your HCs.


Work crews leaving out tomorrow. We will need help next week as well, so please check your calendars and let me know if you can make it. Here’s the details for tomorrow’s work.

We have been assigned 6 work orders to remove fallen trees (some greater than 18″ diameter) in the Bishopsville area.  We will be meeting tomorrow morning at the Lowe’s in Baxter at 6:00 am and will be leaving at 6:15. This will put us in Bishopsville at about 8:00.

We will be splitting into 2 groups and each group will have a team leader and will work on 3 work orders.  We will carpool and drive down as groups since the groups will be working at different addresses.

The teams are a mix of F3 Pax and Men (and one M) from my church. Again, there will be opportunity to go again next weekend, so LET ME KNOW.

We need to bring the following tools and we will split them up between the 2 groups:

Chainsaws (I think 5 were volunteered and so please bring them along with gas, oil, sharpening tools or whatever else would be needed)

Bring what you need to work safely.
In order to ensure we are as safe as possible while working on these projects, remember not to work after dark when good visibility is no longer possible, and please be sure to bring:

  • Safety glasses / goggles
  • Work boots or sturdy closed toe shoes
  • Work gloves
  • Pants (not shorts)

We need to bring our own lunch and water.  The team leaders will bring a cooler for water and drinks to be put in.

We will work until 5:30 or 6:00 and so if we finish our work orders early then we will see if there are other neighbors in the area that would like some help.  We can then find a place to eat in Bishopsville or head home. 


Flood waters are finally starting to recede on the coast in some areas to a point where we can get in to help. I don’t have all the details yet. They should be forthcoming soon, but here is what I know and what I need at this point.
Early Saturday morning we are looking for strong backs and weak minds to travel to Myrtle Beach and Florence, SC to start the debris clearing. This means that we will need willing men, chainsaws, hand saws, loppers, shovels, possibly wheelbarrows, etc. We will be heading back that evening on this go around. (We will likely be doing an overnight trip next week once the mucking out of houses and such begins. Flood waters are not allowing for this in most areas at this time, is what I understand.) We will also be taking donations down with us. We will take the water that has been collected to now, and any other that we may be able to collect between now and then…
Your HCs ASAP! Hit me on twitter: @darkhelmetf3 (I’ll follow you back so we can share contact info if needed) and tell me if you can make it. It will be a very early start and a fairly late return that day.

Men, I know that there are TONS of ways to help right now, and TONS of places we could do it. If this doesn’t fit you, that’s ok, just help somewhere. However, this is what we are being asked to do for right now. It may seem like a small thing, but it will make a big difference.


Pax, I thought it would be good to give an update on where things stand with the relief efforts. There is much more damage and many more problems than we anticipated in SC, GA, and NC than we (in the Fort) have resources to take care of. It’s important to remember that we will hear of needs all over. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to do it all. I often get frustrated and sad that we can’t just fix it, but so be it.

That said, at this time, we are in a holding pattern. The storm surge is continuing to rise in many of those areas, and over the next 48 hours or so there will be continued flooding and other problems that will continue to arise. It will likely be this weekend and into next week before we can safely enter any of those areas. So, as hard as it is, hang tight. Please keep letting me know about the needs that you hear of and about your individual availability to travel (possibly overnight) to affected areas over this weekend and into (and through) next week. Also, keep your eyes on the Twitter machine and FB, etc. for further updates.

Thank you, men, for all you do.
Helmet, out.


Almost one year to the day from our relief efforts in Columbia, SC, and here we go again. Our brothers (F3), but maybe even more importantly, the communities where our brothers and sisters (God’s children) live are feeling the force and will soon be digging out from the devastation of Hurricane Matthew.

I am in contact with some of our coastal Pax and with members and leaders of my Church to try and get updates on needs. I imagine that there will be needs for donations, much like we had for Columbia (water, food, fuel, etc.), and also we want to organize work crews to go down as needed. At this point (10/8/16, 1700hrs), I know of many downed trees, lots of flooding, etc., but we do not know yet what can be done or when. Many communities (whole counties actually) have not started letting residents back in yet.

Here is what I need from you. I need to know if you can plan to go down with crews sometime in the coming days and weeks to administer relief. This will likely consist of delivering supplies, clearing roads, removing debris, and gutting homes and businesses that were flooded. We will need tools, strong backs, and donations. As soon as I know more, I will amend this post.

Again, at this point, if you can comment on this post, or DM me on Twitter, as to whether you can go and what days, that will help to start. Also, if you know of needs or people that are in those areas organizing efforts there, that would be great to know also.



TClap |

Q201 with a #BlockPartySermon

  • When: 10/04/16
  • Pax: Trucker, Figaro, Chicken Hawk, Rock Thrill, Beacon, Pusher, Birdcage, Kielbasa, Olaf, Lil'E, Java, FNG=Dan-O, Flat Tire, Weezer, Bonsai, Shady, Sir Topham Hat, TChaser-HilBully, Cha-Ching, Geronimo, Longshanks, MacGyver, Destiny, & Atticus
  • Posted In: Block Party

#BLUF = show up on-time, wear a watch, have a plan (weinke), lead, use your outdoor voice, show some energy, and understand the importance of a well run #COT

Conditions were perfect, 68 degrees and clear

#disclaimer explained in detail with help from Legal Counsel “assumption of risk” and “modify as needed’ with several witnesses

Very short COP warm-up in cadence

Review and demonstrate: Pearls on a String, Arkloader, and Dora 1-2-3 = here is a link to better definitions: http://f3nation.com/exercises/

We really did all the exercises because that is what we do as F3 men, and Longshanks kept chirping me…


COT/Prayer or Praise/BOM

Powerful testimony from Rock Thrill about his brother Joe Davis here is the link to his Memorial 1/7/17 Race: https://joedavisrun.racesonline.com/register

Here are my notes from this morning (all credit to Tiger Rag and his Team from South Charlotte-Area 51)

Q101 – Training for the Workout Leader
The purpose of this document is two-fold:
1. To assist the new Q in preparing for and leading his first workout, and
2. To serve as a standard to evaluate experienced Q performance.

1. Q – Pax Relationship: The unspoken social contract between the Pax and a Q: “We will follow until you give us a reason not to.” Implicit trust for the inexperienced (as opposed to the unqualified) Trust based.
a. Breach of trust may include:
i. Doing stupid stuff: partner carries up/down wet hills, log relay races.
ii. Too hard: Trying to run the pax into the ground with needlessly difficult exercises, unreasonable reps, etc.
iii. Too easy: most guys want to be challenged and pushed
iv. Too complicated: lots of explanations, confusing sets, too much standing around.
The Pax are very forgiving toward a new Q. Most have been through it and understand the anxiety.

Creating a safe, tough workout for the fittest Pax to the most out of shape is a challenge. Preparation and flexibility is key.
1. Types of Workouts –
a. A well-balanced workout would ideally consist of a quick warm up, strength, cardio and core.
b. Talk to your Site Q for specialty workouts such as gear, KB, running, rucking, etc.

2. Workout Promotion
a. PreBlast- write up for when you need to convey information about the upcoming workout. Information like site change, new site or new Q advertising, gear (bring KB), etc.
b. Twitter-essential to communicate and promote your site or workout.

3. Simplicity/Complexity and Originality
a. Keep the Weinke simple. The fewer moving parts the better.
b. Keep it familiar. New exercises or sets that require more than the briefest of explanations usually lead to confusion.
c. Don’t be shy about stealing a Weinke, or parts of a Weinke, from another more-experienced Q.

4. Form and Counts
a. While the Q needn’t be a direct Form Enforcer, he can indirectly enforce good form in three major ways:
i. Exemplify good form himself during exercise. Don’t short-arm a merkin, go full range of motion, etc.
ii. Slow down the exercise, either by slowing cadence count, or by using a 3 down/1 up variation (e.g., 3 count to bottom of squat, 1 count up). “Thrash counting” or counting too fast for the exercise being called leads to bad form or refusenik behavior from the Pax.
iii. NOTE: Almost all cadence counting in F3 is too fast. Counting too slow is almost never a bad thing.

5. Go with strengths
a. Don’t Q it if you can’t do it.
b. Corollary: Just because YOU can do it doesn’t necessarily mean you should Q it. Just because you are a pull up monster doesn’t mean you should subject the Pax to 100 pull ups. You might be a beast on diamond merkins, but calling 50 for the Pax may not be right call.
c. If you want to try a new exercise, make sure you demo it properly as well as the counting with it (cadence, civilian, OYO)

6. Cadence Counting
a. When the Q leads the Pax in an exercise (that requires counting) he should do it in a cadence count. The correct procedure is as follows:
i. Next exercise is [brief pause], the merkin.
• The Pax then repeats the exercise called.
• Speak loudly so all Pax can hear. You are in charge.
ii. Start(ing) position [brief pause], Move.
• Not “exercise” position. Start position.
• The “Move” is to get the Pax to the position required to begin exercise. The “Move” is not a command to begin exercising.
iii. In cadence [brief pause], Exercise.
• In cadence simply means the Q counts the movements (1-2-3) and the Pax calls out the repetitions in unison (“One!”).
• The Q counts should correspond to a distinct movement in the exercise. It is in rhythm. For example, for a merkin: “1” is the movement to the down position, “2” is the movement to the plank position, “3” is the movement back to the down position, the Pax call of “One!” is the move back to plank position.
• The Q indicates the completion of an exercise by a higher inflection on his last repetition.
See Dredd’s excellent tutorial on the how and why of cadence counting: http://f3nation.com/2012/02/22/f3-tv-how-to-count/
b. NOTE: When a Q does not lead an exercise in cadence that would normally be done that way, he is giving away his authority to lead the Pax. He is implicitly telling the Pax that he not able to count in cadence or is not willing to learn.

7. Dry Runs / Practice
a. Cadence Counting:
i. Memorize the three commands. Practice them in the car, say them to yourself in shower, etc. Get them down pat. We are striving for uniformity across all sites, not to mention across all regions in F3.
ii. Practice counting while exercising. A number of first time Qs say after their first workout that they were surprised how hard it was to count and exercise at the same time. Practice this sample COP (Circle of Pain) in cadence count:
• Side Straddle Hop
• Merkins
• Imperial Walkers (these trip up some people)
• Squats
• Mountain Climbers (these have a tendency to be a Q Self-Smoker)
iii. There may be times that a dry run of the Weinke, or at least parts of it, is a good idea. It helps you work out logistics such as timing and transitions.

8. Weinke review with Site Q or experienced Q
a. Work with the Site Q or one of his delegates to help troubleshoot your first Weinke or two. The Site Q is an invaluable source in helping spot potential kinks in the plan.

9. Scalability –A scalable workout is one that is tough for the strongest of Pax, while at the same time not over-smoking the back of the pack. All workouts are no drop; without exception. Under no circumstance should we ever leave a Pax alone.
a. Larry Birds: According to the F3 Lexicon, a Larry Bird is a Pax that finishes an exercise before the Q (in running, or on your own (OYO) exercises). There are multiple ways of handling Larry Birds:
i. Do Nothing: Larry Birds are usually veterans that will plank up while waiting for the rest of the Pax to come in. This is the default setting for F3 Vets.
ii. Extra work: Assign them extra exercises at the end of the set (do burpees until everyone gets in) or more exercises during the set (do 9 reps per station on The Beast instead of 6, or a Jacob’s Ladder from 4-10 instead of 1-7).
b. The Six: The guys in the back. The Pax in the Six are generally less adept at running and will usually benefit from “chunking”: a cluster of exercises in one place followed by a short mosey to another place. For many average to above-average Pax, the mosey from spot to spot is a recovery time. For the Six, it can be the most strenuous.
i. Limit the location changes, or keep them close together;
ii. If you know you are going to cover ground, appoint a sweeper(s) who will stay at the rear with the Six.
iii. Alternatively, circle back as a group and pick them up. This applies in particular to off campus runs (say from DV to Davie) or at any of the running workouts.

10. Too long, too short
a. It takes a few times go get a good feel for how long your Weinke will take to execute. If it appears that it’s going to take too long, cut it short.
b. If you’ve run out of Weinke after 20 minutes, always have a couple of stand by exercises ready in the wings, such as a Jacob’s Ladder, The Beast, Partner 100’s, etc. All these exercises are strenuous, time-eaters and don’t have to be lead by the Q.

11. Too many people, too few
a. If you’ve planned your Weinke for 15 people, will it still work for 25? For 7? Gear workouts are harder to scale.

12. Transitions, dead time, standing around
a. Transitions are often overlooked by new Qs. Getting from one place to another takes time, especially if you have some Clydesdales.
b. Dead Time – if you need to count off the Pax into groups of twos, it’s much quicker and easier to tell people a few minutes ahead of time to partner up. Counting off, especially in large groups, is dead time. Consider having everyone get into a 6″ plank and count off. Once they count, the go to a normal plank. The point it to avoid standing around.

13. Tap a vet – if you need time to get unsmoked or burned through Weinke in 30 minutes, there’s no shame in asking a vet to lead Mary or the next section of the workout.

1. Arrive Early – Be the first on site; use time to set up if necessary.

2. Meet and Greet – welcome the Pax as they come in. Introduce yourself to Pax you don’t know. Get a buzz going early. Wake them up, get energy up. The workout Q sets the tone for the Pax—if the Q is flat, the workout will likely be flat. If the Q is amped up, the workout will benefit as a result. An amped Q with an average Weinke beats a Flat Q with a great Weinke.

3. Survey and assess the Pax prior to the start
a. Do you have any guys that are not runners, or who might otherwise be consigned to the Six? How does that fit with your Weinke? Can you still pull it off?
b. Tap Sweepers – talk to the Site Q and other vets who can act as Sweepers if needed.

4. T-Minus warning – 2 minute / 1 minute / 30 sec warnings are typical.

5. Starting on time – waiting for latecomers reinforces tardiness. Start exactly on time, every time. Use your discretion if you are going off campus, such that latecomers wouldn’t likely find the group.

6. FNG inquiry and Disclaimer – every workout should start with an FNG Inquiry and Dislaimer
a. FNG Inquiry: “Are there any new guys here today?”
i. This alerts the Q to guys who may become smoked quickly and need a sweeper. The Sweeper for an FNG should ideally be the EHer.
ii. This alerts the Site Q and Pax to welcome the FNG, talk to them during the workout, start intel re nicknames, etc.
b. Disclaimer:
i. Why: We want to disclaimer in front of Pax because having witnesses adds a layer of protection above asking if they’ve read it on the website.
ii. What: Main points in your own words:
1. I am not a professional
2. This is self-policing: Stop or modify the exercises as required

7. Take control—be the leader. Be assertive, don’t mumble. If something doesn’t work and you have to audible, acknowledge it and move on to the next exercise. Don’t apologize, just move on.

8. Observation – Do your best to keep an eye on the pax during the workout to see if you are losing people, either from it being too easy, too confusing, or too hard. During your first few Qs, it is hard enough just to make it through the workout. Ask your Site Q or another experienced Q to keep an eye on things and whisper in your ear if needed.

9. Q Jackers – experienced Qs who attempt to hijack an exercise (or twelve). Some Q jackers are poking the Q. Others are offering you an out on a questionable call. Sometimes you can’t tell—use your discretion. Q Jacking can make for a good diversion from the Weinke, in addition to making for good backblast fodder. Not all Q Jacks are bad.

10. Modifications – Whether due to injury or personal preference, many veteran Pax will choose to modify exercises. Newer Pax are more likely to follow along more or less blindly. Therefore, occasionally remind the Pax about modifications, on strenuous cardio (Jacob’s Ladder) or strength exercises (partner carries), as required.

11. Ten Counts – Use sparingly, but often as needed.

12. Observations – keep an eye and ear out for anecdotes and fodder for the Backblast. New Qs may need assistance from the Site Q or others prior to posting.

13. Surroundings- Keep in mind your surroundings, we workout in the early hours and sometimes near sleeping neighborhoods. Some places you need to keep the mumble chatter down or cadence count at a lower volume.

14. Finish on time – make every effort to finish at the designated finish time. Finishing late is a sign of disrespect for the Pax’s time.
a. Finishing Late: It happens. Make a quick COT, limit announcements.
b. Finishing Early: Do some extra Mary, have pax call out exercises, do 3 minutes of burpees, etc. Finish it out.

15. Circle of Trust (COT).
a. Q stands in the middle.
b. Number-ama
c. Name-O-Rama – workout Q is responsible for getting names down. Having phone or pen and paper handy to avoid delay of running to car, etc.
d. Announcements – ask for announcements from Pax (they will be recorded in backblast)
e. Take out (prayer). 51 practice is to ball of man; varies by region. Ask for a volunteer to pray.

1. Twitter counts – check with Site Q on whether he or the Q will tweet the count. Remember to use workout tag (i.e., #F3SkunkWorks) and the #TheFortCounts tag.

2. Backblast –
a. Part of the workout Qs responsibility to post the Backblast, not the Site Q. The Site Q may volunteer to post the Qs first workout on his behalf but that is at his discretion .
b. Get backblast credentials BEFORE first Q so that you are prepared to write up BB when it’s done. The website interface is not difficult and will take only a few minutes to learn. Here again, your Site Q will be an invaluable aid in assisting you to post your first BB.
c. Get login credentials from the A51 Comz Team at f3area51+login@gmail.com
d. Format – varies but generally takes the form of:
i. Intro – How many guys and a teaser of something to come
ii. Workout summary
iii. Moleskine – a review of noteworthy events or anecdotes.
iv. Announcements

The workout summary are the facts of what happened. The Moleskine is story and people read the backblasts for the story. Make it fun.

Three Tips for a Quality BB:
• Do something interesting at the workout;
• Be interesting (it’s too late now—you either are or aren’t);
• Make up something interesting. Oftentimes the best anectdotes are the ones that are only mostly true…don’t let facts get in the way of a good story.

e. Pax List – When an FNG posts, list first name and last initial, or just the FNG’s new F3 name. For the sake of privacy, do not use the FNGs first and last name on the internet.
i. Be sure to get any FNG’s contact information to add to the Area51 gmail contact list. Relay it to the site Q who can add them as well as send them a welcome email.
f. General –
i. Most Qs post the backblast the same day of the workout, almost always within 24 hours.
ii. People like to read their names on the website. Call out exemplary performances by name. Be wary of belittling people in the backblast unless you know the guy really well and he’s known to have thick skin (Chelms, TR, Radar, etc.)

3. After Action Report – follow up with your Site Q about what went right, what could be improved, what was a disaster, etc. Seek out honest feedback from other veteran Q and Pax. The best way to improve is to address your weaknesses head on.

4. Observe – when you are not leading a workout, notice how other Qs lead their workouts. Pick out the things you like and file them away for later. Talk to them about why they did it the way they did.

TClap |

Leaders lead in the present

  • QIC: Double D
  • When: 09/27/16
  • Pax: Java, Shady, Chicken Wing, Santini, MacGyver, What Did, Bird Cage, Geronimo, Cha Ching, Old Bay, Olaf, Training Wheels
  • Posted In: Block Party

13 pax posted to Block Party for their Tue AM #DRP and some Q tips on staying in the zone of HERE and NOW.  No FNGs today, so after a Cliff Note version of the Disclaimer, the fun began.

The Thang

Warm up run to the Springs parking lot at Ardrey & 160.

COP – Mtn climbers, Parker Peters, Hillbilly Walkers, Windmills, Moroccan Night Clubs, Monkey Humpers, Slow Merkins, 2 laps of Karaoke around the island

Mosey to front courtyard of UC Synergetics building

Derkins x10

Dips x15

Step ups R x20

Step ups L x20

Derkins x10

Dips x15

Mosey to Memorial statue/flags on 160

Plank sequence

Mosey to park on hill across from rail car

Bear crawls over Pyramids on one side of playground & plank it up

Merkins x10

Bombjacks x15 OYO

Bear crawls over Pyramids on other side of playground

Line up along brick wall

Hip slappers x10 (Courtesy of F3/NOLA)
(Rinse & repeat)

Mosey to UC Synergetics parking lot on 160

Mary — Flutters, Hello Dollies, Penguins

Mosey to wall at Springs building

People’s chair

Wall pull-ups x10 OYO

People’s chair

Run home


Naked man moleskin

No SSHs, no burpees, no LBCs, no high reps…somehow it still qualified as a workout based on the stench from the laundry pile when I arrived home.

Solid effort by all pax today!  The group hung together quite well – special recognition to Clydesdales like Bird Cage and Training Wheels who didn’t let the running from spot to spot beat them down.  Nice work guys!  No bellyaching at all from anyone on extended Peoples’ Chair sessions at the end, including some extra slow counting from Geronimo among others.  This group clearly came to put it all out there today.

Leaving it all out there was really what I had in mind when I talked about my Q tips of being present.  The best workouts for me as one of the pax are always the ones where I get lost in the workout…so absorbed in the pain and the perseverance that my brain can’t hold onto anything else.  I am totally locked into the present.

As a Q, being present to the mission at hand is essential.  Followers cannot/will not follow someone who is not engaged in the activity in front of them, the environment around them and the people at their side.  The leader must be fully present.  Don’t let your Weinke control you.  Don’t let your preparation make you rigid.  Don’t let your mind drift elsewhere.  Use the warm up to your advantage — not just to get loose, but to get in touch with everything that is in front of you and then make decisions based on the present reality and nothing else.

A great morning was topped off with requests to get in the Q line from Shady and Java.  Thanks for stepping up guys!

Always an honor to lead such noble men.  Thanks for your presence!



TClap |

Block Party – Let’s bring the party back to life!

  • QIC: Cake Boss
  • When: 09/20/2016
  • Pax: CSPAN, Package, Longshanks, Crab Cakes, Santini, Kielbasa, Birdcage, What Did, Figerio, Olaf, Fallini, MacGyver, Pusher, Lil E, Trucker, High Hat, ChaChing, Backdraft, Witch Hunt
  • Posted In: Block Party

20 awesome PAX members came to the mother of all weekday AOs, The Block Party, for a revival of sorts and tribute to an original. The Block Party was The Fort’s original weekday AO back in 2012. It was the very first post YHC made and its been a Staple in The Fort ever since. Many men have been Site Q and have Qed some awesome even Epic beat downs, however it is now under the Regime of Double D. Our original Weasel Shaker is going to shake this AO back to life and for a good cause. To grow and shape our future Qs. You see, F3 will always be here and it is our job to be sure it has quality leaders long after we are all doing out whatever it is we do after F3…..hopefully more F3. Block Party is a place to build your leadership, character and confidence!! Looking forward to this new era at The Block Party.

The Thang:

0515 review: The mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Mosey to Founders bank lot – jailbreak style!!
Imperial Walkers
Peter Parkers
Parker Peters

MakTarJai in the Grass…special request

0525 Review: F3 — our three Fs stand for Fitness, Fellowship and Faith

Mosey across to Massey street & pair up by a Cinder Block

  • 1st Partner does excercise
  • 2nd Partner runs to corner, then backward run up Massey st and back
  • Flapjack
  • Move to next block
    1) Squat
    2) Plank block pull thru
    3) Lunge
    4) Shoulder press
    5) Curls
    6) Bench press
    7) Derkins
    8) Deadlift

9) Block Carry/Wall Stack

0550 Review: Core Principles:
Are free of charge
Are open to all men
Are held outdoors, rain or shine
Are Peer led
Ends with Circle of Trust

Mosey to WEP Lot and 6MM


Lesson #1- The Q must be prepared!

I told PAX about my 97 year old uncle that passed and his accepting of Jesus as Lord and Savior at the age of 90. Its never too late and he was still preparing for his eternal life. We need to prepare today to be better tomorrow and we need to prepare today to meet our Lord. Whatever you believe, 1 out of 1 of us dies and so be prepared for this reality but not just for eternal reasons but to live a full and impactful life today! Know HIM today and be prepared!!

Prayers and Praises for marriages, kids, injured and Clark Kent’s new baby and Olaf’s pregnancy.

Thanks for Q Double D and your awesome leadership!

Cake Boss

TClap |

PREBLAST: Block Party Reborn on 9/20

  • QIC: Double D
  • Pax: All pax, especially newly minted Qs
  • Posted In: Block Party

So you think you can Q?  Great – as a peer-led group, F3 can’t survive without pax stepping up to lead workouts.  Yet, as we know, F3 is about more than just the 1st F.  So what is the path from your VQ to becoming a “male community leader” which F3’s mission aims to create?  Starting Tuesday September 20th, Block Party will focus on helping the pax to build that bridge.

Block Party was the first weekday workout at The Fort, named after a pile of cinder blocks that were placed in the weeds at WEP, only to disappear within a few weeks.  Fortunately, that did not mean the end of the pain.  Now as we embark on the beginning of Year 5 at The Fort, Block Party is being reborn under the concept of “building blocks.”  The objective each week will be to instill a leadership lesson in the pax along with a slobber knocker of a workout.  Here is what to expect:

What Block Party will NOT be:
1.  Lots of standing around and discussing the Ps and Qs of counting, form, etc.
2.  A moderate workout
3.  Celebrity Q forum

What Block Party will be:
1.  A full on F3 boot camp workout (maybe even an intense one)
2.  A place where current, up-and-coming and aspiring leaders will be fed so they can feed the pax
3.  Open to all pax, including FNGs & Kotters, and especially newly minted Qs

Each week will feature a HIM with deep experience in the 1st F who will Q and share a lesson or two in one of the 3Fs.  At times, a developing Q will be part of the mix.  Regardless of who is out front at any moment on any particular day, #ISI will be operating in full force.  You will sweat.  You will think.  You will grow.


TClap |