DP 2 on 5/2.

WARMUP: sighted Sofrito comin in hot.
THE THANG: decided on a ruck with the pax in attendance. We went the distance.
MARY: nope
ANNOUNCEMENTS: C A N N O L I RUN is 5/18. Get signed up today!
COT: yep

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Patrolling Kingsley at Dawn

WARMUP: SSH, Hillbillies, a new funky Merkin thing
THE THANG: Short Mosey Loop to Firepit that included bear crawl along the mural. At COT SSH, Hillbillies. Mosey to stairs on hill. Each pax did stairs twice and calling out exercises for other pax while they climbed. Mosey to COT, ladder at ampitheatre. 5 decline shoulder taps, 10 dips, 10 Derkins, 10 step ups.
Mosey to back parking lot. Did rounds of pulling random cards from a bucket with heavy items and running. The burpees and manmakers were plentiful. Back to COT and repeat the ladder.
COT: yessiree

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Spring Breaking

WARMUP: 10 burpees, SSH, 10 burpees
THE THANG: Run some stair laps repeatedly around the building with Corkscrew, partner style with 1 partner doing exercises and the other running. Ran to bottom of road below LPL, then worked our way up the hill with bear crawls, lunges, reverse bear crawls and other fun, sprinted home. Finished off with 11s comprised of Knee-Tar-Ndyaes and Big Boys.

COT: great to have Cable Guy back out along with Pirate and the Cyclops shield lock crew enjoying extra sleep and a post during spring break.

2nd of 2 Qs on the day for YHC. Grateful to have Cyclops and Old Bay along for both!

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Dawn Patrol

A few proud gents doubled down during AKA and took advantage of the run/ruck option. Battle Bot was especially excited to be back at his first weekday AO in about a month by having us enjoy his 60 lb coupon.

Praises for Double D’s Jane and her marriage to Tarzan. Prayers for Spitz on the loss of his mother. :pray:

Canoli Run is May 18th.

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Who Fartleked?

THE THANG: 3 runners ventured onto the roads while 4 ruckers moseyed thru FM Fartlek style, passing the lead baton for route and exercises. All got better.

Great to have Short Sale for his maiden voyage with Dawn Patrol and look fwd to seeing him back again.

Thanks for sharpening each other!

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Where’s Jekyll?

Scheduled Q had some complications but we all can jump on and lead anytime… the beauty of F3
WARMUP: find a loaner ruck for The Pirate who showed up for the bootcamp but found 4 ruckers getting ready to take off, Sprocket had an extra plate carrier so off we went.
THE THANG: one mile loop behind LPL building, stop at CAH for step ups, dips and incline merkins
Another loop behind LPL building, stopped at CAH and were able to do a round of step ups…. Then the clock hit 0700 and we stopped,
MARY: catching breath after the step ups
ANNOUNCEMENTS: mini convergence at WEP on Saturday.
COT: stays in COT

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