A lot of Merkins

  • QIC: Sir Topham Hatt
  • When: 04/05/2016
  • Pax: Spider-Man, Freebird, Gopher, Lil-E, Tweety, Wheezer, Decibel, Fishsticks, T-Square, Gecko, Funhouse, Dark Helmet, Gears, Aquaman, Sir Topham Hatt
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

15 men came with an appetite for pain this Tuesday morning at the Golden Corral.  The temps were perfect and a great crowd had assembled ready to get to work.

The Thang:  Mosey around HT with some high knees, butt kickers, side shuffles, etc

COP:  SSH, Bobby Hurley’s, IW, Cherry Pickers, Mountain Climbers, 6″, Peter Parkers, 6″, 6″

Mosey over to church parking lot…(Have we ever been there?)                                               Round 1- Upper Body – Merkin Suicides starting at 20 going to 1.  (10-6 Wide Arm merkins, 5-1                       Diamond merkins)                                                                                                           Round 2- Lower Body – Jog to end of parking ring and sprint the other end.  30 single leg lunges                     off the curb in cadence each leg.  Rinse and repeat 3 times                                               Round 3- More Upper Body – Circle up for 50 MNCs, 20 CDD, 30 MNCs all in cadence

5 MOM – round robin style

COT: This workout left me sore for a couple of days!  Hopefully it had a lasting effect on the pax as well.  My plan was to do the Merkin suicides from 15, but when I saw the caliber of pax this morning I knew I had to go big!  Total was 210, give or take.  The single leg lunges off the curb added a little extra range of motion (pain).  Thank you to the M for coming up with that one.  Those FIA exercises are no joke!  Tclaps to Spiderman and Funhouse for the extra credit miles before hand.  And for Tweety on his second post ever!  No one could catch Fishsticks this morning.  #FastTwitch  It seemed like every sprint someone took their best shot but no one could take him down.  Great mumble chatter today, no surprise since DH was in attendance.

Announcements: Mud Run 4/30, Road biking AO (Que Jokes), Lake Wylie Launch,  3rd F Convergence – 4/15 External Church Offices – Subject Fatherhood, Looking for more Qs at GC – Time to step up!

Prayers for Dark Helmet co-workers daughter in hospice, Freebird’s M and Boss, Decibel’s Aunt

Honored to lead a great group of HIMs.  Tclaps to Freebird for taking us out

Until next time,                                                                                                                                     STH


TClap |


Highly anticipated… and I anticipate your attendance to make it a launch of epic proportions… SO HC NOW. We will be looking for your support over the coming weeks as we launch this newest Region of F3. That support will come in the form of your willingness to Q, in your attendance at workouts, in your talking it up in COTs, and in EHing those guys that you KNOW desperately need the multitude of goodness that comes from F3. Someone gave it to you… Now it’s your turn… Call that buddy that lives in Lake Wylie or in Steele Creek area that you haven’t talked to in a while. Tell him your story. Then drag his a$$ to the AO for a glorious beatdown…

Where: Oak Ridge Middle School in Lake Wylie (5657 Oakridge Rd, Clover, SC 29710)
When: 0700 – 0800 on April 9th, and every Saturday thereafter until we either die or the Earth passes away…
Who: All Pax of F3 Nation that are up for it… (But particularly those in Lake Wylie and Steele Creek and surrounding areas)
What: Horribles. Lots of them.
Why: Oh… You know why…

Weinke sneek peak…
Let’s see… what should I tell you??? Let’s just say that there will be lots of speed work… Bear crawls… Oh, and a new exercise, called THE KRAKEN. You won’t want to miss that…

Helmet, out.

TClap |

Golden Corral – Pop Lock and Drop It

  • QIC: WorldWide Leader
  • When: 3/29/16
  • Pax: Gears, Mental, FNG- Bailout, FNG- Fugitive , Zima, Willie, Fishsticks, Weezer, Sir Topham Hat, Cornhole, Boeheim, Bing, Funhouse, Slingger, Corruption, Aquaman
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

17 strong at the Golden Corral this morning, for YHC’s first Q of the year and likely second, maybe third bootcamp of the year… #RunClub.

It was a lively group, Aquaman ran in wearing his weight vest… then he left it at my car, I guess he forgot you are supposed to workout wearing it, not jogging in….?

Other runners included, Funhouse, Sir Topham Ham and likely another…

Quick disclaimer for our 2 FNGs and we mosey.

The Thang:

Mosey around back and over the driveway entrance, line up:

Karaoke down and back

Side shuffle down and back (about half way in, I see Funhouse jogging from the front entrance, coming from the QT gas station, as he strolls up with a grind on his face, he say’s “O just had to check and see what gas prices were”…..

High knees half way jog half

Butt kicks half way jog half

Power skips down and bag (HYC and crowd favorite)

Mosey to back parking lot

COT – SSH, squat, IW, merkin, mountain climber

Line up at end of lot for the Dirty McDuce, 4 rounds of 3 exercises (merkin, freddy-mercury and CDD, 12 reps in cadance) followed by a lap around the parking lot.

Lunge walk to other end of parking lot, bear crawl back (cuz Aquaman hates em).

Burpee-Broad-Jump to other end of parking lot, lunge walk back.

Power skips down and back (by popular demand).

10 flying squares OYO.

Mosey to the wall for a series of wall sites, abs and balls to the wall (cuz Aquaman hates em).

Mosey to COT.

Welcome FNGs, Fugitive (US Marshall in training) and Bailout (Merrill Lynch guy)!

There was a decent amount of mubble chatter during squats, I believe there was compliments on the Q’s form and the o so subtle pop, lock and drop it technique.

Believe Menthol was unable to perform bear crawls and burpee-broad-jumps to due fear of skid marks…

Prayers for Weezer’s 7yr old daughter as she undergoes testing and a spinal tap this week.

Until next time.



TClap |

Last chance to order a FORT Region shirt (new colors)

We will be doing a redesign of the FORT logo later this year, so this is your last chance to order the current FORT design before then. Think of it as a way to say you are a FORT region original before all the newbies arrive. For all of you wondering if we would ever have another option other than gray, you are in luck. MudGear just released red and royal blue!

The MudGear obstacle race jersey fits close to the skin without compression (tapered cut). Its highly breathable, wicks sweat, and has excellent drainage capability. This is the style all regions wear across this great nation of ours. Don’t you want to be a great American? Aren’t you proud of the hours of pain and gallons of sweat you lose with your F3 brothers? Why wouldn’t you get this shirt? Also available in badass black (standard F3 Nation uniform color for our workout ninjas). Is it visible to oncoming traffic at 0515? Nah. Does it need to be? Meh. Will you blend in with your surroundings? Probably. Will you look good wearing it? Heck yes!

Price: $33 (MudGear red, blue, black)

Also available is the black Sport-Tek Adult Competitor Tee. This one is lightweight, moisture-wicking, and breathable. It has a looser fit. This is the more cost-effective version. Not as durable, but just as sweet. Ladies cannot resist a man in black. Heck, there was even a movie (or 3) about men in black. Don’t you want to impress the ladies? Why wouldn’t you want to rock out a bad mama jama black F3 shirt? Show the CrossFitters what a real shirt looks like on a real #HIM! I hear it actually makes you do better merkins.

Price: $24 (Sport-Tek black)

The grey on black looks pretty sweet. Last day to order is 4/3/16. To save you shipping charges, I’ll deliver them to you when they arrive in late April. Get them before they are gone! Don’t look back on this and say, “I wish I would have gotten the shirt.” Just click below and order it now. Operators are standing by. Do it!

F3 The Fort Shirts Pre-Order

TClap |

Punctuality is Appreciated

  • QIC: Decibel
  • When: 03/15/2016
  • Pax: Funhouse, Freebird, Short Sale, Boeheim, Mash, Wopner, Smokey, Fish Sticks, Mr. Clean, Family Guy
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

Nine men converged on the gloom for Golden Corral for a whoopin. Then came a couple of stragglers for a total of 11.  Just remember a minute early is a minute late.

The Thang

Mosey out back (behind the shopping center)

On the way: butt kickers, high knees and karaoke (both directions)

Circle up: Windmills x15, IW x15, cherry pickers x15, Merkin Mania (reg x5, hold, wide arm x5 hold, diamond x5 hold, regular x5 hold) recover.

Mosey through the apartment complex to the big hill for 20 dips

Converge on the hill for Jacobs ladder with descending burpees at the top starting at 7 and ascending dips at the bottom starting at 1 and going to 7.

20 more dips

Mosey back to HT parking lot with some lunges and reverse lunges on the way.

20 cart corral pull-up and 20 merkins, rinse and repeat and rinse and repeat.

Circle up for Mary (20 LBC, 20 Hello Dolly, 20 Rosalita, 20 Freddy, 10 X-O’s and boat and canoes)

Great Work by all-even the stragglers

Thank you for the opportunity

TClap |

Golden Reunion

  • QIC: Senator Tressel
  • When: 03/08/16
  • Pax: CSPAN, Jekyll, Funhouse, Pick Six, Freebird, Decibel, Fish Sticks, Short Sale, Beacon, Aquaman, Corn Hole, Beheim, Family Guy, Howitzer, MASH, FNG/Wapner
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

Seventeen men posted on a beautiful March morning for another Tuesday beatdown at the Golden Corral.  Rumors of Funhouse’s return to F3 dotted the Twitter feed yesterday.  As the Pax circled up and exchanged pleasantries, the Tega Cay clown car suddenly appeared and there he was – back after a 3 month layoff.  Welcome back, my friend!

The Thang

Line up near the gathering point for a dynamic warm up.  Walk towards HT doing angled lunge walks, knee pullers (knee to chest), foot pullers (foot to chest), inch worms, and toy soldiers.  Jog the rest of the way and line up facing Ft. Mill BBQ

Golden Corral Ladder

Run to the opposite end of the parking lot

40 SSH, run back to the start.

40 SSH, 20 merkins, run to the opposite end

40 SSH, 20 merkins, 20 squats, run back to the start

40 SSH, 20 merkins, 20 squats, 20 CCD’s, run to the opposite end

40 SSH, 20 merkins, 20 squats, 20 CCD’s,20 burpees, run back to the start

40 SSH, 20 merkins, 20 squats, 20 CCD’s, 20 burpees,run to the opposite end

40 SSH, 20 merkins, 20 squats, 20 CCD’s run back to the start

40 SSH, 20 merkins,  (modify) run to the opposite end

40 SSH, 20 squats (modify), run to parking area for 6 MOM

20 LBC, 20 Hello Dolly, 20 Pretzel crunch (10L/10R), 20 Flutter, Superman hold x 2



Wow – what a lively group this morning!  The Pax were excited to have our good friend, Funhouse, back in the F3 fold and the chatter was non-stop (except during the 2nd round of burpees at the top of the ladder).  It was quite the reunion this morning with a bunch of the original TC Pax, a ‘run by’ from some of the P200 team members (Sasquatch, Geronimo, Crash, and one other ?), an FNG, plus some newer faces that are becoming regulars.  Today’s workout was pretty simple, but we cranked out 360 SSH, 140 merkins, and 120 squats along the way.  It was a privilege, and really fun, by the way, to lead such a hard working and energetic group.

Announcements and prayers:

This Friday, March 11,  at the Varsity, Tribute workout for servicemen killed in action.

Children’s Attention Home this Saturday, March 12 at 11:00am

Funhouse will present highlights from his mission to trip to Columbia on Friday, March 18.

Prayers for those injured and those struggling with family issues.


TClap |

Something for Everyone

12 hungry PAX showed up for the Early Bird Special at the Golden Corral. Decibel planted the flag and YHC gave the disclosure and we were off.

Lap Around the Buffet

Circle Up:

Dynamic Wamup

SSH X 20 – IW x 20 – Moroccan Night Club, (til’ it hurts) – Mountain Climbers x 20 – Plank 2-10 counts  – Peter Parker x 20 – Plank 2-10 counts – LBC’s x 20 – Parker Peter – Elbow Planks 2-10 counts – Mak Tar Jai x 10 – Squats x 20 – Merkins x 10 – Planks 2-10 Counts Right/Left Arm – LBC’s x 20 – CDD’s x 20 – Planks 2-10 counts.

Lap Around the Buffet

The Accumulator:  

Do the exercise and take a lap around the buffet.  Rinse and Repeat, accumulating each exercise.

10 Merkins – 20 Flutter Kicks – 20 Squats – 30 Plank Punches – 20 LBC’s – 20 Carolina Dry Docks – 10 Burpees

Moleskin:  Most everyday I’m reminded how fortunate I am to have the men of F3 to walk through life with.  Today was no different.  Please pray for each of our marriages and families.  Marriage is not easy, but we must fight for it.  Also keep Lego Land in your prayers as he and his family transition to the Sunshine state.

TClap |

Wandered from the Ruin

One of the nice things about the Colosseum is that it provides decent cover in the event of inclement weather (if that’s your sort of thing). Well, with the help of a few friends, we decided to ditch the friendly confines of our favorite Tuesday Roman ruin in favor of a new AO. With celebrity status-worthy Dark Helmet on Q at Golden Corral, he brought his PAX of 16 to meet up with my PAX of 5 (low in numbers but we’re a scrappy bunch) in the WalMart parking lot.

I won’t take credit for this but I loved the idea and just might do it again. If we lengthen the time, add a few twists and turns and get the heart rate up, we might call it a Black Diamond. So after the last of the headlights made their way in the Colosseum, we took off. After a .5mi mosey to the intersection with 160, we did a brief warm up of:
Moroccan Night Club
After another .5mi mosey to the WalMart parking lot, we had a few minutes to kill which let us do the following:
Carolina Dry Docks

We then saw the headlights begin to trickle into the lot but little did I know at the time, Dark Helmet robbed the other AO’s of their PAX and he brought 15 other guys with him. With a big circle formed, we got the run-down from DH on the importance of 212 and what happens when you add that 1 degree, from 211 to 212. He’s much better with words and it’s his message, so you’ll have to read his BB to get the knowledge.

So with a partner, you’ll do 212 each of the following exercises. The key is however that you each do your respective exercise until one of you reaches failure. At that point, flapjack until you’ve collectively reached 212 of each:

Merkins & Flutter Kicks
followed by
Dips & LBC’s

The time passed too quickly so we all had to part ways back to our starting AO’s. Crash, thanks for the idea…this will surface again.
Announcements: P200 meeting tonight. Many opportunities in the weekly email.
Prayers/Praises: Successful surgeries, Pregnancies, Health of the PAX, Health at the office after discouraging news, our homes. Tap into WHETSTONE if you haven’t already.

As you were.

TClap |

PAX, It’s Groundhog Day 625 SSH

  • QIC: Cornhole
  • When: 02/02/16
  • Pax: Cake Boss, Howitizer, Lego Land, Short Sail, White Lightning, Gekko, Family Guy, Decible, Fish Sticks, Jeyyl, Aquaman, Stang, Bing
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

For the unsuspecting PAX it was Groundhog Day. So not to miss out on this opportunity to tie the beat down to it. Can you say repeats. Everyone was a little confused at the beginning with the sequence but pretty sure they can still recite it today. In all 625 SSH and 180 total Merkins.

Mosey around the parking lot. This set completed in 4 count.
20 IW – 25 SSH – 10 Merkins
20 Windmills – 25 SSH – 10 Wide Arm
20 Mtn Climbers- 25 SSH – 10 Diamond
20 Parker Peters – 25 SSH – 10 CDD
Mosey to back lot. Remaining sets completed OYO single counts.
Bear Crawl – 25 SSH – 10 Merkins
Crab Walk – 25 SSH – 10 Wide Arm
Lunge Walk – 25 SSH – 10 Diamond
Duck Walk – 25 SSH – 10 CDD
Mosey to Wall
20 step ups – 25 SSH – 10 Decline Merkins
20 squats – 25 SSH -25 – 10 Decline Wide Arm
20 jumping lunges – 25 SSH – 10 Decline Diamond
20 monkey humpers – 25 SSH – 20 Dips
Mosey to “The Hill” Slight Change
Lunge Walk – 25 SSH – 10 Decline Merkins
Duck Walk – 25 SSH – 10 Wide Arm
Bear Crawl – 25 SSH – 10 Decline Diamonds
Crab Walk – 25 SSH – 10 CDD
Mosey to Side of HT.
Bear Crawl – 25 SSH – 10 Merkins
Crab Walk – 25 SSH – 10 Wide Arm
Lunge Walk – 25 SSH – 10 Diamond
Duck Walk – 25 SSH – 10 CDD
Mosey to COT
20 Lounger – 25 SSH

Waited too long to post this and forgot all the announcements but a couple I remember.
Oral Cancer 5K – Bing
Cupid 5K – Boeheim

Thanks for the opportunity and willingness to put up with my themed workouts.
Always a honor to lead and rewarding when there are comments about the beat down on twitter the following day.

Corn Hole Out

TClap |

PRE-BLAST: Uptown Lunch Gonna Funk You Up…

Oh me, oh my…
The revival begins on Feb. 5 at 1130, and will continue on the First Friday of EVERY month going forward. PUT IT IN YOUR CALENDAR.
Location: Jason’s Deli in the Epicenter Uptown.

The 2nd F Uptown lunch had sputtered and maybe even stalled, but just like two good F3 men who don’t know when to quit (yes sir, may I have another?) Italian Job and YHC decided it was time to get serious and make it a thing again. (Because somewhere in my brain-damaged mind, seeing you fools in the Gloom isn’t enough…)

BUT! You say, can’t we go somewhere else? Jason’s Deli isn’t my favorite… Answer: It’s a free country. Do what you want. But WE will be here. Trust me, we wracked our brains to figure out the best spot based on seating capacity, price range, proximity, etc. This is the spot. The VSF is planted and this is the plan until further notice.
I mean, I get it. Jason’s isn’t exactly gourmet. Might not even be all that #FuelChallenge friendly, but kind of like First F stuff, if you came for the food only, you may be missing the point. So, spread the word to all your favorite Uptown-working PAX, tell it in the COTs, tweet it, etc., and get over there for some high-quality 2nd F.

Again, the details are above. To reiterate, Jason’s Deli in the Epicenter. The First Friday of every month. At 1130.

Questions? Concerns? Please feel free to bug Italian Job with that crap.

Otherwise, see you there. It’s Friday morning and we’re in the spot… Don’t believe me? Just watch…

Helmet, out.

TClap |