D2DB 10k 2023

It’s baaaaaaaaaack for year three!

10:30am – Walkers/Ruckers
11:00am – Runners

The hardware is sweet, the gear is swanky, the charities serve sincerely, and the route stays strong! Registration link and route map are up on the website.

Cost is $50 and includes the race shirt, race bag, and finisher medal. Registration deadline cutoff for shirts in 1/7/2023

Running this 10k could be the greatest thing you’ll do during the 11:00am hour on 1/28/2023. Just let that ruminate in your mind.

Bring your friends, families, spouse, children, co-workers, enemies, girlfriend, boyfriend, non-labeled romantic partner, and/or generic acquaintances. Let’s go!!!

TClap |

Adopt a Highway

Last Opportunity in 2022 to complete a fellowship walk with a some litter pick up along the way.

Dec 10th- 745 am- Harris St Park

Looking for 10-12 volunteers to help split up the 2 mile stretch of US21.

All gear and supplies will be provided!

2.0 and M friendly.  Plan for 2 hours but modify as needed.  More details to follow.


TClap |

Dam To Dam Golf Tournament

It’s time for the 2022 Dam To Dam Golf Tournament Fundraiser. It will be at Waterford Golf Club in Rock Hill on Friday December 9th. 10:00 AM shotgun start with (Captains Choice Format). Also looking for some awesome raffle prizes to be raffled off at the golf tournament. Raffle tickets will be available that morning and throughout the day. Any questions contact Jon Hopkins AKA Stang //(803)-242-6670. Venmo is @Jon-Hopkins-19. Look for the awesome Vols helmet in the scan code. Let’s do this fellas and raise some money for our local charities. See y’all there.

TClap |

Thanksgiving Convergence

Join us for the annual Thanksgiving Convergence at The Ranch! In addition to an unforgettable hour long beatdown including a ruck option, immediately after we will have fried Turkey and fried Oreos provided by Changeorder, Coffeteria will be provided by Uhaul and Poppins. Launchex is 0630. Earn that thanksgiving dinner and get some 2ndF before dealing with the in-laws. SYITG

TClap |

Bucks for Clucks

Last year, the men of The Fort and surrounding areas came together to support Seamstress in his inaugural launch of Operation Love. This charity helps provide meals to families in need in our Paradise community in Fort Mill.

This year 40 meals/baskets will be provided to these families. Santini, in partnership with Publix off Gold Hill road, has ordered turkeys for these 40 families.

If you would like to donate a turkey, each turkey is approximately $25. Please Venmo Santini your donation and it will be applied to the purchase of these turkeys. Deadline for donations is 11/21. Venmo is @Scott-Cornwell-94

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Annual Fundraising Financial Support Request Template

Need help asking friends and family for financial support as part of our annual fundraising efforts?  Just click the link below for a canned template that you can leverage.  All you need to do is insert your name at the end of the document and send it to all of your contacts.  It is both fun and easy.  Try it today!!!


TClap |

D2D FIFA world cup fantasy bracket found raising

O’right gents here we go. We are 33 days 15 hours and about 40 minutes from the begining of the “Soccer” Futbol FIFA world cup 2022. With this been said I am creating a bracket or fantasy Fútbol competition to collect founds for the D2D fundraising. All the found collect would go to this purposed so even if you don’t have a clue about the biggest sport on the earth, please participate to help is get to our fundraising target.

The cost per participant is $20 and all brackets with your scores in it must be submitted before November 20th at 10am. So you have plenty of time to educate your self and try to win the prize (which has a value of more than $20 for sure) donated by Connextec (YHC company).

Download the spreadsheet and fill all the scores, if you have any questions please text me, call me, or email me.

Submit your brackets to my email listed below. https://docs.google.com/file/d/1jToxa5qCDsre3ck-kJjJfIzoyp24H6fW/edit?filetype=msexcel

Payment can be sent by paypal to maru1024col@gmail.com


TClap |

ShieldLock Challenge!!!!!

I’m throwing it down! ShieldLock Challenge

18 mo ago there was a SL challenge and I’m brining it back. Get your ShieldLock and push each other for the month of November.

During the month, we will actually keep score and see which team can do more. The winner, bragging rights and a healthier body and SL bond.

Here’s how it works. Maximum 4 members per team. Each member will track their exercises each day and earn a score for each one. Scoring is as follows:

Running- 1 mi is 3 points. Only full miles count and ROUND DOWN.
Merkins- 10 merkins is 5 points. Only sets of 10. ROUND DOWN. (St. Jude 3000 merkin challenge is out there too if you’re looking for an additional excuse to do merkins)
Pull-ups- 1 pull-up 1 point. 0.5 points of assisted.
Ruck- 1 mi is 1 point. Only full miles count and ROUND DOWN
Ruck Weight- 1 point for every 10 lbs carried.
Bike: 2 mi is 1 pt. Only full miles count and ROUND DOWN.
All AO exercise reps count, but this is really to get you to do more than what you would get at a workout alone.

Watch the newsletter for details, but get your team together and the fund starts 11/1 and ends on 11/30. If you don’t have a SL, just get a team and work together.

Weekly progress reports will be provided. Reporting Form will be created to make submission of records simple. (edited)

TClap |

Adopt a Highway – Litter Cleanup Time!

  • QIC: Fogerty
  • When: 09/24/2022
  • Posted In: Pre-Blast

What: Community Service Opportunity
When: Saturday 09.24.22; 745am gathering with an 8am anticipated start
Where: Peachstand parking lot rear of building
The Details: All supplies provided- gloves, bag, vests, safety glasses, water, pick up sticks…..All that will be missing is you!
No time expectations- 2 hours start to finish is the norm.
We will split into 2 groups: one group will depart from Peachstand with other group departing from Circle K ( corner of Sutton Rd & US21).
Our adopted road is 2 miles long. Peachstand down to Sutton Rd – US21.
Each group will head out 1 mile facing traffic then cross over and head back 1 mile facing traffic.
Two groups usually meet at the 1 mile marker ( marked with reflector / flag).
Ms and 2.0 friendly with a focus on safety for this road with a 55mph speed limit.
We have 2 remaining pick ups for 2022.  Sept 24th and one during 4th quarter!
Mark your calendar! 

TClap |