WARMUP: Suggested stretching and warmup prior to start. No warmup, was feeling spicy.
THE THANG: The objective, soak up an hour with mileage and quality mumble-chatter.
– Run WEP track, 5 burpees at each swing set, plank at atrium.
– Run to parking lot wall in front of Pharmacy. Omaha, decided on a Webb that consisted of muscle ups, followed by alternating heels up to wall ledge, then a merkin. Went up to 5 and 20, plenty.
– Ran to Loom parking lot; 5/10/15 merkin,irkin,derkin followed by broad jumps, rinse and repeat.
– Ran to intersection of of academy and withers. 4 corners: up to Baptist church parking lot, forest st, up the hill, back to loom. 5/10/15 shoulder tap, squats, mtn climber w 3 burpees at intersection.
– Right on schedule, ran to WEP playground for 7s, pull-ups w/ jump squats. Pointed to stranger as our jump squat location, more or less at 4th tree, debate ensued and we were off. Couple rounds in, @darkhelmet and @toto shared words of affection.
With time surprisingly left, decided to go with a quarter pounder.
– 5 trees more or less 25 years apart. Suicides reps of 25/50/75/100. Thinking quickly called shoulder taps, mtn climbers, Freddie mercuries, and calf raises.
– back to COT for Mary
COT: Shared praise on patience, you’re either going in, in the middle, or coming out of something , trust in God during every season, it won’t last forever.