9 Dropped By The Fort

We warmed up and then dove into this year’s Mental Battle WOD which can be viewed here.

Mental Battle WOD 2023

Men don’t fight alone. Don’t live alone (no friends, family, community) and don’t forget about your brother.

With that The Thrill is gone.

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The Slog at JWEP

It was a wet/sloppy day in The Fort, but fear not, the firey mumble chatter warmed our souls.

Side Straddle Hops
Cherry Pickers
Windmills (Trucker Approved)
The Polish Mating Dance🕺
Dying Cockroaches

The Thang:
Grab you backpack and mosey down yonder to the Church for some Dora.
Partner 1: Figure 8 running pattern on the stairs.
Partner 2: 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 Flutters

Head back towards JWEP for some more pain. Mode of transportation was a Jack Webb – 4 Bearcrawls and 1 Carolina Dry Doc until you get to 40-10.

At the top of the Hill next to JWEP we did crazy 8’s. The top of the hill 7 burpees, the bottom of the hill 1 Merkin. You know the drill…Finish at 1 Burpee and 7 Merkins.

We Moseyed over to the JWEP pavilion for two rounds of Webb Jacks.
1. 4 Overhead Claps and 1 Merkins until you get to 40-10.
2. 4 Squats and 1 Monkey Humper until you get to 40-10.

COT commenced at the JWEP Pavilion for announcements/prayers/praises.


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OCR Practice Day

WARMUP: We did an extended full body warm-up with various exercises focused on the hamstrings.
This was a practice Obstacles Course Run OCR testing our athleticism and endurance. We ran it together. There was a lot of up and down movements, running into and out of “obstacles”, bear crawls, mountain climbers, and small hills. We ran just over a 5k distance + obstacles.
I want to say that @SouptoNuts and @Headspin did a great job with a difficult workout goal today. They kept moving and were definitely challenged endurance and athleticism-wise. Keep up the great work!

MESSAGE: (My words were requested):
Topic: Pride, Worry/Anxiety, Laziness:
Has the enemy batted you down a path to destruction with some of these above?

– Watch out for PRIDE.
Humility is a posture, not a feeling.
– Worry/Anxiety:
Worry is anti-prayer.
When you worry, cast those things on God.
– Laziness is an abdication of responsibility.
Watch out for isolation.
– HOPE: 1 Peter 5:6-7
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. 7 Cast all your anxiety on him because He cares for you.

COT: There are some key prayer requests within the PAX for family dealing with health challenges. For all of us for humility, direction, and openness to SkyQ’s will.

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The Fort with a side Clave Boss

WARMUP: Mosey around park with 3-4 stops for:
-1.5mi from Panera (BM/CB)
-Hillbilly Walkers
-Low Slow Squats
Starting on Morgan Street
Run to each corner and perform
5 Burpees
15 Squats
Zippering our way back to WEP
We hit 20 corners and ended with
100 Burpees
200 Merkins
300 Squats
And 3mi confirmed by Grinders watch
3 stations of 10 CDDs
-10 Weezy Jefferson’s
-10 Rosalitas
-10 GasPumpers
The Yeager is coming 😳
YHC spread the news on Topic for February to be “Intimacy”…..which is a close and deep connection and relationship. This applies to all relationships and question for you all to challenge yourself is how are you deepening your relationships from SkyQ to M to 2.0s???
Are you a consumer only in your relationships?? Are you feeling the pain and joy of those across from you??
Get the conversation going!!!👏🏻💥🔥

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The stairs of Grout

– yes!
– Grout’s stairs of pain (contact Grout for details)
– Jack Webb (Merkins + OH claps): 10-40
– read your newsletter
– was held

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Coordinated Q Attack @ The Fort

WARMUP: Grinder and I were part of a small group planning for an event on Tuesday night. When we started to map out our plan for the event day Grinder had a great idea – why not start the day off Co-Qing The Fort! How could I say no to an opportunity like that. After further conversation a coordinated attack was planned for any PAX that wanted to brave the pain at The Fort!
Grinder took the warmup with SSH/InCadence/x23 , WM/IC/x10, IW/IC/x11, CP/IC/x10 then moseyed around the amphitheater to finish the warm-up.
THE THANG: Grinder’s half of the workout continued with a modified suicide set-up in the COT parking lot. Base cone in the parking lot = starting position, then 5 other cones were placed in equal distances from one another all the way to the top of the hill. Each cone has an increasing rep count: 10/20/30/40/50. Start at the base cone and complete 5 burpees, run to the next cone and perform the called exercise, then run back to the base cone and complete 5 burpees, then run to the 2nd cone and complete 20 reps of the called exercise, then run back to the base cone and complete 5 burpees, so forth and so on. First called exercise was SSH. To break of the routine Grinder through in Airborne’s Hip Exercise routine, then we went right back to the modified suicide routine and this time the exercise called was LBCs and the base cone burpee count was 3. Finished right on time to hand it over to Ruby Slippers.
Since Grinder had us on our feet most of his time, decided to give the PAX a break let them walk with their arms instead. Moseyed to the amphitheater where I had 2 cones 20 ft apart on the back wall. PAX formed a single file line by the 1st cone. PAX began to perform burpees while the 1st PAX in line went BallsToWall at the 1st cone and proceeded to travel in that position down to the other cone. Upon exiting the cone area at the other end PAX were encouraged to keep performing burpees until the last PAX in the line completed the trip. Before entering the cone area each PAX gave the PAX in front of them that had just entered the cone area a 3 burpee head start. Once that routine was done asked the PAX to sit down on the side of the amphitheater with your legs hanging off the edge. PAX partnered up, 1st partner performed 10 BBsitups with feet hanging off the edge while other partner performed Flutters ( encouraged PAX to let their feet/legs drop below parallel ). Partners switched back and forth for 3 rounds.
Went back to the Wall of Pain routine, everything stayed the same except for the exercise routine in between the cones. This time, asked PAX to Plank Walk x 2 and then perform FeetonWallinPlankPosition Derkins x . PAX did this routine until they made it down to the other cone. Cone distance was set at 25 feet for this routine.
PAX were then asked to join me again to sit on the side of the amphitheater for another abblast routine. Same as before with partners and routine -Partner 1 performed 10 straight lower leg lifts while Partner 2 performed LBCs. Another 3 rounds.
Time was running out and I had 1 more routine. Asked the PAX to mosey to the playground. Partner up, find a pullup bar, Partner 1 does pullups to failure and then rests while partner 2 does pullups to failure. Did this for 5 rounds. My last round I did 3 pullups – arms were smoked!
MARY: Moseyed back to the COT parking lot and had time to complete SSH/IC/x21. DONE!!!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Show to Know!

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A German, Mormon, Cuban, & The Wizard of Oz

WARMUP: Suggested stretching and warmup prior to start. No warmup, was feeling spicy.

THE THANG: The objective, soak up an hour with mileage and quality mumble-chatter.

– Run WEP track, 5 burpees at each swing set, plank at atrium.

– Run to parking lot wall in front of Pharmacy. Omaha, decided on a Webb that consisted of muscle ups, followed by alternating heels up to wall ledge, then a merkin. Went up to 5 and 20, plenty.

– Ran to Loom parking lot; 5/10/15 merkin,irkin,derkin followed by broad jumps, rinse and repeat.

– Ran to intersection of of academy and withers. 4 corners: up to Baptist church parking lot, forest st, up the hill, back to loom. 5/10/15 shoulder tap, squats, mtn climber w 3 burpees at intersection.

– Right on schedule, ran to WEP playground for 7s, pull-ups w/ jump squats. Pointed to stranger as our jump squat location, more or less at 4th tree, debate ensued and we were off. Couple rounds in, @darkhelmet and @toto shared words of affection.

With time surprisingly left, decided to go with a quarter pounder.

– 5 trees more or less 25 years apart. Suicides reps of 25/50/75/100. Thinking quickly called shoulder taps, mtn climbers, Freddie mercuries, and calf raises.

– back to COT for Mary

COT: Shared praise on patience, you’re either going in, in the middle, or coming out of something , trust in God during every season, it won’t last forever.

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You ain’t in Kansas anymore…

– SSH and a few other things
– Twister made us play with Cindy along the light poles plus some mosey
– Grinder called some suicides with SSH and Burpees completed with the Airborne Hip-exercise and some mosey.
– plenty of mumble chatter
– read your newsletter
– was held

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