Set Fire to the Rain!!!

5 windmills
15 seal jacks
10 MNC

Series of 5 minute EMOMS under the cover by dollar tree.

10 Merkins
10 Squats

10 Werkins
10 lunges
15 flutters

10 Diamonds
15 Hello Dolly’s
10 Jump Squats

10 HR Merkins
10 BBS
20 Calf raises

In between each 5 minute set we would run to the Indian restaurant and back

With 4 minutes left we did a mix of Core and shoulders until 6:00. Total was 250 Merkins today.

Final thoughts:

Throughout the workout this morning we were able to talk about a lot of good topics. One of which was the idea of “imposter syndrome “ and how all of us in a way encounter that in our lives.

I value and admire the openness each of us has and the perspective each of us share at these workouts. It’s what keeps me coming back. Specifically The belief and knowledge that anywhere I go I’m not alone…. Even in a parking lot at 5:00am In the pouring rain. 👊

Thankful for all of you! See you out there!

TClap |

Funky shorts day

WARMUP: Mosey around teeter, deep breathes at the dumpsters, circle up on far end. SSHs, windmills, low slow squats. MNCs. Finish up warm ups with mucho chesto. 10 merkins, 10 diamonds, 10 wide arm, 10 stagger right, and 10 stagger left.
THE THANG: Mosey up to church parking lot for accumulating BOMBS. Perform first letter, run to front of church for 10 merkins, run back to start. Do first and second letter, run,…repeat…you know the drill.
B=5 burpees, O=10 Os (abs), M=15 mountain climbers, B=20 big boys, S=25 surf Jack’s.
Partner up for jump overs. P1 holds plank, P2 jumps over and does flying squirrel, repeat up to 10, then switch. We did 10, 8, 6, 4, 2. At 6 we switched to burpees instead of squirrels and added hand release merkins to plank.
Mosey back to lot and grab some curb. 20 toe taps, 20 dips, 15 toe taps, 15 dips. Finish up with 2 slaughter sets. 10 box cutters, 9 dying cockroaches, 8 BC, 7 DC….after 1 Finish with 10 box cutters. Keep legs off ground for entire series. Second set, 10 hand release merkins, 9 mountain climbers….Finish w/10 hand release…crowd pleaser after a lot of chest work. Mosey back to COT.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Apparently I missed the memo on funky shorts day. Grassy Knoll tried but it was Spectre for the win w/a fancy pair & matching headwrap. So next week the PAX will need to rise to the challenge.
COT: Thx for the opportunity Slapshot!

TClap |

Speed Zone Board of Pain

WARMUP: 1/4 mile
THE THANG: 1 rounds of 10/21/22 reps with a 1/4 mile run in between and a speed zone with 5 alternating modes of transportation
MARY: no
ANNOUNCEMENTS: join us for a spartan in November

TClap |

Stockade STL style

WARMUP: light mosey to Hubert graham
THE THANG: 11’s with merkins and squats. Covered 4-4.5 miles, 400’+ of elevation gain
COT: Prayers from @sugarbug for a local high school football injured in last nights game and prayers for @davinci father as he heals from an ass whopping from his mother

TClap |

Tropical Storm Warning (w/Burpees)


Run to the brand new pavilion.

100 SSH IC (Yes it was 100 that is not a typo)

The Thang:

Modified Laredo
12 Merkins IC
12 Squats IC
12 Lunges IC
400 m run
2 rounds

EMOM Series

5 minutes EMOM
10 Merkins (later upped to 12 and then 15)
20 LBCS (later upped to 25)
10 Hello Dollys (later upped to 12 and then 15)
.12 recovery run

5 Minutes EMOM (this one was harder than it looked)
10 HR
10 BBS
10 4-Ct Flutter Kicks
.12 Recovery Run

4 minutes (because of time) EMOM
10 Peter Parker (later upped to 12 and then 15)
10 Mountain Climbers (later upped to 12 and then 15)
10 Plank Jacks (later upped to 12 and then 15)

Recovery Run back to COT

7 Minutes EMOM
8 Burpees..then upped to 10…then upped to 12 then upped to max out. I got 21 in for the last minute as IAN finally made his long-awaited appearance

Thank you to all the PAX who posted this morning. It’s always appreciated when people come out to the Stockade/Chupacabra and especially on a day where we have some significant weather coming. Always humbled and honored when anyone shows up to one of my workouts.

During COT we offered up Prayers for healing, and guidance and praises for the support and brotherhood of F3.

Until next time!

TClap |

Disco Dan Does Da Thang

WARMUP: COP warmup to get Cake Boss loose for his walk before the rest of dashed for the Main Event
THE THANG: Run down to SIM parking lot for a series of carioca, high knees, butt kickers, Nur and sprints with burpees intermingled throughout.

Pax each grabbed two bricks for a series of brick work including Seal Jacks, Moroccan nightclubs, overhead claps, burpees and other fun.

Run back to Walgreens for series along the wall round 1 solo and round 2 with partner

Balls to the wall
Bear crawl across lot
Crawl bear back
10 burpees
People’s chair

Mosey to side of Indian restaurant for 11s on the picnic tables (derkins & dips)

Mary– pass the baton among the pax

Mosey home

COT: Great to lead the pax in place of Cake Boss whose on IR (but still posting in the Gloom for some light work and 2nd F — way to go brother)!

My first workout with Hayden Fry who smartly waited to make his first post at The Fort instead of Chicago before he moved south. Great to have you on board!

Vuvu can’t decide whether to run or bootcamp so he got a little of both, walking with CB, then running all over the Gloom to find us, then joining for the final 15. Nice work!

Prayers for Slapshot and his M and family as they navigate unfortunate health news for is MiL. TAPs, brother.

Thanks to the pax for pushing throughout and especially for posting. I can’t do this thing we call life alone, and it’s invaluable to know you’re always there.

TClap |

Four of us tackled four corners of fun at The Stockade this morning. Conditions were stellar (63 degrees and low humidity). A quick disclaimer was disclaimed, a few warm up exercised were done and we were off. Here’s what we did:

  • 10 Burpees at each Corner (40 Burpees)
  • 20 Merkins at each Corner (80 Merkins)
  • 30 Shoulder Taps at each Corner (120 Shoulder Taps)
  • 40 Squats at each Corner (160 Squats)
  • 50 Side Straddle Hops at each Corner (200 SSHs)
  • 40 Moroccan Night Clubs at each Corner (160 MNCs)
  • 30 LBCs at each Corner (120 LBCs)
  • 20 Lunges at each Corner (80 Lunges)
  • Return to COT
  • Total Mileage: 2.0


Every day we wake up with a choice. Will we think of what we have to do or what we GET to do? Do we think about the stresses of the day or the opportunities the day presents? We can choose positivity or negativity. Negativity is easy to find. It’s what sells ad space on TV and radio. It’s what gets clicks online. Positivity takes effort. Sometimes you have to find it.

We are blessed that we GET to have adult recess with our friends. We GET to go to work to provide for our families. We have so many opportunities to better this place. If not us then who? If not now then when?

Italian Job

TClap |

APFT for the Forts 10 year!

WARMUP: We Moseyed to the parking lot of the Lutheran Church.

Once there I described the route for our 2 mile run. We then had a moment of silence for the runner who was abducted and killed in Memphis.

I blew the whistle and the 3 pax were off running into the dark.

Fish sticks killed it as he usually does with a time of 14:52.

Jwow put down a solid 20:13 with Incoming with a 22:06.

We then proceeded to the 2:00 of Merkins followed by 2:00 of sit-ups.

All 3 put up some impressive numbers.

Fish: 65 Merkins and 56 sit-ups
Jwow: 75 Merkins and 46 sit-ups
Incoming: 90 Merkins and 38 sit-ups

We moseyed back to COT just in time for the Chupacabra guys.

All in all it was a great time. I enjoyed being a clipboard Q for a day and the fellowship and effort was strong.

Until next time!

TClap |


Thanks Slapshot for letting me Q the morning after Penn State season opener that didn’t end till after midnight…at least we WON! So seeing that football season is here, incorporated some of my son’s HS football training into the weinke.

COP: SSH (Bonasi was shocked this was the first exercise), windmills, IW, LSS. Counts were in touchdown points.

Still in COP, crowd favorite: Up / Downs

Mossy to HT side wall, wall sits while PAX sprint to O’Reilys building and complete 1 burpee.

Mossy to back of Express Oli for 10 steps up per leg

Mossy to bottom of road to Evolve Apartments. Run the hill to Tega Cay Drive 6 times (points for a touchdown), and for extra point, ran the grass hill.

Round of Flutters and leg raises

Another round of Up / Downs

Score was tied with 2 minutes left, ran the hill 3xs.

Round of Merkins

Mossy to back of O’Reilys for 10 more step ups, 14 irkins, 7 derkins

Mossy to wall for repeat wall sit/burpees

Mossy to COT for last round of Up / Downs and abs lead by Bonsai and Skipper (I think)

Thanks for oportunity!

TClap |

Another “Yinzer” Q @ Stockade

WARMUP: Mosey to Walgreens
20 ea. SSH (in cadence)
10 Windmill (in cadence)
Thang #1 (aka warmup)
100 ea. – Merkins
200 ea. – Squats
300 ea. – LBC’s
– lap around Walgreens

Thang #2
Round #1
2:00 Minutes total to complete run + AMRAP
1. (.17 mi lap around parking lot) – Burpies AMRAP
2. (.17 mi lap around parking lot) – Lunges AMRAP
3. (.17 mi lap around parking lot) – Monkey Humpers AMRAP
4. (.17 mi lap around parking lot) – Mountain Climbers AMRAP
Round #2
Rinse and Repeat………….goal is to beat your reps from round #1
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your news letter

TClap |