I like big bells and I cannot lie

WARMUP: quick warmup
Mosey to other parking lot

3 laps- 10 or 20 reps depending on if it’s single or double-handed

First lap-Overhead carry

1st corner- Cleans
2nd – Skull crushers
3rd- Squat thrusters
4th- Halos (both directions)

2nd lap-MOT- Farmer carry

1st- Bent over rows
2nd- Curls
3rd – Tricep extensions
4th- Swings

3rd lap- MOT- Bear Crawl Drags

1st – pull throughs
2nd -Flutter press
3rd -Overhead press
4th- ran out of time

MARY: no time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: bethel, lots of Saturday events

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Smokin Kettlebells AKA5

Review F3 mission statement and core principles
SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Strawberry Pickers, and Broga Stretches
Stage 1: 100 kettlebell swings OYO
Stage 2: 5 rounds of hill work at football stadium entrance:
Round 1: 10 Man-Makers and mosey up the hill with kettlebell for 10 Goblet Squats at the top. Mosey back down to the bottom.
Round 2: 10 Man-Makers and mosey up the hill with kettlebell for 20 total lunges with kettlebell at the top. Mosey back down to the bottom.
Round 3: 10 Man-Makers and mosey up the hill with kettlebell for 30 Chest Press at the top. Mosey back down to the bottom.
Round 4: 5 Man-Makers and mosey up the hill with kettlebell for 40 total Bent over rows at the top. Mosey back down to the bottom.
Round 5: 5 Man-Makers and mosey up the hill with kettlebell for 50 Deadlifts at the top. Mosey back down to the bottom.
MARY: Didn’t have time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Golf training & conditioning

WARMUP: mosey, static stretching, cherry pickers, SSH, merkins, plank
THE THANG: Dora partner board of pain
100 each:
Man makers, OH Press, Merkins, Big Boy SU, KB Swings
MARY: n/a
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Q vs Q Finals/ Rock vs Fort, 2nd annual HIM Camp, Jaeger CSAUP

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Hangin’, Bangin’ & Running

WARMUP: Mosey to the 50yd line, arm circles, MNC, downward dog, honeymooners.
THE THANG: Partner Up at 50yd line. Run to the end zone while partner pushes them out:

100 Kettlebell Merkins
200 American Hammers
300 Kettlebell Lunges


100/200 Lat Rows / Tricep Extension
300 Kettlebell LBCs
400 Goblet Squats

Last set was reduced for sake of time although all Pax were hitting hard!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers for sick family members, students.

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Ringer won’t write the BB

Ringer was the Q but he is Slackless. Don’t know all of the weinke but went to the big parking lot. One end was KB exercises. Did 10 reps of the first, run to the other end of lot do
10 Merkins
20 squats
run back to start, do 1st and 2nd exercise continue adding KB exercise each round.

KB exercises
Goblet squats
Cling and press

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The Carpenter

*WARMUP:*  side straddle hop, merkin
*THE THANG:* Kettle Bell one arm swing with three second pause overhead 10rep per arm double arm overhead with 3 second pause 15rep 20 swing and catch in opposite hand Sumo Squat 25 between each set run 75 yards do 10 hand release merkins then run back second set was one arm snatch overhead 10 reps bent over one arm row 15 swing catch 20 last set is rinse and repeat of first one

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The Carpenter

*WARMUP:*  side straddle hop, merkin
*THE THANG:* Kettle Bell one arm swing with three second pause overhead 10rep per arm double arm overhead with 3 second pause 15rep 20 swing and catch in opposite hand Sumo Squat 25 between each set run 75 yards do 10 hand release merkins then run back second set was one arm snatch overhead 10 reps bent over one arm row 15 swing catch 20 last set is rinse and repeat of first one

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Deep in the Honeycomb at The Hive

Few exercises to get the PAX loose

8 exercises
4 rounds
30 yard run and abs in between each round

Couple Mary moves
Just don’t say you’re being intentional…put some action behind the words and do something 👏🏻🥓🔥👆🏻

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Metal 🤘🏻

WARMUP: SSH, merkins, arm circles, squats
THE THANG: Tabata 60 secs on, 60secs off:

Halo, Merkin, swing, Flutter, Row, LBC, Goblet Squat, Jump squat, Single Leg Dead lift, Alt Lunge.

We got through 2 rounds of this full body upper middle and lower workout. Lots of great mumble chatter mostly about the hair metal play list. Let’s just say it was a generational divide!

All worked hard and felt it the next day.
Aye! Jekyll

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Hitting the Cycle


10 windmills
20 hillbilly walkers
10 cherry pickers
15 Moroccan nightclub

Walk to first pole, drop bells, mosey to other side of parking lot, 20 incline merkins on curb, mosey up hill, 20 low slow squats at top of hill, mosey to curb, 20 calf raises on curb, mosey back to pole

Hitting the Cycle:

Uhaul in cadence
Lunge walk to second pole for a single
American hammers in cadence
Rifle carry to third light pole, murder bunnies to forth light pole for a double
Monkey humper goblet squats in cadence
Around the world back to first light pole, lunge walk, rifle carry for a triple
2 handed upright rows in cadence
Murder bunnies, around the world, farmer carry, lunge walk for Homerun
Curls in cadence
Rifle carry for a single
Flutter with a press in cadence

MARY: Big boys, American hammer, flutter with a press

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