Just a Board

13 did the hard thing this morning at Varsity. Disclaimer was disclaimed and we were off. Here’s what we did:

Warm Up
– 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
– 10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
– 10 Overhead Claps (IC)
– 5 Hillbilly Walkers (IC)

Mosey to the Track

– 1 Mile
– 100 LBCs
– 100 Moroccan Night Clubs
– 100 Squats
– 100 Mountain Climbers
– 100 Calf Raises
– 100 American Hammers
– 100 Dips
– 100 Shoulder Taps
– 100 Side Straddle Hops
– 100 Flutters
– 100 Merkins
– 1 Mile

There’s a 4-letter word that has dashed more dreams and held back more potential than any other. “Just.”
“You’re just not my type.”
“You’re just not smart enough for this class. Just quit now and save yourself the embarrassment.”
“You’re just not tall enough. You’re just not fast enough.”
“You’re just not college material.”
They said Jesus was just a carpenter from a nowhere town. They said his followers were just fishermen and outcasts. Just is a way people try to hold you back. Don’t let others tell you what you can’t do or who you can’t be. Just do it.

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Pancakes with Scrambled Eggs and Bacon

Average age, 49, a bit young for my Q’s.
The youngster, Ruby Slippers let the way, followed by … everyone, he lead the way.
Soup To Nuts was notably near the front of the pack. Yes, he is the guy that delivers that huge Uline catalog to your mailbox every month.
YHC was the sweeper, apparently that is another way of say you are last, who knew.
The Thang:
We started with a short mosey to the Sugar Creek Elementary back lot, mostly for the light, I’m scared of the dark.
7 minutes of warm-up, windmill, SSH, other stuff. When we did the Hillbilly Walker, the mumble chatter was about Tennessee, OK South Carolinians.
Then back to the top of the hill. The board said 5-10-15-20 of each exercise, 5 at the top, same 5 at the bottom, 5-10 and the top, 5-10 at the bottom, and so on. There was also extra credit when you were done, for fast guys, I’m looking at you Ruby Slippers.
Some did burpees, some put their hands on the curb and did bunny hops, it was cute. I’ll grade YHC with a C- on burpees, done, was all of them with about 1/2 of them correct-ish and 1/2 – 1/2 arsed.
Other stuff, super hard core, liver eater stuff, jump squats, merkins, shoulder taps, pull-ups, you know. Just kidding, I’ve never done a pull-up in my life.
There was a lively discussion about counting, apparently touching one shoulder is a complete shoulder tap, who knew. I guess next time we just touch the left should 20 times and call it a day.
Then some curb and bear crawl stuff
Then the board flipped, another set of 5-10-15-20. This time we did not accumulate, but did go up and down the hill with only one exercise each trip.
That is about all we had time for, YHC was sweaty and hot as balls, dang weather is saweeet!
Return to Mary was 1.2 exercises and the clock struck 6.

Right about now, Saw Dust is under the knife for a toe deal, send prayers his way. Next week he will be hitting abs on a yoga mat at an undisclosed location … if you see him, join him for an LBC.

This was my first trip to Varsity, makes me want to change up the schedule, good so see some faces that I normally do not see.

Looks like we made it,
Barry Manilow

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Asphalt Football Field

Warmed up with mosey, toy soldiers, karaoke, shuffles and high knees.

Went to the asphalt parking lot: every 10 yards we bear crawled to next exercise in cadence. Count of said exercises was ascending from 5 CT to 50ct increasing by 5 every 10 yds.

1/4 mosey followed by 10 burps.

Back to asphalt field and go in reverse.

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Well, this workout was anything other than
C.A.L.M. for the first 20 minutes. Comments were flying all over the place for my early incoherent 5:15 a.m. speech and demonstrations patterns. Rough start. It never let up after @Fishstix chided me with my beautiful description of Moroccan Night Clubs.
WARMUP: So we warmed up with a few of those and two other exercises.
3 sections:
1. 15 minute workout with a partner; timer is the one person in the larger group doing 12 manmakers with a 30 lb sandbag
Partner rotate exercises based on timer listed above:
Dips/Reverse Lunges
One arm Shoulder Presses with KB/Squat high jumps
We rotated through about twice.

2. Ab practice time. I will admit there was a lot of chatter in the first 15 minutes, less in the next 6.5 minutes of abs and quite a bit more of groaning and complaining.
1 minutes each:
Figure 8’s
Parker Peters
X-man Crunch
Rest for 30 secs
Starfish Crunch
21 Crunch
Twisted T-planks

3. Broga: 25 minutes with a focus on shoulders

ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D is tomorrow.
COT: Lots of praises but also some serious prayer requests. Thank you men for sharing!
Thank you for the opportunity @headspin and @bodywash!

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Varsity Shovel Flag handoff

YHC Gave the Disclaimer then got going with the warm up.
A little broga – sun salutations (basically bending at your waist and breathing), then some up/down dog, and some hip stretches.

Then did a short jog around part of the parking lot with high knees, butt kickers and shuffles.
Moseyed over to the football field and lined up on the goal line.  Did windmills IC and SSH.

Next we were onto the real work.  It was some speed work that involved :
Jog to 40 yard line , sprint 10, 40/10, in end zone do 25 merkins
Jog 30, sprint 20, 30/20; 25 merkins
Jog 20, sprint 30, 20/30; 25 squats
Jog 10, sprint 40, 10/40; 25 squats
Finished with a nur to the 50, 10 merkins and a sprint back to the goal line.  From there I handed it over to the new Site Q, Headspin…

The THANG, part 2:
Mosey to the ROTC building and grab a cinder block
Exercise In cadence –  Cindy OYO 10 counts
1. Burpees (OYO)
2. Cindy – Overhead Squats
3. Diamond Merkins
4. Cindy – CurltoCleantoPress
Run around the bus loop
1. LBC
2. Cindy – Goblet Squats
3. Mike Tyson Merkins
4. Cindy – Swings w/ Cindy
Run down the hill and back
1. Derkins ( feet on the curb )
2. Cindy – Man Makers
3. Peter Parkers ( count 1 leg only )
4. Cindy – Thrusters
Run to the street and back
Put blocks back and headed to COT

– J-los

Announcement…New Site Q!  Headspin!!!, Yeager CSAUP, read newsletter

Prayers/praises: heath of Pax/Sawdust’s elbow, Grassy’s M, others I’m forgetting

YHC Started this journey as a site Q on September 30, 2020 at RPG.  Took over at Varsity October 22, 2021.  It has been an honor and a blessing to carry the shovel flag at both sites and I’m privileged to find a new site Q for Varsity.  
I think the lineage for the site started with Skate, then Kielbasa, Harry Carry (I’ve been told) made it great again and Splinter was who handed it to me.  
I’m looking forward to whatever Headspin wants to do at the site in the future!

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a long ways from varsity

a few PAX arrived early to get some extra credit before 0515 start. It was a chilly morning with icy spots around campus this morning.

Dam2DamnBar is tomorrow so this workout was designed to get PAX primed and ready to run fast times at the race.

dynamic – including high knees, toy soldiers, butt kickers, walking lunges

circled up for (IC) WMs, arm circles, OH claps

continued the dynamic warmup with karaoke variations on the way to the pullup bars.

3 rounds of Cindy (5pullups, 10merkins, 15 squats) to finish off the warmup

Mosey towards backside of Sugar Creek Elementary and get on FarmHouse Dr out towards the big abandoned skyscraper and then back.

every 1/4 mile stop and plank for 6. Once 6 was in perform IC exercise (mostly merkins but sometimes squats when too many cars passing by) and then perform a different stretch/broga type movement

total of about 2.5 miles of running

MARY: about 1.5 minutes worth of Low slow squats to get us to 0600.

PAX continue their acceleration and making good progress on weight loss goals

prayers for D2DB runners and volunteers this weekend

Bodywash- I remember running with you at Clydesdales before I knew what to think of F3. You were the first to schedule me for a Q and really helped me get comfortable in this group. STL got my VQ but Varsity was my first bootcamp Q – Appreciate you and the awesome job you have done managing the site.


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Walk to the NAFO football field/track.

Sawdust and I found a spot on the track near the entrance from the road for the 1st half of the workout which was Broga. We started with some whole body stretching and then worked through all of the basic poses I learned from F3 yoga master, Sasquatch. We took a couple fellowship-paced laps around the field and then finished off with SSH’s, windmills, and some upper body and core strength training.

COT: Prayers for ST’s son’s girlfriend’s’ father who died suddenly on Tuesday.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam2Dam. Read your newsletter.

As 5:13 rolled around and I saw no cars, I thought, well, after 10 years and numerous Q’s, I’m finally getting stood up – hahahaha. I was OK with it because I had never led Broga before and thought it would be good to practice alone. Anyway, I saw some headlights approach, and then it was Whoo Hoo! – my streak is still alive!
I’ve only seen Sawdust at a handful of workouts (most recently at Wed’s Ring of Fire here) so we took this opportunity to get to know each other better. It was a morning well spent working on my yoga and making a new friend. Entre Nous is another Rush reference (RIP Neil Peart).

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Push Through

WARMUP: Mossy up to the front parking lot and started warm up. 7 and 10 count for Marracan Night Club, produce pickers, windmills, mountain climbers, stretching and mossy to the round about.
THE THANG: Started at the round about, aka Island work, and side shuffle bear crawl style. Stopped halfway for 10 monkey humpers and back to shuffle crawling. Ended with 10 more monkey humpers and on to tge next parking lot. DORA work: 100 Big Boys, 200 Squats and 300 Seal Jacks.
Message about pushing through the muck and not letting the small errors get to is. Remember we can reach out if we need that help.
Ran behind the school and up to do some wall work. Wall sits and went down the line running out 10 yards for 3 burpees. Then, balls to the wall and went down the line running 5 yards out and 3 burpees.
Finished at COT with Bodywash leading us in some cooling down Broga!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Newsletter, blood drive, men’s shelter, D2D and D2D bar.
COT: Prayers for patience, guidance, health and healing. Praising for how awesome God is and how was on display on Monday night and 2.0 leadership.

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Oh no, not the Burpee Hill from Hell!?!?!

WARMUP: Disclaimer was disclaimed and then we moseyed down to elementary school parking lot for SSHs, planks, imperial walkers, and windmills…not necessarily in that order!
THE THANG: Relocate to the bottom of the hill leading back to NAFO for “The Beast”…6 times up the hill, stopping at 6 stations along the way, to complete 6 reps at each station….ALL BURPEES…6x6x6=216.
MARY: King-led Mary at the bottom of the hill awaiting the 6 to complete 10 reps of the prescribed medicine.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: We mentioned stuff, mainly from the newsletter
COT: what said in COT, stays in COT!

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We’re Not in Kansas Anymore Toto

WARMUP: Mosey to the pull-up bars to seek shelter from the wind. Followed up with some SSH, Moroccan NC, Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers.
THE THANG: EMOM with 30 second breaks in between. Order was Pull-ups, Squats with Block, Curls, Overhead Presses, LBC, Merkins, Flutters, Chest Press, Man Makers, Knees to Chest, Low Plank, KB Swings, SSH and Thrusters. Start over again.
MARY: Ran out of time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Eve Convergence. Bundle up! It’s gonna be cold! Blood a drive is coming up.
COT: What happens in COT stays in COT.

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