It’s been difficult for me to make it over to Quagmire on a consistent basis lately. It use to be my regular Monday morning hangout. There were several great workout options this morning. It was great to see a good turnout. After the standard disclaimer, we made our way over to the parking area near Jush Fresh.
COP: SSHs, imperial walkers, merkins, squats, more merkins, flutters, LBCs
Next, we moseyed to the side of Books A Million for a sidewalk shuffle (plank walk between light poles). Rinse and Repeat.
More running to the front of vacant Gander Mountain. We partnered up for a few unique exercises. The mode of transportation based on the number of hands and feet.
- 2 feet, no hands – Partner Carry
- 2 feet, 2 hands – Wheelbarrow
- 4 legs, no hands – Leg lunges (recovery from wheelbarrow)
- 4 hands, 2 feet – one-legged bear crawl
Jedi showed off his skills by walking on his hands….impressive!
Next, we jogged back to Just Fresh for a recovery wall sit while each person ran up and down the stairs.
The final ten minutes were spend running back to Office Depot for 7 minutes of rugby sprints. We alternated with the following exercises: CCDs, LBCs, Flutters, Calf Raises, Merkins.
Great job by all! We covered over 2.5 miles this morning.
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