Old Kingsley

100 Wall Step Ups with Ruck on
100 Erkins with ruck on
We rucked 3 laps around old Kingsley Park while sharing a 40# sandbag every 7 minutes
MARY: none
COT: Closed in prayer

TClap |

The Total Body Destroyer

YHC gave the Disclaimer and also Noted last time I Q’ed a KB workout everyone hurt for at least a week.

We started off with

15 – imperial walkers
15 – wind mills

Slowlesy to the larger parking lot where the board was set up along with some music

Explained this is OYO not a group effort as they looks on the pax did not look amused by the number of reps.

Also on every minute on the minute 3 KB man makers.

After the first 2 rounds I Omahaed that to every 2 minutes as it took about 30sec to get done and few seconds to gain your composure back.

50 KB Thrusters
75 KB Stright Arm overhead Ground Taps (this is done on your six with the KB straight above your chest. You then proceed to lower the weight over your head till it touches the ground. This works you lats like a lat pull down in the gym)
100 KB Curls
125 KB Swings ( this is definitely a full body exercise)
150 KB Halo’s smoke those shoulders
175 KB Squats

Due to time we Riffle Carried to the opposite end of the parking lot then found our way back to COT.

There was a lot more intended but due to the stupid time constraints we only made it this far.

Planked it up for the 6.

Hope I lived up to the Hives expectations and my KB reputation.


Dam to Damn Bar 10k, Christmas party


Alot of health concerns with families getting sick, elderly parents sick and in well. It’s always hard around the holidays when we find ourselves in a house hold with sickness

rolling around. 🙏

TClap |

Frosty’s Revenge: The Icebreaker Workout

BEFORE HAND: I ran out of the house to find my windshield completely frozen. I mean should I have expected when it’s 27° out. I tried to knock the ice off but with that I only made it to the stop sign at the end of Rd. As I started sweating bullets thinking I was going to be late just get my windshield clear so I can view the road. I made it with time to spare.

I proceeded to get out of the vehicle trying to get used to the bitter cold. Upon circling up we got a good amount of Pax which always ends up making for a great time.

WARMUP: 10 windmills
10 SSH
10 imperial walkers

Mosey over to the milestone.
Asked the Pax to think about what they are most grateful for this time of year and also what they are struggling with.

10 Merkins IC

I had two present boxes with several exercises and reps listed inside. The main box had exercises that would be done in the parking lot near spratt St. Where the playground is. The lower box had exercises with reps Had exercises with reps for us to be performed at the milestone near white St. and Main St. I had Pax pull from each one of the gifts to determine the exercise that would be performed. Here’s how it went no particular order.
Lower box
1. 15 – Mike Tysons
2. 15 – Mike Tysons
3. 20 – Plank Toe touches each leg
4. 5 – Plank Toe touches each leg
5. 20 – Plank Shoulder Taps each side
6. 20 – Dips
7. 15 – Mike Tysons
Main box
1. 20 – CDD
2. 20 hand Release Merkins
3. 5 – Fire Hydrants Each Leg
4. 5 – Wide Arm Merkins
5. 5 – Merkins
6. 5 – WW2 Situps
7. Last but not lease 25 – Kraken Burpees which for the sake of time I Omaha to 10 – Kraken Burpees

Mosey back to COT.

COT: Circle up C-Span style to review what each pax is most grateful for this time of year and what they are struggling with.
Health is the main item that came up to be grateful for.
Prayers and praises. Lots of announcements read your newsletter.

TClap |

Sergeant Major

Started off the Pre-Veterans day workout with some standard warmup exercises:

11 Windmills (steady pace)
11 SJ IC
11 MNC (IC)
11 Merkins (IC)
11 Mnt Climbers (IC)

Mosey to Mavis Brakes (this was a nice long mosey across Gold Hill)

Planked up and waited for the 6.

In Plank I talked about the next portion of the workout. Something I like to call the “Sergeant Major”

In short, the rep counts reflect the different units my Dad (a Sgt. Major) served in during his lifetime.

The workout for today laid out like this…

28 Burpees
3 Laps around the parking lot of the school nearby

28 Burpees
56 LBC’s
3 Laps around the parking lot of the school nearby

28 Burpees
56 LBC’s
112 HR Merkins
3 more laps around the parking lot of the school nearby

Whenever you finished you went and picked up the 6.

After this we mosey’d back to COT with a few minutes to spare

Led a round of Mary..

22 Flutters IC
22 HD IC
22 FM IC

Pusher quickly picked up on why the rep count for this last portion of the exercise. The point was made that our gratitude for our veterans should be equaled by our concern for their mental health and a desire to help them in any way we can.

COT was another great example of why we all joined F3 and still come back. What was said, stays there but it was a lot of what I needed to hear that day.

Men I’m extremely thankful for the service and sacrifices of our veterans (my Father and Brother in law among others…)

Hope the example of service and sacrifice continues to inspire and push us all to be better leaders in our communities and lives.

Take care,

TClap |