No Run Broga

Kick things off with a brief story thanks to Destiny‘s text message. We only had one rule today no running anyone who ran would have to do a Burpee. Flounder was the only taker the bury that is
We did a brief broga warm-up A few SSHs, mtn climbers, Peter, Parker, Parker, Peter, and a couple of walkers.
We did a brisk walk over to the rail next to Lowe’s for some additional broga and some dips, derkins, and irkins.
Another brisk walk down to the end of the building. It’s a little story time about a friend of mine I lost this past week and how we need to leave a legacy for those behind us.
we did a Dora with Merkins, squats, and LBC. Another brisk walk over to another area with a few more exercises and then back to COT for some. PAX ab lab.

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THE THANG: Pre-run optional then 6 hit Trails, 14 hit pavement
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Party, Cold Weather Drive for WNC, & Read your newsletter
COT: Ball of Man-Closing Prayer

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Still Tahn

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, IW, HW
THE THANG: We ran over to the Oakcrest Academy parking lot for a 2 man DORA 100 Mike Tysons – 200 Squats – 300 LBCs . Timer was running a lap around the parking lot.

We then ran back to the Harris Teeter lot. We ran a loop around the Harris Teeter Bldg. + annex, stopping every 1/4 of the full loop. 1 loop is ~ 0.33 miles where some got 4 laps in and everyone got in 3 laps. Excersises at each 1//4 were 10 burpees then 10 Squats, then 10 Merkins, then 10 Big Boys.
MARY: No time
COT: Closed in prayer

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Yinzers! Where was everyone?

WARMUP: we did 45 minutes of wind mills. Drop the mic

Okay okay, we started with wind mills, SSH, and LSS

THE THANG: ran to Walgreens for 4 corners. 10 merkins, 20 LBCs, 30 squats, 40 flutters. 3 rounds. Mossy to Bare parking lot for 6 rounds of Rugby Sprints. Mossy to Lazy Day for 5 rounds of Mary, ran the parking lot, then 4 exercises on each minute to kill the last 6 minutes
ANNOUNCEMENTS: support CRI for Helene and western NC, golf tournament end of Oct
COT: prayers for Bing, Florida, and western North Carolina

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Break from rucking

I normally ruck on Tuesday so this was a nice change. Beautiful morning, temperatures are really great this time of year. Go time hit so quick disclaimer then yog down the main drive. Did some butt-kickers, high knees, and karaoke along the way. Circle of for some warm ups, normal fare but ended in mucho chesto (10 regular merkins, 10 wide arm, 10 diamond, 10 right stagger, 10 left stagger, 10 ranger) – arms are smoked after this. Jog to loop in front of school. Bear crawl length of parking spaces, jog to end for 10 bombjacks, jog to start of parking spaces, lung walk length of parking spaces, jog to end for 15 merkins, jog back to start of parking spaces. Rinse and repeat. Jog over to lot between schools. Leg pyramid: 10 plank Jack’s, 20 lunges, 30 mtn climbers, 40 squats, 50 seal Jack’s, 40 squats, 30 mtn climbers, 20 lunges, and 10 plank Jack’s. Short mosey around lot to shake legs out then over to benches. 15 dips, 10 box jumps, 15 dips, 8 box jumps, 15 incline merkins, 6 box jumps, 15 decline merkins, 4 box jumps, 15 dips, finish with 10 box jumps. Circle up, each PAX are doing lunges while one by one a PAX does 3 burpees. Went around the horn twice with that. Mosey back to cars to finish with a few mins of Mary. I think we hit everything today, nice work. Thx for the opportunity Barkley!

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Four Cowboys in the Gloom

Four strong showed up to get it done at the Ranch this morning. After a quick disclaimer, we did slow mosey to pick up Sugar Bug who rolled in a minute late. Once we picked him up, we found a nice spot on the front lot for COP

SSH x 20, Windmill x 10, Cherry Picker x 10, IW x 10/HW x 10, Merkin x 10/hold/Right-left arm and leg high hold/6″ hold. Low slow squat x 20. Mosey to the soccer field in front

Modified ST 400:
Round 1: Merkin x 15, Freddie Merc x 15, Squat x 15, Burpee x 15, lap around the soccer field.
Round 2: Diamond x 15, Flutter x 15, Alternate lung x 15, Burpee x 15, lap
Round 3: Wide arm x 15, Box Cutter x 15, Sumo squat x 15, Burpee x 15, lap
Round 4: Alt L/R merkin x 16, Hello Dolly x 15, Monkee Humper x 15, Burpee x 15, lap
Round 5: Hand release x 15, American Hammer x 15, Calf raise x 15, Burpee x 15, lap

Circle up for mini-ABLAB
Boat and Canoe (5 extended holds)
Superman x 3

ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 golf tourney in October, Bourbon tasting in Nov, Xmas party in Dec (read your newsletter)
COT: Prayers for all those affected by Hurricanes Helene and Milton.

We had a good crew today and the cool temps were a welcome start to the morning. I’ve done this workout enough times that I can do it on-the-fly with no planning. Normally it’s 20 reps of everything, but I had a long, physical day yesterday and decided to scale it back. Five rounds of 20 burpees scared me a little, but I’m confident the Pax could have pushed through it if they had to. This morning, we hit all the main muscle groups, the weather was perfect, and the Pax put in the hard work. It’s always a pleasure to be with the fine men of F3.

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Office Visit

It was a beautiful morning in The Fort and everyone was in the mood to pick things up and put them down.
We headed off campus down towards Decibel’s new work dojo. We did a little four corners action with ruck shuffle between corners.
Corner 1 – Merkins, Corner 2 – Squats, Corner 3 – Flutters, Corner 4 Carolina DryDocs.
We double timed it back to COT for prayers and praises.

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Around town

Indian run warm up around lot with 1 PAX dropping for 3 burpees. Continue for 2 rounds. Over to amphitheater for mucho chesto. Mosey over to springs building for some dips and incline merkins. On to next stop for steps ups and declines. On to next stop for muscle ups, people’s chair on wall while each PAX bear crawls out for 5 merkins then crawl bear back. Next round each PAX runs out and does 3 burpees. More muscle ups. Take the hill to the upper lot. 21 jump squats, 21 merkins, 21 plank Jack’s. Run 3 line suicide. 15 of each of those and 2 line suicide. 9 of each of those and run to far line and back. Start moseying back to WEP stopping at most of same spots. More muscle ups b/c why not. Back to lot and finish up with about 4 mins of Mary. Thx JWOW!

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