
Work Hard to become better!


Kettlebell workout
10 Thrusters
Riffle carry to pain station
25 Kettlebell swings
Riffle back to starting point
10 Thrusters
Riffle carry to pain station
25 Lunges
Riffle carry back
10 Thrusters
Riffle carry/ 25 kettlebell split stance
Riffle carry back
10 Thrusters
Riffle carry/ 25 kettlebell goblet squats
Riffle carry back
10 Thrusters
Riffle carry/ 25 Man Makers
Riffle carry
10 Thrusters
Riffle carry/ 25 kettlebell deadlift
Riffle carry
10 Thrusters
Riffle carry/ 25 Diamond :gem: Merkins
Rinse @ repeat



COT: multiple prayer requests

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Shoulders of Pain

WARMUP: Mosey- Circled up. SSH, windmill, moracin nightclub, Cherry pickers, Mosey some more.
THE THANG: ( Mosey 1/2 mile out )Max reps for (2 minutes x2) Merkins, CDD, dips, Heels to heaven. Finished up with 50 yard sprints and NUR back. 2 miles total
MARY: Hello Dolly, Bicycles and one other group lead!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: More of the same
COT: Prayer for the group

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The Toddler Carry

WARMUP: windmill, imperial walkers, low slow squats, SSH
THE THANG: 11s with squats and overhead press. 3(ish) “catch me if you can” laps around the parking lot with 3 Burpees for the chaser
MARY: 1 minute push up challenge (try to do one pushup over the period of one minute in continuous motion)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: tortoise and the hare this weekend, Golf fundraiser in October

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Zero Running

WARMUP: Windmills, Torso-twist, Hillbilly Walkers
1. 200 Kettlebell swings with 2 burpees every 90 seconds
2. 21- Burpee Jump Overs and 21 two-handed clean and press, 15- Burpee Jump Overs and 15 two-handed clean and press, 9 Burpee Jump Overs and 9 two-handed clean and press
3. 4 Rounds of 17 reps of each of the following: kettlebell swings, deep knee-to-elbow squats, and deadlifts
4. 10 reps of Burpees, KB Thrusters, High Pulls, KB Swings followed by 3 reps of Burpees, KB Thrusters, High Pulls, KB Swings. We ran out of time to do the full 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

MARY: Flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tortoise and Hair, Golf Event
COT: Closed in prayer

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The Toddler Carry

WARMUP: windmill, imperial walkers, low slow squats, SSH
THE THANG: 11s with squats and overhead press. 3(ish) “catch me if you can” laps around the parking lot with 3 Burpees for the chaser
MARY: 1 minute push up challenge (try to do one pushup over the period of one minute in continuous motion)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: tortoise and the hare this weekend, Golf fundraiser in October

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Zero Running

WARMUP: Windmills, Torso-twist, Hillbilly Walkers
1. 200 Kettlebell swings with 2 burpees every 90 seconds
2. 21- Burpee Jump Overs and 21 two-handed clean and press, 15- Burpee Jump Overs and 15 two-handed clean and press, 9 Burpee Jump Overs and 9 two-handed clean and press
3. 4 Rounds of 17 reps of each of the following: kettlebell swings, deep knee-to-elbow squats, and deadlifts
4. 10 reps of Burpees, KB Thrusters, High Pulls, KB Swings followed by 3 reps of Burpees, KB Thrusters, High Pulls, KB Swings. We ran out of time to do the full 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

MARY: Flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tortoise and Hair, Golf Event
COT: Closed in prayer

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Awkward Weight At The SInk

WARMUP: Jog around the parking lot followed by a few exercises.
1min of each of the following:
Ground to overhead
Over the shoulder toss

SLOW asymmetrical farmers carry. With sand bag in one hand, we’ll walk slowly, together, around the parking lot loop switching hands as needed.

Partner up for a round of “catch me if you can” around the large drop-off loop:
Partner 1: Take both sand bags and walk/shuffle until Partner 2 catches you.
Partner 2: 3 burpees then catch Partner 1
Alternate until you complete the loop.

Perfect Merkins (slick): I followed the correction of the PAX and completed this in an 8ct cadence. We did 20…lovely.

3-Tier Suicides: Roughly 40yds and back, 60yds and back then 75yds and back. Every time you return, complete 10 Bent Over Rows

2-Tier Suicides: Like above, this time only 60yds and 75yds. Complete (10) 4ct Flutters upon your return each time.

Sand Bag carry (standard carry position) around the large loop with stops at the corners for:
1st Corner: 10 Dead Lifts
2nd Corner: 10 Hammer Curl into Overhead Press
3rd Corner: 15 Squats
4th Corner: Chest Press


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Curtsey lunge buffet

Warmup: Mosey, windmills, merkins, Moroccan nightclubs, Carolina dry docks, curtsy lunges
The thang: go to light poles. Start with 10 curtsy lunges, next light pole is 20 merkins, next light pole is 30 squats, next light pole is 40 flutters.

Mosey to side of school. EMOM, 10 merkins. While waiting for next minute to start…calf raises. Wall sits and some ab work. Back to COT for mini Mucho Chesto. Finish with hip thingy

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Clydesdales went everwhere

Nice crowd today due to the anticipation of what the Q had to say.

Set the route, and about 5 out of the 20 something took it. Others went wherever they wanted.

Two things mentioned in COT: First- AirPods…Grab the case in the AM and see that the buds aren’t in there. Realize you left them in your workout shorts the day before that have been washed and dried. Release every angry foul word in your vocab as you search for them. Find them in the bottom of the dryer in a rage. Put them in the case. Light goes on. They work. Sorry to our Lord and Savior for the rage. Second: Get life insurance if you don’t have it.

Lots of announcements! Including please sign up for Care Center Lawn mowing. And bring/purchase supplies for stuff the bus.

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